Something Worth Living For (W...

By nikkichicky

2M 32K 3.8K

Allison Warner was head over heels in love with her ambitious sport journalist boyfriend, Eric Denton and cou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10 Something Worth Living for
Chapter 11 Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 12) Something Worth Living For
Chapter 13 Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 14) Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 15) Something Worth Living For
(chapter 16) Something Worth living For
(Chapter 17) Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 18) Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 19) Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 20) Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 21)Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 22) Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 23) Something Worth Living For
(Chapter 24) Something Worth Living For

(CH 9)Something Worth Living for

83.7K 1.2K 119
By nikkichicky

Chapter 9

Allison could feel the tension emanating from Eric as he drove along the main road. They had decided that going for the pizza first would be a good idea so that Eric and Chloe could have a chance to talk first. Watching Eric out of the corner of her eye, she knew that talking would definitely be a better idea. There was no way they could have fun at the arcade if thing were this bad. True, it would take them sometime before they got used to the idea of each other, but never had she imagined it would be this tense or silent.

She looked out the passenger window, watching the different stores that flittered by them. Allison was very aware of the man that sat beside her and as she chanced a look in his direction she could see that his attention was not only on the road, but the little girl in the backseat.

His gaze was strained straight ahead, but every now and then, she’d see him glance in his rear-view mirror at Chloe. She couldn’t tell if Chloe noticed this and didn’t dare turn in her seat to see if she had. When she saw Eric turn his head slight towards her, she averted her gaze and looked out the windshield, pretending not to notice anything amiss.

When he turned his attention back to the road, she saw that his hands were strained white as he firmly gripped the steering wheel. Allison so desperately wanted to reach out and run her hands over his, in the same way she used to when they had been together.

There had been many a time when Eric had gripped his steering wheel in this same fashion and Allison always found that when she ran her hands over his, he’d glance over at her, his jaw set, but she’d smile at him and lean over to give him a kiss on the cheek. He’d always smile then, all trace of tension or anger would completely vanish and he’d always wrap one of her hands in his and bring it to his lips. There had never been a need for words between them that was one of the best things about their relationship. They just understood each other in that way.

Allison turned her head now, to look at Eric and knew there was no way that same understanding, that same method of communication could still be used between them, not after all that’s happened.

She knew there was no way she could reach out now and sooth his frustration the way she used to, but she could try it in another way, she just didn’t know if it would help.

They were almost at the restaurant and if things persisted as they were now, just silence, she didn’t know if she, or Chloe for that matter, would last through the day.

Taking initiative, Allison turned to face Eric and started some form of conversation, “So… how have things been this week? Sure it must be an adjustment to be back in LA after so long.”

Eric frowned at the causal conversation that Allison was making, but knew she was nervous by the way she fiddled with her fingers in her lap. He looked up in his rear view mirror again, this time to see Chloe looking wide-eyed at him. He smiled knowingly to himself, knowing Allison’s plan.

“It has been an interesting week. Things have been going great at work and I found myself an apartment.”

“Oh, really? I figured you’d be buying a house or something?” Allison went on.

He knew she wasn’t fishing for information or trying to be forward in her questioning. The whole purpose was so Chloe could get used to the idea of him and help her understand that he wasn’t planning on going anywhere. Maybe if she thought he would be staying here permanently, she’d feel secure in the fact that he wasn’t planning on leaving again and she’d open up to him.

And leave was something he wasn’t planning on doing.

“I was planning on getting a house, but on such short notice I figured renting an apartment would be best. It gives me more time to consider my options.” He replied.

Allison nodded in reply.

“Is your apartment nice, Eric?” came a small voice from the backseat, but it seemed to shock them both.

Eric was momentarily caught off guard. He hadn’t expected Chloe to ask anything. He figured that she was just listening.

“Yes, I think you’ll like it. I do. It’s close to the sea.” Chloe smiled at that, “It has two bedrooms, a living area, with a kitchen. It has lots of space; maybe someday you can even come and visit me, but when you’re ready of course.”

