Boys Divisional School of Man...

By boybands77

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What the fuck is the purpose to a manners school? Not what I was expecting I'll tell you that. {Basically a B... More

Boys Divisional School of Manners
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Zustin Special
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 49: smut
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 57 - Part 2
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71

Chapter 36

39.4K 1.4K 4.8K
By boybands77



Happy birthday, Liam!! I'll see you later tonight daddy so I can give you your special birthday present(;


Harry's POV

I woke up Sunday morning feeling hot and sticky. The feeling of being pressed and held by another body has my heart stopping in fear. I push him off of me and I scoot back to the other side of the bed. How the hell did I end up over there? In his arms?

"What fuck Lou?" I growl, as I see his eyes open groggily.

"What?" He doesn't seem to be quite all there yet.

"You were holding me." I state to jog his memory. I stand up out of the bed and reach for the sweat pants I left at the side of the bed, pulling them up to cover me. I don't care how icky I feel, I feel too exposed now in just my boxers.

He sits up and rubs his eye with the bottom of his palm, "You rolled into my arms last night, Haz." His voice is deep and scratchy and he's squinting his eyes looking up to me. The floor to ceiling window behind me is letting in the morning light and it's directly hitting Louis.

"I what?" I would never. I'm a solid sleeper, I hardly move a muscle in my sleep. And we each have our sides with the unspoken line down the middle.

"I was asleep, and then you woke me up by rolling over into me, you were whimpering, I thought you were having a nightmare or something. You were pushing your head against my chest, I thought you were awake. I was trying to talk to you."

Did I have a nightmare? I don't really ever remember my dreams.

"Then there was a loud crash of thunder and you whimpered even louder and your arm moved around my waist." Louis' fully awake now, observing me carefully as he explains what happened.

I'm wishing I had brought a shirt in with me as well, but I'm normally not this shy about my body.

"I remembered what you said about not liking the rain, so I just figured..." He trails off as if I'm supposed to fill in some blank. "I just held you, Haz. Barely too. I had one arm around your back. You were the one cuddling me."

"I was unconscious! You're seriously going to play that card?" I narrow my eyes at him and cross my arms. He stepped out of the bed as well and I can see he was only in his boxers too. Oh god. Last night was too close for too little clothes.

Louis seems to understand my issue and he heads to his dresser for a light blue shirt that he tugs over his head and basketball shorts.

"I'm not playing any card, Harry." He says as he slides the pair of shorts up his legs. "I'm just saying that you shouldn't overthink it. I held you, and you slept fine after that."

My arms fidget over my body and I bite the inside of my bottom lip. He's still standing near the dresser, which is probably best because I don't think I could handle it if he gets any closer. I still can't wrap my head around what he's saying. I don't remember any of it, I don't remember the thunder, he could be lying.

"I swear to fucking god, Louis, if this is a lie, you really crossed the line by touching me that way." I growl at him and his eyes don't move away from mine.

"Touching you that way?" his hand goes to rest on his hip, "Cuddling you mean? Harry, I'm not lying. You know just how patient I am with you." His tone becomes just as harsh as mine. "How could you accuse me of lying to you? If your past is that scarred that you force yourself to alter it in your mind, then-"

"My past?" I quirk my eyebrows, what the fuck is he on about.

"Yeah, clearly something is unsettling to you about thunderstorms. First, not wanting to go outside in the rain, and now crying in your sleep. So if it's your past just catching up to you, thunderstorms must be a trigger for something." He analyzes like he's stating the obvious.

I shake my head with a smile on my face, "Louis." He really knows how to overanalyze.

Louis' face reddens deeply and his shoulders curl forwards in a way of embarrassment, "What, Harry?" he tries to make his voice more confident than he really is.

"A scarred past? Sometimes you're right Louis, but sometimes you're so, so wrong." I look over to him.

"Harry." He grumbles quietly, looking down to the floor.

