fade ➹ (Stiles Stilinski)

By canonstydia

565K 12.8K 5.6K

----Season 1 of Teen Wolf---- (Do not need to watch the series to understand) Melanie, Stiles, and Sco... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
IVE GOT NEWS (reconcile)

Chapter 4

23.9K 473 323
By canonstydia

I DO NOT own Teen Wolf, only Melanie and a few of her plot lines.

Lily Collins as Melanie


I strolled down the hallway causally all while Stiles proceeded to go on and on about the disturbing dead body that was recently discovered by Scott and I. Not something I'm specifically proud of, I'll say that. But, I presume conversation had to begin somewhere.

"So, I was listening in on my dads phone call and—"

I cut his sentence short, shaking my head with a sigh, "Stiles, whenever you do that it just causes us an alarming amount of problems."

"They found something on the body." He ignored my comment, shooting me a well awaited glare, still jumping from anticipation.

"What did they find?" I slowed down my pace, glancing at him with a raised eyebrow. Suddenly becoming a bit more intrigued about the conversation him and I were having.

"Wolf hairs, Mel. Wolf hairs."

"Wolf hairs? Ok, so what does that mean? That Scott actually did get attacked by a wolf?"

Stiles nodded. "Yeah. Maybe, and the way it's effecting him may have something to do with it."

"Alright. So what do we do now?" I asked as we stepped into the chemistry room. Not forgetting to let out a groan due to the fact that I absolutely hated this class.



I sat on the bleachers along with Allison and Lydia. The three of us all only gathered here for three certain hormonal high school boys. Lydia, obviously here for Jackson, Allison, obviously here for Scott, and Me. Well, I guess I was here for Stiles...and Scott.

Tryouts were about to begin, and according to Scott, he was going to make first line. But according to Stiles, Scott would have a better chance falling through a crack in the earth as the whole lacrosse team watched him be burnt to a pulp by molten lava bubbling from the core.

Incredibly graphic, I'm aware.

Coach eventually blew the whistle, in which was by far the most aggravating noise I've ever heard in my life, and the two opposing teams glared at each other profusely.

As the ball catapulted through the air, Scott had surprisingly caught the small object in his net. I jumped up in excitement, as did Stiles, but our excitement was soon dismayed as Jackson rammed into the poor lacrosse player. Causing him to fall with a loud thud.

"C'mon Scott!" I yelled, silently praying to myself that no bones were broken. Because I wasn't really in the mood for explaining to Mrs. McCall about how Jackson had a burning hatred towards her son.

But, Scott was given another chance, he had received the ball once again. Which I was so surprised and a bit confused  about because if I were one of the lacrosse players, Scott probably wouldn't be the ideal person to pass to. I mean, yes, he is my best friend and all, but sense freshmen year, Scott wasn't very handy with the lacrosse stick. But, it seemed I was proved wrong. Scott was succeeding and heading towards the goal.

Without warning, the brunette boy sprung into the air. Launching himself over two players, all while being able to get the ball into the net.

Lost for words, my mouth hung agape. Me continuously replaying the past events throughout my head, in order to get a better grip as to what had just happened.

"McCall, get over here!" Coach screamed, "What was that? Are you trying out for the gymnastics team?"

"No coach." Scott frowned, re adjusting his lacrosse stick. "I was just trying to make the shot."

"Well you made the shot." Coach paused with chuckle. "And the cut, you're first line buddy!"

Well, wow. Looks like Scott won't be falling through the earth anytime soon.


"Stiles?" I yelled with bluntness, causally swinging open his unlocked front door. I promise, I would have been a bit more civilized if I had seen Mr. Stilinski's car in the drive way. But, by the looks of it, Stiles was home alone. Giving me the freedom to burst open his door as I please.

Anyways, the reason I was present at the Stilinski household was because Stiles had just texted me to get to his house ASAP. So, I did just that.

I wandered into his room, catching sight of the pale boy staring blankly at his bright computer, eyelids slowly dropping shut.

I laughed lightly, rolling my eyes with amusement, "Stiles?"

Obviously now not half asleep, he jolted immensely, head whipping around to where I was currently placed. "Melanie! You're here! I have news."

"News?" I wiggled my eyebrows goofily, strolling over to the edge of his bed and plopping down onto it. "What type of news?"

"It's about Scott." Stiles looked almost panicked as he sprung from his chair, beginning to pace around his room. His hand racing over his head numerous times.

Studying the boy a bit closer and now becoming aware as to how worried he seemed, I then became more hesitant about his so called news. "About the bite, the body and the wolf?" I asked.


"Okay, tell me." I exhaled, clenching my jaw with anticipation.

