My Personal Trainer《BTS JIMIN...

By misshobie

311K 11.8K 9.1K

Please read the authors note (^ω^) Especially if you're Jimin biased~ Most impressive ranking #9 in btsjiminf... More

Author's Note
Chap. 1: Jumped
Chap. 2: Personal Trainer
Chap. 3: First Battle
Chap. 4: The New Jimin
Chap. 5: Truce
Chap. 6: Feelings ╮(╯3╰)╭
Chap. 7: Backfire!
Chap. 8: I'm Over It
Chap. 9: Open Your Eyes
Chap. 10: I Quit
Chap. 11: You what?
Chap. 12: And The Winner Is...
Chap. 13: Same Old Ex
Chap. 14: Paralyzed
Chap. 15: On The Contrary
Chap. 16: I'm Back
Chap. 17: Give Us A Try
Chap. 18: Power Couple
Chap. 19: My Name Is.. ㅠ.ㅠ
Chap. 20: Build Up
Chap. 21: Distracted
Chap. 22: Say That Again?...
Chap. 23: No Bond Whatsoever
Chap. 24: Rematch
Chap. 25: Bullet Wound
Chap. 26: Fading Away
Chap. 27: Almost Broken
Chap. 28: A New Hyung
Chap. 29: A Tall Stranger?
Chap. 30: Mine Forever
Chap. 31: Hidden Secrets
Chap. 32: Truth Revealed
Chap. 33: Wicked Witch
Chap. 34: Heart
Chap. 35: 22nd Anniversary
Chap. 36: 미안해
Chap. 37: Dance Like We're Making Love
Chap. 38: Wrong One
Chap. 39: Missing
Chap. 40: ¡FOUND!
Chap. 41: Shot Down
FINAL CHAPTER: A Second Chance


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By misshobie

-Years Later-

"Ah! Ah! Oww! Taehyung-ah it burns!" I exclaimed.

He giggled, "Hold still, take it like a man!"

I tried to hold still.

"Aish! Are you done yet?!" I shouted.

"Will you relax! I'm applying the color now."

"Are you sure you're doing this right?"

"Dude I've done this a hundred times."

I sighed and hissed.

Hoseok, Namjoon, Jin and Tony walked in.

Tony: Haha Jimin~

"Oh my gahhh..Tae you're hurting me!"

Hoseok: Aigoo Jimin, you're the one that wanted to do this to surprise Jina.

Namjoon: Hey I did that color once too.

Jin: Haha you're gonna look so cute.

"Don't call me cute!"

Jungkook: Ok hyung so you're ugly then.

Yoongi: I knew it all along.

I giggled, "Where are you young one?"

He popped up from behind me and smiled.

Jungkook: You're actually going through with this?

"Yep! Jina keeps being called a Freak so...I guess we both should be Freaks."

Everyone laughed.

Tony: You guys aren't Freaks.

Yoongi: Except when you're alone.


Yoongi: I'm just stating facts. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Hey Kookie did you get the cake?"

Jungkook: Yes~ I got the cake you specifically asked for. The boxing ring looking cake with a trophy on top.

I smiled, "Good. Ah man she's going to love it."

Taehyung: Will you guys get mad if I said I told her about the surprise?


Taehyung: I take that as a yes.

"You did not tell her!"

Taehyung: It was an accident!

Tony: How'd you end up spilling the beans?

Taehyung: She asked me if there was a surprise and I said yes. There is.

All: BABO!

This kid, really?

Taehyung: You were supposed to shout my name -.-

Jungkook: She was supposed to be surprised hyung! Aish you ruined it.

Namjoon: Not quite. She doesn't know about Jimin.

Tony: Oh yeah? So you're the surprise then~

I giggled, "I guess so."

My baby's going to smile.

Since the day we met, no problems, no fights, no bullshit has ever occurred. Serena was never involved, but I did fight The Slayer, however he never got a grudge on me. He kept it professional.

Jina was there for me at my first fight, unlike the first time. She's been my personal trainer since. Never left my side.

Since I knew I would get expelled and transferred to Jungkooks school, I never fought. Therefore, I was never expelled and I was able to help Jina through her first few days at school.

Hoseok came into the picture at the exact same time he did the first time. But I got along well with his friends. Even with Taehyung as soon as I met him, unlike the first time.

He did admit he had a crush on Jina but since I was his friend, he respected our relationship.

The first night she kissed me, I kissed her back. I'll forever remember our first kiss. But we didn't make it official just yet.

Jina and I got together just like we did the first time. The time we went to the carnival when Jungkook got sick. Except this time I won the race~

A lot has repeated but without the bullshit going on and it's only made me happier. And has brought everyone a lot closer.

We're all a big family.

Being with the love of my life is like walking on heaven. Jina and I have been supporting each other and inseparable.