Chloe said no more and Eric wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad one. But as he looked over at Allison, just as they pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, the encouraging look she sent him said he was definitely doing a good job so far.

As Allison got out of the car and helped Chloe out the back, he took a minute to let out a breath he hadn’t even realised he was holding.

Let’s hope that things get better inside, he thought as he got out of the car and walked up to the restaurant, and held open the door for Allison and Chloe to enter.


Things hadn’t been that bad, Allison conceded, as she watched Eric watch their daughter as she happily munched on her slice of pizza. She could see that he was still a bit shaky when it came to starting a conversation with Chloe, but there was no doubt that once she began talking, Eric’s attention was solely focused on her.

When they’d been seated, they’d hurriedly scanned the menu and much to Eric’s delight and surprise, Chloe enjoyed the same kind of pizza he did. Chloe was grinning like crazy when Eric too asked if they could the pepperoni pizza, and they both grimaced when Allison asked for extra garlic. They were too much alike, something that had once annoyed and freaked Allison out, but now… now she couldn’t be more delighted at the fact that they enjoyed the same foods.

It had really helped relieve some of the remaining tension, which had followed them from the car, and encouraged Chloe to talk openly with Eric.

Allison had sat back and watched them. She only answered when a question was directed at her, not wanting to break whatever seemed to fall over this table.

In the short time that it took for them to get their food, Chloe had told Eric all about her teddy bear, some of her resent favourite things and some of the things she wanted to do this summer.

Eric had looked awed and Allison could see that he took it all in, completely, but slowly, falling under Chloe’s spell.

When their food finally arrived, Allison thought that Chloe would now slow down and enjoy her meal, but much her surprise and Eric’s, Chloe kept on, only stopping to take a bite of her pizza, chew and swallow. It was a comfort to see that she was getting on so well with Eric, but after a while even he started to look scared.

She knew that there was no way he would remember everything that Chloe told him today and had done him a great service by telling him that most of the things she told him about changed within a few weeks, so there was no need to look so alarmed if he couldn’t remember her favourite television show. He’d thanked her with one of his winning smiles, looking completely relieved by this making Allison laugh.

It was weird, actually, to hear her laugh. It had seemed like such a long time ago when she’d really laughed or felt this happy.

Eric beamed as her contagious laughter filled his ears and found him smiling at her. For a moment it felt as if they were a real family, as if years and years never separated them. If anyone looked at them now, they would see just that.

A family.

Allison knew Eric realise this too and his smile faltered. As much as she wanted to believe there was no love lost between them, there was and it would take more than pizza to fix it. But this was a step, a good one. It actually seemed more like a leap if Chloe’s actions were considered. Time was all they needed and time is what they had.

Eric knew Allison felt that same bond shift between them, a sort of understanding that things were shifting towards a sense of family. As he watched Allison and Chloe talking now, watched as they laughed, as they shifted from mother to daughter, too friends, Eric knew he wanted that same relationship with Chloe. He wanted to be her father, but he wanted to be someone she could talk to as well. He wanted to be firm, but also gentle and understanding.

He remembered what it was like for his mother when it came to him. Sure he’d given her a hard time - at times - but he too was considerate and knew how hard it was for her when he was out of hand. All he ever wanted was to make things easier for her, because everything she ever did was for him.

Like keeping him from his deadbeat father.

His dad had been great in the beginning only to leave him and his mother when they needed him the most. Of course they’d managed with the help of his uncle – his mother’s younger brother.

It was at the age of twelve, his father showed up again. He’d wanted to get back into his son’s life, but his mother had refused. Eric couldn’t understand why his mother was keeping them apart and she hadn’t explained either. This had resulted in Eric retaliating and his mother having no choice but to tell him the truth, something she desperately wanted to protect him from.

Eric found out that day that his father was a drunk and had no money. He’d figured that if Eric took him back it would only be a matter of time before his mother took him back too. In the end, Eric saw that his mother had done it all so she could give him the best life possible.