"Alright so you know how he heard a wolf howling?" Questioned Stiles, earning nothing but a short nod, "Well do you know why a wolf howls?"

"To signal it's position to their pack." I recalled.

The only reason why I knew this weird fact was because my Math teacher is incredibly odd. And when I say odd, I mean completely and utterly insane. At times we are given factual information about wild animals. Yeah, I'd almost rather learn about the Pythagorean Theorem than be given a list of facts about a water buffalo's diet.

"Correct." He nodded, eagerness rampaging throughout his facial features, "And Scott has been able to do some. . .crazy things lately, right?"

"Right. . ."

"I did some re-search. And I found out so many things that leads to Scott's symptoms." Stiles stated, handing me stacks upon stacks of papers. The flimsy objects almost toppling onto the floor, all while my eyes darted through the immense information, able to pick up on some key words, and Stiles was actually correct.

"So. . .What does this mean? You think Scott's a wolf?" I joked, my voice practically dripping with sarcasm.

"No." Stiles paused. "I think he's a werewolf."

I rose an eyebrow, attempting to find the right words as to how to explain to the boy that Scott turning into a wolf was somewhat impossible.

"Hey." Scott smiled, coming in on our conversation. He looked beyond happy, a bright smile on his joyous face.

"Hey.." My voice shook a bit, uncertainty vivid in that one simple word.

"What's up?"

"You know that joke about the bite in the woods? Well it's not a joke anymore." Stiles frowned, walking towards Scott and merely getting straight to the point. "You said you heard a wolf howling, do you know why a wolf even howls?"

"Should I?" Scott asked.

"If you're in my Math class you should." I murmured more to myself, clacking my tongue on the roof of my mouth.

"To signal their position to the rest of the pack." Stiles stated with exaggerated hand movements, "Which means that there are more."

"More wolves?" Scott asked. 

I smiled sarcastically, narrowing my eyes, "No, abominable snowmen."

"Werewolves." Stiles sighed, a hint of a smile tugging on his lips. And I hope it was because of my snarky comment, because I was kind of proud of it.

Scott heaved dramatically, one of his hands clenching into a tight fist, causing Stiles to back up a bit and place a protective hand in front of me, causing my heart to involuntarily swell. "I made first line, I got a date with Allison, who I can't believe wants to go out with me! Everything in my life is somehow perfect and your ruining everything!"

Allison? He has a date with Allison? A smile made its way into my face, but it quickly defused due to the fact that he may be dangerous. I was happy for him but afraid at the same time.

"We're trying to help you Scott." I stated calmly, trying a different approach than Stiles.

"Yeah, warning not telling." Stiles added. "You're cursed. It's not just the full moon that will cause you to physically change, it also happens when your blood lust is at its peak."

"Bloodlust?" Scott questioned loudly, calmness obviously now out of the question.

"Yeah, your urge to kill."

"Stiles, I'm already having an urge to kill." He balled his left fist, both of them clenched now.

"Listen to me, Scott," Stiles argued, pulling out a book, in which came out of who knows where. "The change can be cause by anything that raises your pulse. I haven't seen anyone raise your pulse like Allison does! You have to cancel this date!"

"I'll deal with this tomorrow." Scott frowned, shaking his head and taking a step towards his bag.

"No! The full moon is tonight!" Yelled Stiles, "I'll call her right now."

The pale boy leaped over to his bed where Scott's bag lay, beginning to shuffle through it disruptively. I rose from his bed, trying to stay out of this as much as possible. I wasn't exactly in the mood for Scott's fist to accidentally collide with my face.

"What—what are you doing?" Scott asked, getting scarcely close to Stiles.

"Canceling your date."

"Stop!" Scott yelled, yanking him from his bag and pinning him against the wall, getting ready to connect his fist with Stiles' face. I latched onto his arm in hopes of stoping him. That tactic quickly failed, Scott pushing me off as if I were weightless.

Stiles and I both looked at him in shock all while he slowly released the pale, shaken up, boy.

Scott's face then hastily flashed with an almost guilty expression, me awaiting the numerous sorry's about to pour from his lips. But, instead, his hand swung roughly against the back of Stiles' sturdy computer chair. Sending the object hurdling towards the carpeted floor.

As quick as he had preformed the action, he had departed the room. Grasping his duffle bag and making a b-line towards the burgundy door.

Stiles waisted no time before rushing over to me and helping me up from the ground. My fingertips clasping themselves around his wrists all while my once frantic eyes met his. Opening my mouth to speak, Stiles had quickly beaten me to it, "are you alright?"

I released a vague breath, "I'm fine, you?"