"There is no emotional scars. No traumas in my life surrounding thunderstorms. I just... I've never liked loud things." My voice is quieter and more reasoning with him. I find it interesting that he put thought into a hypothetical past of mine.

"I was more traumatized to wake up in your arms." I laugh.

He's not laughing. In fact, his shoulders fall, and he scratches the back of his neck.

"No, not like that." I step closer to him, not exactly near him but it was enough movement to get him to look up at me.

"It's fine, Harry." He dismisses, a forced smile gracing his lips.

"I don't like not knowing what happened, that's all."

"You sure don't like a lot of things." It was meant to be a joke, I can tell by the way his chuckle is breathy, but I know he's hurt.

Everything that was said yesterday about how we should talk to each other more, or more specifically, I should talk more.

He's walking closer to me but his head is down and I know he's just trying to make it out of the room.

I grab his elbow when he gets in arm's reach of me, and I gently tug him to face me. He looks pouty and sad and I know he can't help it, I raise his chin up with the side of my forefinger and I remove my hand away from him as soon as he looks up, "Hey, I swear there is nothing traumatic surrounding thunderstorms. My brother didn't kill himself on a rainy night, my dad didn't leave us during a storm; I just don't like the thunder and lightning. It scares me." I admit the last bit in a way to try and show him I'm putting effort into him.

I've caught his attention and his bright blue eyes are locked with mine, his thin lips are already curving into a small smile, "I'm sorry I assumed. That was probably uncomfortable." He looks down to my forearm and he's smiling to hide the awkwardness. His arms cross and his fingers play with the skin on his biceps.

"Next time, just wake me up, okay?" I chuckle, it's a fair option. I'd rather just stay awake than cuddle in another man's arms.

"Alright." He says, and laughs at himself, "Do you want to go out for breakfast? I'm tired of cereal."

I would offer to make us something, but I don't really have the energy for it.

"Sure." I agree.

He moves back towards the dresser, "I'm just gonna get changed. Do you need a shower or anything?"

It's Sunday morning. I don't really want to bother with a shower this early. I'm gonna have a shower tonight anyways for school tomorrow.

I shake my head, "No, 'm fine."

"Alright then. Meet you downstairs in ten."

I nod my head and head out the hall and to my room. As I'm pulling on my fresh boxers and jeans I start to feel the ick from earlier. Louis must be a damned furnace. God, I've never sweat so much while sleeping.

I apply deodorant and it kind of helps make me feel fresher. I opt to wear a Packers shirt that I had tucked away in my bag. It's light green with the logo on the chest and yellow stripes on my arms. Probably the brightest piece of clothing I own.

I hear Louis going down the stairs just as I head across the hall to brush my teeth.

When I meet him in the hallway he smiles up at me brightly, car keys in hand. "Let's go." He says and opens up the front door.

It's almost eleven so I hope whatever place he has in mind is open.

"It's really nice here." I say as I look out the passenger window. There's just fields and fields with houses scattered throughout it. Until we reach a certain point where it develops into suburbs of nice houses and playgrounds and parks.

"It is." Louis agrees as we head down the road I know can take us to the school, but he takes a left in the direction of the town instead of a right. "I love the open land. I could never live in a city. It's too busy and noisy and just a lot of chaos."

I agree with him but I don't mention it. Having only a few neighbors and loads of land between us is really great. I grew up in a townhome. With walls so thin you could sometimes hear the neighbor's toilet flush. I was always so embarrassed when my parents would fight, or when they would yell at me and my siblings. Mainly me. There was a girl who lived next door, her name was Anabelle, she was my age and she only lived there 'til we were about seven. But we were in the same class together, and she would always be really nice to me. I think it was because she heard what went on in my house. I didn't have many friends growing up. I wasn't social. I didn't like talking, actually. My teachers would constantly be calling my parents because they were worried I wasn't developing normally like other children. It was a few years before I saw Ana again, I think she moved to London for a few years, but I saw her in high school. She was still really sweet to me, always asked me how I was doing, she didn't care what anyone else thought of her talking to the biggest fuck up at school. She was still top of the class, and was always surrounded by friends. I hated her.