After that Eric never heard from his father again and he certainly didn’t care where he was now. After everything he’d done to their family, there was no love for him in Eric’s heart.

The sound of giggling broke Eric from his hatful thoughts and he couldn’t help but smile as he watched Chloe with Allison.

He knew that the three of them couldn’t be a family, not with him marrying Heather and Allison certainly has made a life for herself without him. But he would be the best father he could be. He wouldn’t leave Chloe, he wouldn’t make the same mistakes as his father and he certainly wouldn’t become his father. Chloe would know love from him, the way he never did from his father.

“Eric, you okay?” Allison gentle voice drifted to him.

He looked up at her concerned face, “Yeah, just thinking.”

“About what?” Chloe’s curious voice asked.

He smiled at her, “Oh, nothing important.”

And it wasn’t important, not right now anyway.

Silence fell again. Awkwardness seemed to settle over them again, as if the last hour hadn’t happened, as if Chloe and Eric hadn’t had some breakthrough in their relationship.

“So,” Allison started up, directing her question at Chloe, “I believe Eric said he would tell you all about himself. Is there anything you want to know?”

Chloe looked shy suddenly, and shrunk back in her seat. This wasn’t something Eric wanted, but he knew baby steps were needed. He just had to be patient, had to give her some space.

“You can ask me anything you like.” He encouraged.

 Chloe shifted in her seat, biting her lower lip, just like Allison did when she was nervous. It was something he found hopelessly adorable. He tried to put on an open and inviting face, trying his best to help her get out the question he knew was hovering on the edge of her tongue.

“Why don’t you ask him about his job, hmm? I bet you’d love to hear all about what he does, especially since it involves sports.” Allison jumped in, rescuing them both.

“I like sports.” Chloe added a bit more enthusiastically.

“You do, well you’re definitely my girl then.” Eric quickly shut his mouth, realising what he just said.

He looked up at Allison to see her staring back at him. He knew she wasn’t shocked, but it was weird for both of them to hear him say that. But it was true, though. In every sense she was his girl. Besides looks, he and Chloe had so much in common, and that, he realised, was the angle he would use to get Chloe to trust and accept him.

“”So what kinds of sport do you like?”

“Basketball mostly and I like baseball too. Uncle Paul’s been helping me understand it, but it’s hard, because I keep forgetting all the rules.” She explained.

“Well, it just so happens that baseball is my favourite and if you want I can teach you all the rules and maybe we can play someday. Take you out to the bating range. What do you say, mom?” he looked at Allison for confirmation.

“You can teach her the rule, but the bating range. I think in a few years.”

Eric chuckled knowing that would be her answer.

“But why?” Chloe whined. She obviously was excited about the prospect of playing the game.

“Because I said so.”

Chloe scowled in that familiar way Eric did when he didn’t get his way.

“Don’t worry about her. Let me tell you a story. When your mom and I were still dating, I took her to the bating range. I didn’t know at the time she was bad at sport. I’m sure you know.” He directed at Chloe.

Chloe giggled, “You should have seen her at our fun day the school had.”

“Well, your mom was supposed to hit the ball, but instead – and I still don’t know how she did it – but she ended up hitting her face with the bat.”

Eric couldn’t contain himself anymore, he hooted with laughter, while Chloe joined him, as he remembered the stunned looks on all the people’s face who’d been gathered at the range. True Allison hadn’t been too happy with him and had refused to speak with him when they were at the hospital. It took some time, but eventually he got her to forgive him and since that day, Allison had remained a bystander when ever they went to the range.

“It’s not funny. I had a black eye after.” She complained.

“How did you hit yourself in the face, momma?”

Allison sighed when she realised they wouldn’t stop their laughter. She crossed he arms over her chest and waited for them to be done. She wasn’t to happy about the fact that they were laughing at her expense, but knew this was for the greater good and it did seem to lighten the mood again.

“Okay, okay. We shouldn’t be laughing at your mom. She’s a great mom and deserves better, wouldn’t you say.”

