I Don't Believe You [Lauren/Y...

By ILoveGettingLost

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Simon Cowell leaves Syco Records to L.A Reid. L.A. Reid now is in charge of two record labels (Epic and Syco... More

Chapter One: Good News And Bad News
Chapter Two: Causing A Scene
Chapter Three: Insecure
Chapter Four: Choose Me
Chapter 6: Eyelashes
Chapter 7: Let Go
Chapter 8: Putting On A Show
Chapter 9: Serenades
Chapter 10: Blackout
Chapter 11: Don't Hold Back
Chapter 12: Teasing
Chapter 13: Giving You A Sign
Chapter 14: Time's A Wastin'
Chapter 15: And Now The Party Is Over
Chapter 16: Play Along
Chapter 17: Funny That I Don't Believe You
Chapter 18: Risk Takers
Chapter 19: Bring Back That Smile
Chapter 20: Nice To See You
Chapter 21: Exposed
Chapter 22: Stress Reliever
Chapter 23: Show Off
Chapter 24: Hand It Over
Chapter 25: Didn't Mean It
History Repeats Itself

Chapter Five: All On You

8.6K 291 50
By ILoveGettingLost

Lauren's POV
I finished eating my food and I sat patiently on the couch. After ten minutes I decided to go upstairs to see if I could help Camz. I tried to open the door but it was locked, I put my ear to the door and heard moaning. I took a step back and let my tears fall. I quickly wrote down a note and placed it on the table. I ran downstairs and got into my car.
I can't believe y/n would do that, I confess my feelings for her and she goes and sleeps with Camila?
I arrived at the hotel and I locked myself in the bathroom. I slowly slid down the wall as I let tears stream down my face. I couldn't handle the excruciating pain, my heart felt like it had just got stomped on. I tangled my hands in my hair and I started sobbing. I heard a faint knock on my bathroom door. I stayed quiet and hoped that whoever knocked went away.

"Lauren please open the door." I heard y/n say as she banged on the door. I wiped my tears and stood up. I slowly opened the door and got tackled in a hug.

"Lauren I'm so sorry-" I pushed Y/N off me and she had a hurt expression on her face.

"Get out! Just get out!" I pushed y/n back but she didn't budge. I started hitting her chest but all she did was keep her hands to the side.

"I deserve this. Keep on going, hit me, do whatever you need to do to get your point across." Y/N said with a calm tone in her voice that got me aggravated. I pushed her back forcefully causing her to stumble.
"You hurt me!" I shoved her again and I pushed her against the wall. I slammed her into the wall and she groaned.

"I deserve this, keep on going." Y/N spoke softly and I slapped her. She put her hand on her face and gave me a thumbs up with her free hand. I raised my hand to hit her again but she wrapped her arms around me preventing me from doing so. I tried breaking free from her grip but I couldn't.

"You've made your point Lauren, I'm sorry I hurt you." Y/N gently kissed my forehead and I stopped struggling.

I hated that she had that affect on me. I could be angry and all she'd have to do was hug me or give me a kiss and I'd calm down, which was really funny in this situation because she was the reason I was mad in the first place.

"I didn't sleep with Camila." Y/N said and I felt a wave of relief wash over me but then I quickly remembered the noises coming from the bedroom.

"Then why did I hear moaning? Don't you dare lie to me." I got out of y/n's embrace and took a step back. She gulped and let out a shaky breath. Y/N nervously scratched her neck and I shot her a glare.

"Camila was crying and I panicked so I kissed her, she said she wanted more but I said no. Camila flipped us over-" Y/N stopped talking when I put my hand over her mouth. I didn't want to hear what Camila was doing to her, the thought of them kissing disgusted me. It made me feel uncomfortable knowing that I'd have to face Camila with the knowledge that she practically made out with y/n.
"I don't want to hear the details." I said sternly and y/n nodded.

