Rather Be (A Camren Story)

By iloveyou1234566

384K 9.3K 3.4K

"There is no place in the world I rather be than with you." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 22

10.8K 276 60
By iloveyou1234566

"I am here with the lovely ladies of Fifth Harmony and one little jaguar," the interviewer smiled at the camera. "How are you ladies?"





I pouted at Camila's response of being tired and gently brushed my hand over hers.

"So you girls are currently killing it on the Reflection Reunion Tour with a sold out tour in the matter of minutes," she started. "What would you say has been the best part of this tour and how has this tour differ from the others?"

"We have definitely stepped up our choreography despite being broken up for two years. Our vocals are also a lot stronger and we made sure to have more time with our fans during meet and greet."

"Having two little youngins running around everywhere has definitely been a lot of fun. There's never a dull moment," Dinah added as she bounced Ashtyn on her knee.

"She's beyond cute," the blonde hair, blue eyed interviewer said as she looked over at Ashtyn.

"Thank you," Camila and I said in unison before laughing at each other.

"What is it like having two toddlers running around back stage?" She asked.

I took the mic out of Ally's hand before answering. "It definitely adds to the craziness because we constantly have to have our eyes on them, or else they'll be in a million different things," I giggled. "But it's also a lot of fun having them on tour with us."

I looked over at Ashtyn who was smiling goofy at the camera.

"The girls must be having a blast with having both of their moms with them everyday. Has there been any discussion on what you're doing for their fourth birthday?"

"Bouncy place! Bouncy place! Bouncy place!" Ashtyn chanted as she jumped up and down.

"Nothing has been finalized yet, but it looks like we might be going to a bounce place," I giggled at my over excited toddler.

The test of the interview went by smoothly. Most of the questions asked were sent in by fans. It was nice to have an interview where Camila and I's relationship wasn't brought up.

"Are we going to tell them right now?" Camila asked, looking over at me.

"Do you want to?" I questioned.

"We have an hour before we need to be ready for sound check. It won't take us that long and I think it will be better if we tell them sooner rather than later.

"Then let's go tell them," I said, grabbing a hold of her hand.

Camila and I gathered the girls who were chasing each other around the coffee table. We took them across the hall to an empty dressing room and led them over to the ugly plaid couch.

"Girls, mommy and I have to tell you something," I said, sitting down on my knees in front of them with Camila.

"We be big sissies?" Ashtyn asked with a wide grin on her face.

I look over at Camila, unsure of the answer of that question.

"Why do you always look at me whenever that question comes up?" Camila asked, turning her head to look at me.

"I don't know, you could always be fucking Dinah while I'm asleep."

"Ooo," Kayne said, her eyes widening.

"Bad mama," Ashtyn scolded.

"Money missy," Kayne said, sticking out her hand.

I looked at the girls before looking at my chocolate-eyed wife.

"You know the rule, Laur."

"This rule is stupid," I mumbled.

"You're the one who came up with it," Camila stated.

"That's two monies," Kayne said.

I pulled a few crumbled up bills out of my pocket and handed it to the two three-year-olds.

"So back to what mama and I wanted to tell you," Camila said, reverting our focus.

"So you know how mama and I go on stage and sing every night?" Camila asked as she tried to explain this concept to a toddler.

"Yes," Ashtyn nodded.

"Well after your birthday, Mama and I are going to be going on more stages and singing," she went on.

"We ride bus?" Ashtyn asked excitedly.

"No baby, you and Kay are going to stay with abuela, abuelo, and aunts Sofi."

"You and mama go bye bye?" She asked as her emerald eyes filled up with water. Her tiny bottom lip started to quiver as she locked eyes with Camila.

"Come here Ash," Camila said, pulling Ashtyn off the couch and into her arms.

It broke my heart as I watched tears fall down my three-year-old's face.

"Mama and I will be back," Camila said before kissing her on the side of the head.

"Mommy and I will call you every single night before you go to bed," I added as I ran my fingers through her wavy raven hair. "We won't be away for too long."

"It's okay Ash," Kayne said, sliding off the couch. "You still have me," she stated, hugging her twin sister from behind before kissing the top of her head.

To say I'm not getting teary-eyed would be a lie. My heart was like an erupting volcano, sending warmth all throughout my body. Nothing is more heart warming than when your kids do things to comfort one another.

