The Third Arrow

By Unicorn_Island95

1.2K 79 31

This story is about a shy girl who lived her whole life under the bridge with her sick mom without knowing he... More

chapter 1: The Kingdom
chapter 2 : Stranger
chapter 3 : Friendship
chapter 4 : Let It Go
Chapter 5 : A Hint
chapter 6 : Secret Unrevealed
Chaptered 7 : A Glimpse of future
chaptered 8 : Half blood prince
Ouija part 2
spirts and spirt world
Jack is what?
My dad is not a person ?

Nightmare's Reality

12 2 1
By Unicorn_Island95

I screamed out till my heart content expecting to wake on my bed from the nightmare I was going through.

I'm scared to accept the changes and more scared to see monsters turn reality , I say to myself "This is not real , I am dreaming , I have a hot boyfriend and a wonderful life in colledge after Rita gone, this is all the effect of Rita nothing else, nothing else" I say to myself and opened my eye and I was standing on the exact place ; so I fall down weeping, my dad came towards me " Darling I know it's hard except the changes but ur a princess you should be brave enough to face your difficulties because weeping ,crying and regretting doesn't help you solve anything. Come closer I will tell you a secret (he hugs), you see us as a monster but this is not what we are ; a curse changed us into this, now we need a person with flesh and royal blood running through their vein to break this curse and the effects of our curse will never stop following you or your generation until we are set free . I promise , once you did what I ask for I will return the normal life you wish to have" .

There it was a glimmer of hope to return to the world so I accepted .

" let's go fight them" I said .
"It not an test if u fail you can reappear it is life which can't be returned and if u stay longer you get weaker , we have to find a portion to get you stronger before the battle and you will need more energy during training too"!!
"What training ?" I asked
" we will present many weapons in front of you and will ask u to try one shot per weapon the perfect amongst all, will be your weapon and we will train you for that ." My dad said

"So after the war will I get my life with you and mom in it ?" I looked at him . He looked at me smiled and noded unsure . Then I remember and busted out to him like express " ohhh Dad , mum mum, mom has been kidnapped by a witch which was trying to kill me and jack. We have to save her " .

A big white figure with white hair interrupted saying " no need to worry sir, before she could get her we managed to get her here". My dad's worried face change and I see a relief. I hugged him and looked at jack for any sign of getting back but he still acted weird .

My dad asked " dear you pronounced jack many times may I know who is he ? " I clear my throat " He is right there among soldiers ". He noded the head and repeated the same with details
" I didn't ask where is now , I asked who is he for you ? "
I blushed a bit and said " my only friend may be closer than just a friend"

He smiled again and said you go with them I would like to speak to him.
" Who is jack....come out, the king wants to meet you " called out an assistant troll.

While going to tent with some soldiers and trolls I see both of them quarrel about something it was intense with respect for king of course because his gestures were loyal ,suddenly he looks at me and I can't move or turn or speak !

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