bad things happen, good thing...

By linala92

35.1K 1K 54

When your parents die in a deadly accident, your whole world turns around. Paige's parents died in one of tho... More

chapter 2
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Chapter 81

chapter 1

2.8K 59 8
By linala92

Like i promised, here is the Jared Leto book^^ hope you'll enjoy it

My name is Paige, I'm from Miami. I'm an Echelon for years now. This band saved my life, after i lost my family.
We had an accident, when we were on our way to the airport. Mom and Dad talked with each other as a trucker lost the control over his truck and drove straight in our car. Mom and Dad were immediately dead, so the police told me. My little sister and i sat behind them, they protected us even when they were dying. Eve and i were taken to the hospital and that's it, i can't remember anything from then on until i woke up again.
I woke up after 2 weeks, everything felt strange. Dr Meyers told me that Eve died too. She lost so much blood, that her body colabite. I cried for a long time.
After my legs healed Dr Meyers took me to her home. She became my bigger sister, wich i never had. Every single day she was with me. 8 months after this horrible turn, it was my birthday. Brianna's gift for me was the 2nd album from 30 Seconds To Mars, A Beautiful Lie. I heard it 24 hours a day. That's when i became an Echelon. This is already 3 years ago and i'm 24 years old now. I'm already excited, next month the new album This Is War will come out.

I already live alone, in a big appartement near by Brianna, well i call her Nana. I work for a big event agency, we plan events (obviously…) and all festivals you can imagine all over the country. I met many, many, many famous people since i work there, but one man stayed in my head. A well known actor and singer: Jared Leto
When i first met him, he introduced himself as Bartholomew Cubbins. He thought i wouldn't know him, but when you are an Echelon, you know him pretty good. He wanted to play a game and so did i and i intoduced myself as Marie Antoinette. Jared began to laugh. "Okay, okay, you know who i am, but i don't know who you are." "Paige Clark, nice to meet you Mr Leto." "You too, call me Jared." "Thanks Jared." He was in the agency, because we should organize a concert in Miami. After 2 hours he said good bye. I never forgot his blue eyes and we never lost contact.

"You should start to work." My colleague Alan says. I hate him, he's is a rude guy. He talks behind everyone's back and spreads bad rumors. "Paige, Mr Nolan wants to see you." Luckily Naomi calls me and i go to Mr Nolans office. "Hi boss, what can i do for you?" "Hi, a very special person comes around today, we shall organize one or two concerts." "Singer or Band?" "A band! And i remember you talked to him last time." "Who do you mean?" "Jared Leto, the new album comes out soon and he wants us to do it." "Okay, what shall i do?" "Pick him up." "When will he arrive?" "That's the problem, he arrived already. Please hurry Paige." "Alright, bye!"

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