Louis pulls into a mall parking lot but he points to a detached building that was on the other side of the lot.

"Sunset Mornings." I read aloud as he drives closer. The open sign is flashing and there's a few cars parked outside the building.

Louis pulls into an empty spot that's facing directly into the windows of the restaurant.

We get out and he opens the door for me, I mutter a thanks and we wait beside the podium that says 'please wait here, a server will seat you'

A middle aged lady with her blonde hair in a ponytail waved us over and we went to her and she sat us down a table that had me facing the window outside, and Louis facing into the restaurant.

"Can I get you boys anything to drink?" She asks, her voice sounds motherly. Is that a thing?

"I'll just have a chocolate milk please." Louis says as he starts looking through the menu.

"I'll have the white milk please."

She nods her head and leaves the side of our table.

"I'm not sure what I want." Louis says out loud as he looks over the menu again and again. It's only four pages, but the way his fingers are curled around his chin, and the way his eyebrows are knitted together, you would think he's looking over a menu the size of a dictionary.

I knew what I was getting, so I had the menu folded back up and place on the table.

The lady returns with our drinks and she hands us both straws, "What can I get you?" She turns to me first because Louis is still looking pretty stressed.

"I'll have the big breakfast combo."

How would you like your eggs?"

"Scrambled please." I'm not a big fan of eggs, but if I do have any they have to be scrambled.

"White or brown toast?" She's scribbling down my order onto her little notepad and I tell her white bread.

"And for you?" She turns to Louis.

I have to hold back a laugh because he literally looks about ready to shit himself.

"Uh... I'll have the pancakes then please. With chocolate chips."

"Would you like two hash browns or the home fries?" I think she can sense Louis' unsureness and she's trying not to make her smile too obvious, but she's lacking.

"Home fries please." He decides.

"Bacon, peameal, or sausage? Last one." She chuckles and Louis just shakes puts his fingers beside his temple.

I can't hold back my laughs, and he opts to go with the bacon.

"Remind me never to go through a drive thru with you." I laugh when the waitress leaves to go place our orders.

He looks at me with wide eyes and raised eyebrows and drops his hands out beside him, "Everything looks so good when you've been living off cereal for the last few weeks."

"I've made you breakfasts before." I say, only once I can remember on a Saturday, I made bacon and eggs.

"Yeah, and then you ate all of it." He scoffs.

"Did I?" I laugh, I don't remember.

"Ya did." He says in a sarcastic tone.

"Well, I'll try to make breakfasts more often then. But jeez, I'm makin' you dinners too. I should be getting paid." I chuckle, remembering how he mentioned that he did have a cook growing up.

"I wouldn't mind that. It's easier than you going out and finding a part time job, which I'm assuming you were thinking about doing."

It's crossed my mind. I do need to start making money, because I refuse to let Louis keep paying for my things.

"Yeah, it's fine, I'll make you food, Louis, free of charge. I'll look around for places that are hiring." I say. I don't like discussing financials, and jobs, because it only reminds me poorly I'm doing in those categories.

I had a paper route when I was little, my sister and I both split it, but then she took it over herself because I was lazy.

That was it for my resume. People aren't going to hire someone who hasn't graduated high school, who's been expelled from multiple schools, and has no experience.

"You could get an allowance." Louis suggests.

"What are you? My mother?" I chuckle, there's no way he's giving me an allowance.

"No, but maybe we can start discussing some chores. I've been meaning to bring up the house rules and chores, anyways." Louis' fiddling with the pepper shaker and sliding it between his hands across the table.

Moving forward, Harry. Moving forward.

"Okay. What do you got?" I lean forward, putting my elbows on the table.

