fade ➹ (Stiles Stilinski)

By canonstydia

567K 12.9K 5.7K

----Season 1 of Teen Wolf---- (Do not need to watch the series to understand) Melanie, Stiles, and Sco... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
IVE GOT NEWS (reconcile)

Chapter 7

16.3K 357 103
By canonstydia

I DO NOT OWN TEEN WOLF. Only Melanie and her plot lines.

I bounced uncomfortably in the backseat of Stiles' jeep, awaiting Derek's departure from his burnt home, and he was definitely taking his time.

"When is he going to leave." I frowned, pursing my lips. "We've been waiting here forever."

"You wanna go home?" Stiles asked, his hands sliding across the smooth steering wheel.

"No. I'm impatient." I crossed my legs absentmindedly, "Not a quitter."

And sure enough, a few incredibly long seconds later, the familiar black car had sped off. Leaving the three of us alone, in the dark woods.

The mere feeling that had overcome me when Derek exited the house was enough to make my entire body shudder. I wasn't exactly in the mood nor prepared for what we were about to get ourselves into. But, it seemed as if I didn't have much time to contemplate our actions. For Stiles was already bouncing in his seat unnervingly.

"Let's go find us a dead body." He smiled widely, pulling up closer to Derek's and swiftly leaping out the car. Scott wasting no time before following after. Although he seemed a bit more hesitant, whereas Stiles was practically jumping with joy.

I sighed uneasily, glancing sceptically at the two shovels beside me. I laughed to myself, mentally putting a note in my head to make sure the two boys are the ones that are forced to dig. And not me. For I was not getting inside a hole to dig up a lifeless corpse. It wasn't on my to-do list.

I hopped out the car with ease, waisting no time before chucking the two garden tools at the clumsy boys.

"Have fun." I smiled widely, plopping onto the ground with a thud. Particles of dust arising from my jeans. Yet, that was currently the least of my worries.

"Hey, she's not helping?" Scott whined, looking over at Stiles.

"Oh no, she's helping." Said Stiles, clumsily tossing me a flashlight, in which almost hit my face. "She's just on flashlight duty."

I groaned, flipping the switch to the flashlight and shinning it towards Stiles' eyes. He flailed his arms drastically and collapsed backwards. I smirked, admiring how hilarious and somewhat cute it was when the pale boy had fallen backwards. And yes, I'm aware I thought the word cute. But, like, in the friend way.

"Are you trying to blind me! I'm pretty sure that could blind me, I think I may just be blinded—" Stiles' ramble was soon cut short by Scott. The teenage boy's curious voice fulfilling the musty air.

"Wait. Something's different."

"Different how?" I asked, now averting the flashlight from Stiles' hazel eyes and onto Scott's chest.

"I don't know. . .let's just get this over with."

I nodded, not questioning it any further. I honestly just wanted this to be done with as quickly as possible. For I was not in the mood to have a nice long conversation with Derek Hale. That could possibly involve killing.

"Since this whole werewolf thing, I have not been getting much sleep lately." I yawned, putting my head in my hands, attempting to start somewhat of a conversation. Because this eerie silence really wasn't doing it for me.

Stiles nodded, agreeing with my statements "Yeah, me either."

"Trust me, none of us have been getting much sleep." Scott sighed, not bothering to tear his gaze from the dirt.

"Well I think." I started, flipping over to my stomach and propping my elbows on the ground, letting my chin rest on my palm. "We could all use a big, giant, nap."

I attempted to ignore the fact that my shirt and jeans were practically coated in dew. For, I hadn't really taken notice of the wet grass beneath me, and I was just now coming to the realization that I was exceptionally damp.

"Agreed." Scott and Stiles murmured in unison, all while shovelling piles of dirt behind them.


"Okay, how much longer is this going to take." I began growing impatient once again, fiddling with a blade of grass sprouting from the muggy ground.

"Yeah. I agree with Melanie. How much longer is this going to take?"

"Not much longer. Just keep digging." Stiles heaved, continuing to chuck dirt from one side of the yard to the other.

"And what if he comes back." I frowned. "Derek."

"Then we get the hell out of here." Stiles obviously stated with a shrug, not taking his eyes off of the ground.

Scott frowned, "And what if he catches us?"

"I have a plan for that." Stiles smiled proudly, finally looking up at the two of us.

Scott cocked and eye brow, "Which is?"

"You run one way, while Mel and I run the other. Whoever he catches first...too bad."

