Your ours and we won't let yo...

By Dreamless48

236K 8.5K 1.5K

This story about a boy who since the day he has said he's gay, he lost everything : his family, friends and f... More

Your ours and we won't let you escape (boyxboy)
Chapter two
Chapter 3 : What your relationship?
Chapter 4 : The fininsh of my weird day
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 : Another Mistake
Chapter 7 : friends?
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 11

11.9K 412 96
By Dreamless48

I will try to be regular with this story, life has been a little of a mess with me. I'm starting a new school and its different to what I'm used to. I'm half scared and half excited. Anyway enough about me. I have already prepared to where this story is going and I swear I will fix all my mistakes and even with my other story. Sorry for talking too much. Enjoy the chapter.

Thanks for the votes and comments - seriously thanks for the support X
I love hearing from you

Chapter 11

I ran. I did not care for the useless men struggling to run with me, nor did I care what happened to their lives if they failed to keep up. I did not know who. Someone betrayed us. Someone close on the inside that knew too many things and ran our own men against us. I thought it was one of my father's right hand men and had them watched closely before I stepped in. None of them appeared suspicious and were doing their jobs according. All I knew was I was racing to the where the bang came from. I knew a gun was set off. I ran up the stairs of our estate. I knew the enemy was someone on the inside if they could easily step onto our estate and come and go as they pleased. My men was struggling to keep up as the obstacles of the traitorous bastards kept stepping in our way and trying to kill me. I shot whoever was in my way, friend or foe, I did not care. My key priority was to make it. I knew running down the hallways where I was going. I hoped, no, prayed that the whoever was shot was the enemy. Please.

My men quickly were taking care of the traitors that deserved a thousand deaths.

I finally caught sight of the double oak doors, my target.

I ran faster and hoped I made it in time. I could hear shots going off on all side of the mansion, I once called home. It was now a battlefield. I panted and opened the heavy doors with whatever energy left I could muster.

"Brother, I'm glad you made it in time."

My worse nightmare had become true.

My younger brother sat on my father's desk playfully like a small child waiting for his father to come home like he used to. Yet, father was already home. He was lying down on the floor, on his back with a bullet wound though the side of his stomach with the blood running down through his blouse and ruining the Persian carpet he loved. I watched him further and watched as he was still breathing. I felt relief yet I looked at my brother. He sat effortless and comfortably on my father's desk like our father was not fighting for his life at his feet. My brother was the one who betrayed us. He was smiling happily and I knew the only reason he did not kill my father was because he wanted to my reaction, my pain. I stared at those familiar blue eyes that was a exact replica of my own. Yet, they were always different from my own. They were always filled with a shine and glow of youth and happiness, they were not cold like my own. I imagined those innocent blue eyes that used to beg me to play or help him with his homework even if he had his own private tutors. My beloved younger brother who played my own child. My prefect perfection that I raised not to have the same cold eyes as me.

He smiled and watched me as he held his gun playfully. I could tell he was ready anytime for me to pull my gun out and he shoot me before I even had the chance to pull the trigger. I taught him like that. I taught him hold to a gun. I taught him how to kill. Yet, I taught him how not to kill.

"Why?" I struggled to say.Emotions I had left and abandoned long ago were coming back and were burning like a flame to reach out. Pain. A feeling I had forgot and let behind.

My father's body did not matter to me as much as that question.

Why Abram?"

I wished what I was seeing was a nightmare and I wake up to a normal day of breakfast with my brother and father while forgetting this nightmare ever existed.

My brother's smile knew wider. He got the reaction he wanted from me. My brother loved our father, I did not understand why he did this.

He turned our own men against us and than shot father, what was the benefit from all this?

"Brother, does it hurt? does it hurt that much that I was the one who betrayed you?" He asked with a wicked smile on his lips. Vlad no longer recognised who the person talking to him was. Those eyes were not filled with coldness like his own or the innocence that were once in them. They were the eyes of a stranger that purely enjoyed what was happening. A stranger. Vlad knew his brother was dead. Abram, the brother he knew was dead. The younger brother who would cry and refuse to leave his side when they had to part ways when they had to go school. The one who hated broccoli and Vlad always forced it down that wind pipe. The one who was scared of the darkness and always sneak into Vlad's room so he did not feel scared or lonely.

Vlad could not answer back.

He was too shocked that his own brother was the one who did this.

The one who made their beloved home a battlefield.