It was the first time he’d complemented her on anything and it made her heart swell with gratitude. Their eyes met from across the table and for a moment the heat of their old flame burnt Allison inside, making her jolt in surprise and break their eye contact.

Where had that come from? She wondered.

“What other sports do you watch?” Chloe asked, unknowingly changing the conversation.

Eric turned his focus once again to his daughter, “Err – well, I actually watch all kinds of sport. I’m a sport journalist, so I don’t watch sports as a hobby only, I watch for work.”

“You watch sports for work?” Chloe asked disbelieving, “I want to do that someday.”

Eric chuckled, “Yeah, it is great job. But I don’t just watch, I have to write articles about it or I have to report over our sports show what’s happening to give other people information.”

“Cool, you’ve got an awesome job.”

“I’d like to thinks so, yes. I also do interviews sometimes, so I’ve met some great people over time.”

Chloe screwed up her face in thought, “So, do you watch the games at the stadiums?”

“Yup, I get the tickets for free.”


“Yeah. Maybe one day I’ll take you with me.”

“That would be great.” Chloe half yelled in excitement.

Just then the waiter came by, “Can I get you anything else?”

“No, thank you, just the check, please. We’ve got an arcade to get to.” He directed the last part towards Chloe, making her jump excitedly in her seat.


The arcade was packed with kids who were on the summer vacations. Chloe dragged Allison from one game to the next seemingly wanting to play every game. When Allison reached into her handbag for quarters, Eric waved her off, and produced enough money to keep Chloe occupied for a while.

She played some of the game that were more suited to her age, while Eric and Allison stood and watched in delight as she enjoyed every moment of it. When she won, Chloe would jump in joy and run toward Allison, throwing herself into her mothers waiting arms and wrap her arms around her neck.

At one point Allison was convinced that she would do it with Eric, but had stopped herself and instead smiled up at him, giving him a high five.

Allison could see the hurt that flashed in his eyes, but he understood Chloe’s reservations. It would take time, but hopefully one day she would be able to be as comfortable as she was now with Allison.

Chloe’s hand was securely in Allison’s was walked along, trying to find another game she would enjoy.

“I’m going to play on that game, momma.” Chloe pointed as he pulled so her mother would let go of her hand.

“Okay, sweetie.”

As they got closer to the machine, Allison let go of her. She watched as Chloe played her game, blissfully aware of the man that stood beside her. His eyes too never left Chloe. It seems he was becoming a concerned parent within a matter of hours, but Allison couldn’t blame him, Chloe hypnotised you from the moment you saw her. You just had to love her.

She felt like she should say something to him; tell him what a great job he’d been doing with Chloe. For their first time, it wasn’t going as bad as she thought it would.

“You’re great, you know that.”

“Sorry, what?” Eric said dazed.

“Chloe, you’re great with her.”

“Oh, yeah I’m not that good. Every time we had a conversation you’re the one who had to start it.” he replied his eyes still on Chloe.

She took hold of his arm and he looked at her, momentarily shocked by the heat that radiated off her, even though his sleeve of his shirt.

“All things considered,” she added in that gentle voice of hers, the one that had him believing in anything, “she’s taken with you. I know she’s shy and it took some time before she opened up to you, but I think things could have gone a lot worse.”

He considered what she said for a moment, and looked at Chloe again, “You’re right, they could have been so much worse.”

“I’m really glad they turned out this way. And don’t worry, eventually she’ll start calling you dad and then, well you’ll never get rid of her.”

“I don’t want to.” He added in a breathless whisper, a hint of a smile playing on his face, which only grew as Chloe ran towards them.

“Hey! Was that as fun as you thought?”

“Even better.” Chloe replied, her eyes wide with wonder.

“Okay, so these are the last of the quarters and there is one game you have to play before you leave here.” Eric stated, jingling the coins in his hand.

“What’s that?”


Chloe grinned almost as much as Eric. Within seconds they dragged Allison over to the machine that held the hoop and the small sized basketballs, made especially for the game.

Eric gave Chloe the coins and she slotted them into the machine. The game came to life, the clock starting to count down from sixty seconds.

