Style (zouis mpreg)(book one)

By ConWeCallLove

345K 20K 5K

"The world is filled with flashing lights and pretty smiles. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe they w... More

zero: the rumor of the century
one: the party that started it all
two: the one nightstand
three: wake-up call
four: what do those two lines mean?
five: who's the baby daddy?
six: baby tommo or tommo babies?
seven: liam finds out
eight: the consequences
nine: mother knows best
ten: dick move
eleven: the picture worth a thousand words
twelve: the plan
thirteen: love in an elevator
fourteen: the thin line between love and hate
fifteen: the odd things
sixteen: switzerland
seventeen: proposal
eighteen: speechless
twenty: baby number two
Bromance Awards
twenty-one: overemotional
twenty-two: growing up
twenty-three: on my own
twenty-four: let's talk
twenty-five: the other malik
twenty-six: year one
twenty-seven: year two
twenty-eight: the birthday party
twenty-nine: the apologies
thirty: meet the family
thirty-one: miles away
thirty-two: one small step
thirty-three: a truth and a lie
thirty-four: the hypocrite
thirty-five: deja vu
thirty-six: morning sunshine
thirty-seven: applesauce
thirty-eight: the blame game
thirty-nine: idiocy
forty: love and lust
forty-one: up in flames
forty-two: strings attached
forty-three: take my love and run

nineteen: nutella

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By ConWeCallLove

nineteen: nutella

"Lou, you okay?" Harry asks nearly a week later. The two boys were having lunch together at one of Louis' favorite places. The nineteen year old boy had yet to even touch his food though, which in turn made Harry worry for him slightly. Well more than slightly, but Harry was always worried about Louis. 

"Just tired is all." Louis whispers, refusing to look at Harry. Louis couldn't really tell Harry was wrong, he didn't know to be honest. Ever since the charity event, Louis had felt off. What Liam had said kept finding its way into Louis' thoughts and it was driving him crazy. He already knew that Zayn was a dick, that in the end this was all just some f ucked up deal that shouldn't even be happening... but the mere thought of Zayn leaving him behind, dumping him on the side of the road with his two kids... It hurt Louis and that scared him. It had been years since Louis felt like this, and the nineteen year old absolutely hated it. 

"So, do you know what it's called when you put nutella on salmon?" Harry asks, wanting to lighten up the mood. He didn't know how else to help Louis, and it was driving the boy made. He knew that this wasn't easy for Louis, he just wanted to help. Louis didn't answer Harry, picking at his food a little which was a small improvement. Harry waited patiently for Louis to answer, but when a few minutes passed Harry decided to finally deliver the punch line. 

"Salmonella." Harry says, his voice holding a fake excitement to it. Louis didn't even giggle, hell he didn't even acknowledge the fact that he'd spoken. Harry lets out a sigh before running a hand through his hair. He didn't know what was wrong with Louis, he didn't know how to help him... 

"Lou, you know I'm here for you if you want to talk..." Harry whispers, reaching across the table to take Louis' hand. Harry gives it a small squeeze, earning a sad smile from Louis but he wasn't looking at Harry. Louis' attention was on the small engagement ring that sat on his left hand. He wanted nothing more than to take it off, throw it out the window or something... 

"I know..." Louis whispers back but he was still refusing to look at Harry. 

"Then why aren't you talking to me?" Harry asks, his voice still holding the calm tone it had before. Harry just wanted to help, but Louis wasn't letting him. Louis takes in a shaky breath, looking away from his ring for a moment. 

"I don't want you to tell me something that I already know. I don't want you to tell me that I'm making the biggest mistake of my life by... by being with Zayn. I don't want you to tell me that I'm going to get hurt. I'm scared Harry, and I just need someone to tell me that it's going to be okay." Louis' voice cracks as he speaks, silent tears falling down his cheeks. He wiped them away with the back of his hand before letting out a humorless laugh, shaking his head a little as he finally looks at Harry.  "I don't want my children to grow up thinking that their dad didn't want them, I don't want them to be like me." Louis whispers out, biting on his bottom lip as soon as he finished. Harry didn't even hesitate in standing up and walking over to Louis' side of the table. He pulled the crying boy into his arms, letting him curl up into his chest as he silently cried.  

"It's going to be okay, Lou." Harry whispers, rubbing Louis' back in what he hoped was a soothing way. It didn't take long for Louis to stop crying, pulling out of Harry's embrace with a sad smile. He once again wiped at his eyes before promptly smacking Harry on the arm.

"Ow, what the f uck?" Harry asked, glaring at Louis as the other boy laughed. 

"That's for the salmonella pun." Louis said, giggling a little as Harry continued to glare at him. Harry really wasn't hurt or offended.

"I thought it was brilliant." Harry grumbled, but he couldn't help but smile too. He liked it when Louis was happy. 

"It was terrible Harry, so terrible that you now owe me ice cream." 

"You haven't even touched your food, there's no way in hell I'm buying you ice cream until you've eaten at least half of it." Harry says, earning an eye roll from Louis. 

"Last I checked, I was the one who was becoming a parent. Not you." Louis pointed out, his smile fading just a little for a moment. Harry noticed the change in his mood, and was quick to move on from that subject. He didn't want to see Louis upset any more, it had been way to often lately.

"Eat your food, then we'll talk." Harry said, his voice stern as he does so. Louis once again rolls his eyes before taking a bite of his sandwich. Harry grinned in victory before returning to his side of the table. Louis finished eating after a few more minutes, grinning brightly at Harry as he showed him his empty plate. Harry smiled fondly at the boy, shaking his head a little as he did so.

"I believe I was promised ice cream." 


It's been like a month since I updated this.

I cry.

Oh well, sorry haha.

I'll try to get better.




Connie xx 

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