The one who set this all up.

The one who was the enemy all along.

"Want me to tell you why? I wanted to be the next the boss and--"

Vlad did not listen left him finish his explanation.

He shot.

"I do not want to hear your pathetic explanation."

The bullet gazed his brother's cheek. He hated when he had to teach a kid a lesson, he would usually put his younger brother over his knee by now and spank his butt so hard that he make sure to that his brother was crying blood. He did not care that his brother was nineteen or four. He still teach that kid a lesson he never forget.

There was something everyone were taught in Vlad's family.

It was no hesitation.

"That was a warning shot, the next one won't miss."

His brother touch his cheek, that had a bloody scar now on his cheek with blood running down his cheek to the floor. He laughed. That was the big brother he knew. Cold and unfazed by the world. A brother who saw you no different from a human or a slug, if you were not useful, you were useless and better off dead. Vlad saw the fear in his brother's eyes and even if he was laughing, Vlad saw it. There was nothing to hide from him.He did not care about the pathetic shit that was going to spill out of his mouth, it did not change the crime he had commit and neither did it justify it. A traitor is a dead man walking.

Vlad stepped closer with his gun aimed and his brother copied.He could tell his brother thought that just because they were brothers, he would not shoot him. Vlad was taught from a young age not to trust a soul, he did not even trust his own father and mother. He did not trust anyone but himself and it was one of the reasons why he was still alive. He had taught his own brother that but it seems the kid had not even remembered something so essential. He had a idea that his brother had someone on the outside helping him and it was the only reason his little brother was brave enough to do something like this. Vlad knew his little brother well, he raised him so he knew what was going on through that narrow minded skull.

He kill the bastard responsible for what shit was happening and making his little brother turn their back on their family. He will not just kill him but he swore he torture him so much to the point they were wishing they dead and if they think dying is a option out. He drag him back from Hell and show him Hell was a better nicer place to rot in.

Vlad was close enough to inspect the bullet wound on his father's body by standing up. He saw that it was not just one wound but two. Two. The blood was leaving his body quickly while his skin become paler. He could tell his father was in so much pain that he was not able to speak.

A smirk ran across Vlad's lips.

"Are you really my brother? I thought I taught you that you should never leave a enemy alive."

Suddenly a noise alerted both of them.

Was that a helicopter?

Before Vlad had a chance to know what was going on.

"Brother, it was nice seeing you but this is where I have to say goodbye." He watched his brother smiled cheerfully like he always did and that innocence still appearing behind those eyes. Vlad aimed his gun and ready to shoot his brother.

His brother is a idiot that knew better to turn your back to your enemy.

Than his brother jumped over the desk and ran to where a balcony sat behind his father's desk and Vlad knew that was his way to escape. He had to kill his brother and than find that other person no matter what.

He suddenly was grabbed by the ankle and the gun shot off and missed his brother's head and hit the glass door's balcony instead. The rage he felt until he looked down to who was holding onto his ankle. Those cold eyes of blue that was a mirror of his own yet the pain in them were clear. He stopped for one moment. Those eyes were expressing a emotion that he never seen. It was not pain. He had seen that emotion when his mother left this world. The emotion was something he could not understand. He then remembered all the things he had been taught and kicked his father's hand. He'll kill his own brother before he will ever let him escape. After he ran out and stepped onto the balcony. The helicopter was already leaving with his little brother.

Like he was going to let that happen.

As he was aiming to shoot it down by trying to shoot the pilot. He needed make sure he taught his brother a good lesson when he got his hands on him. However someone was shooting down at him and before he had the chance to shoot, he was shot in the arm.Shit. He dropped his gun and hid behind a pillar as the bullets kept shooting. Before he could do a thing, the helicopter was leaving and he could only watch as they left and stopped aiming at him.

He watched it disappear into the night sky. He failed. Than he thought of his father and quickly ran back to where his father's helpless body was still lying. He stood over his father's body and his father watched him with no hint of pain. He looked at the wound and knew not only his father lost too much blood but he had also notice the wound was in a vital spot. A spot where it was impossible to recover after losing that much of blood.

The silent sat between the two figures. One standing watching the blood with emotionless face and the other lying on the floor staring at his oldest son. There was no need for words.

"You're going to die?"


The emotionless mask broke for Vlad. He lost his younger brother and now, his father. The only things he ever wanted to protect. He did not cry, yet the sorrow and sadness was clear in his eyes. He was disappointed in himself and he made it too late.