“Quickly, let’s see how good your throwing arm is.” Eric encouraged, cheering her on.

Chloe picked up one ball, but it fell to short. Eric encouraged her to keep going, but she just couldn’t throw hard enough to get the ball into the hoop. Chloe’s shoulders sagged when the game ended and she hadn’t made one point.

“I suck.”

“No, you don’t. That hoops just a bit too high for you.” Eric said.

“I’m too little.” Chloe murmured.

“Well, there’s nothing wrong with being little. You’re my little girl and I like it that way.” Allison said, trying to cheer her up.

Chloe just sighed in sadness.

“Come on, it’s okay. I’ll talk to her and you’ll see she’ll be smiling in no time.” She said when she saw the look on Eric’s face.

“No, she won’t. If she’s anything like me, she’ll want to try again.” Eric said as he took more coins out of his pocket, a glint to his eyes, which Allison took as a sign he was up to something.

He bent so that he was Chloe’s height and jingled the coins in his hand again, “Want to give it another shot? I’ve still got some coins for one more game.”

“No thank you.” she said dejectedly, “I’ll just suck some more.”

“You know how basketball is a tem sport?”

She nodded.

“Well, I think you problem wasn’t that you sucked. You’re got a good throwing arm on you. You just didn’t have any team mates to help you.” Eric smiled at her confused face.

“How are we going to do that? It’s only a machine not a real court.”

“No, you’re right, but it’s still basketball and if you want I can be on your team.”

Chloe thought about it for a moment, then nodded meekly, “Okay, you score.”

Eric shook his head, “No, we’ll do it together.”

Eric slotted the remaining coins into the machine and then, unexpectedly, he picked Chloe up and placed her on his shoulders. Chloe was taken aback for a second but seemed to recover quickly when Eric handed her the first ball.

“Quickly, throw it in.” He encouraged.

She took aim and this time, the ball went into the hoop. She shrieked with delight, but soon focused on the game. All in all, they got ten out of the fifteen balls they were able to get in during their sixty seconds.

Chloe was practically beaming when Eric placed her on her feet again. He hunched down to her height and raised his hand for a high five, but what he got as well was something neither he nor Allison expected Chloe to give him.

She high-fived Eric only to have her short little arms wrap around him. She rested her head against his shoulder, as she hugged him close. Eric was so shocked for a moment at the sudden display of affection that he just stood there, but then something inside his heart seemed to lurch and his arms wrapped around Chloe’s tiny frame. He closed his eyes feeling a wave of emotion take hold of him.

She was hugging him, Chloe willingly hugged him. It wasn’t the same as a kiss on the cheek or to hear her say dad someday, but the fact that she hugged him so soon, when he believed it would take time, meant everything in the world to him.

Was it possible that someone so small could take up all the space in your heart?

Allison stood frozen for a second, overcome with happiness as she watched what was the first stage of Chloe’s acceptance of Eric in her life. She’d expected so much from today, expected Chloe to at least get used the idea of Eric, but this… It was so much than either of them could have hoped for. Something as simple as a hug.

She felt tears form in her eyes and hurriedly blinked them away. Though it felt as if they were the only three people in the room, the arcade was still packed and she didn’t want to spoil Eric and Chloe’s moment with her tears.

Eric opened his eyes and looked up at her and all she could see swimming in his eyes was the love he had for his daughter. “I’m glad you’re here now, Eric. You’re the best.” Chloe said, once she let go of him.

Her words only wanted to make Eric pull his daughter into another hug, but knew he would be pushing it if he did.

“I’m glad I’m here too. And I promise I’m not going anywhere.”

Allison didn’t like the idea of promises, but knew that Eric wasn’t lying when he said it. He meant every word. That she was certain of. This was the start of something great and she knew it.


They’d gone for ice-cream after the arcade and had arrived late evening back at the house. After the hug, Chloe seemed to be more settled with Eric. She still had her moments were she would be shy to ask him a question, but the smile that encouraged her to ask, was enough to make her forget her shyness.