He looks up to me surprised, "Well, um, vacuuming. I'm pretty sure the vacuum hasn't touched the carpet since this summer. That should be done at least every week. Bathrooms. But we do a pretty good job at maintaining them. Um."

These seem so simple. I would do them anyway without them being considered chores.

"Okay, how about the house rules, then." I say to give him a break from thinking about the rutty chores.

"Respect is a good thing to have. I don't like when you're rude to guests, especially when you ignore them."

"What am I supposed to do?" It's not like we have many guests. Liam and Niall, and I mainly just ignore Liam. But that's because we have nothing in common. We had Zayn and Justin over yesterday, but socializing and being polite right when I wake up? Not fucking likely.

"Talk to them would be a great start." Louis says.

I roll my eyes, I don't have to worry much about guests, if it's only Liam I have to improve on, then fine.


"Use your manners. Don't lie. Keep your promises. Don't put yourself down, or anyone else. And always, always, always, tell me if something's wrong. I don't care if you think it's embarrassing, if something's wrong I'll want to know. Even if you don't think I can help the situation, I'll want to help you."

I nod my head, I'm not going to argue. But we'll take each situation as it comes.

"Don't be ashamed to be turned on."

My eyes go wide and I look left and right to see if anyone heard him and then my eyes fall to him, "What?"

"Friday night I saw you get turned on when we went to go watch the competitions. Don't be ashamed of it. I mean, you don't have to flaunt your boner around, if you want to I'm more than fine, but don't be embarrassed about it or try and hide it."

My cheeks feel like they're on fire, in fact my whole face does.

"There's more, but I don't think you're ready for them quite yet." He says and looks down to his fingers casually.

"Seem fair?" He asks.

"Yeah, I guess." I nod. I take another sip of my milk trying to cool myself down, it didn't work as well as I'd hoped.

A few minutes of silence go by and then the waitress finally returns with our meals. My stomach ached when I saw the platter of food in front of me. Home fries, toast, eggs, bacon, and eggs.

Louis' pancakes are much bigger than I thought and I'll be shocked if he'll be able to eat them.

We both thank the waitress and she smiles before leaving.

There isn't much talk during the eating, I'm still thinking about how he noticed I was turned on. I wonder if he thinks I was turned on by the competition. I doubt he would've picked up on the fact it was because the man had mentioned his partner in panties. Pink panties. Dear god, just thinking about it now is making me react. Louis said not to be ashamed of being turned on, but how could I not be when panties is what's making me turned on.

We both couldn't finish our breakfasts but we were both full. It was delicious, I wouldn't mind coming back here.

Louis pays, he doesn't even mention me paying.

I thank him and we head out of the restaurant.

"Do you wanna go to the mall? I need to look for some wedding presents for my mum. And maybe some things for my siblings."

I nod my head, we don't bother stopping at the car and we just head across the parking lot to an opening at the mall. It's pretty empty when we head in there, and we begin walking to the right.

We stop at some quilting store that had so many different kind of quilts I felt like I was at a grandma's house.

Louis talked to an elderly lady who worked there, figures, and she showed him all the different types of quilts they could do. Some that would have personal engravings with their names, or some with pictures.

Louis thanked the lady for her help but said that he'd have to think about it.

As we walk out of the small store he says, "Too bloody expensive. For a friggen blanket."

I chuckle and we keep walking.

We stopped in at a few more stores and then he decided for a break from shopping for his mum, and we head into a Mastermind Toys. One of the workers is flying around a remote control helicopter and he lands it on the counter asking if there's anything he can help us with.

"No, we're just looking for my sisters and brother." Louis says, looking at all the puzzles and toys and Knick knacks on tables and displays.

"If you need any help, just let me know." He says.

Louis walks around to a table that had some toy dinosaurs, plush and figurines. "It's so nice to finally have a brother. I'm going to spoil him so much. It's difficult shopping for girls. I never know what they like."