There was a knock on the door before Erik's raspy voice spoke up. "I hope I'm not interrupting something, but I have just been informed that the show for tomorrow night has been canceled."

While he was talking, Kayne let go of Ashtyn before putting her face in the crook of my neck.

Kayne has always been the more shy one of the two, but she rarely ever hides her face in the crook of my neck when someone she's not familiar with walks in.

"Thanks for letting us know," Camila politely replied before the dirty blonde left the four of us alone.

"Is it bad that I see him everyday, but yet I don't remember his name?" Camila asked, giving me a serious look.

"His name isn't worth knowing, baby girl," I reassured her before kissing her temple.  "Just know he's a dick."

"Lauren Michelle," Camila scolded. "Not around the girls." 

"I'm just stating facts," I shrugged.

"Mommy what's a dick?" Ashtyn asked out of curiosity.

"Ashtyn, don't say that," Camila said sternly.

"Sorry mommy," she apologized. "But what is it?"

"I'll tell you when you're older," Camila answered as she glared at me.

"Fine," the emerald-eyed toddler huffed.


"They actually put you and Mila in the same room together?" Dinah asked after the elevator doors shut.

After the show ended, our van took us to the hotel we're staying in. Ally, Normani, and Camila talked and took pictures with the few fans in the lobby. Dinah helped me get the twins bathed while the three were downstairs.

They came up not too long after and Dinah and I made our way down there. We talked to the harmonizers for awhile before we were made to go back up to our room. 

"Camz and I have always shared a hotel room," I stated as the elevator started to move. 

"It's like they don't care that none of us will get any sleep tonight," the Polynesian groaned.

"Do you honestly think Camila and I would have sex while our daughters are in the bed next to us?" I questioned.

"I don't know what you two nasties do," she said as the elevator doors opened.

I rolled my eyes, not replying to her comment.

"But it still surprises me that management put you and Camila in the same room."

"Why does it surprise you?" 

"I thought management was against all things Camren," she replied.

"They don't want us to do things in public that would make it look like Camila are in a relationship," I began. "But for once in my life, I'm actually going to agree with them. It's nice to finally have a private life again," I went on.

Will was the first person to find out that Camila and I called off the divorce. He found out by walking in on Camila and I's heavy make-out session. Will always has and probably always will be one of Camila and I's biggest supporters, Dinah being the number one on that list.

"I bet," Dinah said as we made it to her room. 

"Hey, what are you, Mila, and the little jaguars doing tomorrow?" Dinah asked as she slid her key into the door.

"I'm not sure," I replied truthfully. "We'll probably just relax. Why?" 

"I need to borrow your offspring tomorrow, preferably Kay."

"What for?" I asked, raising one eyebrow.

"I'm FaceTiming with Zendaya tomorrow, and she said one of her biggest weaknesses is seeing me interact with kids, so I need one of those.

"You 'need one of those'?" I giggled. 

"This isn't a time for laughter, Ralph," the blonde girl huffed. 

"You know I hate that name," I said, rolling my eyes. "Just for that, I'm not letting you borrow my offspring."

"You're not being serious right now."

"I am serious. Night Dinah," I said before walking to towards my room.

"Lauren," she called out, grabbing a hold of my wrist and spinning me back around. "I'm truly sorry for calling you Ralph. Can I please borrow the girls," she begged.

"I don't know," I said trailing off with a smirk planted on my face.

I've always known Dinah has had feelings for Zendaya since 2014, but she's always been too afraid to admit it. She has always tried to put those feeling on the side because "she can't possibly be romantically in me". Therefore, ever since 2018, Dinah has gone on a bunch of dates with someone new every time.

"Lauren," she pleaded. "I'll do anything."

"I'll get back to you by tomorrow morning," I smirked before returning to my room.

Dance, dance

We're falling apart to half time

Dance, dance

And these are the lives you love to lead

Dance, this is the way they'd love

If they knew how misery loved me.

Camila and the girls were jumping on the bed while they rocked out with their inflatable air guitars.

"What is going on in here?" I asked after turning off Camila's speaker.

"Hey," all three of the said in unison as they stood still.

"Bed time," I said sternly. "Especially you missy," I joked as I looked Camila straight in the eyes. 

