Keep Me Warm (Niall Horan)

By DiamondsintheSun

4.6M 68.8K 16.6K

[THE SEQUEL IS UP NOW, IT'S CALLED BIRDS] Maddie was just an ordinary girl. She worked in a music shop, and s... More

Chapter 1. Welcome to my life.
Chapter 2. Whyyawannabringmedown.
Chapter 3. Behind enemy lines.
Chapter 4. Try, try, try (Just to be nice).
Chapter 5. She will be loved.
Chapter 6. Brighter than the Sun.
Chapter 7. Playa boi (Don't you mess with me).
Chapter 8. (Drag your heart up to) the starting line.
Chapter 9. Circles.
Chapter 10. Writing songs (about you).
Chapter 11. Why can't we be friends?
Chapter 12. World of chances.
Chapter 13. Come to me.
Chapter 14. Say you like me.
Chapter 15. Bite my tongue.
Chapter 16. Dark Side.
Chapter 17. First date.
Chapter 18. Dance with me tonight.
Chapter 19. Hold me in your arms.
Chapter 20. Misguided ghosts.
Chapter 21. Count on me.
Chapter 22. Fallin' for you.
Chapter 23. Mine.
Chapter 24. Love at 10th sight.
Chapter 25. Magic.
Chapter 26. Kiss me.
Chapter 27. Little Things.
Chapter 28.Turn around(together nothing can stop us now).
Chapter 29. Afraid of losing you.
Chapter 30. Fight for you.
Chapter 31. I lied.
Chapter 32.Goodbye my lover (you have been the one).
Chapter 33. Christmas lights.
Chapter 34. Save you.
Chapter 35. Everything has changed.
Chapter 36. Breaking your own heart.
Chapter 37. I hate myself for losing you.
Chapter 38. Oath (to you).
Chapter 39. I almost do.
Chapter 40. Hummingbird heartbeat.
Chapter 41. Junk of the heart (Happy).
Chapter 42. Be your everything.
Chapter 43. The heart never lies.
Chapter 45. Love is Easy (Final Chapter)

Chapter 44. Obsessed with you.

45.7K 1.2K 177
By DiamondsintheSun

Guys! Here you have chapter 44! This chapter didn't exist in the beginning, but since you all seemed to love Alan, Maddie's friend, we thought we'd make a new chapter with him on it :) So here it is, a chapter which shows Alan's obsession for Harry! Enjoy it :)

Thanks again for all the reads, comments and votes in this story, now go check 'Deep Into Abbey Road' please! Chapter 1 will be posted over the weekend! :)

Also, there is only one chapter left of KMW, we're sad about it, but excited for the new story! We don't know when we'll post the last chapter yet, but we'll let you know ASAP! :)

Lots of love xxx


'My friends they just don't understand, they can't see my point of view,

they say it's gotten out of hand, that I'm obsessed with you.

But I wanna get next to you, I love all the things you do.

I wanna get close to you, you are my dream come true.

I wanna have sex with you, your sweet caress won't do,

'cause I'm obsessed with you'.

July, 2013

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God… I still can’t believe I’m finally meeting Harry!”

“Alan!”, I shouted.

“What’s wrong?”

“Stop it now! You haven’t talked about any other thing since you arrived!”

“It’s just because I’m finally getting the chance to make him fall in love with me!”

“For the millionth time, Harry is not gay!”

“For the millionth time, that’s because he hasn’t met me yet”.

I couldn’t help but laugh and kept on packing my stuff.

“Are you nervous?”

“Why should I?”

“It’s been a while since you last saw him”.

“Just two months”.


“I miss him, but I have to get used to it”, I said, shrugging my shoulders.

“Maddie, can I ask you something?”

I looked at him, raising my eyebrow. I had never seen him that serious, so I had no choice but to nod and wait for his question.

“Do you think I have any chance?”

“What are you talking about?”


I couldn’t help but laugh at him, once again.

“Alan, please!”

“I just don’t want to get my hopes up…”

“Well, listen, I don’t know, but I think he isn’t gay. But hey, who knows, maybe he falls for you and he changes his sexual orientation. We’ll know in a matter of hours”.

He smiled satisfied, and went out of my room to go to the living room. I smiled. This trip would be a real adventure. Just in that momento, someone called me on my phone; it was Niall.

“Hey you”, I said.

“Are you still at your place?”

“Yes, Alan got here a while ago and I’m just packing my luggage”.

“Is he nervous?”

