By DreamsofEternity

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Keeping secrets was never easy, keeping secrets which could mean life or death for the entire country is an... More

Chapter 1; Lone Wolf
Chapter 3; Goodbye for Now
Chapter 4; Of Monsters and Men
Chapter 5; The Wolf's Song
Chapter 6; Be Brave
Chapter 7; Werewolf Politics
Chapter 8; War Stories
Chapter 9; At the end of the Day
Chapter 10; Some wounds don't heal
Chapter 11: What is Mine
Chapter 12; Everything to Lose
Chapter 13; Survival Instinct
Chapter 14; Blood Ties
Chapter 15: Daughters and Demons
Chapter 16: Final Farewells
Chapter 17: Waiting for Dawn
Chapter 18; In Love and War
Chapter 19; Scars run Deep
Chapter 20; Verging on Madness

Chapter 2; Old Friends

553 26 13
By DreamsofEternity

Not even hiding the fact that I am rushing, I stand up swiftly and turn off my computer. The adrenaline is now running through my veins, and the side of me which is wolf is dying to get out and do his part. As always though, I keep him in his confines, and never let him even close to coming out unless absolutely necessary. The last time I had to shift on a mission, had been nearly seven years ago, and it didn't end well for the person I had been chasing.

I mutter a goodbye to the people I pass by in the office, and explain to the receptionist, who is surprised that I am leaving so soon after returning. I simply say with a slight grin to my expression, "I think I've found something, I should be back by lunch. Save me a sandwich." I tell her with no attempt to hide the affection to my tone.

The receptionist Lorraine, is a 54 year old woman, and the only person in this place that I can truly say that I like. She knows my every detail, save for the obvious one, which only 12 people in the world actually know about. From the birthday and middle names of my daughters, to the sandwiches I prefer at lunch, I'm pretty sure she even knows what size waist I am. I don't think the rest of the people in my branch could tell me my last name if I gave them several clues.

Sometimes I cant help but wonder what life would be like if the world knew what I was. The fact how deadly I am, the fact that I could tell when they were lying, that I can tell what move they are going to make before they even do, that I could tear their throats out without even thinking twice about doing so. Being an agent alone, makes me deadly, the fact that I am a werewolf, makes me lethal. I nod to a woman I recognise from somewhere or other, my mind is rushing too much at this time to be able to think of where and I chuckle just a little at this. Would she greet and smile at me if she knew what I truly was?

I catch the first bus that I find, and buy a ticket to get me as close to Kings Cross as it will go and jog from there to the station. I glance up at the clock which hangs from the ceiling, which reads just before half past nine. Plenty of time, I hope so anyway. I have no idea how this might turn out.

Honestly the station was a little overwhelming. In the three weeks since I had last entered this place, my nose had grown unaccustomed to the usual scents. There seemed to be a million and one at any single time, and it was both nerve wracking and exciting to smell at the same time. It challenged me to be able to keep track, and though it gave me a slight headache from trying to differentiate between as many of them as I could. It was different and exciting, had I been in wolf form, my tail would have wagged at the prospect.

Knowing better then to go straight to work in uncertain circumstances such as this one, I nip into the nearest bathroom. Taking my bag from my left side, I grab the pair of sunglasses I always keep in their, and apply with careful caution a small moustache. It is a crude disguise, but I tend to find that it is useful more then eighty percent of the time, and might buy me just a little bit of time in order to be able to scout out the area and find any escape routes that I might need. With a deep breath, I duck back out of the bathroom.

With one last addition to my disguise, I pull on a small beanie hat, which catches all of my hair and scrapes it back against my scalp, it would take someone to look very closely at me in order to recognise me right now. I'm pretty sure that even Evelyn would need to take a second glance at me to be sure that it was indeed me. Well that is what I try to aim for.

I sit down at a small coffee shop, smiling to the waitress who greets me. It is outside of busy times, so I am quickly able to find somewhere to sit and look around. I order a cup of coffee and a muffin, trying to make myself as inconspicuous as possible. I don't want to draw attention to myself, and just act as normally as I can. Despite the mixture of excitement and nervousness that is running through my system right now.

Sadly I do not have a clue as to what or whom I may be looking for, my gaze turns from one side of the building to the other, there were easily a hundred or so people walking through the station at anyone time and the number would only increase as more and more trains came into the station as the day went on.

