Immortals: The Ombré Series (...

By Scarlett8998

39.7K 1.8K 41

Quinn Winters never believed her crazy mother's stories, never believed that the things that go bump in the n... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Authors Note
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Five

2.2K 129 3
By Scarlett8998


Music pounded through the club, bright neon lights flashed in the dark warehouse. Mo finally relaxed and we were dancing in the crowd. She was having fun and so was I, "Come on." I grabbed her hand as we weaved our way to the bar. "Rico!" I shouted as the bartender an owner of Veto came over with a smile.

"Quinn, damn girl it's good to see you! What brings you in this side of town?!" He shouted over the music as I kissed his cheek. Rico gave me my first job and gave me a roof over my head for my first two years of college. He had a wife and four kids, almost five.

"Introducing this girl to club life and I decided for her first experience to come to the best!" I smiled as he laughed smiling at Mo.

"I'm Rico," he shook Mo's hand.

"Morgana but my friends call me Mo." She smiled as Rico placed two drinks in front of us. It was vodka and cranberry juice, my favorite.

"Don't let this girl get you into too much trouble, Mo." He winked as someone flagged him down. "Drinks on the house, be good Quinn." I scoffed at his accusation as he chuckled, walking away.

"Uh," Mo said as we sipped on our drinks. She patted her cheek and I laughed. "Old boyfriend?"

"No," her eyes widened. "Think of that as a daughter pecking her father on the cheek. When I first moved here I knew no one, one rainy night I sought refuge here. Rico's wife, Maria, saw me and took me in. They got four kids with one on the way, I worked here for free to pay off rent. They're great, like family."

"I like them already," she smiled. "Can we go dance some more?"

"Absolutely!" I set my empty glass down but hers was half full. "You'll get you another drink once we're done." She tilted her head at me. "Wouldn't want someone to slip you anything, come on." I pulled her to the dance floor as Cool for the Summer by Demi Lovato came on. Mo giggled as we swayed our hips, the beat taking me away from the mess my life had become. Fear slithered up my spine and I froze, I turned and a man in a black hoodie was staring at me and Mo. My heart ached and the palms of hands itched, he definitely wasn't safe. "We're leaving." I grabbed Mo's sleeve and started dragging her towards the door. I could feel the man following us and all the air left my lungs.

"Quinn? What's wrong?" Mo asked as we walked outside, the cold, fall breeze cooling my hot skin. Something wasn't right...

"Mo, someone's following us." I whispered as we walked to Lucian's car. A head ache started to form and I pulled Mo behind me as I turned to see the man smiling at me. All his teeth were pointed, black markings travelled all over his skin like tattoos, and his eyes were black. He stepped towards us when something inside of me snapped. "You will not come near us!" I ordered in a voice so low it didn't sound like my own. The man halted in his steps, tilting his head at me. "יורד מאתנו, רוע שאורב לנשמה (descend away from us, evil that lurks for a soul)." The man let out a shriek and dropped to his knees, clearly in pain. He fell to his back, convulsing and Mo gasped. Black smoke, in a shape of a man rose from the body. Red eyes stared at us, hissing before it disintegrated into the cement. The feeling of dread disappeared, my skin was no longer hot and my palms didn't itch.

"What the hell?" Mo asked astonished and I shook my head. I ran over to the body on the ground and felt for a pulse, there was nothing.

"Shit," I breathed as I stood.

"What was that?" Mo asked again as I turned to her.

"I don't know," I suddenly felt light headed and felt something drip from my nose. I touched it lightly with my fingers and blood stained them.

"Quinn!" Mo shouted as everything went black and I hit the cement, hard.


"What's wrong with her?" I asked Opal who was examining Quinn.

"She's weakened, her powers took their toll on her. With your healing she will be fine, just needs rest." Opal assured and Mo sighed in relief.

"What were you thinking?" I asked my sister, she was hiccuping as she stopped crying.

"I wanted her to smile, not slip into a depression again. I offered a movie but she wanted to go to a club. I had never been to one so, I agreed." Mo stated confidently, "I'd never seen anything like it. She spoke witches tongue, Lucian."

"She exercised a demon, it's very powerful magic." Opal said standing from Quinn's bedside. "She's very special, only warrior witches or warlocks can exercise a demon. I need to know of her origin to fully help her develop her skills."

"She doesn't talk about her past, Opal." Lucas replied as I scratched the stubble on my chin.

"She won't know what I need, I need to speak to her mother." Mo stiffened and I tilted my head at her.

"That's gonna be hard," Mo sighed.

"Why?" Lucas asked, so he didn't know everything about her.

"Quinn's mom is in Boston, living at St. Claire's Mental Hospital." Mo revealed as Quinn turned in her sleep.

"That's why she freaked about becoming her mother." Lucas shook his head, "That sucks."

"Well, I don't think she is going mental." Opal chuckled, I didn't find any of this funny. "I believe she saw a woman, but she isn't alive. I think that Quinn is being haunted by a ghost. Sometimes warrior witches can be visited by spirits who are in distress. Usually ones who are brutally murdered by supernatural creatures."

"Enough, leave." I commanded as I watched Quinn sleeping, I was too tired from healing Quinn to think properly. Mo sighed as she, Lucas, and Opal left. I sat in a chair next to Quinn's bed and soon sleep took me.


My eyes fluttered open and I tried to sit up, my entire body ached. I almost yelped when I saw a sleeping Lucian in a chair next to my bed. I bit my lip, afraid to wake him as I got out of bed. I was still in last night's clothes and blood stained my shirt. I sighed as I pulled my tank top over my head, and unbuttoned my jeans, letting both garments hit the hardwood floor. I pulled some comfy shorts and a too long t-shirt out of my door, I needed a shower. I felt a finger trace the star that was on my right shoulder and shivered, I knew it was Lucian. Only he could make my body respond the way it did. "You're beautiful," he whispered in my ear.

"I thought you were asleep." I breathed out, his touch leaving me breathless.

"I was," he stated simply as I felt his lips press against the side of my neck, making me suck in a breath.

"Luc..." I moaned as I tilted my head to the side, leaning into him. His arms snaked around my waist, pulling me to him. My skin ignited, my legs became jelly, and a puddle formed in between my thighs.

"You smell good," he whispered as he inhaled deeply.

"Lucian! Sam's here!" Lucas yelled from somewhere in the house and just like that the fire was gone, along with this Lucian. He released me and took four steps away from me, his mask was back in place as he cleared his throat.

"I'm glad to see you are feeling better." Lucian gave a single nod as he walked out of my door, taking my heart with him.

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