Oh, How I Hate The Word MATE


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Tyler Anderson's life is crap. She's 17, has an terrible father, and hates school. But she always keeps a fre... More

Oh, how I hate the word MATE
Mr. Baldo hates fudge crackers
Mclovin Strikes Again!!
The New Kids Are WEREWOLVES?! Just My Luck
Spray Cheese, Werewolves, and Accidental Suicide? Good Thing There's Wonder Boy
Surprise, Surprise
Reunited And it Feels So Good! Not Really...
Death Threats to a Tiger
I'll Just Go With Plan B
A First For Everything
Coke Overload!!
The Not So Sexy Hooker
Teaching a Stomach Manners
Just One of Those Days When Your Brother Eats Your Cookies
Memory Loss Is A Real Pain
Date Gone Wrong
Gummy Bear Murderer
A Gorilla Named Fish
Slipping On Some Peels
Signed, A Spider:)
Bonus Chapter!
You Can't Pick Your Family
Caged In
Sneak Peak at Chapter 24
Vision Attack
It's Complicated
The Next Chapter
ch 27
Chapter 28: I Really Don't Have a Title For This One
Turn Up The Music, You Hiefer
Lez Be Honest
Damn You Lucky Charms
Nipple Man

Mr. and Mrs. Creepy

13.8K 169 27


Mason's P.O.V

  2 days, 8 hours, 34 minutes, and 56 seconds.

  That's how long I have been in the hospital, staring at Tyler's unconscious body. I don't think I ever even blinked yet.

  I feel like an obsessed stalker but I don't care. The doctors said that Tyler went into a mild coma after she passed out and the screwdriver that she threw up on my shirt caused the blood to come out. How she managed to swallow a freaking screwdriver still baffles me.

  The door opened and revealed Liam. He looked completely relaxed and unaffected by his sister possibly laying on her death bed.

 "How's she doing?" he asked like today's weather.

  "How's she doing?!" I shrieked, "Dude! She's in a freaking coma! How are you not fazed by this?!?! I know I am because I can't even stop staring at her! Great, now I'm turning into a creeper. Jeez, my life is-"

  "Mason! Calm the hell down!" Liam told me. I sighed. Yeah, I'm turning more and more insane every minute.

  "You're right," I said. I feel like shit knowing I can't help my mate right now but I gotta keep my cool. Until she wakes up.

  "Dude, you gotta get outa here. I'm mean seriously, I haven't seen you even go out to take a piss. Relax. Go wolf and run around or something. YOU HAVE TO KEEP YOUR HUMANITY!" he shouted that last part. I snorted. We both know here that I'm not human. Neither is Liam. Only Tyler. I wonder why she is human, yet her brother is a werewolf? I guess I'll have to ask sometime.

  "You're right. Hey, why are you not reacting in any way to Tyler in a coma?" I asked. It has been killing me to not know the answer. What kind of brother doesn't want to know his little sister is safe?!

  Liam shrugged. "This isn't the first time Tyler ended up like this. I've seen worse on her. Trust me, before Tyler even was a teenager, she was on a first name basis with half of the doctors back home." With that, he walked out.

  She's been in worse? This isn't the first time? What the hell does this chick do for a living?! On second thought, I don't want to know.

  Liam was right. I need to get out of this room for a couple of minutes. I held in my pee for too long and I really gotta go now. Well, when nature calls...

   I come back from my bathroom break and back to Tyler. But something has me stopping two feet away from her hospital bed.

  The heart monitor.

  It wasn't beeping.

  It had a straight line going through it.

  Then, I ran straight to Tyler and tried to stop the horrible noise that was concluding my greatest fear. No. She can't die! Not now!

  "No, no, no! Please don't leave me," I pleaded with my life, but Tyler just laid there. Motionless. My heart began to crumble to tiny little shards. And I couldn't see her no more. Everything was blurry. Tears filled my eyes as I now know. 

  She's dead.

  Tyler is dead.

  She will never open her eyes again.

  All of a sudden, I hear the most beautiful sound ever. Laughter. I look up through my tear filled eyes to see Tyer curled up in a ball laughing her bell-like laugh like there's no tomorrow. Her face was red and she was really laughing her ass off. My happiness from her still being alive turns to anger.

  "Tyler what the fuck!?!" I yell at her. Is this one of her jokes? Cause it's not funny.

  She looks up with tears of laughing so hard. "Man..." she gasps between laughs, "Oh lord have mercy... you should have seen your face! It was fucking priceless!" she starts laughing again.

