The Girl Who Cried Wolf (Watt...

By gioviandrea

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"Why won't you just accept me!" His voice boomed as his back was turned to me. "Because I hardly know you! B... More

The Girl Who Cried Wolf
Chapter One : South Carolina
Chapter Two : No Way
Chapter Three : Alpha Jett Black
Chapter Four : Sexy Ass Angels Everywhere
Chapter Five : Helping A Fairy God Mother
Chapter Six : Accidents Happen
Chapter Seven : Fat Chicks
Chapter Eight : Fights
Chapter Nine : A Chance
Chapter Ten : You suck
Chapter Eleven : Ugh
Chapter Twelve : Parties
Chapter Thirteen : Revenge is a fun game
Chapter Fourteen : Surprise
Chapter Fifteen : A Different Side
Chapter Sixteen : Alpha Teach Us About Love
Chapter Seventeen : A Beautiful Death
Chapter Nineteen - Is There Any Hope Left
Chapter Twenty - Finish Him
Chapter Twenty-One : Daddy Doesn't Matter
Chapter Twenty-Two : A Little Romantic

Chapter Eighteen : Another Challenge

48 3 1
By gioviandrea

  Sadi and I finished off the last guy no problem. He was even kind enough to tell us where the other sixteen men were staying at.

They were sleeping at a hotel called 'My Roof'. A strange name indeed, but due to its originality we were able to find it in no time.

Ruby, the old lady had finished her errands and I helped her close the shop for the night as she gave us a ride to the hotel.

  Once we reached it, my anxiety that had built up was released. That cause me to have a little attack.

We left Ruby's car and walked over to the inside of the hotel. I decided to sit in the corner of the room to not gain attention as my anxiety was reaching its limit.

  As I tried to desperately control my nerves, Sadi went inside to pay for a hotel room that we wouldn't be in until later tonight.

When Sadi flashed me a smirk, I casually nodded my head and followed her.

We both walked outside and then spoke, worried that someone would over hear us.

"You want the key?" Sadi asked and I shook my head.

"I'll probably loose it." I said in a shaky voice. Sadi looked concerned but placed the keycard in her pocket.

I extended my hand out to her, without question she took a hold of it. I smiled as I whispered the magic words.

"Fly away butterfly to my mate's house."

My eyes closed and then fluttered open as I felt a gush of wind brush across my skin. There I was, standing in the mist of Jett's beautiful home. Or at least that's how I remembered it.

"Looks like a storm passed by here." Sadi commented as I noticed the furniture torn, destroyed and broken every way possible.

Looks like he had some type of rage and decided it was best to take it out on the furniture. Better that then anyone.

I hadn't noticed that I got stuck in my own little world of thoughts, until footsteps were heard in the distance.

"What should we do McKenna?" Sadi asked me as my eyes widen and I motioned for her to go upstairs.

"If you go upstairs their should be a guest room towards your left." I said as she went upstairs.

I would've joined her, but I needed to speak to Jett. I needed a way to get his help.

And without anymore thought, I ran inside his office and scanned my eyes around the room. He should have my phone somewhere here.

Although I did leave my phone in my bag which had been left inside Jacobs car. I'm pretty sure after what happen, Jacob would've given it to him.

But it wasn't here.

"God I miss her so much." Jett spoke in a tone of exhaustion as he was slowly making his way here.

I began to panic as he got closer, so I picked up a random pen and chucked it towards the living room. It flew right passed his face and when he noticed it, I was already gone.

"Hello?" He called out.

I ran upstairs without making a sound. Strange, I know.

Without meaning to I ran over to the room Jett had surprised me with. And started my search for my phone. I didn't catch it at my first glance, but did eventually come to see it sitting on the right corner of my desk.

I grabbed it and hid it inside my pocket. Jett's footsteps were heard right outside of the door and I hid inside the closet in a little corner.

I grabbed the phone and unlocked it. It was on silent just as I had left it. And began to send Jett a text message.

The phone rang, signaling that he received it. He took out his phone, unlocked it and immediately read it. I knew because I heard him snort.

