One Direction Imagines (BSM&D...

By baconpancakes94

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One Direction Imagines (BSM&DDM) Feel free to send in requests More

BSM-Another Member Saves You From A Suicide Attempt Part 1
BSM-Another Member Saves You From A Suicide Attempt Part 2
BSM-Your Little And Want To Be Held/Cuddled
Preference-He Has An Panic Attack But He Only Wants You
BSM-Another Member Makes You Cry
BSM-The Boys Find Out You Have Depression/Anxiety and You're Embarrassed Part 1
BSM-The Boys Find Out You Have Depression/Anxiety and You're Embarrassed Part 2
Preference- You get hate for being a different ethnicity
You were friends but you lose touch but now you're a playboy bunny
Preference- he hacks your twitter
DDM- He takes your pacifier off you and you throw a tantrum
BSM-you meet the boys
preference-you get into a car crash
BSM- the boys crash your sleep over
BSM- You have a nightmare and he comforts you
DDM-You're hiding a piercing/tattoo and he wants you to change infront of him
BSM- he tickles you
BSM-you fall asleep on a member of 5sos (14-18)
Harry imagine
Harry imagine part 2
Harry imagine part 3
BSM-you sleep on him while your with the guys 2/5
BSM-you fall a sleep on him while your with the guys Zayn and Liam
DDM- you fall asleep during a movie night
BSM-he likes your twin more 2/5 (requested)
BSM-he likes your twin more part 2 (2/5)
BSM-he likes your twin more (3/5)
BSM-he likes your twin more part 2 (3/5)
DDM- you're sick
BSM-he finds out your boyfriend is abusive (requested)
BSM-He Finds Out You Self Harm/Are Depressed
DDM-You Get Your First Period (Requested)
BSM-You Get Your First Period (Requested)
BSM- He Feeds You
Preference- Your First Christmas Together
BSM- You Have A Crush On Another Member (Requested)
I'm going to continue but....
BSM- You Think He Doesn't Like Your Style (Requested)
BSM- You Escape Your Crib (Requested)
Louis Imagine
BSM- Your A Famous YouTuber (Requested)
Louis Imagine Part 2
5 Seconds Of Summer bsm book
BSM- He's in a mood with you and he takes it out on you by yelling at you
Please read
BSM- He Realises You're Growing Up
It's Time For You To Go
Dose anyone still read this

Preference- How You Two Met

3.8K 56 4
By baconpancakes94


You lived rather close to the beach so you were there often. On this particular Saturday you went by yourself just to tan. You wore your favourite, very sexy pink bikini and lay on your belly on a towel on the beach. You were lying for about twenty minutes when something hit you on your back. You got up and saw a beach ball lying to your side. You picked it up and looked for its owner. A rather fit and somewhat familiar looking boy ran up to you openly checking you out. You rolled your eyes and threw the ball at him. He took it, checked you out one last time and ran back to his friends. Not five minutes later the ball hit you again and the same lad walked back to you. "Sorry!" he yelled as you threw the ball again. Two minutes past since then and the ball hit you another time, you stood up instantly getting a little annoyed. "What's your problem?!" you yelled at the boy when he came grinning. "Sorry but I mean come on I can't get enough of you." You sighed and threw the ball again gathering your things to leave. "Wait! I'm sorry I didn't mean to get you angry." He quickly said and you just glared at him. "Let me make it up to you." He smiled. "And how do you expect to do that?" you asked raising your eyebrow slightly. "Well you can come play ball with me and my friends instead of sitting here by yourself and maybe if you behave yourself I'll buy you dinner." You chuckled at the guy's cheekiness and nodded. The game was fun and the dinner even better which blossomed into a lovely relationship.


You and your friends were on Spring Break and you decided it would be fun to go clubbing. You weren't usually a party girl but your friends dragged you along saying you needed to let loose a little. You agreed reluctantly. The club was buzzing and so were you after a few drinks. You were a little tipsy but nowhere close to drunk. You were dancing like a maniac on the dance floor but eventually began to feel thirsty. You told your friends you'd be back and made your way to the bar area ordering up a drink. You stumble a little while you waited but strong hands steadied you and a sexy voice said, "You okay there love?" You quickly nod and with the help of the stranger steadied yourself. The club was pretty dark so you could barely see the speaker. "Thank you!" you shout back. He chuckled and nodded. You struck up a conversation with him that was going very interesting and intellectual for club talk. After about a half an hour at the bar with the stranger one of your friends came to get you and told you they were ready to leave you nodded and turned to the mystery man. "It was nice talking to you Y/N." He said. "Same to you uhhhh." You stuttered as you had forgotten to get his name. "Zayn, Zayn Malik." He replied slipping you his number as your friends pulled you away. You just let them take you as you were in shock that you spent half an hour with THE Zayn Malik and you got his number which you put to use the next day.


