
By 1Abby3

21.7K 758 453

Frida, a young ambitious woman loves performing on stage. One day during a gig, there's that guy with the ang... More

Chapter 1 - Frida
Chapter 2 - Benny
Chapter 3 - Frida
Chapter 4 - Benny
Chapter 5 - Frida
Chapter 6 - Frida
Chapter 7 - Benny
Chapter 8 - Frida
Chapter 9 - Benny
Chapter 10 - Frida
Chapter 11 - Benny
Chapter 12 - Frida
Chapter 13 - Frida
Chapter 14 - Benny
Chapter 15 - Benny
Chapter 16 - Frida
Chapter 17 - Benny
Chapter 18 - Frida
Chapter 19 - Benny
Chapter 20 - Frida
Chapter 21 - Benny
Chapter 22 - Frida
Chapter 23 - Benny
Chapter 24 - Frida
Chapter 25 - Benny
Chapter 26 - Frida
Chapter 28 - Frida
Chapter 29 - Benny
Chapter 30 - Frida
Chapter 31 - Benny
Chapter 32 - Frida
Chapter 33 - Benny
One Man, One Woman

Chapter 27 - Benny

561 18 17
By 1Abby3

Frida sighed quiet, her breath stroked Benny's lips and so did her tongue just seconds later. Benny held back a smile, that was the way he liked his Frida, passionately and wild. He enjoyed her quick tongue tasting like ice cream with fresh fruits but better and continued rolling up her nightgown.
Soon her legs were naked and when Benny carefully touched them he nearly got crazy because of their perfection.
Slowly he gripped Frida's bottom and lifted her up on the board behind her. This time Frida didn't moan and Benny nearly missed it but when he slowly straddled her legs to get his body even closer to her, Frida's hands started to wander under his shirt and her soft fingertips stroking his back let him forget about the world, he slowly moved his hands under her nightgown, her back was soft and warm and her heartbeat merged with his.
Frida's legs has already embraced his waist and her black panties were pressed against his loins.
Frida's hands stroked his tummy when the doorbell was heard. A short time Benny thought about ignoring it but it was Frida's home and maybe she wanted to welcome the guest. So he stopped for a second giving Frida who was a little breathless just as Benny himself an asking look. But she just kissed him on and relieved Benny kept on stroking her perfect back. Until the bell rang again. And kept ringing.
With a deep sigh Frida freed from him and although he was upset Benny stepped aside to let her jump off the board. Her white nightgown fell down hiding her cute black panties and her long stunning legs again. Benny sighed and wished the guest would leave. Wouldn't have appeared at all.

"HEJ", a woman's voice shouted and Benny's curiosity won the fight against his politeness. He left the kitchen and went over to the door. A blonde woman stood there shouting while Frida just stared her. When the woman stopped screaming for a second maybe to take a deep breath Benny quickly introduced himself, his politeness was still there. But somehow his words made the woman keeping quiet. Now she stared: at him, at Frida, at him, at Frida.
Frida's beautiful eyes gave Benny a short look before she introduced the blonde woman formally: " Benny, that's Inger, my best friend", her best friend? Benny watched Inger more interested now, this person was something important in Frida's life. "Inger, that's Benny... Uhm... Well, that's Benny as you heard...", Frida continued and became red. Benny didn't know why but nevertheless it was cute, he laughed and stroked her soft cheek shortly which caused Inger somehow to begin shouting again. She reminded Benny a bit of Agnetha, the craziness she rayed and the love of screaming...

Some time later they sat on the table, sunken in thoughts of a board and black panties Benny began more or less concious stroking Frida's leg, covered by the table Inger wasn't able to see anything and moreover she was talking a blue streak. Frida watched the table painting small circles on it and giving her best to answer the questions Inger asked. She asked a lot and was nearly more hyper than Agnetha. Although... No, not more but as hyper as Agnetha.
"What happened after this party?", was the current topic. "Well I slept at Agnetha's...", Frida began but Inger interrupted her, "At Agnetha's? Really? I don't believe it actually but you mentioned a very important thing I wanted to ask. So, what's about sex?"
Benny looked up, he was way interested in Frida's reaction. The red already coloured Frida's face and she looked down on her fingers whispering quiet "Inger..."
A big smile spread out on Inger's face: "So you had...", she began but immediately she was interrupted by a fast "No!" by Frida which was so cute again Benny just had to laugh.
Not yet..., he added hopefully in his thoughts and began carefully to roll up her nightgown again moving under it touching her soft skin again.
Frida quietly gasped and Benny gripped her leg a bit tighter enjoying the shivers running down his back. He didn't really noticed the interested look Inger gave them but he realised that she was going to go when Frida removed his hand from her leg to stand up.
She attended her friend to the door while Benny still sat on his chair trying to control his sudden horniness. Well sudden...?

When he has calmed down he stood up following the girls in the corridor but then he noticed that Inger was already gone, Frida slowly closed the door. She appeared so precious, beautiful but breakable and Benny just fell in love with her even more. He quietly went over and hugged her from the back, "So what do you want to do now", he asked quiet before he began to kiss her sweet neck. He felt how Frida's heartbeat speeded up, she seemed to enjoy the touches as much as he did, her fingers wandered over his arms and when she slowly turned her head her lips reached his and soon they were caught in kisses.

Frida sighed and finished the kiss. Gently she opened his arms and freed from his hug. Her eyes looked upset but decided, just the way Benny felt too. All he wanted was continuing where they had to stop earlier but he knew that the moment was gone and so he just hoped that it would come once again.
"What do you think about me showing you Eskilstuna? It's small but lovely I promise!", Frida proposed and her voice was warm and soft and... Benny smiled, forcing his mind to concentrate and nodded: "Everything you want, I'm glad as long as we are together", he answered and he meant it, Frida was the person controlling his mood. When she was around he was happy, otherwise he was like incomplete and an incomplete human can never be a happy human. Easy but true.

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