“Who, Alan? I haven’t seen him this nervous since I met him, and the worst of this is that he really thinks he has some sort of chance with Harry. God, he’s like a child”.

“We’re going to have fun”, he laughed.

“If we don’t kill him first”, I added, making him burst into laughter.

“Well Niall, I should get going”.

“Alright. Try to sleep during the flight”.

“Yes, Niall”.

“I can’t wait to see you, Maddie”.

“Neither do I, but I should go now. See you”.

“Bye Maddie”.

I hung up and put my phone back into my pocket. I grabbed my bags and went to the living room, where Alan was waiting for me. We left the house, took a taxi and headed to the airport. We were now ready to go to the States.

Hours later...

“Alan, I refuse to wear that”.

“C’mon, I ordered them for the both of us”.

“Thank you, but no”.

“C’mon Maddie”.

“You can wear yours if you want to”.

“No! I want you to wear yours too!”

“I’m sorry, but I won’t Alan. That would be embarrassing”.


“I said no”.

He sighed and locked himself in the bathroom. I couldn’t help but laugh at his attitude. We had arrived in the morning and had been sleeping at the hotel since then, so we wouldn’t be tired during the concert. And since we woke up he hadn’t stopped annoying me. He had made some special t-shirts for the gig. Mine read ‘Niall’s girlfriend’, and his read ‘Harry’s boyfriend & husband to be’, and I obviously refused to wear that in public. I was almost ready, and he hadn’t come out of the toilet yet.

“Alan? Will you be there much longer?”, I asked.

“No, I’m coming”.

He got out, but he wasn’t wearing his t-shirt. I looked at him, raising my eyebrow.

“It’s because Harry and I don’t want to confirm our relationship yet”, he joked.

I laughed and we left the hotel. We got to the venue and sat on our seats. Alan couldn’t stop moving and speaking to everyone near us. Next to him there was a really nice boy, Dean. Both of them were as obsessed with the boys as one could be, so they really got on. The concert started and we were having a good time. The boys were great live, they had fun and it was obvious they loved it there.


“What now Alan”.


“He didn’t wink at anyone, it was just that the cameras are flashing at him, and he didn’t wave his hadn just to you, but to everyone in here”.

“Whatever Maddie, you’re just jealous…”

Once the gig was over, we went backstagr. The door was opened, and Niall ran to me and pulled me into a hug. I smiled and hugged him tightly. He kissed my forehead and parted a bit away from me.

“I love that you’re here now”, he said.

“And I love that Harry’s here so Alan can leave alone for a while”.

We laughed and turned around to see them. Alan was introducing himself, shy as I’ve never seen him. Niall and I sat on a couch, when Alan came to us, dragging Harry along.



“Harry was waving at me during the concert, he just told me himself”.


I knew that he only said so to get Alan’s mouth shut. Everyone did it some time. Truth be said, Alan was crazy, but he was a good boy, and a great friend. He left with Harry and once again Niall and I were alone.

“The concert was great”, I said, resting my head on his shoulder”.

“Are you moving in with me in the end?”

“Are you going to ask me the same question every time you see me?”

“Well, if I only see once every two months, then yes”.

“Alright then. I’m moving in with you”.

“Are you serious this time? Because you didn’t seem to be sure the last time I asked”.

“Yes I am, you fool”.

“Well, in that case, I want you to have everything sorted for when I’m back from the tour. Because as soon as I get home, you’re coming with me”.

“Of course”.

“Maddie, I’ve missed you”.

“I’ve missed you too, Niall”.

A week after...

“Maddie, I have something to tell you”, Alan said when we took our seats in the plane.

“Tell me”.

“I met someone”.

I opened wide my eyes.

“What? Who? When?”

“Do you remember Dean?”

“From the concert?”, he nodded. “Oh God, don’t tell me you and him…”

“Yes. Before we went backstage we exchanged numbers and during this week, while you were with Niall I was with him. He’s nice”.

“But he lives in America, and you’re from London”.

“You’re wrong. He’s from London. He’s just here during the summer because his parents live here.”

“Oh… and what happens with Harry?”

“Bah, it woul never work out. Must be the distance”, he sighed. I looked at him smiling.“No, I was just kidding. I like Harry, but just as my idol, nothing more. And, Dean is so handsome and so…”

“Alan, I thought that now you don’t like Harry anymore you’d stop bothering me with conversations about boys”.

“That’ll never happen Maddie. I still have a lifetime to bother you with that sort of stuff,” he said, pulling me in for a hug.

I smiled. Oh God. This lad was unbelievable. 

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