Caskett: Rescue Me

By MyCastle47

21K 767 47

Kate Beckett is a homicide detective who is in a relationship with Josh Davidson. Although Josh is an abuser... More

Chapter 1: It all started
Chapter 2: Questions
Chapter 3: No Answers
Chapter 4: Help?
Chapter 5: Seriously
Chapter 6: Caught in the Act
Chapter 7: I Need You
Chapter 8: Dangerous Encounters
Chapter 9: The Wrong Mistakes
Chapter 10: Aftershock
Chapter 11: Bad Timing
Chapter 12: Complete Disaster
Chapter 13: All the Way
Chapter 14: Cat Fights
Chapter 15: False Hope
Chapter 16: Problems and Dilemmas
Chapter 17: Baby Jokes
Chapter 18: Success?
Chapter 19: A New Start
Chapter 20: How Did it Come to This
Chapter 21: Would You Rather
Chapter 22: Solving the Problems
Chapter 23: Quick Surprises
Chapter 25: Pain and Suffering
Chapter 26: Monkey See Monkey Do
Chapter 27: The Breaking Point
Chapter 28: YAS
Chapter 29: Old Flames? I Think Not...
Chapter 30: Men Are Stupid
Chapter 31: Parties
Chapter 32: Choices and Reasons
Chapter 33: The Final "Episode"

Chapter 24: Sickness Calls

430 21 1
By MyCastle47

KATE'S P.O.V. I woke up at 6:00, and rolled out of bed. I decided that I wouldn't wake Castle up, for this murder. I quietly got dressed and made myself some coffee in the kitchen. I was almost out the door when I heard loud and long coughs. I found the cause coming from Castle. I walked in and rubbed his cheek. "Castle," I whispered, "Wake up. Come on, you need to sit up." Slowly I saw Castle open his eyes, and hold in a cough. I helped him sit up, where I heard him wheezing. "Castle are you okay? Do you want me to stay home with you?" I said sitting on the bed, and gently massaging his hand. "No, no," Castle said hoarsely, "Wait you guys caught a murder today?" "Yeah, but there is no way your going." "Why? I want to help!" "But your sick!" "Please?" "I'll update you hourly, if that helps." "But-" "Castle! Your acting like a child." I said laughing. "Don't laugh at me." "I gotta go, Castle." I said kissing his cheek. I then walked out of the bedroom, and was passing through I heard James crying, "Mommy! Mommy!" James yelled. I then quickly headed up the stairs and into his room. I found James crying and coughing. I picked him up and tried to calm him down. I sat in a rocking chair and asked him what was wrong.

"James, calm down, what's wrong?" I said feeling bad for his cries. "My-throat mommy! My throat!" James cried, and I could feel the tears running down his shirt. "Aw James, you're sick. And so is daddy. I should probably stay home." "But what about the bad guys, mommy?" "I'll catch them tomorrow." "No! Today." "Why?" "Because they hurt people." "But both you and daddy are sick, how can you take care of each other?" "I don't know." "Well you know sissy Alexis?" "Yeah!" "Do you want to see if she could watch you and daddy?" "Yeah!" "Ok, I'll go call her. Do you want to see daddy?" "Yeah!" I then carried the slightly calmer James down the stairs and into our bedroom. As I entered Castle slowly turned around in bed. "Hey Castle," I started, "James is sick to, so I figured that I could call Alexis and see if she could watch you and James." "Ok." Castle replied with a cough. "Ok, here take James." I said laying James next to Castle. I then left the bedroom and called Alexis. She said she would be there in a few minutes. I thanked her bunches of times. About 10-15 minutes later Alexis came. I gave her a hug, thanked her again, and left for the body.

- - -

When I arrived at the crime scene, I saw that Captain Gates was at this murder. I wandered if it was political figure or something. I walked up and was stopped by Espo. "Hold on." He stated putting his hand on my shoulder. "Why," I asked trying to push past him, "who's dead? Javi, who!" I pushed past him and ran to the body. I felt sick. I then saw Lanie over a dead body, the body's face was blocked though. I bent down by Lanie, but she zipped up the body bag just as I reached her. "Who is it?" I said. "Honey, I can't show you." Lanie said, looking very sad. "Lanie," I said pushing by her, but then Espo, and Ryan came and picked me up and brought me far away. Lanie then came by me, "Who is it Lanie!" "It's your dad." Lanie said, and instantly I burst into tears, pushed past everyone and ran to the body bag, I opened it up and saw my dad, dead and lifeless. I fell to the ground and started crying loud and uncontrollably. I was instantly comforted by my friends who were like my family. But now I had no family. No parents. I had no one. All around me I head 'it'll get betters' and 'we'll help you get through this'. But I didn't want any, I wanted to be alone. So I slowly got up and Gates approached. "Detective," She started, "I understand if you want some alone time, which is why you're not allowed to work this case." "That's not fair!" I screamed, "I have too, he's my dad. And I solved my mom's murder so I'm going to do the same for him." I said turning and walking away from Gates and the crime scene. I got in my car and drove to no particular location, but drove to where my car wanted me to go.