You worked at a small diner for your Summer Vacation. One day a very attractive boy walked in and you recognised him straight away, it was Liam from One Direction. He came up to the cashier, which you happened to be, to order. He looked at you and just sort of stared for a good minute. "Can I take your order sir?" you asked. You weren't the type of girl to fangirl openly. He seemed to fumble with his words and then placed his order. He went and sat by himself and you caught him glancing at you a couple of times. You both blushed every time you looked at each other. After that day he became a frequent customer casually making small talk with you. He learned a lot about you and you about him. On your last day of work you waited for him whole day but he did not come. You were disappointed but knew that he had a very demanding schedule. When the time came to close you locked up and then turned to leave. "Y/N! Y/N!" you heard. You turned around and saw Liam shouting after you. When he reached to you he was panting and out of breath. "Oh my God Liam are you okay?" you inquired but he brushed aside your question. "Y/N sorry I'm late I had an interview and I just wanted to ask you something" He said really quickly. You nodded and motioned for him to continue. "Ummmm well Y/N would you I mean you know you're really cool and pretty and nice and you know nice and well I wanted to know if well you don't have to say yes..." he rattled on. "Liam! Yes I will go out with you!" you interrupted him enveloping him in a giant hug. He was so shocked you actually said yes that he took a while to register it. He eventually hugged you back and you went on your first of many dates that night.


You were at your best friend's birthday party whose father happened to be a big time studio owner. The party was very posh so you wore a very fancy and even a little bit sexy red dress. Your friend and you were enjoying the party a lot when her dad got on stage and announced that special guests from his work came to perform. Of course when he said this you figured it would be some fabulous celebrities but you were not expecting One Direction of all people. They did a fantastic performance while you and your friend rocked out and fangirled to the side. After they performed they got off of the stage quickly. Apparently they had somewhere else to be. When the party dies down you and your friend went inside of her house as you were sleeping over. You were in the living room watching a movie when her father walked in "Girls, look here." He said, so we turned around and spotted none other than Niall Horan and Liam Payne. Liam was your friends favourite so she immediately jumped on him and began chatting him up. You stayed seated as you were a bit less outgoing than her. Niall stared at you with his icy blues and sat next to you. "Nice performance, you guys did great." You softly said to him while blushing. He began to laugh his infectious laugh, "Don't be shy babe." You smiled at this comment and began to lighten up. You began to question him about his life and the places he's been and soon enough it was time for them to leave. They said their goodbyes and as soon as they left you both fangirled harder than you ever had. You awoke the next morning to your best friend's grinning face. "What?!" you asked her kind of confused. She threw a paper at you and shouted, "Niall gave my dad his number to give you apparently he fancies you!" You almost fainted at these words and immediately dialed his number.


You and your mom were at a fancy restaurant for your birthday, enjoying a relaxing dinner when your mom jerked your foot under the table and signalled behind. You gave her a weird look but proceeded to turn around and that's when you saw them, five super sexy sex gods having dinner at a table not too far from you. You were a huge One Direction fan so you immediately began to silently freak out and stare at your mom who just smiled at you. "Well don't just sit there go say hello." Your mom said in a matter of fact tone of voice. You quickly shock your head, "No I don't want to be annoying mom." You turned around again only to see Harry, your favourite member, staring straight back at you. Your eyes went wide as you spun around not before glimpsing a smirk on his face. You tried to forget about them but of course you could not. Eventually you had to use the washroom so you got up trying to avoid eye contact with Harry so he won't think you were a freaky fan, you were so embarrassed. You did your business in the washroom and when you came out you say a super sexy Harry outside smiling at you. Your mouth opened to say something but he just slipped his number in your palm and said in his sexy slow drawl, "Call me." Well you almost fainted there and then. He gave you one last look before leaving. Of course as soon as you reached home you called him which was the beginning of a lovely relationship.

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