One of the first people to catch my eye, was a larger bulky man with a limp to his left leg. I had grown used to keeping my eye on those with some form of limp, for in my line of work, they are often faked in order to not draw attention to themselves. Plus the fact that he wears a large overcoat covering his clothing well.

The second person who quite quickly catches my attention, is a small figured woman just to my left and three or four meters away from where I stand. What draws my attention to her, is her smell alone. She stinks of fear, almost overwhelmingly so and it turns my stomach to look in her direction, but I do not believe that the one I am looking for is her. Who I look for, is too trained in such situations to begin to give off the scent of fear.

What draws my attention to the third person, is not the way they look or the smell that they carry. In fairness I am not sure what it was that made me glance their way, but once I did, I couldn't peel my eyes from them. I couldn't have said from where that I recognised this person if my life depended on doing so, but something about them made me realise that this was the person I had been looking for.

As casually as I could force myself to be, I finish off the remaining dregs of my coffee, and lift myself to my feet and follow the person in silence. Weaving through the crowd of people, as I carry on after him until he ducks into a room to the side of the station. Though I hesitate for a moment, I quickly follow after him.

In all my training, what I see in this room shouldn't really have surprised me, but it does all the same. Who I see when I enter the room, the alpha of the largest wolf pack in England. No affiliations with the MI6, but then again few werewolves do any more. So that's where I recognised the name Robert Phelps from, he was the alpha king. But why would he want to meet with a lone wolf like myself, is beyond me.

The man in front of me seems to have aged decades since the last time that I had seen him, he had a new set of wrinkles from what I can see. His hair is a slightly lighter shade of the dark brown that it had once been, and his eyes had bags and bags beneath them. It was surprising to see such a strong man, in what appeared to be sch a weak state. It gave me the advantage in a way yes, but in another way, I couldn't help but pity the fall from grace that the older man seemed to have taken since the last time we had met, which had been little over thirteen years ago.

Remembering my manners, despite the fact that I haven't been a member of a wolf pack since I was seven years old, I bare the side of my neck in a show of submission and then sit down before him. Crossing my arms in front of me, I cant help the frown which emerges on my face as I look at the man across from me. "What do you want Phelps?"

The alpha king, only chuckles a little, his dark gaze narrowing slightly and grinning. "How friendly of you, last time we met, I seem to recall you having much better manners then this." He doesn't hide the condescending tone from his voice, he doesn't even try.

Last time we had met, he had tried to convince me to join his pack. It had been when I had first joined MI6, and he tried to convince me to join his pack as an asset, to be able to get information. When I had refused, he had threatened to out me to the world about what I was, when I called his bluff. He had threatened to kill my wife, it was fair to say that we weren't on the best of terms, even at the best of times.

"Answer the question Phelps, or I'll leave and you'll never be able to find me again. You know the MI6 has their ways."

He only laughs, which only fuels the anger which is currently boiling in my heart with his every word and movement. "And you know that we'd find you regardless, we have our ways as well you know." He growled, his growl only makes me grin. I know I have done enough to make him lose enough control that he growls, those who held enough power wouldn't let that happen, especially from a man in his power.

I have a power that even he as an alpha can not hold. I am a lone wolf, one of the rarest species on the earth, next to females. Of which I have two at home, and I know that only makes him hate me even more. The majority of wolves would not be able to last a week without a pack, whereas I have survived for years without one. It takes self control and a strength that most wolves do not have. The strength of the wolf is the pack, and without one most wolves fall apart. I am a rarity that I have not lost my mind. I am dangerous to this man, no matter how strong his pack is, for neither he or any other alpha on this earth, has the power to control me. And that makes me a liability to them.

Robert straightens himself up, making every effort to make himself more threatening and larger then me, which is easy considering his greater height. I in turn make every effort to make it seem as though I don't care, going to the point where I slouch back into my chair and take a sip from the glass of water freshly poured on the table in front of us. I don't care what he might have to say, and I want to make that as clear as possible to him.

The older man chuckles a deep and low sound, "Now, now, lets be civil. You wouldn't want anything to happen to young Charlotte or Faye, now would we."

Now I lose control and let out an angry growl when he mentions my daughters. For all I knew, that he only knew that I had children. The fact that he has enough Intel that he knows their names, angers me. I would rip his throat out had it been any other wolf, or human for that matter. I clench my fists as not to send them flying straight towards his face. "What?" I growl as steadily as I can force my voice, their is no hiding the fact that now my wolf has gained some form of control over our conversation.