They stared at each other for a moment.

"Your brother did not shoot me."

"I know."

No words were needed between father and son. They loved the other yet their pride refused to let them show their vulnerable side. Abram however was like his mother and was different. He would be crying his eyes out by now.

"Abram is in pain." The father said with no sign of pain in his voice.

"I can see him crying by now."

They both stared at the other and a little smile touch their lips.

Two men that were so alike that their eyes told a story without their words.

"Kill the bastard who did this and bring my son home." The father closed his eyes and waited for his death. Vlad nodded and went to pick at his other gun even with his shot arm. He felt numb, it stringed at first but he could no longer feel the pain. He aimed the gun at his father's head. A sad smile appeared on his lips yet no tears lingered.

"Don't worry. I will not let whoever plan this kill you. I send you off myself."

A old smirk winkled onto his father's face.

"You always knew what I was thinking." The man said one last time and he stared at his eyes one last time to get a good look at his son that he was of proud off. He only wished he left this world where both his sons were happy. Yet, he had to leave the world in such a pathetic manner that he was grateful he was dying by his son's hands than the man who walked into his office. A man he did not know or did not see. His last thought was of his beautiful wife that left him and he knew he would never meet her. A woman with a angel's heart. A woman who would forever sit at Heaven's gates waiting for a man who will never come and who rot in Hell for all he has done.


There the eerie silent kicked in and all that was left was a dead body shot through the head and a man standing with silent tears he dared to show no one. Vlad smiled with sorrow and he stared up at the ceiling. He saw the scorch mark left by a bullet. The bang he heard was of his brother who had shot the ceiling, not his father. His father was shot twice and there was only one shot heard. He swore he would grant his father's last wish and bring his brother home. He swore a thousand deaths upon the person responsible for this.

He fell to his knees and stared at his father's dead body and the tears of regret would not stop. He hugged his father's dead body even if the blood would ruin his clothes, he did not care. He could feel all the warmth of his father's body almost gone. He thought of the man he respected his whole life and was proud to be his son. He wished his father had a less violent death. He wished his brother was not caught up with this mess. He knew his own brother would not do this, the moment he said because he want to be 'boss.' Vlad already caught on the lie. His brother did not want to follow this dangerous business or life. His brother wanted to be a doctor and help people. He was happy he saw that last piece of innocence burn clear in those eyes he known all his life. He saw the watch on his father's wrist. Every man in his family was given a watch on their eighteen birthday as a memento, Vlad had his own and he knew Abram was crying while holding it. He stared at how the hands moved. He will always remember the time that his father's body turned cold.

"Father I will not fail you."


He felt a heavy presence on top of him and the small slap to his cheek. He was ready to remove the presence yet when he opened his eyes. He already forgot where he was yet he was almost transfixed by those green eyes staring down with him with concern. Green eyes of the purest innocence yet they were dark and seemed almost dead from when he first met them. He could feel the boy on top of him, saddling him and when he finally opened his eyes, the boy was no longer calling his name yet just stared with worried and waiting for something. Those pouty pink lips. That vest riding a little too high. Those eyes of green. Then those bare legs in boxers. Suddenly before he could take in more of the creature on top of him, he felt a hand gently caress at his cheek.

"Why were you crying?"

This was the first time someone had seen his tears, not even at his dad's funeral had he cried and many of his relatives and his men thought he was a emotionless and heartless man. The truth was, he could not cry. His father's death felt surreal even when he held his father's dead body and he cried. It not feel real. It all felt like a dream and he felt the moment he wake up the next day, he see his father at breakfast who would force him to pray even if they both did not believe in God. It was something their mother enforced on the family that was taken very seriously at a young age.

Darius was only worried because when he came back from shower and found Vlad sleep across the sofa with the TV still on and thought he may have an concussion. He knew if he didn't wake him up, he may have fall into a coma or something. Yet when he saw the tears that came after and when those eyes finally opened. They seemed like they were drowning in pain. Vlad just stared up at him with the tears still leaving his eyes and what happened next, Vlad had not expected. He felt arms warp his neck and the dead weight on his chest. He had not expect Darius to hug him. He felt Darius's head to sink into his shoulder and could feel the wet hair itch at his neck for moment.

Than he felt a strange and warm touch of fingers combing through his hair.