  I swear, she is going to be the death of me. I glare at her, never really feeling angry at her, but trying to look pissed to show her I'm not falling for her games. But she looked to damn adorable to stay mad at.

  Then, I notice that the heart monitor was still not beeping, but using my werewolf senses, I could hear her heart beating happily and steady in her chest.

  Of course Tyler would rig a heart monitor to have a good laugh.


  Tyler's P.O.V

  I was lying perfectly still as Mason was conversing with Liam. I have woken up from my coma a few minutes ago and thought of a perfect plan to get Mason's heart rate up. 

  As soon as Liam left, Mason sat there for a while before heading out. Time to set my plan in action. I got up silently, even though no one was in here but me, and spotted the heart monitor. With a few touches here and there, the thing was now making that little red line go straight. Ha! Plan set in order.

  I heard the doorknob twist and I quickly plopped down, pretending to be dead. I heard his footsteps stop in the middle of the room and I had to stop myself from smirking. Sucker.

  Mason was soon by me, doing anything to 'bring me back to life'. I so own his ass.

  "No, no, no! Please don't leave me," he pleaded and I had to peak a look at him. Tears were cascading down his cheeks and he looked so broken. Instantly I felt bad about this and regretted doing the prank. Heh, heh, he actually bought it. Ha! Loser.  Ahh his face is a reminder of how gullible he really is.

  I couldn't help myself as I started to laugh uncontrollably. I win! In yo face!

  "Tyler what the fuck!?!" he yells, obviously pissed that I pretended to be dead and he bought it.

   I look up with tears of laughing so hard. "Man..." I gasp between laughs, "Oh lord have mercy... you should have seen your face! It was fucking priceless!" I start laughing again. Maybe him as a mate won't be so bad after all.

  Mason glares at me for a second before cracking a smile that he tried to hide. 

  "Tyler, you're so cute," he says. My laughing dies down and a blush creeps up my face. Hey! I do not blush! This is so new to me.

  Liam suddenly bursts through the doors, his mouth filled with Twinkies. He looks at my still red face and then to Mason.

  "What did she do?" he said. Pieces of Twinkie come out of his mouth. Eww.

  "She rigged the heart monitor and faked her death," Mason said. Liam snorted and eyed me for a second. I smiled back at him.

  "I taught you well," he said before walking out. Yes, it is true. I learned all of my prank skills from my brother. You should see me in school! I make everyone fear me. 

  Mason raises an eyebrow at me but I wave him off. I hop off the hospital bed and a sudden dizziness comes over me as my feet hit the floor. I sway on the floor and was about to fall, if Mason didn't catch me just in time.

  "Whoa, easy there, we don't want you to end up back on that bed now do we?" he said. Pfft. Whatever. Hey, how did I get here anyway? What the hell happened to me to get here?!

  "Why am I here?" I asked.

  Mason looked at me questioningly before answering. "You had an overload with coca cola two days ago and you went all crazy and managed to swallow a screwdriver. By the way, how the hell did you manage to do that?"

  Suddenly, all of that day’s events came crashing back to me. Hitting the wall with a sledgehammer. Trying to stab Jimmy with a knife. Stripping to my underwear and bra and running out in the neighborhood screaming 'TOILETS ARE TRYING TO KILL ME!’ Swallowing the screwdriver to help prevent my brain from ‘losing any of my mind screws'. Don't ask.

  I smile mischievously at the memory of swallowing that screwdriver. "That's for me to know and for you to find out," I say evilly. I love being secretive.

  “ANYWAY, I’m hungry and I know hospital food tastes like shit,” I say and my stomach agrees with a loud grumble. “Can we go to McDonalds?”

  Mason looks at me with an amused smile on his face. Weirdo. I walked out of the room and spotted Liam flirting with a blonde nurse who was giggling like an idiot. Girls these days. *sigh*

  Since he is too preoccupied in trying to get laid, I might as well have some fun. I walked – more like strutted – towards them and pushed bimbo nurse to the side. I learned on Liam, rubbing his arm up and down. He obviously knew what I was doing and decided to play along.

  “Hey babe, wanna go and meet at my house tonight for a sleepover,” I purred. I pretended like I wanted him even though I was dying at what I was saying on the inside. Gross.

  “Liam grinned. “Sure, what time?” Bimbo nurse looked extremely pissed. I smirked at her.

  “But Liam baby, I thought you said we could go out tonight?” she said in a annoying whiney voice.

  “Sorry, change of plans,” I told her before Liam got a chance to say anything. She glared at me before storming off. I laughed and high-fived Liam. 