"I know someone's here. This is sick, what game do you think your playing right now?" He said in a disgusted manner. "It's not cool barging into other's houses, especially mine. And who do you think you are saying that your my mate? Huh! You think I don't know what happen to her! But I do and it's been real fun pretending she's alive and well, when in reality she's lying in a coma. Hanging onto dear life for the past three weeks."

I could hear a bit of hurt laced into Jett's words. My whole heart and body wanted to just wrap him into my arms, but I couldn't. Not until everything is cleared with Luna. Which is why I'm telling Jett about this now, rather than later.

"You have three second before I come and kill you." He spoke in a low and deadly manner as he stepped closer to where I was.

I folded my hands together, hoping that he would understand.

"One." Jett said and silence befell the room again.

How do you just tell someone about the goddess giving you a secret mission to kill a person you know and their test subjects? Well I guess it shouldn't be too hard right? After all I did fall for a werewolf, and according to most humans that's just a silly fable.

But that fable just so happens to be my reality. And let me just say, it's not as easy as the books make it seem like. Oh no, it's a lot harder but totally worth it.

"Two." I closed my eyes as Jett stood right in front of the closet doors. I could hear his breathing as his wolf probably was on the verge of taking over.

The closet doors were quickly opened and my eyes opened as they did.

"Three." I said as I stood looking at Jett, who's canines were out as well as his monstrous claws that were ready to take out my throat any second.

Jett fell back as he questioned my entire presence.

"How?" He whispered as I stepped closer to him. "No, this isn't real. You're in a coma."

"Perhaps, but I can say one thing." I pointed down at his necklace he's given me. "I never took this off. Even when I was shot."

"That." Jett pointed at the key. "Was never found." He spoke a tone that indicated his confusion.

"It was never found, because I never actually died." I took another step closer and his gaze fell to the floor. "Right now, as you said, I'm fighting between life and death. I'll come back into the world if I complete a mission."

"Mission? What mission." He said and then paused as he shook his head. "You know what McKenna. I don't care, because your not doing it."

I stared at him in disbelief as he met my eyes.

"What? What do you mean I can't do it!" I shouted at him. "Why because it's dangerous?"

"That's exactly why I don't want you doing it." He admitted and I turned my back to him as I walked back and forward.

"That's not for you to decided Jett." I stated in a tone with just as much authority as he had. "It's mine and that decision has already been made, without you. Whether you like it or not, I don't give a shit. But you will respect it."

My finger that I pointed at him was a few inches from his face and he didn't like my tone.

"And who are you to order me, the Alpha of this pack around. Huh?" He replied with a snarl. I rolled my eyes as I was fighting the urge to spit in his face.

"Jett." I sighed as I was sick of fighting with him all the damn time. "I came here to tell you one thing. And that thing is that I might need your help."

He narrowed his cool blue eyes and my dark green ones.

"With what?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders as I took a seat on my bed, sitting criss-cross. I patted down on the side next me, motioning for him to take a seat as well.

"Long story short, I have to kill beasts that are test subjects. But only I can tell which one's are the test subjects since they are supernatural you can't depict the difference without the enhanced vision." I added and he didn't believe me, but I continued. "I already killed five, leaving sixteen more to kill."

It was easy to see that Jett was taken back by my words. How would he believe me, when not even a few weeks ago when he killed a rogue I believe he said it was called, I yelled at him.

"Prove it." He said crossing his hands over his chest and I sighed.

"Sadi. Can you please come here." I yelled out and Sadi then made her way over. When Jett saw her he stood up, and raised his guard.

"Yes McKenna." She blankly stated and Jett growled.

"How can you trust her?" Jett said to me in a low voice. I stood up sighing as I did so, and walk over to her.

"Because I created her." Jett's brows furrowed together and I went on. "She's my assistant in this mission. And has helped me thus far."

"That is correct."

"But even so, I feel that not all of the all of the test subjects are going to be at the place the other one said they would be." I spoke mostly to Sadi and she nodded her head. "I feel that Hector wouldn't drop his guard so easily and probably knows that five of his subjects had been wiped out."

"I understand. Perhaps Hector is nearby rather than in the same building." Sadi said and I felt that what she was saying was some-what of the truth.

"Your not doing this mission." Jett tried to say again as he grabbed my arm, Sadi narrowed her eyes as she normally does when she has a target.