Allison invited Eric in after they got home and offered to make him a sandwich. He was about to decline the offer to eat, but would happily accept the invite to come in, but the look on Chloe’s face made him change his mind.

When they had a moment alone, with Chloe in her room, Allison figured she should give him some advice.

“Those eyes and face. Don’t let it fool you. One day, when you’ll need to be a stern father, you can’t fall for them.” Allison chuckled, giving him some good advice he knew he should definitely take

“Good point. But now you know how hard it was for me to say no to you all those years we were together. It’s like looking into your eyes, Ally, all over again.” he added sweetly.

This made Allison blush and had Eric wondering why he ever let her go. He shook his head. Heather was his future, not Allison and it was something he needed to remember.

Once Chloe came back into the kitchen, bringing with her the teddy bear which Paul had told him about, all awkwardness seemed to fade. Maybe it was best if he focused on Chloe from now on and not Allison. They might have been apart for sometime now, but he’d be a fool if he denied that there wasn’t any attraction between them, no matter how small.

They enjoyed their light meal together. Chloe was still enjoying Eric’s company and conversation wasn’t lacking either. Even Lucy, their golden retrieve was included in the evening. The house had never been filled with so much laughter and chatter in a long time. Chloe and Allison had great times together in their home, but nothing compared to the warmth Eric added not only to the house but to Allison as well, making her aware that she needed to be on her guard when it came to him.

When seven o’clock came around, it was time for Chloe’s bath and by eight she should be in bed, but Allison hated breaking the father and daughter bonding that was going on. But as much as she hated interrupting their time, she knew she shouldn’t alter Chloe’s usual routine because of it and knew Eric would understand.

“Okay, time for your bath, Chloe.” Allison announced getting up from the table.

“Do I have to?”

“Yes, you do. Now come on it’s bath time and then bed.” She said firmly.

“I don’t want to take a bath.” Chloe whined, her face forming into a stubborn scowl.

Eric caught himself in time before he could laugh. Chloe was definitely his daughter.

“Do I really have to?” Chloe now directed her question to Eric.

Eric glanced at the stern look on Allison’s face. Her hands on hips, foot tapping as she waited for his reply. He never thought he’d get a choice in the matter, but he was her father, no matter how resent the relationship. But looking at Allison he knew it would be wiser to agree with her.

“I think it’s best you take that bath. I’ll be here when you get out to say goodnight.” Eric turned Chloe by the shoulders, steering her out the kitchen.

“You promise?” she turned to ask him.

“I promise.”

“I’ll be a few minutes. Make yourself at home.” Allison said before disappearing down the hall with Chloe.

Eric turned and started clearing the dishes. He knew when Allison said to make him at home, she didn’t mean help with the dishes, but he figured after today she’d be exhausted, heck he was feeling it too. It had been one emotionally draining day, but one he’d never forget, especially the part where he got to lift Chloe on to his shoulders and even more so the part where she hugged him. Every worry he’d had during the week was all worth that one simple hug.

Once he’d cleared all the dishes away, he put the kettle on for coffee. He heard footsteps shuffling down the hall and exited the kitchen to see Chloe dressed in her pink PJ’s, with Allison following behind.

“I guess this is goodnight.”

“Momma says I’ve had a long day and need to go to sleep,” Chloe said a bit unhappily, “but I don’t feel tired.”

“You might not feel tried now, but once you’re snug under the covers, you’ll realise just how tried you are.” Eric said.

“Come on, say your goodnights.” Allison said from behind her.

“Thank you Eric, for the pizza and the time at the arcade. I had fun.”

Eric kneeled in front of her, “It was my pleasure, Chloe. I had fun with you too.”

“When do we get to see each other again?” She asked.

“Well, it’s up to you, sweetie.” Allison piped in from behind.

“Whenever you can,” Chloe said to him, “momma says you have to work like she does.”

“True,” he said nodding his head, “but I’ll probably see you on Sunday.”

“Sunday?” she frowned.