I nod my head, "What's your brother's name?" I pick up one of the T-Rex plushies and take a look at it.

"Ernie. Well, Ernest, but he's going by Ernie." Louis holds up a small grey shirt that looks it would barely fit over my hand.

"That's a bit old school." I say, referring to the name.

"Yeah, it was Dan's idea. My mum's fiancé. Ernie and Doris are twins."

"That's sweet." I remember him saying there were two twins, but it's nice to know names.

"I think I'm just going to get him this. And that." He says cocking his head to what I'm holding in my hands.

We head over to the section with more girly things and he pick out a shirt with a unicorn on it and another unicorn stuffed animal.

I laugh and he shrugs his shoulders, "Gotta be fair." He says and goes up to the cash register.

I wait near the entrance and he finishes up and meets back up with me with a bag in his hand.

"Two down." He smiles. As we walk further I notice the bright pink sign of La Senza and I gulp down the lump in my throat as I notice Louis curve towards the store.

It took me a moment to notice he was pushing us into the store beside it, some pottery store it looks like. I see a sign in front of La Senza, saying there is a sale for buy three panties for fifteen bucks. Expensive.

But I follow Louis into the pottery store and I'm careful to watch where I walk so I don't knock anything over. Louis goes right to the back where the desk is and starts talking to the man behind the counter.

I look at one statue that was all black and it was a man and a man holding hands on a porch swing that was hanging down from a tree branch. It looks cute, and I like it because it doesn't go into any more details besides the fact it's a man and a man.

"Haz?" Louis calls and I turn to face him, "Do you like this one?" He holds up a small statue and I walk to stand beside him.

It's again, an all black statue with no faces, but one has a dress and long hair and the other is clearly a man with the shorter hair, and no boobs. They're dancing together, his hand on her back and her back arching.

"I like it." I say, it seems like a good wedding gift.

"Could you put names on it?" Louis asks the man.

"Yeah, it's charged per letter." The man replies.

Louis nods his head saying it's fine and the man reaches under the desk and gives Louis a form to fill out.

The man takes the form and looks it over before saying it'll be about fifteen minutes. He asks us if we'll be waiting, and Louis says he'll just wait.

"I have to go to the loo." I tell him.

He nods his head and I walk out of the store.

I then turn right into the lingerie store and walk through it awkwardly. It's now or never. I want to try it, but I don't want Louis or anyone else knowing. And I might never get this chance to be away from Louis like this again. A woman who looks about my age asks me if she can help me find anything.

"No, I'm fine." I say shortly, this whole situation is a little awkward for me but she doesn't seem to suspect anything unusual. I'm just another man buying my girlfriend lingerie.

"Shopping for your girlfriend today? Any special occasion?" She asks.

Nosey. "Her birthday." I lie smoothly and look to a table set up with what looks to be the regular kinds of panties. There's so much sheer fabrics, and lace, it's overwhelming.

"Are you looking for an ensemble or just some pieces?" She asks.

"Just underwear." I answer and walk over to the aforementioned table.

She follows me. Shocker.

"This table is the promotion sale," thank fuck, "so anything on here is three for fifteen."

"Thanks." I mumble. And start pawing through some at the top. I don't have much time to waste. The girl leaves, thank god, and I'm amazed at the amount of different patterns there are.

Stripes, polka dots, bows, palm trees, and there's some with a lace trim. There's a lot of bright colors that resemble highlighters but I try to stick with looking at the neutrals. I see a black pair that looks alright, and I look at the tag to recognize it's a style called boyshort. I crouch down to pull out the drawer labeled 'large' and I try to find the same pair. Just holding the material in my hand is making my stomach do flips, it's thin and soft and it feels completely different to that of my briefs.

I manage to find a plain black one in the large size and I just continue to search through the large drawers. There's a grey pair that catch my eye, it goes a little further up the sides than the boy short, but it's higher on the hips and there are small white polka dots spread over it. I pick that pair up too and now I'm left with one more to find.

