Vindictive [ Jeff the killer...

By MsDeathDefying

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I'm a killer. I can't love. Why can't I bring myself to end your life.. Jeff is a killer. But when he sp... More

Vindictive [ Jeff the killer ]
Chapter 1. The day a killer spared my life
Chapter 2. Born to kill.
Chapter 3. Don't go to sleep yet.
Chapter 4. Too close.
Chapter 5. Pleasurable pain
Chapter 6. Bloody temptations
Chapter 7. He loves me. He loves me not
Chapter 8. Bittersweet
Chapter 9. Lavender
Chapter 10. Last chance
Chapter 11. My bloody valentine
Chapter 12. Sick.
Chapter 13. Conflicted
Chapter 14. No escape
Chapter 15. Distraction
Chapter 17. Eat my heart out
Chapter 18. Stay awake.
Chapter 19. Bitter and poisonous
Chapter 20. You're not sorry.
Chapter 21. Promise to stay
Chapter 22. Not a killer
Chapter 23. Gone
Chapter 24. True intentions
chapter 25 Vulnerability
Chapter 26 Killer status
Chapter 27 blood bath

Chapter 16. Pitch black.

14K 375 51
By MsDeathDefying

2 months later.  

Jeffs pov

I don't know how long it's been. Time wasn't something I wanted to keep track of. I wandered aimlessly, going nowhere and everywhere. Killing everything that crossed my path, it still didn't satisfy me.  

I'm selfish. I can't help it.

I had decided to give Liara her escape. Was this really what she wanted? I just assumed it and never gave her a chance to answer. What am I thinking, she wasn't going to answer.  

I had decided to leave the town for a bit, maybe longer. I wandered, killing anything that crossed my path, and none of the victims could have compared to Liara.  

An owl was perched on a nearby tree, watching me with glowing gold eyes. It was a predator, same as I. Slowing my pace, I stared into the vastness of the dark night.  

I shoved my hands into my front pockets and walked on. The owl hooted and flew away.

"Jeffy you're back!" Sally flung her arms around me, holding on tightly. "You've been gone for so long. Slendy searched for you."

"Sorry Sally. I needed a short break."

"I know. Please don't leave again, at least not anytime soon."

"Not for extended periods, I won't."

"We missed you Jeff.." she whimpered and buried her face in my hoodie. I patted her on the head.

"I missed you too Sally."

Why did I come back to this town. I often asked myself the next couple days. There was no reason I left, and also no reason in returning here. I was guilty for upsetting Sally, though that was because she didn't know of anything. I still found myself wondering about Liara. I wanted to see what she was doing, how she eas doing. I 'll go unnoticed, I had to get this off my chest.  

Our last conversation still echoed in my ears. I lavished for her blood; it was atrocious. Viewing her as a toy, as prey; was that what she was to me. I still couldn't answer that. I doubt I'll ever be able to. All I know was that I worried about her whereabouts. She was able to give me adrenaline just with a single touch. She was like cocao, sweetness that was overpowered by it's bitterness.  

Liara was hard to figure out. I doubt I'll ever be able to figure out her secret. 

I wanted to know what she hid, though I couldn't get close to her; both physically and emotionally. Attachment is the last thing anyone needs.  

I thought I'd get rid of this guilt that was eating away at me when I left, but instead it seemed to worsen.  

What was I afraid of. I'm not afraid.  

Why do I care if it destroys me. I'm already gone. I knew if I went back, nothing good would arise.

"Jeff. You decided to come back."  

I turned around to see Jack.  

"Oh yeah. Only for a bit."

"I see. Well the other day I was in the woods and I thought I saw someone familiar .." I imagined the expression behind his mask alter and darken.

"What Jack? Who did you see."

"It was a woman with long black hair, dressed in black.. she looked oddly suspicious.."

"Did you see her eyes?"

"Her eyes?" He asked.

"Yes. What were the color of her sockets?"

"I only got a quick glimpse of her face; pale, and her eyes. . They were . . Black."

"Fuck. What is she doing back here." I thought.

"She kind of reminded me of that woman you faced."

"It is her. I don't know why she's back-"

"I thought she was dead!" Jack interuppted.

"She is." I answered.

Slendy was in the living room. He turned around when I walked in. "I heard Jane's back."

"Jack saw her."

"Hm.." He paused for a moment "I thought she was dead?"

"I thought she was too."

"Jeff, are you looking for my help?"

I shook my head. "I beat her once. I can do it again. Besides this is my fight.."

"I see, just be careful. Don't underestimate her."


Thanks for reading! Please like and comment! I love you all! 

Love, Alice xoxo

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