My parents had their 22nd anniversary party, but this time. No one left upset, everyone was happy that night.

The best part was, the camping trip getaway, everyone tagged along. And it's forever a vacation I'll never forget.

Jina and I made love. Like the first time, except this time it was more passionate, pure and a little intense.

Overall, I'm grateful she's still with me, even after we graduated high school.

I'm also grateful I made a bunch of friends, who are all happy for me.

Hoseok and Jungkook got me into dancing and surprisingly, I'm freaking good at it. Almost too good.

I plan a special performance for my baby girl, Jina is going to cry.

Taehyung: Ok I finished rinsing your hair, now time to blow dry~


He started the blow dry and ran his fingers through my hair to dry it and fluff it.

-text message-

'From Jina: I have something special to tell you tonight. Can't wait <3 '

I smiled and put my phone away.

Tony: I saw that~ ayee.

Yoongi: Jimin gettin sum.


Yoongi: Oh shut up. We're not kids anymore. We're adults?

Jin: Jungkook is only 20.

Jungkook: NOT a kid anymore..

I giggled, "You guys remember the plan?"

Hoseok: Yes yes. I will lead. But one question?


Hoseok: Why are the lyrics to this song so emotional?

Taehyung turned off the blow dryer for a moment.

I sighed.

Jin: Oh yeah? I noticed that.

Taehyung: I like it.

Yoongi: My lyrics are the best though.

Jungkook: It has a sweet tune to it though.

Namjoon: Mhm. Agreed.

It's sorta based off from what I went through before I was given a second chance. I still don't know how it happened, it was like a miracle. Sometimes I like to imagine it was Jina's parents that had something to do with it. I can't be more thankful.

"There was this dream I had.." I began, "It was sweet then almost felt real."

Because it was.

"I lost everything..literally."

Everyone seemed so intrigued with what I was saying.

"Then suddenly I woke up I am."

They all smiled.

Taehyung: So..touching. *continues to blow dry Jimin's hair*

Hoseok: *smiles* I like that.

Yoongi: Seriously though, my lyrics are the best.

Namjoon: Let's give a killer performance.

"Yes. Lets."

Jungkook: Noona is gonna be SO shocked she'll be left speechless.

I smiled.

She sure is though.

The guys rehearsed their lyrics as Taehyung finished with my hair.

Taehyung: And..done!

He turned the chair around and I saw myself in the mirror.


"Wow..I look-"



Hoseok: Tae you did a good job~

Taehyung: Duh?

Namjoon: I like it. Cool.

Tony: You look different, but a good different.

Jungkook: Ok can we go finish setting up the party venue?

All: YES!

Everyone scattered meanwhile I remained in my chair staring at myself.

I smiled warmly.

This is my happy ending.



"Hey you." I said.

"Are you coming?" He asked.

I got up and walked towards him and embraced him, "I love you." I said.

He awkwardly hugged me back, "Ok? Haha..I love you too."

I pulled away, "I mean it though, I'm thankful you're in my life."

He giggled, "Hyung.."



-Party Venue-

Jungkook: Ok, decorations, check. Cake, check. Dj, check. Everything else I could careless about, check.

I chuckled, I rubbed off on him so much.

Taehyung was blowing bubbles.

Hoseok and Yoongi were rehearsing their lines.

Namjoon was sleeping.

Jin and Tony were finishing up the last touches, and I was keeping an eye out for anything.

This venue looks great. We did this?

The stage looks awesome, each table is well decorated. A bunch of balloons. The food looks delicious, thanks to Chef Jin. And overall...this has to be one of the best surprise birthday parties Jina will ever have.

It even looks better than prom.

Ah prom~

A night to remember.

Jina slayed in her golden tight REVEALING dress. But regardless, she totally shined out everyone that night.

Best part was, she was my date.

I slow danced with her that night and nearly cried. Only because I lost her once. And I thought, what if I wasn't given a second chance? I wouldn't have been there with her.

And none of this would be happening.

Jungkook: Ok everything, check. Let's go home and get ready. Jina just texted me she finished getting her hair done.

Hoseok: You know, if it wasn't for Taehyung, we wouldn't be rushing -_-

Taehyung: *blows bubbles in Hoseoks face*

Hoseok: Argh! *covers eye* *slaps Taehyung's arm* it hit my eye!

Taehyung: *slaps Hoseok* don't hit me!

Yoongi: Ok goofballs. Lets go.

Namjoon: *wakes up* what happened?

Tony: We out.

Jin: Tonight will be like a never ending party~


I chuckled as Jungkook put his arm around me and we all left.


-Jina POV-

I decided to go with the white dress. Simple but cute.

I knew they had something planned.

Thank god Taehyung tells me everything.

My baby Jimin is so sweet!

Oh umma and appa...if only you guys were here to see just how happy he makes me. I'm sure you guys approve of him.