I have given him the advantage by showing how angered I become, how vulnerable my family life makes me. I have no pack to protect them, but I don't care if I have given away my emotions. I wish to make it clear that they are off limits.

"Good, now I have your attention, we can carry on. As I said in the email I sent you earlier today, I believe we can make use of your, shall we say, specialised skill set. Look at this.

As though we were in a rather clichéd American movie, he passes a brown paper folder across the table and towards me. Taking my time, I open it up and look inside. I find four sketches of three men and a woman, all vague and nothing that would leap out at me at first glance. I shrug my shoulders and close it, knowing I will be able to keep it and study it better at a later time. "So? Who are these people? Members of this so called group of yours?"

The alpha king only nods solemnly in response to my words, "Yes you could say that. I have reason to believe, that those four people may be the founding members of the terrorist organisation that I had informed you earlier today about."

I shrug, looking at him in the eye without flinching once, and I say as calmly as I can. "So what? Are you now so weak, that you are unable to look after yourselves, and need to contact the MI6 in order to help you?" I mock him blatantly, and it gets on his nerves. I glare at him steadily, daring him to pick me up on it. I am not his wolf, I am not his to order around, and I want to take every opportunity to make this clear to him.

He sucks in a deep breath, and then blows it out in one steady movement. "This is different, the humans have always believed in the existence of the occult. Werewolves, vampires, trolls, you know the drill. Until now however, they have done little about it. These four people you see in the folder before you however, have somehow managed to gain enough evidence. To convince people to join their cause, and we now have reason to believe that they are building up enough power, both in the government and other people, to be able to out people like me, yourself, your daughters, and make the world aware of what we are."

I hesitate, and then say a little too bluntly, even for me. "Would that be such a bad thing?"

Robert laughs just a little bit, he shrugs his shoulders with a hefty sigh coming from his throat, he pauses for a moment before replying. "I think that to myself more often then you would probably believe. Unfortunately though, these people have no intentions of making peace with the fact that they are the only form of human. These people, from what we have seen. Have been training amongst themselves, to be able to take down any that they come across. These people are more lethal than anything I have seen before, they make use of silver, and I can promise you that they know how to use it effectively. They will stop at nothing to make sure that every last one of you is dead. That includes people like your daughters and your family, and they wont stop at killing us. Every supernatural race will be killed by the time that they are done with it. Unless we do something to stop it."

At the very mention of the word 'silver' alone, sends a long shiver down my back and I wince a little. "And what do you want me to do about this?" I ask steadily, cracking my knuckles. It doesn't take a genius in order to guess what he is going to say next.

"You, shall we say. Have a high place in the human society, and you have resources. If you were able to convince the MI6 that this was worth investigating. We might be able to stop the threat before it fully comes into action."

"Not a chance, I am not risking everything just for a rather large what if Robert, I have my own family to worry about."

The alpha pauses, it is clear that he is currently fighting not to force his will over my own and make me do whatever he wants. My wolf is fighting to do whatever he wants, my alpha or not. He holds a certain control over those weaker then him, even if I refuse to admit it. Should he so wish, he could kill me then and there, and there wouldn't be a great deal of fight that I would be able to put up against him.

"Just check this file out, I will email you again in a few days time with more details, and a place where you can check it out yourself. Just promise that you will have a look, it might be more interesting to you then you think."

Sighing, I take the file from the table in front of me and stand up to leave, tucking it carefully into the bag at my side before looking back at him, not bothering to wait for permission to be allowed to leave. Reminding myself that he is not my alpha, and has no right to order me around. Convincing myself of that however takes a lot more effort then thinking it. "Fine." I answer calmly, "I promise. But beyond that, I give no promise. You're not the only one who has people that you want to protect."

The alpha king only chuckles at this, shrugging his shoulders as he too lifts himself into a standing position. "Being human has turned you far too soft for you're own good, the man I once knew would have jumped at the opportunity to right a wrong put into this world."

"I have changed a lot since I was the man that you once knew, Alpha Robert, now if you don't mind. I have a family and a job to get back to." I say firmly, narrowing my eyes as I take the hand he has offered and shake it firmly with my own.

The man in front of me chuckles a little, "We all have a family we want to protect young man, don't forget that. But never forget, that we are on the same side. And we fight a common enemy." With that he opens the door and leaves swiftly, not looking back.

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