  “Hey, me and Mason are going to Mickey-D’s for some food, wanna come?” I asked. He nodded eagerly. If there’s one thing that I know about my brother, is that he loves food.

  “Lemme  just go and bang that blonde. I didn’t go for the kill without a prize,” he said with a smirk. I made a disgusted face.

  “Piggie, with a too big of an ego,” I said to him. He just chuckled and walked off into the direction of the pissed off nurse.

  I turned and walked back to Mason who was leaning against the wall watching the whole show.

  “Good show,” he said. His face showed amusement and… jealousy? I grinned.

  “Aww is Masey-wasy jealous becawse I didn’t do that to hiwm?” I said in a baby voice. Pinching his cheeks. They flushed red and he looked away.

  “No,” he mumbled.  I laughed and patted his cheek. So adorable. I mean cute. No stupid! Yeah, stupid.

  After I changed into fresh clothes and fixed my messy hair, we walked to the parking lot and waited inside Mason’s borrowed car for Liam.  He came out not long after, with a huge grin on his face. Disgusting.

  “What do you want?” Mason asked me. We were now at the drive-through at McDonalds.

  “I want a Big Mac,” I say.

  “I want two Big Macs,” Liam said from the backseat. How can he eat all of that food and still want more? Mason ordered for us and soon, we were off to Aunt Lisa’s house for some relaxin’.

  During the drive there, Liam attacked his first burger and swallowed his second whole. He was now sipping his drink and munching on fries while I’m still taking my third bite on my sandwich.

  Mason basically did the same thing as Liam, leaving me to feel like the slow eater. Asses.

  When we got there, I heard shouting inside so I decided to play ninja and have a look. Quick as a flash, I disappeared from the boy and was crouching under the window. Silently, I opened it and creped in. Mason and Liam were both looking at me with a bored expression and just walked through the front door. Stupid civilians. I inched my way through the kitchen and into the living room. That was where the shouting was the loudest.

  I could hear words now. “Ha!...In your face…I win!” a voice said. It sounded oddly like Aunt Lisa’s. Then, another voice spoke.

  “Whatever…lucky shot…rematch,” it said. That one sounded like Alejandro’s. THEN, I heard ANOTHER voice. Sort of. I heard Mario’s ‘Let’s Go!’ shout and the zooming of cars.

  “AHHHH HAAA!!” I screamed as I jumped out in front of the T.V, scaring the shit out of Alejandro and Aunt Lisa.

  Tyler, what the hell!?!”  Alejandro yelled, placing a hand on his heart. No need to be dramatic.

  I turned around on the to see…they were playing Mario Kart on the Wii. All that shouting for this?

  “OOOOHHH I WANNA PLAY!!” I screamed. I never said I didn’t.  Mario Kart is my game. Aunt Lisa handed me another Wii remote and nodded towards the screen.

  “Get ready to get your ass whooped because I am a BEAST at this game,” Aunt Lisa boasted. Alejandro snorted on the couch.

  “Please,” he said.

  “Oh really?” she sneered at him, “I clearly remembering I beat you all 21 times we played,” It was my time to snort.

  “Aww, Alejandro doesn’t like getting his ass whooped in Mario Kart by his MOMMY?” I teased. He grumbled something unintelligible but went back to the game.

  As I intended to, I smoked their asses. Let me say, I did it with style too. Aunt Lisa and Alejandro still had their jaws hanging open. Mason and Liam – who sat and watched – were laughing hysterically. I only had a smug smile on my face.

  Finally, Alejandro was able to speak. “How the HELL were you able to overlap us BACKWARDS?!?!” he shrieked.

  “Because. I got skill,” I said, clearly enjoying their disbelief.

  “That’s not even possible?!?!” Aunt Lisa exploded. How can it not be possible if you saw it yourself?

  “You witnessed the awesomeness so you can’t deny it,” I say. I was really enjoying their shock and disbelief. I find it hilarious. By now, they look really pissed off so they both stormed off in different directions.

  “Wow,” Mason managed to say.

  “That was epic,” Liam choked out between laughs.

  “No need to flatter me boys,” I say to them, “I already know I’m awesome,”


  I was lying on my bed in Aunt Lisa’s guest room. I woke up early today. Today was the day I go home. Bummer. I was actually starting to like Italy. Well, on the bright side, Liam is coming with me. And Mason will be on the flight with me.  Wait, I don’t know if that’s good, or bad. Oh, well!