"I kissed her again trying to calm her down, I flipped us over and jumped off her. Camila started crying again and then we had this whole moment where we both apologized-" Y/N stopped explaining and she shot her hand downwards.
"Anyways the point is we stopped, nothing happened!" Y/N plopped down on the chair and I let out a sarcastic laugh.

(Your POV)
"Nothing happened? You and Camila practically had a make out session after I confessed my feelings for you, you even said that you liked me! Was that your idea of cheering her up? There's plenty of other ways to put a smile on her face but you chose to kiss her!" Lauren growled as she pointed an accusing finger at me. I stood up from my chair and took a step towards her.

"I-I panicked! You know I hate when people cry! She was crying and she wanted a kiss so I kissed her and then things went on from there! I'm sorry Lauren, I-" I was interrupted by someone barging in the room.

"It's not her fault, it was all my fault. I confessed my feelings for her and I kissed her! I begged her to kiss me back, y/n denied it at first but I started crying, so she kissed me! It's all my fault!" Camila was on the verge of crying. Lauren shot Camila a death glare and tackled her to the floor.

"You always take everything away from me! You always want what I want! You always get your way and I'm fucking tired of it. I told you I had feelings for y/n and then you magically start gaining feelings for her?" Lauren snarled, I ran behind her and tried pulling her off Camila.

"Lauren please don't do something you'll regret." I whispered into her ear. She let go of Camila and I signaled for her to leave the room. Once Camila was out of sight I planted a kiss on Lauren's forehead.

"I'm so sorry Lauren." I apologized but Lauren shook her head.

"It wasn't your fault, Camila pulled out the pity card and she even admitted it. I just need some time." Lauren ran her hand through her hair.

"Take all the time you need, I'll be waiting." I turned around and walked out of Lauren's hotel room and went back to my house.


I heard an awful ringing next to my ear, I woke up and shut my alarm clock off. I jumped out of bed and got ready for the first day of tour. I packed my things and I heard someone come into my room.

"Y/N, you have an interview today and then after your interview is your first show! So I'll take your bags, you go make your way over to Ryan Seacrest Studios." Shay explained and I nodded, I gave her my bags and went over to the studio. Once I was inside, Ryan sat me down in a chair.

"We're on in a few minutes, get comfortable." Ryan said nonchalantly as he sat back into his chair, five minutes passed and he spoke into the microphone.

"This is Ryan Seacrest and today I'm here with Y/N Y/LN!" Ryan said happily as he waved his arms around.

"First off it's your first day of tour, how are you feeling?" Ryan asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Well honestly I'm extremely nervous, excited and overwhelmed. I'm having mixed emotions about everything but I'm just going to try my best and give this tour my everything." I said nervously and Ryan chuckled.

"I know that you'll be fine, you always pour your heart into everything you do." I nodded at Ryan's words and he smiled widely.

"I don't mean to be rude but can you explain to your fans what happened yesterday on the Wendy Williams show? I just want to make sure we hear your side of the story." Ryan gave me a nervous smile and I huffed.

"Well yesterday on my interview with Wendy Williams she started talking bad about Fifth Harmony. Of course they're my friends and what she was saying couldn't be more far from the truth so I lashed out on her and told Wendy what I thought about her, however I will not apologize, I don't think I have to apologize after the things she said." I explained while scratching my neck. Ryan looked at my neck and gasped.

"Thank you for explaining and is that a tattoo on your neck?" He asked as he tried getting a better look of my tattoo. I chuckled and tilted my head to show him the tattoo before speaking into the microphone.

"Actually yes, I got a tattoo yesterday, it's a kiss mark on my neck, nothing special." I checked my watch and realized I had to get ready for sound check.

"Well your fans can see your tattoo when you hit the stage, that's all for today thank you for coming!" Ryan said happily. I shot him a smile and left the studio. I made my way to sound check and I jumped on stage.

"How was your interview?" Shay asked as she put a hand on my shoulder.