"It's ok to cry. We all have bad things we do not want to remember,"Darius had said in a gentle and loving tone that strange made Vlad feel safe. Vlad suddenly felt himself reach to touch Darius's back and pull him away yet strangely, he clanged to the boy's vest and the tears did not stop. He hid his face into the boy's shoulder on the cramp sofa.

Why could he cry so easily into a stranger's arms?

Why did he feel safe enough to cry?

He could not even answer his own questions yet he was crying. He did not how long they both held the other as comfort but he could just hear the voices echo from the TV and that same voice keep whispering like a chant.

"It's alright."

"It's alright."

He continued to cry as he thought of the father he loved with a cold demeanour and cold frosty eyes yet the spirit of a predator that kill anyone in his way to protect what he loved. Than he thought of his baby brother, the boy who would make crappy pottery in school and always hand it to him and his father as a gift or a welcome present. Shit. He was so pathetic, he has killed many and lost many yet he never knew how much his father's death and the betrayal of his brother had hit him. After the lost of his mother, he discovered how unnecessary emotions like these were, yet they were all coming back. He trusted no one yet it seemed he deceived himself into believing that, he believed he never trust anyone yet he trusted so many, the family he cherished. The thing he had left to trust. It was gone.

He did not how long time had went by yet he could no longer hear the kind and loving whispers yet he could hear the boy's heartbeat and the soft snores. He slowly got up with the boy still in his arms with his arms hook tightly around his neck and his legs in a awkward messy. Vlad closed his eyes for moment and listened to the boy's heartbeat, he could not explain why but he enjoyed listening to it. He stared at the sleeping face down set on his shoulder. Long lashes, a freckle under his nose, a cute button nose. All his features made his face prefect. Vlad smiled, he almost wanted to laugh at himself that someone so small in his arms could make him release all his inner emotions like he was a child. It reminded him of his deceased mother, only she could make him cry like a little baby even when he knew older, she was the one of the pains in his life that he missed deeply.

He picked up the boy in a bridal form and took him back to his room and made sure to place him lightly. He pushed the blond hair out of the boy's face and smiled at his face once more but not before noticing the strange scars around one of the boy's hand. He questioned it and notice there wasn't just one or two but many of little small ones. It must have been a accident or something, he first thought of suicide but none ran up the boy's wrists. So he did not have to worry about it. He left the boy to rest and went to the bathroom. Yet when he saw confused him. There were mirror shards that seemed to be swept to one side and a bare space on top of the sink, where he guess the mirror once stood.

He felt disgusting that he had not taken a shower and guessed he needed one even if he was forced to wear the same underwear from last night like a commoner. After he was done with his shower and warped whatever towel he could find, around his waist. Before he had a chance to dry himself and put all his clothes back on from last night. He caught some of his appearance in those broken mirror shards including that tattoo across the side of his chest. It was over his heart, the date and time of his father's death, it will always remind him of his last promise to his father and the person he has to kill. A promise that will be completed no matter what. Suddenly he heard a ring from outside and guessed it was the boy's cellphone.

He thought maybe it was one of his men that was going to confirm that they found the thief and got his stuff. However when he got a hold of the phone that was sitting on the coffee table, it did not have private number or unknown number across the phone. It was something his men always did when they made contact with phones that they did wished their number to be tracked on. It was a random number and he was contemplating if he should answer or not. He answered anyway, maybe it was important call and he just take a note down for the boy if its important.


A female voice echoed and you already hear the worry and concern in the woman's voice and the shaking.He could hear the despair in it. Before he had a chance to say that he was not who the person the woman wanted.

"Darius, please don't speak, this is hard for me as it is for you."

What does that mean?

Was she his ex-girlfriend or sister or what?

She took a breath in and he just quietly listened.

"Darius, I know you may want to hang up the phone and I know we were cruel but we miss you and need you. Your family needs you home." Vlad looked around the apartment again and forgot it was a one bedroom house. He could already tell the kid was around sixteen or a little older but he thought the kid's parents were living somewhere else yet paying the rent for this cheap apartment so their kid could stay in this state for whatever reason.

Was Darius a runaway?

"We got your number from your uncle after we heard you were going to be at his birthday celebration. Your uncle would not give it to us until we begged so please do not be angry with him, I just wanted to say that if you ever wanted to come home, than you would have to follow a set of conditions."


What child needed conditions to come home?

Was he a bad kid or something?