"I think Mr. I have super speed wolf powers may win that one Stiles." I groaned, putting air quotation marks around my statement.

"Then we take the jeep." Stiles smirked, shoving his hand in his pocket, producing his keys, and dangling them in front of my face.


"Hey guys?" Scott looked over at us. "I think I got something."

I quickly stood up, leaping into the hole with the flashlight still in hand. I furrowed my eyebrows as I caught sight of a coffin-like brown box. And it did not look that welcoming.

I glanced over at Stiles, who didn't look as excited as anticipated. But, I guess I couldn't blame him. A dead body is only interesting until you actually see it, then it's just gross.

The coffin was attired in multiple grey knots, someone obviously not wanting anyone to get in here. And I believe we were about to find out why.

Stiles and Scott began untying the knots, frantically awaiting to see if there really was a dead body in there. Whereas I stood off to the side, flashing the flashlight so they were able to see what they were doing. Also, I wasn't in the mood to be inches close to a dead persons face.

"Hurry." Scott groaned.

"I would, if this thing wasn't tied in like nine thousand knots."

I glanced over at Stiles "He defiantly did not want anyone getting in here."

He didn't respond, too focused on the multiple strings to even utter a coherent sentence. Therefor, he just nodded.

They eventually got the last knot undone. And I soon contributed to the dead body finding, for I brushed the excess dirt and rope away from the box. I mentally and physically braced myself for the half girl I had seen a few nights ago. But, when the box was opened...the three of us came face to face with half of a wolf.

We all screamed in fear as I clutched Stiles' hand out of some sort of odd instinct. He tensed a bit at first, but soon squeezed it back. Butterflies once again, tugging at my stomach. We looked at each other for a moment, my heart swelling, but we both quickly snapped into reality and broke our gaze.

"What the hell is that?" Yelled Stiles, Intaking a sharp breath of air.

And I agreed. But, not only because of the disturbing carcass in the dug up hole. Also, what I was starting to feel for my best friend.

"It's a wolf." Scott gaped.

"Yes, thank you, that's been established." I smiled sarcastically at him, releasing the grip I had on Stiles' hand.

Stiles whipped his head around to face Scott. "I thought you smelt blood. As in human blood?"

"I told you something was different."

"One question." I looked at Scott. "Why does Derek have half a wolf buried in his backyard?"

"We've got to get out of here." Scott ignored my question. "Like now."

"Yeah-Yeah help me cover this up." Stiles bent down, beginning to shovel stray, loose, dirt back onto the cringe worthy wolf.

But, instead of fulfilling my flashlight duty. Something had caught my eye. A bright purple flower lay alone, planted in the dirt. Strangely luminous in the practically pitch black scenery. I cocked my head to the side as I strolled over to it.

"Mel, can you shine the flashlight over here?" Stiles asked, not bothering to avert his eyes from the wolf.

"Yeah we could use the help." Scott grumbled.

I ignored them and knelt down next to the flower, putting my index and middle finger under the stem as I unearthed the plant.

"Melanie? What is it?" Asked Stiles, his eyes burning holes into the back of my head, getting Scott's attention as well.

"Wolfsbane." I whispered, turning and facing Stiles. Instantly recalling the movie The Wolf Man that I was forced to watch with the pale boy.



Stiles and Scott said in sync. But Scott's statement came out as more of a question, whereas Stiles basically yelled in excitement.

"What is that?" Scott asked. Stiles flailing his arms in disappointment. "Haven't you've ever seen the wolf man?"

"Should I have?"

"Lon Chanley Jr.? Claude Raines?"

Scott shook his head again, narrowing his eyes in annoyance, "No, what?"

"You are so un-prepared for this." Stiles rolled his eyes, rushing over to where I was kneeling.

Without hesitation, he began to Unroot it. And to my surprise, a rope was attached to the stem.

"What the- what is that?" I asked, Stiles licking his lips with suspicion.

"I'm not sure." He frowned, continuing to follow the rope. After he had gotten a good handful of the string in his hands, and we had circled the hole a few times Scott decided to speak up.


We both rose our heads, catching sight of a dead, limp, half of a woman. I swallowed slowly, looking away quickly. The wolf was now no longer a wolf. But, the worst part was that it was the same girl Scott and I had encountered in the woods.

"Oh my gosh." Scott ran his hand through his hair.

"Something's definitely wrong in Beacon Hills."

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