"I'm good if you're good." He let his lips form into a small half smile, watching carefully as I retracted my palms from his skin.

We then stood, quite awkwardly I may add, in the center of his room. The both of us merely lost for words as Stiles' eyes scavenged the area, almost instantly landing on an object behind me. The pale boy waisting no time before launching himself towards his fallen black chair. Clutching the back of it as if it held all the answers to our humungous issue.

"Do you believe me now?" He asked, turning the seat around so I could now see it clearly.

And, there engraved in the black object, three large claw marks. In which stretched jaggedly across the entire backside. Almost resembling the front of the monster energy drinks my mother frequently bought before work.

What that what Scott was now? A monster?

"I never said I didn't." I responded, yet it came out in more of a disheveled whisper.

Stiles swallowed noticeably, letting the chair collapse back onto the floor. "I know what we need to do."

My teeth clambered onto my lower lip with urgency, "What?"

"We need to go to that party."


I sat in Stiles' jeep. Barley listening to him explain the whole default seat belt situation. Again. But, as of right now I was drowning in my own thoughts.

A werewolf, really? Is this real life? Or am I stuck in one of those supernatural TV shows that Stiles is obsessed with and I pretend not to like? Where everything is always so fine and dandy, until your stupid best friend drags you out into the woods in the middle of the night, searching for a dead body, until your other best friend gets attacked by something you couldn't see because you were too busy getting rammed into a tree.

Speaking of Stiles, I glanced over at him. He had now finished his lecture and started the jittery car.

"So, we're just going to watch Scott?"

"Like a hawk."

"Okay, and what about Allison?" I pressed further, letting my eyes now study the bland windshield.

"What about Allison?"

I paused, giving myself a moment to properly phrase my sentence, "What if Scott like. . .kills her or something." I practically cringed at my words, the re-wording process not working out all that well.

"Kills her? Nah. . .he won't kill her." Stiles chortled, his voice laced with nothing but uncertainty. Raising an octave or two.

I shook my head, "If he kills her, I'm going to kill him."

Stiles nodded, as if confirming my statement, "Alright, that will be plan E."

"What are plans A, B, C and D?"

"I don't know; I guess anything to avoid killing Scott." He smirked. I rolled my eyes at his remark. Light conversation now fulfilling the remainder of the car ride.

But, there wasn't anything normal about this light conversation. Usually when Stiles and I are causally talking, we're both always dying of laughter or smiling like idiots. It was different now. We were both left figuring out what our best friend was, and if he was dangerous or not. And, by the looks of the chair Scott had demolished, things weren't looking very good.

Once we had arrived at Jackson's, we both darted out of the car and onto the front porch. We both knocked rapidly in Sync, as if there were a serial killer chasing after us, and our only safely was the house.

Which isn't a huge exaggeration, Scott could be a psychopath. You never know. Getting attacked by a rabid animal could change a boy.

Lydia opened the door, and smiled once she saw me. "Mel! You came, yay!" She squealed. Her eyes then trailed over to Stiles, her eyebrow tossed and head cocked towards the right. "Who is this?"

I internally groaned and ran a hand through my hair. "Stiles—"

"Your date?" She cut me off, a look of pure disgust enveloping her pristine features. She looked as if she was pitying me for being friends with the boy. And that really pissed me off. But, I struggled to contain myself, for I just let a scowl contort my face.

I mean, what if Stiles was my date? What's so bad about that? I honestly cannot find one singular thing that is bad about Stiles Stilinski and I dating. And I don't understand why I was getting so angry over this, I mean, I didn't like him or anything. Right?

"No, remember? Stiles Stilinski, we've known him since the 3rd grade? Best friend of mine. . ."

She shrugged, shaking her head, "Ok, whatever. Head on in and enjoy yourselves."

I nodded as Stiles and I finally entered the expensive home. "Sorry, Lydia has no filter."

"Noted." Stiles nodded, a chuckle erupting after his statement. "Let's find Scott."

We scurried throughout the house, until we eventually found ourselves in the backyard. Where Allison and Scott were found googily eyeing each other. "There they are." I smiled.

"He's not changing?" Stiles turned his head to the side in confusion. "But it's the full moon?"

"Maybe. . .maybe he's not a werewolf? Maybe we're just like. . .jumping to conclusions here?"

"But the chair? And all the symptoms?" Stiles turned to look at me, all while I did the same.

"I don't know. . ." I averted my gaze to look at them again, but, I saw Scott holding his head, looking severely in pain, and rushing away from Allison.

My eyes widened immensely, my pale fingertips grasping around Stiles' forearm. I let my head turn quickly to meet my best friend, in whom was already looking at me. His features flushing lightly, yet it was diffused once he saw the worried look plastered about my face.