He's always been the one, it's always been him. Aish and with the great knews I heard today. We'll be even more inseparable.

I mean, we have our own mansion thanks to Jimin's kick boxing career, healthy relationship, great friends. We're not married yet'll come soon.

I squealed just thinking how happy we're going to be. Forever.

*knock knock*

"Come in."

Jungkook walked in, "Noona omg. You look so pretty!"

"Thanks Kookie, are we leaving now?"

"Yeah. In a bit, but I have something to tell you first."


He sat with me on my bed.

"You and Jimin are so happy together." He said.

"Well duh? That boy knows how to treat a girl."

"Yeah...but I love him right?"

"With all my heart."

He nodded but didn't smile, instead his eyes were watery.

"Kookie..whats wrong?"

"N-nothing..I'm just so happy for you noona. All our lives we've struggled horribly and look. Here we are. All happy and finally living our lives peacefully. I just...I just want to always see you happy."

His words touched my heart that I felt the tears form.

"Your love for Jimin love I never knew existed until he came into the picture. But you know what's weird?" He asked.

I sniffled, "What's weird?"

"I feel like..I've met him before. Like even before I knew him. It's weird.. like I lived a past life where he was in it too..."

I put my hand over his and smiled, "I feel the same way too..maybe Jimin was meant to be in our lives. I mean, after all his parents were good friends of ours."

He chuckled, "Yeah true..but I don't know. Jimin is just..perfect I guess."

I smiled. It makes me relieved that Jungkook is so close with Jimin.

He smiled, "Alright well..let's get going. I have something special for you tonight. We all do."


Jungkook had this long H2 Hummer limo waiting outside! It was purple too.

"Wow! Daebak! Are we going to a ball or something?"

"More like an underground club." He lead me in and shut the door after he got in.

I'm so excited!


We arrived at the place, he held my hand and escorted me through the dark hallways.

"Ok, you go in first." He whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked.

"Just go!" He pushed me in.

-lights flick on-

Everyone: SURPRISE!!!

My jaw dropped and my eyes widen.

This venue is SO HUGE.

Everyone is here. Jimin, my friends, Tony, classmates, co-workers.

I simply couldn't be more overwhelmed with tears. I expected a surprise but I'm blown away.

Jimin walked towards me with a bright smile on his face.

My eyes widen even more! "Babe!" I yelled and ran into his arms.

He chuckled, "Happy birthday, Jina."

I pulled away, cupped his face and kissed him hard he'll want more.

He broke the kiss, "You like?"

"Babe your hair! It's RED!"

He smiled, "Now we can be weird together."

I kissed him, "I love you so much."

But honestly he looks drop dead hot.

Soon enough I saw everyone else, and the next one I embraced was Hobi.

He giggled.

Hoseok: Happy birthday!!

I laughed and the others greeted me.

Taehyung: Happy birthday, Jina.

I locked eyes with Taehyung and smiled, then soon hugged him tight.

He's been through what I've gone through and I've shown him so much love. He forgot how it felt like to be lonely.

I pulled away, "Thank you."

Jimin held my hand.

Jimin: Well, let's get this party started!


Everyone cheered and I was ready for this never ending party.

I danced, laughed, smiled, I lived in the moment, with people who love me, and Jimin.

My everything.

Who knew the boy I saved years ago, would be my only true love?

Its fate.

-music stops-

Tony suddenly tapped on the mic and caught everyones attention.

Tony: How's everyone doing tonight?

Everyone cheered, so did I.

Tony: Good. Now, where's the birthday girl at?

A light flashed before me.

Tony: There you are, come close, get a good seat up front.

I chuckled and made my way to the front as people clapped for me.

He smiled.

Tony: This one's for you, for being the best personal trainer, best big sister, and most of all, best friend.

People whistled and clapped for me and I simply smiled feeling overwhelmed.

Tony: Happy birthday, Jina.

With that all light shut off and dim blue ones hit the stage.

I saw Jimin, Hobi, Taehyung, Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin.

They're all in position.

What's going on?

-Music Plays-

(A/N: For your convenience, feel free to listen to BTS: I Need U, while reading along. Thank you!)

Fall ( everything)
Fall ( everything)
Fall ( everything)

[Jungkook] heuteojine

Fall ( everything)
Fall ( everything)
Fall ( everything)

[Jungkook] tteoreojine

[Suga] neo ttaeme na ireohke mangajyeo
Geumanhallae ije neo an gajyeo
Mothagesseo mwot gataseo
Jebal pinggye gateun geon samgajwo

[J-Hope] niga nahante ireom an dwae
Niga han modeun mareun andae
Jinsireul garigo nal jjijeo
Nal jjigeo na michyeo da sirheo
Jeonbu gajyeoga nan niga geunyang miwo

[V] But you're my everything (You're my)
Everything ( You're my)
Everything ( You're my)

[J-Hope] jebal jom kkeojyeo huh

[V] mianhae ( I hate u)
saranghae ( I hate u)

[Jungkook] I need you girl
Wae honja saranghago honjaseoman ibyeolhae
I need you girl
Wae dachil geol almyeonseo jakku niga piryohae

[Jungkook] I need you girl

[Jimin] neon areumdawo

[Jungkook] I need you girl

[Jimin] neomu chagawo

[Jungkook] I need you girl

[All] I need you girl

[Jungkook] I need you girl

[Jimin&All] I need you girl

While they danced, Jimin and I kept locked eyes.