"Me and your father were talking to a pastor about our situation and he suggested one of those camps that helps you fight against your temptations and gets you out of that phrase you have been going through. Also a few other conditions but if you promise to do this for us, we accept you back."

Vlad breathed in as he already understood what she was saying. There was a calendar he noticed,hanging nearly on the half broken fridge. It had different colours and sticky notes yet you could tell that this kid was a very,very busy one. There was words like school,work and study and other stuff along that lines.

How long has this kid had to cope by himself?

He looked around the cramp apartment, there was not one thing in the apartment that made this apartment personal or colourful. It was cold and cramped.

How long has this kid been lonely by himself?

He was clearly not a run away, he wasn't accepted and he was thrown out, it was obvious.

"Darius, I will let you think about it and I call tomorrow if it's hard to make a choice now."

Vlad could feel the boiling in his guts and he already wanted to kill this woman for treating her own kid like some disease because he was different. A kid helped a stranger even when he has nothing. A kid who hugged a stranger to comfort him yet didn't not need to know the reason, he told him to be alright. Is that what Darius wanted to hear when he was thrown away?

'You're alright.'

Is that what the kid wanted to hear?

Is that why he saw that pain in the boy's eyes?

Were the people on the other side of the phone responsible for this way of life he was living?

He could already feel the irritation crawling from his gut and ready to unleash whatever he was thinking and he wanted to say.

"Tell me, if this really how you treat your own kid whose different?"

He heard a grasp from the other side.

"Who is this?"

"And I asked a question. Answer it."

"Excuse me who do-"

Before she could even ask the question, she was intruded by a powerful low voice.

"Answer. It."

"It's none of your business how I treat my child." She defenced and felt almost compelled to answer it.

"A mother is supposed to love her child more than her own soul and defend her child no matter what but I guess your not a very good mother right?"

He thought of his own mother, he did not saying anything about his sexuality, he just brought the same sex one day and his mom guessed he was a fuck buddy pretty quickly. She did not care as long as there were grandchildren at the end of the road, she swore to murder him if there were no grandchildren. His father had no opinion or could even react as his Vlad's mother's word was law. Even if he had not liked it, his mother might have divorced him if he didn't accept it.

"How dare you?! Who do you think you are to judge me as a mother?!"

Before she could further her questions and curses.

"My name is Vlad, your son's partner."

Than a another grasp.

"You and my son?!......Disgusting!....."

It seemed there was more she wanted to say, he hanged up the phone, he no longer wanted to hear a distasteful commoner's voice; it was giving him a headache.

He put the phone down and sighed.

He always forgets how he dislikes some commoners when they are always trying to get on his good side and please him. He caught sight of the three red envelopes on the dining table; they were not there before. He thought Darius was going through them when he was sleeping. He picked up one, it looked like he was sending them back. He opened up, there was money inside each one and it was hundred dollar notes. There was not just one but many. He looked further inside and found there was a note in each one. He decided to read each one.

First Letter :
Darius please stop not sending these back, I'm sending this money for a reason so you can focus on your education. I know you already have two or more part time jobs but you need to stop. I'm your uncle, I'm here to support you.

Love Uncle Ted

Two or three part time jobs? That's insane he thought, how is this kid juggling school as well?

Second letter:
I paid the rent this month and for last month. The landlord called me and said if you did not pay for the next one, she would have thrown you out. I'm sending you money for a reason, use it. Darius, I'm your uncle, if your having money issues, I'm here to sort them out. Tell me in the future if you need the money.
Love Uncle Ted

Third Letter:
Darius, how long are you going to be stubborn and just accept my money and why did you send me the amount I paid for the rent?
I paid it because I wanted to, not because I have to. Darius, I'm your uncle and it's not a duty for me to take care of you but its because I want to. I love you like my own child so please stop acting this way. You do not need to send me back money for taking care of you.
Answer my calls in the future, when I was back in the states, I could not get hold of you.

Are you eating well?
Don't make me worry please.
Love Uncle Ted

Vlad did not understand why Darius did not accept his uncle's money and why he was living here instead of with his uncle where there was family and warmth.