"It was great. Can you get Bea for me? Tell her to come here." I put on my sad face and Shay groaned.

"Fine." Shay ran off and I started strumming the chords on my guitar, trying to come up with a new song.

Camila's POV
I heard y/n and Bea singing on stage. I watched as Y/N and Bea played their guitars. I smiled and waved at them. After a few minutes they finished sound check and I pulled y/n to the side.

"Lauren hates me, she hasn't talked to me the whole day." I crossed my arms and y/n

"Lauren doesn't hate you, I'll talk to her about it later. Right now I don't need any drama so let's get everyone rounded up for a meeting." Y/N said sternly and I nodded. I got Mahogany and Carly from their dressing rooms and we walked into y/n's dressing room where everyone was sitting. Y/N stood in front of us and clapped her hands.

"As you all know today is the first day of the Where I Belong tour which means we have to work ten times harder. So I need everyone to put aside all the drama and focus on the performance. I want everything to be perfect today, try not to make any mistakes and don't let your personal problems get in the way!" Y/N said while she took glances at me and Lauren. I sighed and rested my head on Dinah's shoulder. While we got ready, Mahogany went on stage and got the fans hyped. After Mahogany went Carly, Y/N introduced Carly and the fans went wild. Carly sang a few handwritten songs and she performed her audition song from the X-Factor.

"Girls your on in five!" Big Rob shouted out and we all nodded. I went over to Lauren and as soon as she saw me she rolled her eyes.

"Look Lauren, I'm sorry for what I did but can we please put it to the side for right now. Y/N said to not let our personal problems get in the way of our performance so can you do this for y/n?" I asked hopefully and Lauren stared me down, I gulped when she clenched her jaw.

"I'm only doing this for y/n." Lauren hissed and I nodded slowly.

(Your POV)
I was backstage watching everyone's performances. When the girls came on I made sure to keep an eye on Camila and Lauren. They both kept their distance from each other and didn't interact in any way but they managed to survive through their performance. Next up was Bea she sang Fire N Gold, Perfect Picture and when she was in the middle of singing Paper Doll I went on stage to join her. We practiced the song during sound check, this was basically a way of getting back at management. As soon as the fans saw me they started screaming.

"Let's see what you can do Y/LN!" Bea shouted into the microphone.

Betcha didn't think I knew what I was made of thought I would lay down
I wouldn't stand up
Well listen up cause you got it all wrong
This is your song, this is your song
I'm not a paper doll
Can't make me what you want
You just build me up and tear me down
Enough's enough
Go, leave me alone
Cut me down but I won't fall
I'm not a paper doll
I'm not a paper doll
Can't make me what you want
You just build me up and tear me down
Enough's enough
Go, leave me alone
Cut me down but I won't fall
Oh, you'd love if you crumble me up
In the palm of your hands
Well, I bet that sucks
Cause now you know you can't
Does it make you feel good to make me feel small?
When you're pushing me down, does it make you feel tall?
I'm not a paper doll
Can't make me what you want
You just build me up and tear me down
Enough's enough
Go, leave me alone
Cut me down but I won't fall
I'm not a paper doll
I'm not a paper doll
Can't make me what you want
You just build me up and tear me down
Enough's enough
Go, leave me alone
Cut me down but I won't fall
I'm not a paper doll

Bea and I finished the song together. I gave her a side hug and kissed her forehead.

"Give it up for Bea Miller!"
I shouted and everyone started cheering. Bea waved to the crowd as she slowly left the stage. I pulled up a stool and grabbed my guitar.

"Hey guys, thank you for supporting me and buying tickets to see me on tour! I know I'd usually start off with a few covers but I actually wrote a new song during sound check with a little help from my friend Beatrice, let's just say my crush and I aren't on very good terms right now but maybe this song makes up for it." I said while I took a quick glance at Lauren who was watching me backstage.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let's see what the next chapter has in store. ;)

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