"Fine," Camila sighed as she jumped off the bed.

"But mommy," Ashtyn whined.

"Mama is right, It's night night time," Camila said, taking the inflatable guitars out of their hands.

"But I'm not sleepy," Kayne yawned.

"I'll go make us a bath while you get the girls asleep," Camila whispered into my ear, turning me on.

"C'mon rockstars, it's time to go to sleep," I said, grabbing a hold of the both of them.

I set them down on the floor before pulling the blankets down on the bed. They climbed into their bed while I retrieved their sippy cups from the mini fridge. I tucked them in securely before giving them their cups.

"I have to pee," Ashtyn spoke up.

"Do you really have to pee?" I asked my eldest daughter.

Ashtyn has a record of having to "go to the bathroom" when she wants to stay up longer.

"Yes," she answered, nodding her head vigorously.

"Do you have to pee, Kay?" I asked my youngest daughter as I untucked Ashtyn.

"No," she answered before taking a sip from her cup.

I walked Ashtyn over to the bathroom door, knocking lightly on the wooden door.

"Come in," Camila said on the other side.

"Ash has to pee," I said, unsure if she was undressed.

"Send her in," Camila replied. 

I opened the door and sent Ashtyn in with Camila. A few minutes later, the door reopened with an energetic toddler jumping out into the room.

"Now we sleep, monkey," I said, picking her up and laying her down in the bed.

"Mama, I need to pee!" Kayne said as she held herself. 

"You just said you didn't have to."

"I didn't but now I do," she said, squeezing her eyes shut tightly.

"Let's go," I sighed as I led her to the bathroom.

"Camz, offspring number two needs to pee," I said with a bit of irritation in my voice.

"C'mon Kay," Camila said, opening the door for the brown-eyed toddler.  

Kayne quickly used the bathroom before coming back out. 

"All better," she smiled before running back to the bed.

"Hurry up," Camila said loud enough for only my ears to hear before she shut the door and the click of the lock went off.

I gulped before returning back to the two toddlers.

"What else can mama do for you?" I asked, hoping they would quickly fall asleep, so I could return to my awaiting wife.

"Fluff my pillow," Ashtyn said, sitting straight up so I had access to her pillow.

"And mine," Kayne said, copying her sister.

I quickly fluffed up their pillows, hoping this would send to asleep faster.

"Anything else princesses?"

"House," Ashtyn said, referring to Full House.

Camila and I introduced the girls to Full House at a very young age. I think we could all agree that Full House is a million times better than Fuller House.

"One episode," I warned before walking over to my laptop bag.

By the time I fired up my computer and put in the disc, Kayne was already passed out. I rested my laptop on Ashtyn's lap, clicking on a random episode. Her eyelids were already becoming heavy so I knew it wouldn't take too much longer.

Not even five minutes later, two for two were passed out. I placed my computer on the desk, pausing the barely started episode. I made my way to the bathroom, knocking anxiously on the door.

Seconds later, my sexy Latina wife unlocked the door with a devious smirk planted on her face. My eyes wondered up and down her beautiful body as I tried to prevent drool from running out of my mouth.

"Like what you see?" Camila spoke up.

I nodded my head, unable to utter out any words.

"Are you going to join me or just stare?" Camila asked as she climbed back into the Phoenix bath bomb tub.

Instead of answering her question, I quickly stripped out of my clothes.

"Up," I said, finally able to speak a single word.

"No," Camila said, shaking her head.

"Camz, you know I'm always the big spoon," I stated.

"And tonight we're changing things up," she replied.

Instead of arguing, I climbed into the purple bath water. I pushed my back into her front while she securely wrapped her arms around my waist, leaving tiny kisses on my earlobe.

"I love you," she mumbled into my ear.

"I love you too," I replied, leaning my head back on her shoulder.


Hi beautiful people!!

I'm sorry it's taken me awhile to get another update out, but I'll try harder on getting more frequent updates.

But in other news, I saw the girls on Saturday and I literally died. I was in the second row and Lauren literally killed me.

Also, I've been debating on writing a Norminah one-shot. Should I? Would anyone read it?

I hope everyone has a great day/night!

- Ashley

Twitter & Ask.fm - dinahaddict

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