“Yeah, didn’t your mom tell you about Sunday?” he looked up at Allison.

“Oh,” Allison suddenly remembered, “Aunt Jen and Uncle Paul invited us to their house on Sunday. It’s a lunch to welcome your dad back home.”

“So I guess we’ll see each other then.” He said, smiling at her, “And don’t forget your bathing suit, we’re going to have some fun in the water.”

“I won’t. Night, Eric.” She leaned in and gave him another hug.

For the second time in one day, Eric thought his heart would bust with love for his little girl.

“Night, Chloe.” He placed a kiss to her cheek and then let her go.

“You can come with; see what her room looks like. If you want?” Allison added hurriedly.

“I’d love that.”

Eric followed them to a door that turned to the left. The room was just the right size for a little girl. The walls were a pink shade with fairies and flowers painted on them. There were three rows of shelves on one wall, which were lined with dolls and books, and in the centre stood a picture of her and Allison and something that complete caught him off guard, a picture of his mom.

He walked over to it and took it in his hands. He remembered this picture had sat by his bed side and that he’d forgotten it when he’d moved to New York. It was his favourite picture of her and he was happy to know that Chloe had it.

“That’s grandma.” She said joyously.

“Yes - yes it is.” Eric placed the picture back on the shelf, a wave of emotion sweeping over him, “She would have loved you.”

“Momma says she watches over me every night while I sleep.”

“Yeah, she does.” He replied, his voice horse with emotion.

Allison could see the emotion that welled up in Eric at the sight of the photograph. She had been meaning to send it to him, knowing how much he loved that picture, but figured that Chloe needed something to remember her grandmother by and that he wouldn’t mind if he knew it was with Chloe. Deciding that he needed a moment, Allison pulled Chloe into a hug from behind, taking her to bed.

“Okay, time for this angel to sleep.” She tucked Chloe under the covers, “You have fun today?”

“Yup, I had a great time.” Chloe said beaming, but then gave off a yawn.

“Yes, it’s definitely your bedtime. Night, angel.”

“Momma you forgot my kiss.”

Allison feigned shock, “I did? Well how could I forget?”

Chloe started giggling before Allison even leaned forward to tickle her. Clearly, this was the norm before Chloe went to sleep at night, Eric observed. He realised something then. Everything Allison did, he knew, she thought it was all in Chloe’s best interests. Much like his mother did when it came to his father. Though, in this case Allison hadn’t been right, but she was making an effort to correct her mistake. It was in that exact same moment that Eric realised something else. No matter what he believed, he forgave Allison the moment she started to doing right by him and Chloe.

Eric scowled at this revelation, but knew there was no way he could deny it. He forgave Allison before today even happened, but maybe it was best this way, letting go of his anger. She was after all the mother of his daughter and he wanted Chloe growing up in a healthy environment, one where her parents got along. Yes, he forgave Allison and from now on he would do right be her and Chloe.

“Okay, okay. Time for sleep.” Allison kissed Chloe on the cheek and nuzzled their noses together, “I love you my angel.”

“I love you too, momma.” She yawned again, “Night momma, night Eric.”

“Night,” he murmured just as Chloe drifted off to sleep.

They walked out the room, careful not to wake her and Allison closed the door slightly, so she would hear if Chloe needed her.

Eric followed her to the kitchen and looked up in surprise when she gasped.

“You didn’t need to clear everything. I was planning on doing it.” Allison scowled but was grateful for his help.

He shrugged and waved her comment off, heading for the kettle as it sang on the stove, “Don’t worry about it. You had your hands full with Chloe.”

He filled both mugs with steaming hot water and added milk to Allison’s, remembering that was the way she liked it.

“You remembered.” She commented, coming to stand beside him.

He shrugged again, “I made you a cup of coffee almost every morning before I headed off to work and you to college. It’s not something you forget.”

He handed her the mug and she led the way to the living room. They sat in silence, neither knowing how to approach the subject of the photograph.

But Allison was the first to speak up, “I’m sorry I never sent the picture of your mom to you. I just figured Chloe would want something to know her grandmother by.”