There are a few different version of white. But I cross out all the ones made of lace or with lace trim, and ones that have small bows either on the front or on the hips. It leaves me with a few pairs. There's one that looks alright, it's the same boy short style and it's plain. I see one that looks more like a thong and I don't even give it a second look. Then there's a white one that has thin black stripes in the boyshort style, and there's a button in the center of the waistline. I could do without the button but I do like the stripes.

Not wanting to spend any more time in here, I head to the cash register with the three pairs and it's the same girl from earlier.

"Is that everything today?" She asks once she rings everything through.

"Yeah." I already have the money pulled out and I'm periodically bouncing on my heels.

She says the total and I hand her the cash and she wraps the panties up into a bright pink bag with tissue paper and I roll my eyes. Dear god I hope Louis' still in that store.

"Your girlfriend's a lucky girl. Enjoy." She says with a smile and hands me the bag.

I take it without another word and I head out the store. I go right across to the men's bathroom and when I'm in the hallway that leads to the bathroom I can look back behind me, across the main strip, and I see Louis picking up one of the display sculptures. I sigh in relief and continue to the bathroom.

I open up the horrid bag and take out the three pairs and shove them into my jean pockets. They're thin enough to fit without being noticeable and I thank the gods for what feels like the hundredth time today.

I dump the bag, receipt and all, into the trash bin and I wash my hands just while I'm there and head back out to meet with Louis.

He sees me and smiles and shows me the sculpture he's holding, "Isn't this gorgeous?" He asks, I have no idea what it is. It looks like a mess of mannequins but I smile and nod anyways.

A few minutes go by of us looking around the small store before the man from behind the counter returns with the statue in his hands. He shows Louis the writing that just has his mum's name and her fiancé's name at the bottom.

"Perfect." Louis says, nodding his head with a smile.

The man wraps it up in bubble wrap and pulls out a box from beneath the counter to put it in.

Louis pays for it with his debit card and he says thank you once again before we head out the store.

I offer to carry the bag that was for the twins, and he thanked me and handed it over. We stopped into a few more stores but nothing seemed appealing to him to buy for his sisters. So we just decided to head back home.

The entire walk I'm nervous about someone seeing the underwear and I'm constantly looking down to make sure they're still hidden in my pocket. They never move, but I'm still paranoid that they have. I get the door for Louis because he clearly has a more fragile bag he's carrying and he smiles at me.

"Oh no." I hear him mutter and he looks down to the ground. I look up to where he was looking to and there's a couple walking towards the mall entrance. The man's eyes are narrowed on Louis.


"Haz, keep walking." Louis says quietly and grabs my hand.

"Louis is that you?" He asks again, tugging the girl over towards us. They're on my side, so they have to get through me if they want anything to do with Louis.

I keep my eyes on them and I glare, I can feel Louis tugging me along and squeezing my hand tightly. The guy might be bigger than I am, but I know I could take him out if it comes to it.

"Harry, come on." Louis says more urgently.

I peel my eyes off the pair, already memorizing what they look like, and I follow Louis who's leading me through parked cars, back to the restaurant where he parked.

"Who was that?" I ask when we get far enough away.

Louis doesn't let go of my hand, but we fall into a more normal pace.

"No one." He lies.


He sighs, "Harry, just... he was my old dominant." He admits and his fingers thrum over my hand, I can feel how clammy his hand is but I don't bother moving my hand out of his because I saw how Louis was. And how he is right now. He's jittery, and nervous, and rushed.

He's looked over our shoulders more than once and he's already trying to fumble for the keys. I reach across his body to grab the bag out of his hand so he doesn't end up breaking the gift.

I don't say anything more as we get to the car and we split our hands and head to our sides. Louis didn't even have his seat belt on, and I barely had the car door closed before he was already backing out of the spot. Far too quickly for a parking lot.