  I guess I better go and get ready for the flight. I glance at Jimmy who was lying on my stomach deep in thought. I don't even know what's going on in there. Me and him made up earlier and so now we're on good terms.

  Ugh. Best get going now.

 (2 hours later)

  “Ready to go?” Liam asked as he got in the car. I nodded my head. Jimmy sat on my lap as I scratched his back. 

  “OMG I LOVE THIS SONG,” I shrieked and blasted the radio and sang along. That caused Jimmy to jump and land on Liam. Heh, heh.


  Liam looked irritated and annoyed so I sang even louder, if that was even possible.


  “God please help me,” Liam pleaded. Obviously, God liked to torture him like I do, because my other favorite song came on.


 Liam gripped the steering wheel and concentrated on driving.



“Oh, thank god, LAND!” Liam basically screeched into a parking space and jumped out of the car.  I chuckled as he kissed the ground. Throughout the whole ride, all of my favorite songs came on and I just had to sing along.

  “It’s not my fault that the car likes me better than you,” I said, getting out of the car. Liam glared at me when getting up. Then, he got out the bag and we headed inside the airport.

  People were bustling about, trying to get to their flight. Suitcases were all over the place and I almost tripped on one. When we finally got to our boarding site, people were already getting on. We quickly joined and soon enough, we were sitting in the plane. I got the window seat, AGAIN! Which is awesome. Liam sat two rows in front of me, leaving an unknown person to sit right next to me. My faithful jackass of a tiger was lazily laying on my lap. Not paying attention to anything.

  Then, a thought came to mind. Oh, no! What if Mr. Creeps was on this plane too! What if he sat next to me like last time?! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!

  “Is this seat taken?” a familiar voice sounded in my ears. I turned from the window to see Mason sliding in the seat right next to me. Phew! Thank god it wasn’t Mr. Creeps.

  “Thank god. I thought you were some creepy old pedophile,” I said with a sigh of relief. His eyebrows furrowed.

  “Why would you think that?” he asked.

  “My flight here ended up in me having to kick this guy in the balls for perving on me,”

  Mason looked thoughtful for a moment before turning amused.

  “You know, the same thing happened to me when flying here,” he said. I laughed at how ironic that is.

  Just then, two people sat in the seats across from us. I recognized the man immediately as Mr. Creepy. Holy shit! Mr. Creepy is a stalker too? He then turns to me with a surprised look on his face, which then turns to a smirk. I turn to see Mason gulping at the lady sitting next to Mr. Creepy. I’m guessing she was his Mrs. Creepy. She winked at Mason and waggled her fingers at him. I had the sudden urge to smash her head into one of the windows and choke her until she’s purple.

  Mr. Creepy leaned forward and his whole torso was across the aisle. I’m glad I got the window seat.

  “Hey babe, Since you’re not with Mr. Hero anymore, maybe we can get back to where we were,” he winked at the end, causing me to almost gag.

  A deep, thunderous growl rumbled from Mason’s chest as he looked at Mr. Creepy like he wanted to rip his throat out. That would e fun to watch.

  Mr. Creepy gulped as he looked over at Mason, and shrunk back in his seat. Serves him right! I saw Mrs. Creepy giving me death glares. She even took her finger, and slid it across her throat. I scoffed. How last year.

  I raised an eyebrow at her, and casually stuck up my middle finger at her. Then, I turned back to the window as we were about to take off. 


"Home sweet home!" I yelled as me and Liam got to the house. We ditched Mason as soon as we boarded off the plane and called for a taxi soon after. Jimmy was looking around us like we just entered outer space. I guess the area is so new to him, he doesn't know what to think. It was around one in the morning so no one would be awake to question the tiger yet. That's a good thing.

  "Hurry up and open the damn door, these bags are getting heavy," Liam complained from behind. I made him carry all of the bags like the pack-mule he is.

  "Sure, sure," I replied not listening to him. Stupid minion. I unlocked the door quietly and crept in. Liam, beang the idiot minion he is, just bustled in, making enough niose to wake up the whole town.

  "Shhh! We don't want Mr. I-have-a-permanent-10 foot-long-stick-up-my-ass to wake up!" I whisper-yelled at him. The fool just looked ahead of me and dropped the bags.

  "We already have," he muttered. We did? How does he know?! Turn on my heel only to stop short on my movement. Jimmy does this little growl that would only make people laugh, but it was helpful. I guess.

  Because standing right in the shadows of the living room, was none other than the devil himself.



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  VOte  and  COmment !!!!!!!!!

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