Suddenly, the door to the bedroom opened and out came the boy with a small yawn and cute tried eyes as he was rubbing out whatever it was in his eyes. He was surprised by the half-naked figure in front of him.Vlad was warped in only a towel and was holding one of the red envelopes. Before he could take in Vlad's figure. He went on the alert and felt wide wake the moment he saw what Vlad was holding. He was already grabbing it out of Vlad's hands. Before Vlad could react, the letters were pulled out of his hands by the surprised force. The boy was glaring up at him with a cute glare again. The same one that made him say sorry.

"Did you read these?"

"Why do you not accept the money your uncle sends to you?"

"How dare you read them?!"

"Then next time, don't leave things you don't want people to read out in the open."

This man was infuriating!

How dare he?!

He had no right to read them and makes it my fault for leaving them out in the open!

Darius could tell by those eyes that he wasn't apologetic for even reading it. He seriously hated men like this. Vlad just stared at him dully like he was bored from hearing his complains when he in the wrong for reading something so personal. Then he thinks he has the right to ask a question.

"I asked a question, I expect a answer."Vlad demanded.

He expected a answer?!

I looked at his eyes and they were demanding some sort of respect from me and I felt that chill I felt when I first time I met him. He looked like a parent asking their child the real story of how all of the cookies disappeared from the jar instead of hearing the excuses and made up stories of a monster eating them instead. I looked away knowing I could no longer look at those eyes.

"None of your business,"I said tightly, feeling like I lost somehow.

I suddenly felt a hand on my cheek and gently pulling my face up to meet his eyes and instead of the demanding look in his eyes, his eyes were now gentle. A look that he thought he never see on a man like this.

He looked like he cared.

Why was he looking at me like that?

"Tell me." His whisper so quiet and gentle.

I felt hypnotised by those eyes of cold blue that were caring and so pure.

"H-He's done enough to help me, I'm grateful enough. I don't want to be a burden on him."

Those eyes of blue were understanding and seemed happy with the answer yet he was still watching me. They only grew more gentler.

"It's hard right?"

My eyes widened. I felt shock, not by those kind eyes but someone actually understood it was hard. Everyday was a struggle to survive with work and assignments from school and the part time jobs I had that were necessary to eat everyday. I hardly slept enough. Sleeping a full eight hours was truly a sweet dream for me most of the time. Today was the first time I had free time because of the new job I got as it started later. I hated this living. I only lived to work and eat so I can move forward. I don't remember when I had a conversation like this. I never spoke to people anymore. I was too scared of the betrayal. I did not want to go through it again. Vincenzo was the actual trusted first friend I made here in months. The truth was even though he was crazy bipolar madman, it made me happy that he said he never abandoned me. It sad that I'm happy to have someone as crazy as him as friend instead of someone more...normal.

Before I said a another word, his arms were around me. I felt numb and did not make the attempt to hug him back. I felt his arms engulf me in a warmth that I had long forgotten, the caring and love for a another human being. Even if this action was done out of pity , a thing I loathed the most, I accepted it this once. I felt his hand comb through my hair and than I heard the words that I always wanted to hear, words I thought I never heard.

"It's alright."

Was I crying?

I clinging to his bare chest and cried.

Suddenly, the magic was broken by the ring of my cellphone. I quickly backed out of the hug and realised that I was clinging to him and I was crying like a little baby. How embarrassing, the blush to my cheeks would not go away the moment I remembered the only thing between him and his naked body was a small towel around his waist. I quickly went to the pick up the phone before he could see my blushing face and I make things more awkward.

I did not even look at the number and just picked up.

"Hello Bambino. How was the job?"

I already knew who was on the other side with their temporarily cheerful voice.

I already felt the pout on my face when I heard that name again in Italian that I did not
know the meaning to. I was going to argue but do I really want to deal with a bipolar Vincenzo right now...?

Not really.

"Hey Vincenzo, it was good. The pay was great like you said but.." I wanted to comment on the business going on in the club but than I thought of Michelle's threat and decided against it. Vincenzo may know something but if he didn't, I rather not be involved and the look in Michelle's eyes still makes me shiver. It's a smart move to not get involved.

"But?" He question with all the excitement gone from his voice.

What to say?

Then I remembered something unpleasant.

"You don't need to send someone to take me home."

Not someone so rude.

"Sorry, I thought you would not know the area and I had to babysit so I sent him but I heard what happened from Michelle."

"What did she say?" I said quickly and hoped she did not say I cried and stuff. Please.