[Rap Monster] It goes round and round na wae jakku doraoji
I go down and down ijjeum doemyeon naega baboji
Na museun jiseul haebwado eojjeol sugaeobtdago
Bunmyeong nae simjang, nae maeum, nae gaseuminde
Wae mareul an deutnyago
Tto honjatmalhane

[V] (tto honjatmalhane)

[Rap Monster]Tto honjatmalhane

[V] (tto honjatmalhane)

[Rap Monster] Neon amu mal an hae a jebal naega jalhalge
Haneureun tto parahge

[V] ( haneureun tto parahge)

[Jin] haneuri paraeseo haetsari bitnaseo
Nae nunmuri deo jal boina bwa
Wae naneun neoinji wae hapil neoinji
Wae neoreul tteonal suga eobtneunji

[Jungkook] I need you girl
Wae honja saranghago honjaseoman ibyeolhae
I need you girl
Wae dachil geol almyeonseo jakku niga piryohae

[Jungkook] I need you girl

[Jimin] neon areumdawo

[Jungkook] I need you girl

[Jimin] neomu chagawo

[Jungkook] I need you girl

[All] I need you girl

[Jungkook] I need you girl

[Jungkook&All] I need you girl

[Jin] Girl charari charari heeojijago haejwo

[V] Girl sarangi sarangi anieotdago haejwo

[Jungkook] naegen geureol yonggigaeobseo
Naege majimak seonmureul jwo
Deoneun doragal su eobtdorok

[Jungkook] I need you girl
Wae honja saranghago honjaseoman ibyeolhae
I need you girl
Wae dachil geol almyeonseo jakku niga piryohae

[Jungkook&V] I need you girl

[Jimin] neon areumdawo

[Jungkook&V] I need you girl

[Jimin] neomu chagawo

[Jungkook] I need you girl

[All] I need you girl

[Jungkook] I need you girl

[Jimin/Jungkook/All] I need you girl


The crowd cheered and Jimin jumped off stage and kissed me hard. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back.

He broke the kiss, "I'm nothing without you."

"I love you, Jimin."

He smiled and pressed his lips against mine once more.

All: Jina~

I turned and a swarm of my beautiful hot friends all hugged me at once.

-Jimin POV-

Jina, where do I begin with that girl? After all we've been through in the past, and then the second time..

She's my everything.

Tony came afterwards and spread more happiness.

While others went to party, I went out to the balcony and stared out into the beautiful night sky.

Thank you, to whoever gave me a second chance to make things right.


I turned and smiled at my girl.

"Hey you."

She giggled and ran her fingers through my hair, "You look really good in red hair." She bit her lip.

I chuckled and kissed her, "Just for you."

She rested her hands on my chest, "That was kinda sad..I mean don't get me wrong! The melody and beat and choreography and everything was amazing!"

I smile

She sighed, "But the lyrics..what did they mean?"

I held her hands, "No matter what you put me through, I'll always need you."

She remained silent until she smiled.

"'re about to go through much more!" She bit her lip.

I raised an eyebrow, "What's going on?"

She smiled and kissed me, "You're not gonna believe it."

"Believe what?"

She chuckled.

I chuckled, "Babe c'mon tell me."

She tippy toed and got close to my ear, "I'm pregnant." She whispered.

My eyes widen as I looked right at her

"Now when we go to your big fights, we'll have an extra supporter."

"You're...which means...I'"

She chuckled and placed my hand on her tummy, "Aren't you happy?"

I'm more than happy.

I carried her and spun her around, we both laughed. I gently put her down and kissed her hard.

"This is the best night of my life." I said.

She smiled and caressed my cheek, "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Same." I replied before crashing my lips on hers.

She wrapped her arms around me.

Like I've said before, I'm very grateful Jina saved my life that day. I'm more than grateful I was given a second chance.

Now I'm beyond grateful we are blessed with a baby.

Who would've thought the scronny boy from the beginning would go through so much and end up in this happy ending?

I still dont know how but I'm not questioning anything.

For now, I'm going to continue living happily ever after with, My Personal Trainer.















》》》》》THE END 》》》》》

A/N: Ok the alternative ending might not be as good as this one. But I'm still going to give it my best shot and you can choose how this story ends afterwards.

Love/Thank you,


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