“It’s okay. I missed it, but knowing it was with Chloe all this time makes me happy.” He was lost in thought for a moment, taking a sip of his coffee, “She would have loved Chloe.”

“No doubt there.” Allison bit her lip then, “I would have told you about Chloe if she were… alive. I wouldn’t have kept Chloe from her, even if she ended up telling, which she should’ve, but I just wanted you to know I would have told her about Chloe.”

Eric held Allison’s gaze for a long time before he replied, “I know you wouldn’t. Thank you for sharing her with Chloe, it means a lot to me.”

“I know it does. I tried my best to tell Chloe all about her, from what I remembered you told me, but I still think you’re the best one for that job. That is…” her gaze wavered, but then she looked back at him again, “… if you’re planning on sticking around.”

“I plan on sticking around for a very long time. I’m not leaving Chloe.”

Allison nodded her reply. All she needed was certainty, one last reassurance that he was going to stay by Chloe’s side. Today was filled with many promises and she didn’t want Chloe to be harmed in anyway if Eric was planning on leaving, but after the way he looked when Chloe hugged him the first time, she knew he would never leave his daughter.

“I’d better get going. It’s getting late and I’m sure you are exhausted.” He drained the last gulp of coffee and stood.

“Thank you, for today. It meant a lot to Chloe. It meant a lot to me.” she said softly.

A slight smile curved at his mouth as he looked at her. For the first time that day, Ally had really letting her protective wall down and he was seeing the woman he once loved.

And maybe still did, a tiny voice echoed in his head, but he quickly ignored it.

He was about to turn and head for the door when he remembered something.

“I almost forgot.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope.

Allison took it, opening it she pulled out a single piece of paper. On closer examination she saw it was a check made in her name from Eric, which made her frown, but when she saw the amount, her brows rose in shock.

“I know it’s not much, but I wanted to give you something towards making up for the years I missed on paying child support. I’ll pay you more as soon as I can, but with me just leasing a new apartment, I just need more time.” He explained.

She shook her head, “No-”

Eric frowned at her response, “No?”

“No,” she said again, this time shoving the check back in the envelope and wanting to hand it back to him.

“It’s for you and Chloe. It’s not a bribery, if that’s what you think.” He scoffed at his last statement.

“I know it’s not bribery.”

“Then why…”

“Eric, I’m just happy you’re in Chloe’s life. We don’t want your money.” She said earnestly.

“I know that.” He closed his hands over hers which still held the envelope, “I want to help you and Chloe. If I’d been around I would have paid it anyway, just in smaller amounts.” He joked, but she wasn’t smiling, “Look, you did a great job of raising Chloe, I wasn’t here to help-”

‘And that’s because of me.”

“Yes, but I want to help financially. It’s a payment for the years I missed. You don’t have to use it on yourself as well. Use it for Chloe only, I don’t care. Just use it, please. It would make me feel better about myself that I’ve done something for you two. You’ve given up enough, Ally, let me give something now.” He let go of her hand then.

“But two thousand dollars is a lot, Eric. Are you sure you can afford this?” she asked looked at the check in her hands.

“Yes, I can and I want to give it to you, to you both. Please don’t argue with me and take the check, Ally. You know I’ll win this one.” he pouted his lips, making her laugh at the sight.

“Fine, but I’m using it for Chloe and not on myself.” She stated stubbornly.

“Fine, suit yourself.”

“So, we’ll see you Sunday?”

“Yes, Sunday.”

“Night, Ally. Sweet dreams.”

Allison smiled at the familiar greeting he’d always given her before she’d fallen asleep in his arms.

“Sweet dreams, Eric.” He headed out the door and left Allison puzzled about what she would do with so much money.


I really hope we like Eric just a little bit now lol. But if you don’t trust him yet, that cool too.

The story’s really picking up pace now and things will start heating up much more soon. Hope you enjoyed and thank you for being patient and such faithful readers. Love you all for your dedication and support to this story and welcome to all new readers :D

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