"She said you had a fall out but she did not know over what. So that's what I was going to ask you, so what happened that made you cry?" The tone of his voice changed. I could hear a smile on his lips but it was malicious but I could also tell it was not aimed at me. I thought of Richard and my gut told me to lie or something bad will happened.And that's what I did. Lie.

"We were speaking and than I cried because I broke a glass on my new job and thought I would be fired." I lied and hoped he could not tell.

"You're not lying right?" The smile and malicious intent still lingered his voice yet the sweetness in the voice was fake and could not be compared to how he first greeted me.

"Yep, it was embarrassing enough so don't mention it again."

I heard voices of children call his name repeatedly.

"Ok fine, Bambino. I just wanted to check you got home safely, I'll be at the club tomorrow to take you home so let's get some dinner on the way. I can't stand being with these kids another day, ciao."


He hanged up and I did not know why but I sighed with relief like if he caught on I was lying he would of killed me. Who knew what he do if he knew I was lying. The thought of even being caught, scared me so I pushed it to the back of my mind and prayed he never know.

"You know Vincenzo?"

I jumped. I turned to meet those eyes of blue and that tall figure who was no longer in a just a towel but just had pants on. He was still bare chested and was staring at me with a emotionless face. I could already feel the blush to my cheeks when I thought what happened a moment ago before the phone call.

I nodded.

"Vincenzo Salvatore?" He asked.

I nodded and once I did. The look in his eyes change.

Wait? How did he know Vincenzo?

"How do you know him?" The look in eyes with filled with some sort of suspicion and watching for every lie I make. This now a interrogation felt like.

"I met him at school."

"How long have you known him?"

"A few days now."

"Why were you working at that club?"

"I just started yesterday. Vincenzo got me the job when he found out I needed a job."

"What do you know about his family?"

"Nothing really. I know he has cousins."

"Are you close to his cousins?"


"Good. Make sure it stays that way."

Vincenzo said something along the same lines.

"Why?" I asked the same question.

"They're dangerous and unpredictable."

This was the same warning from Vincenzo. I did not understand why they both were saying this but I could see whatever was in Vlad's eyes was telling me not to ask. The unasked question was bugging me and I know I shouldn't ask. I thought they were dangerous because Daniel's behaviour and violence yet they were talking about both of them. So how was Gerardo so bad? Wasn't it only because of Daniel's behaviour?

"What's the meaning for the tattoo on your chest?" I had a feeling I shouldn't ask so I changed the question to a another thing I've been curious about. He put his hand over the tattoo and a tight and forced smile across his lips. I think this was a worse question than the one I wanted to ask....

"It's the date and time of my father's death but the day I made a promise."

"Sorry for your lost," I felt compelled to say it and I knew I should not ask more. The expression on his face told me that he wasn't over his father's death completely. However, somehow that forced and tight smile seemed sad yet the look in his eyes told me he loved and missed his father unlike me. He must have had a great father.

"Your father must have been a great one right?"

The expression changed to a serious one and a unreadable one as he stared at me, "Why do you say that?" I smiled at that suspicion in his eyes and that ice cold look.

"Because the way you look when you thought of your father."

He smiled at me.

"You're right, he was a great man even if he made unreasonable demands."

Unreasonable demands too!

I thought it but somehow kept my mouth shut.

Somehow, a conservation based around Vlad's father started and he told me some of his funny childhood memories like this one time his family were on holiday and he talk about how even though his father acts like he does not care about him and his brother , he forced everyone to do skydiving and he did it even though he scared of heights because his brother complained about wanting to do it but refused to do it by himself.

He done other stuff, he talked about his father never verbally showing affection yet does it through his actions. Vlad smiled sweetly when he carried on. Than he spoke about his mother. He said she was a quirky and cheerful character. A woman who's word was law of the house and not even his father could fight back without any teeth marks, she was the only woman who could make his father bow with only one word. He was laughing when he told me a story when his mother and he and his younger brother pulled a horrible prank of their father that ended their father not talking to them for two days. Yet only forgave him and his brother because their mother said so. Vlad looks better when he laughs, it was weird seeming him laugh yet I liked his laugh. Sadly, his mother later died of a disease that lead him looking after his younger brother as his father hid his emotions by staying focused on his work. Vlad never told me much about his younger brother even when I asked. A irritated and angry expression touch his pale face while his fists tightened, It was not aimed at me but the only thing I could do was hold the fist.

He told me he rather not talk about his brother. All I knew about his brother is his name, Abram. The way Vlad said it with his accent said more correct and better than me saying it. I wonder what happened to his brother?