Stiles whipped his head around erratically, soon spotting Scott rushing away from his date. He quickly sprinted after him without another word.

"Stiles!" I screamed, my heels clanking obnoxiously with the wooden patio I was attempting to run on. But, it seemed nearly impossible to catch up with the two now. For, they were both already completely out of sight. Fantastic.

I sighed and figured I should walk over to Allison, and explain to her that Scott wasn't running away from her in fear. Without giving away the slim detail of him possibly being a supernatural being.

Strolling over to Allison, she met me halfway. Pursing her lips with disappointment, "Did I do something wrong?" She asked me, her voice wavering with every word. I gave her a sympathetic look and shook my head.

"No, no. Scott wasn't feeling well earlier today. I can assure you that he really likes you."

She smiled lightly and chuckled. "Well he was my ride home."

"Stiles was mine." I laughed, letting my hands noticeably fall to my sides.

"Hey." A husky voice radiated from  behind us. In unison, we flipped our heads around and saw, I believe his name was, Derek, looming over the two of us. "Need a ride?"

"Yeah, sure. That would be great." Allison smiled. I just looked at him, frowning. Something was quite odd about that guy, and I didn't know if I felt safe getting in a moving, locked, vehicle with him.

"We should just probably walk. Get the exercise." I laughed lightly, awkwardness enveloping my mere actions. Attempting to silently convince Allison that this was a very bad idea, yet she clearly wasn't getting the memo.

"No it's fine." Derek flashed us a warm smile. "No charge."

I glanced at Allison skeptically, watching as she returned his fake gesture. Following the male away from the party. Me, knowing I wouldn't let my friend get into a car alone with a random male stranger, followed the two. The key feeling numbing my body being regret. And there was a lot of it.

With reluctancy, I shoved myself in his black vehicle beside Allison. Watching ever so carefully as Derek began to start the car and remove himself from the party. My fingers mindlessly finding their way to my phone, pulling up Stiles' contacts.

With hastiness, I texted him. Just incase if I weren't to arrive home that at least someone would have an idea as to where I was. And, I partially wanted him to be aware at the fact that he had run off and ditched me at a party in which was his idea in the first place.

The car ride was mostly silent and awkward. I was basically waiting for him to turn around and hold a knife to our throats, but thankfully, that did not occur.

Once we arrived at Allison's house, she had departed from the vehicle and without hesitation, Derek glanced at me, narrowing his eyes. "Get out."

"What?" I remarked. My tone of voice sceptical and cold.

"I said get out." He repeated once again, this time more demeaning and sharp.

I shifted uncomfortably out of the car and watched as Allison stepped inside her house, most likely thinking I was still in the car with Derek. Who was incredibly creepy and should not be left alone with a young teenage girl.

I wasn't going to try and persuade the guy into driving me back home. Mostly because I didn't want him knowing where I lived nor murdering me in the back of that black car.

I decided just to walk back to my house, I wasn't really in the mood to speak to Stiles. Since I was left at the party all by myself, and with phyco Derek.

I walked a little ways, and I was already miserable. It was freezing cold outside and I was walking in a pair of black heels that Lydia had fatefully made me borrow. And, I was not as used to walking in them as Lydia was. I turned around, prepared to ask Allison for a ride home, but I spotted a familiar blue jeep pull up to her house. A small smile arising onto my now cheerful features.

Thank God.

While Stiles was busy erratically flailing his arms at Mr. Argent, I slowly and carefully crept into his jeep. Climbing in the backseat so I could hilariously scare him when he entered.

I decided that forgiving Stiles was better than walking home, and an awkward conversation with the Argent family.

A look of panic crossed Stiles' face, the pale boy waisting no time before lunging back towards the car. I chuckled, watching him trip over himself numerous times in the process.

He flew the car door open and jumped in, quickly starting vehicle car. Paying me no attention whatsoever.

"Shoot Stiles, shoot shoot shoot. You promised you would—"

"Boo." I cut him off from the backseat. He jumped dramatically and flung his arms in all sorts of peculiar directions. He instantly darted his head towards the reared of his vehicle. A giant look of relief contorting his face as he yanked me into a tight hug.

"Thank Jesus." He mumbled into my hair.

I merely laughed. Attempting to climb into the front as gracefully as I possibly could. A sigh of relief emitting from my lips.

"You ditched me moron." I hit him in the shoulder lightly, "I had to get a ride from 'my family burned to death in a fire, Derek'."

"I know, and I am extremely sorry about that." Stiles smiled nervously.

"Yeah yeah, take me home Stilinski."

"Aye aye captain."

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