Taylor's Journey (BWWM) ~Inte...

By Bbria1213

960K 36.9K 7.3K

Once Taylor's boyfriend found out that Taylor was pregnant he didn't want anything to do with her. Watch Tayl... More

Taylor's Journey - Intro-
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 ~ Last Chapter

Chapter 19

22.9K 962 158
By Bbria1213

Enjoy! Made it long for you guys!

Jeremy walked into the glass elevator of his 15 floor building. He held a sleeping Chase in his arms. Holding Chase with one hand, he pressed the top floor button on the elevator and pulled out his phone. He dialed a number and placed it to his ear.

"Tracie, make sure you have my coffee on my desk before I get in there," he glanced down at Chase. "And bring me some warm milk. Don't make it too hot its for a baby."

He hung up the phone before he got a reply.

The elevator beeped at the top floor. Jeremy walked out into a busy loud office, getting stares and quick glances, but he didn't care. He turned down a hall and walked a few more minutes where you couldn't hear any more unnecessary nose from his best employees.

He came up to a glass door that lead into an area that looked like a family living room. There was a couch and a flat screen TV, and in a corner was a desk that was supposed to be for his assistant, but he didn't want anyone in his area, so he put her outside with the rest of his employees.

He came up to another door that you couldn't see through. When you're inside the office you could see everything on your side but on the other side it was like a mirror.

He pulled the door open, happy to see the items he requested. He sat at his large desk and turned on his desktop computer. He looked down at Chase and realized he needed a place to put him.

He got his phone out again, dialing his assistant.

"Tracie, I need you to bring me a blanket. It has to be large and soft. I need it now." He hung up.

Not even five minutes later, Tracie popped her head into his office. He was annoyed that she didn't have anything with her.

"Mr.Greyworth we don't have any blankets." Tracie said walking further more into his office making quick glances at Chase, but still trying to keep eye contact with Jeremy.

"Then go buy one." He snapped.

"Sir, there isn't any stores around here that sells stuff like that. The closest store here is like 15 minutes."

"Okay." Jeremy said not really paying attention to her.

"Do I have permission to leave?"

"I gave you permission to get that damn blanket. So, I don't care what you do just get me the blanket. And this milk is too hot. Get me another." Jeremy said feeling the milk that was in a mug cup.

"Yes sir." She said quickly leaving his office. Jeremy was known to fired people who annoyed him even the slightest. So, just staying away from him was best.

After about 10 minutes into working, Jeremy felt Chase moving in his arms. He looked down at Chase and saw Chase looking back at him.

Jeremy smiled. "Hey, buddy!"

Chase stared at him for a few seconds then he opened his mouth and started to cry.

Jeremy was shocked.

"Oh I'm sorry." Jeremy brought him to his chest while patting his back. "What's wrong Chase?"

Jeremy pulled him back and looked at his little red face. He took out the little piece of paper with Bessy's number on it. He dialed it.

"Hello?" Said an old women.

"Yes, can I please speak to Taylor?"

"Oh this must be Jeremy. Yes Taylor is in the kitchen. Hold on."

Jeremy waited impatiently on the line.

"Hel-" Taylor started.

Jeremy interrupted her. "He's crying."

Taylor sighed. "I know I can hear him."

"So how do I get him to stop?"

"Did you check his diaper?"

Jeremy un zipped his onesie and looked at his diaper. "Yeah its on."

Taylor paused. "What?"

"I said it-"

"That's not what I meant," Taylor sighed. "Smell his diaper, Jeremy."


"To see if he needs to be changed."

Jeremy lifted Chase's diaper to his nose, but immediately jerked back at the smell.

"Damnit. Taylor you're gonna have to come down here. I can't change a diaper."

"And why can't you?" Taylor asked.

"Because, I don't want to."

Taylor laughed. "Well you're gonna have to, because I'm not coming all the way over there. Sorry Jeremy."

"Taylor. I don't know how to do it." Jeremy admitted.

"Okay, that's alright. I'm going to give you steps. First lay him down."

"I have no place to lay him. And that girl isn't back with the blanket, yet." Jeremy said forgetting his assistant's name.

"Just lay him on the desk, but don't let him fall. Keep a hand on him at all times. Also, put me on speaker, so you'll have your other hand."

Jeremy put Taylor on speaker and placed his phone down on his desk, along with Chase.

"Okay now what?"

"Now pull back the little adhesive tabs on both sides of the diaper."

"Why don't I just pull the whole diaper off?" Jeremy said not finding the little tabs.

"No! Don't do that. Unless you want a bigger mess to clean up."

"I can't find the tabs you're talking about."

Taylor sighed. "It's not that hard, Jeremy. They're a different color from the diaper."

"Oh you mean these little blue things?"

"Yes. Now pull those back."

Jeremy pulled them back. "Okay did that."

"Now take the diaper off."

Jeremy slowly took the diaper off and placed his hand over his nose.

"This smell like shit."

Taylor laughed and so did Jeremy.

"Now clean him up with a baby wipe and put a new diaper on him."

"Fuck." Jeremy whispered. "Taylor I think I left them in the car."

"What the hell, Jeremy? You had one job and that was to take the whole diaper bag with you everywhere you go!"

"Calm down. I'll just get somebody to go get them."

Right after he said that, Tracie walked in with the blanket and milk. You could tell she was trying hard not to cover her nose with the blanket from the smell.

"Here you go, sir." Tracie said placing the items on his desk.

Jeremy pulled out his keys and handed them to her. "Go to my car and get the diaper bag and bring it right back."

Tracie stared at him for a few seconds.

"Go!" Jeremy shouted. He watched her walk out his office.

"Who was that?" Taylor asked.

"No one important. So, now what?"

"You gotta wait until she comes back with the bag, duh." Taylor said. "Let me speak to Chase."

"You want to speak to him? You do know he can't talk, yet."

"Yes, Jeremy, I'm not stupid. Just put the phone beside him."

Jeremy moved the phone over to Chase.

"Okay it's by him."

"Hey baby Chase!" Taylor said happily. "You've been a good boy?"

Jeremy laughed. "It's the beginning of the day and all he did was cry so far."

"Aw, what time do you get off?"

"I'm leaving as soon as I finish this project I've been working on."

"Okay, well I have to go. Bessy is teaching me how to make my own baby food." Taylor said excitedly.

"Good luck on that. Bye."


Jeremy hung up the phone and looked down at Chase. Chase was just looking around the room trying to see everything.

"Where is she?" Jeremy said to himself, referring to Tracie. He pulled out his phone and called her again.

"Where are you?" He asked her.

"I'm making my way to you ri-"

Jeremy hung up, all he wanted to know was where she was.

Jeremy heard the door open and he watched as two people walking. He sighed in annoyance at the second person to enter his room.

Tracie handed Jeremy his things and quickly left his office. Jeremy continued to ignore the other person in his room and started cleaning up Chase.

A deep voice spoke. "Quit ignoring me, Jeremy, it's very childish. Speaking of children, why do you have a child?"

*I'm so tired! But I got it up for you guys! Yay!*


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