It seems he's alive. I'm somewhat happy that Vlad not all alone, he seems to really love his family and I envy that. I miss mine but they'll never miss me. I was grateful he never asked or brought up my family, it's like he knew I did not want to talk about them. I don't know what happened next. We went to the market to buy ingredients for dinner, I decided on a easy recipe, spicy chicken and rice. Vlad said he like spicy food and sea food. We talked and I guess I had fun without knowing it. Even if he's a infuriating person, its still fun being around him. Around seven I had to be back at the club to help with opening the bar up.

We talked over dinner about meaningless things yet laughed about stupid things too. However he kept calling me that stupid name in Russian and no matter how many times I asked what it meant or for him to stop. He would follow neither of them. He acts like he never heard my complains to the point that I could no longer be bothered to tell him to stop.

"This is surprisingly good." He commented.

"What does that mean?" I glared yet I got a playful smile back, "It means you exceeded my expectations." I smiled triumphantly "What? Are you afraid to admit how good it is?"

"котенок, I admit it tastes good," The smile and the comment he made was already making me blush because I was surprised he even smiled and admit it, I thought he call it commoner's food and say something like he had better at some posh restaurant.

"You like it?"

Vlad laughed at the confusion on the boy's face, Vlad liked the food and the company with it. It was better than eating alone at some five star restaurant with some business clients or a date for the night. The client would always either just talk about the deal they wanted or try to kiss up to his feet and get what they wanted. Then his date would insult those lower than them or tell him boring stories about what brand they brought, they were either trying too hard to impress him or were after his money. It was exceedingly boring sometimes after his father's death and his brother's disappearance. He would always eats dinner alone. So he enjoyed the company that was not after his money or trying to win him over to get something back.

"It's so good, it make you a good wife for anyone," Vlad laughed and Darius had a pout on his face. Vlad found it cute that there was nothing Darius could say back, he watched Darius take the plates to the sink and he watched Darius take his and wash the plates. He watched the figure wash the plates and not only was the kitten cute but those narrow hips and below. Vlad smiled. He liked this. This atmosphere. Nothing to do with work or nothing to do with his money. It was a peaceful setting that he wished nothing destroyed it. Even in a cramp and tiny small apartment like this could make him feel so peaceful and happy. He knew the real reason for the smile. It was the boy washing the dishes. Vlad imagined if everyday would be like this if Darius was his.

"Marry me."

Darius looked back and laughed believing Vlad was taking the joke to a another level yet Vlad had a unreadable and serious face. Vlad had to be joking, no person would ask a person they just met to marry them. Yet those eyes staring at him with such a harsh intensity were almost seemed unpredictable.

That had to be a joke.....

"Funny Vlad but you're bad at jokes," he turned back to wash the dishes yet he had a eye on time to make sure he made it in time for his job.He was already ready and only stayed later than he had to because of Vlad.

"You're going now?"

Darius put the last dish on the drying rack and quickly nodded and made sure not to forget anything. Not before, a hand grabbed his wrist. He met those eyes of blues again the unreadable emotion in them was clear.

"Here take this," a black USB was placed into his hand and stared at it for a moment and than met those eyes of blue that seemed very serious now.

"Make sure to hand that to Vincenzo." The USB was a gift for letting him meet Darius, if Vincenzo never gave that job to Darius than Vlad would have never met Darius. The truth was, that USB landed in his possession by accident. After he was already in a foul mood, some stupid man who seemed in some rush, bumped into him and made me spilt my wine all over me, I ordered my men to deal with him, I would of done it myself yet I had to change to new clothes. Yet after my men were done with him, I had found this USB and looked on it.The Salvatore family should thank me but I was going to sell the information or even blackmail them with it. In the end, I rather do them a favour to their family as they made me meet someone I thought I never would.

"What is it?" Darius stared at the USB in confusion.

"Consider it a gift." Darius was scared by the cold smirk that ran across Vlad's lips. Darius pocketed it and gave himself a reminder to give it to Richard so he can hand it to Vincenzo.

I should of never taken that USB....

Darius quickly left in a rush and once the door slapped close. Vlad sat there and remembered what he asked the kitten. A forced smile set upon his lips as he thought of the proposal he made to Darius.

"я серьезно( I was serious)."

I'm sorry for the mistakes, I really wanted u to read this chapter already.

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