"Louis, slow down." I warn, but he ignores me and continues to speed down the lane, almost hitting a car that was backing out. But luckily he slammed on the brakes just in time, the guy honked his horn but managed to get out and pull ahead of us.

"Louis get out. You're not driving."

"Don't be ridiculous Harry." Louis says with anxiousness in his tone. Hiding it with a laugh.

"Get out. Now, Louis. Before we end up getting killed." I won't take no for an answer and I'm already out of the passenger side and making my way to the driver's side. I catch his eye roll and him hitting his hands against the steering wheel but he obliges and steps down from the driver's seat.

When we're both buckled up safely, I begin to move the car forward.

Louis' leg is bouncing up and down and I reach across to put my hand on his thigh, "Lou, what happened?"

I sneak glances over to him but I remain focused on the road and pull us out of the parking lot.

"He just... he wasn't- Harry, he's just a bad man, okay? Can we leave it at that?" His voice is hoarse and I can tell he's on the verge of tears.

I rub my hand up and down his thigh and his leg relaxes into being still, his hand goes over mine and he just rests it there while his other hand is covering his eyes.

I debate whether or not to pull over so I can talk to him, but I'm not that good with my words.

"I don't know how to get back." I admit as I realize I've made the last turn I remember.

He looks up and I see his eyes are red and he looks around where we are before he covers his eyes once again, "Left on Avendale then right on Pine and go straight 'til our street."

I didn't move my hand away from his thigh but it was still an eerie silence. I could hear his hiccups of breath and his hand didn't come off his face as he leaned his head against the window.

When I pulled into the driveway I turned off the car and got out to go to the passenger side and help him inside. I had the bags in my left hand and my right arm was wrapped around his waist.

"Talk to me, Louis." I say when we make into the living room and he sits on the couch. I crouch in front of him, between his legs and I put both my hands on his knees.

"I can't believe I saw him. He was- he was supposed to be back home with his family, he lives like three hours away." Louis leans forward putting his elbows on his thighs just before my hands and his head rests in his hands.

"The last time I talked to him I was in the hospital." Louis cries, "He was there beside me but then Kenton took him away and called the police on him."

"Kenton?" I question. Is that the principal's name?

"I can't believe I saw him. He ruined me, he really did. Would always tell me I wasn't good enough, that I was too difficult for anyone to deal with. He put me in that hospital bed then acted like he was worried about me." Louis starts pulling at his hair.

"Kenton did?" I'm trying to make sense of his rambling but I've only been given one name to work with.

"No, Greg did." Louis shakes his head in his hands and I reach up to take his face in my hands.

"Take a deep breath, Lou. He's gone, he's not going to get to you anymore." I have no idea if what I'm saying is the right thing to say, and I still am unsure about his story. But all I need to know is that he's hurt and he's here with me right now.

My eyes go back and forth between his blue eyes that almost look like ice from his tears. Ice surrounded by red.

Louis seemed to find some of his composure as his wet hands covered the back of mine. I didn't move away, and he leaned his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my neck.

I stood up and took a seat on the couch, pulling him on top of me as we laid back. I had my arms around his back and rubbed up and down his back.


Thank you so much to everyone on twitter voting for my story! I love you all and voting is still open so if you can, read the last part of this story and your help would mean the world to me(:

A big thank you to Awnifose (on wattpad) because wow, all your votes makes me so happy, I love you.

I don't have the wattpads for everyone else, but comment them here and I'll add them! Thank you so freaking much to (on twitter) st3phyrose, HomeWithNetflix, VwithM, Mahomie_Magic_1, DamnLoux /Wattpad-DamnLou, and DeBarge1997 I really can't thank you all enough! And please keep voting! It ends on the 31st

I can't believe the amount of people who could relate to Pretty Pretty Princess<3 I was dying omfg

If you don't watch FreddieIsMyQueen videos on youtube everyday of your life.... Your living life the wrong way.

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