I ended up making my way to an abandoned building, I didn't know why I was here. But I needed to be alone, and to be where no one would find me. So I got out of the police cruiser and parked it a few yards from where the building was, and decided to walk the rest of the way. Because I knew if they couldn't find me they would track my cruiser. I made my way into the building, the doors weren't locked, (why would they, it's and abandoned building XD) it looked like a house, that had been burnt down in a horrific fire. I stayed for quite awhile, carefully making my way through all of the rooms and thought of what this family was like. I came upon a picture of a family. It wasn't burnt like the rest of the house. I picked it up, and looked at it. It was a family. It had a mom, dad, two sons, and a daughter. I smiled at this family, they all looked so happy and carefree. But then I looked at the house, I figured they had all died. I then became depressed. As I was setting the picture down on the ground I heard a noise come from one of the back rooms. It was a creak in the floorboards, and then I heard a glass bottle being kicked. the noise came from the left and when I turned I saw a bottle rolling out of the room, and hitting my foot. I heard creaking floorboards once again, and then slowly turned and quietly exited the house.

Once I exited the door, I felt the cold New York breeze air, and ran to my cruiser, I knew that it was probably an animal or something, but it was the thought that bugged me. What if it was a person, what if it was a murderer. So I got into the car and drove to the loft. I wasn't expecting Castle to know about dad yet. It wasn't necessarily a long ride but it had weight. I didn't know how to tell Castle but I knew I had to. When I reached the loft I slowly opened the door to see Alexis in the kitchen and James asleep on the couch. I just assumed that Castle was asleep in bed. Alexis turned when she heard the door and smiled. "Hi Kate!" She said being her peppy self. "Hey Lex. Um, where's Castle?" "He's in the bedroom, I told him I would make him some soup." "Ok." I said turning to walk away. "Kate," "I turned to look at Alexis, "Are you ok? You" "I'm just fine." "Ok, just checking." I then walked into the bedroom where I saw Castle passed out on almost the whole bed. His arms and legs were sprawled across the bed. I chuckled a little bit. I then sat a the bed, and decided not to disturb him or wake him. Once I sat down I saw him open his eyes, and groan.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to wake you." I said getting up and off of the bed, hoping that he would just fall right back asleep. But he didn't. "It's ok," he half whispered, "Just sit back down." "Ok." I replied plopping down on the bed and laying on the pillows, laying on of my feet on top of the other at the end of the bed. "Why are you home so early? Isn't it like only 10:00 or 11:00" he started. "Um, it's 11:47." I stated back. I could tell that he sensed a difference in my actions. "What's wrong?" "Nothing." "Just tell me." "It's about my dad." "Ok, what? Did he make out of the city safely?" "No." "Oh no, did he get into a car accident?" "No." "Then what?" I started to cry. "He's dead. He was murdered." I said crying. Instantly Castle came to my aid, sick and all. He sat up and embraced me tight. I drowsily laid my head in the crook of his neck, and calmed down. "I'm so sorry Kate." "It's ok." "No it's not." "It's not," I cried, "My whole family is dead." "I know but know you have a new one, me and James." "But I didn't want a new one, I liked the one I had. And it would be even better if I had both, but now I have none." "Listen, I know your upset, but you can solve this murder, you solved your mom's, and your unstoppable." Castle replied patting my back, and kissing my head. I felt better. Castle always knew how to fix me up. Not to long after Alexis came in with soup and handed it to Castle. She asked what was wrong and we told her. She gave me a hug and told me how sorry she was. I accepted this and then a few minutes later I went to go see James. Alexis told me that there was a soup on the counter for him. And when I went into the kitchen there was a bowl of soup on the counter for him, so I went over to the couch where he was laying and kissed his forehead. It felt hot. Slowly James opened his eyes and greeted me, with a 'MOMMY' and a hug. I told him to sit up, so I could feed him his soup. I knew I had to tell James about my dad, but why ruin a happy boy for now. James was feeling better and I didn't want to mess that up.

Hey pretty people! <3 Thank you so much for all the reads! Tell me what you think of this chapter! -k

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