"Sadi." I cut in. "Wait for me in the hall. I won't be more than a minute." Sadi nodded and left, still having a bit of suspicion.

Once she was out of the room, I was yanked into Jett's arms. I didn't complain but enjoyed the feeling of being held instead.

"Why do I have to loose you again?" Jett asked in a pained voice. "Tell me why McKenna?"

But I didn't know why? I didn't know how to answer his question that I didn't have the answer to. So I was silent.

He held me tighter and buried his head in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck to give him a better access.

"I just don't want to loose you princess." Jett whisper as he kissed my neck. "Promise me you'll come back alive. And when you do, you'll spend a few days with me."

"I promise. And I can spend as many days with you as you want." I answered.

Jett pulled back and then planted his lips onto mine. Making me feel the yearning he's had for me trapped inside.

Before it got anymore heated, I pulled away. Now was not the time to be horny.

"Goodbye Jett." I said as I began to walk away. My fingers left his and then he spoke.

"I love you!" He shouted as he stood in the door frame and I smiled.

"I know." I told him.

Coming out into the hallway I was met with Sadi who flashed me a mischievous smile.

"Did you kiss your romeo goodbye?" Sadi teased me and I shook my head at her. "Good because I have a strange feeling about tonight."

"That makes two of us." I told her as I took her hand in mine.

Again, I repeated those magical words.

"Fly away butterfly to the our hotel room in My Hotel."

That same feeling of fading took over and within three seconds we stood hotel room we had paid for earlier.

"The room they're staying are next door to us on the right side." Sadi informed me as she peeked out the window while I opened the back door that led to the balcony.

I look out towards the night sky. And then curiously my eyes shifted to the right, where Sadi said they were staying at.

Their hotel lights were off which meant that they were most likely, already sleeping.

It wasn't until the hour struck one in the morning that we began our attack. Sadi, she was my look out as she stayed in the hotel room, on the balcony. She would warn me if she heard or felt movement through my watch.

Once I was inside the hotel room furthest from mine, I swallowed the pill. Almost instantly, my clock started counting down.

The pill gave an effect that allowed me to disguise myself as something they held close to their hearts. To some that was a person and to others it was a thing.

I began to engage into the mission as I fooled the members of the room. There was about eight members inside this room only. That was half and half was a lot to murder.

I took a deep breath and began toying with the emotions the experiments surprisingly had.

A man with black hair, similar to Jett I felt like, saw me and began calling me by the name 'Roxy'. I played along until I was close enough to plung my poison inside of him.

He fell and cried, who I assumed was his lovers name, as he did so. Perishing to dust was a common sight to me as I finished this room within fifteen minutes.

It had taken some members more convincing than others to believe. But even as some fell, I knew they had seen right through me. It was a feeling that had no explanation because I, myself did not know whether it was a good feeling or bad.

I soon moved into the next room, starting the same process. This time there weren't as many people, making me realize that what Sadi and I guessed about Hector, was indeed correct.

Rather than having eight people there were four. Which means that Hector must've kept his favorites with him for protection while the others defended themselves. After all it wasn't a big difference since they were all going to perish soon.

Everything was going smoothly until I got to the fourth person, the last one in the room.

He hadn't been sleeping, but was rather enjoying the chilly temperature of October outside. His back was rather tensed and I couldn't help but feel familiar.

Possibly because Jett had the same posture whenever he was stressed.

As I thought of Jett once more, I failed to noticed that my target began to move to where I stood.

  "McKenna?" I froze at the sound of my name. Not necessarily my name, but more of the person who said it.

  How could he?

  How could he out of everyone I knew, actually be apart of Hector's psychotic experiment?

  "McKenna is that really you?" He asked as he touched my shoulder, and I didn't reply. The words just wouldn't come out.

And in a flash he wrapped me into a tight embrace I didn't expect. As he held me tight I felt my wrist buzz.

It was my watch telling me that the time was up.


Did you enjoy it?

If so please free free to share your thoughts ^,^

Who do you think is the guy that she was surprised to see? An old character or possibly a new one? Well I'm not telling you :)

Until next time my little shining stars!

-Gigi :)

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