My Personal Trainer《BTS JIMIN...

By misshobie

311K 11.8K 9.1K

Please read the authors note (^ω^) Especially if you're Jimin biased~ Most impressive ranking #9 in btsjiminf... More

Author's Note
Chap. 1: Jumped
Chap. 2: Personal Trainer
Chap. 3: First Battle
Chap. 4: The New Jimin
Chap. 5: Truce
Chap. 6: Feelings ╮(╯3╰)╭
Chap. 7: Backfire!
Chap. 8: I'm Over It
Chap. 9: Open Your Eyes
Chap. 10: I Quit
Chap. 11: You what?
Chap. 12: And The Winner Is...
Chap. 13: Same Old Ex
Chap. 14: Paralyzed
Chap. 15: On The Contrary
Chap. 16: I'm Back
Chap. 17: Give Us A Try
Chap. 18: Power Couple
Chap. 19: My Name Is.. ㅠ.ㅠ
Chap. 20: Build Up
Chap. 21: Distracted
Chap. 22: Say That Again?...
Chap. 23: No Bond Whatsoever
Chap. 24: Rematch
Chap. 25: Bullet Wound
Chap. 26: Fading Away
Chap. 27: Almost Broken
Chap. 28: A New Hyung
Chap. 29: A Tall Stranger?
Chap. 30: Mine Forever
Chap. 31: Hidden Secrets
Chap. 33: Wicked Witch
Chap. 34: Heart
Chap. 35: 22nd Anniversary
Chap. 36: 미안해
Chap. 37: Dance Like We're Making Love
Chap. 38: Wrong One
Chap. 39: Missing
Chap. 40: ¡FOUND!
Chap. 41: Shot Down
FINAL CHAPTER: A Second Chance

Chap. 32: Truth Revealed

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By misshobie

-Taehyung POV-

The whole day I avoided Jina.

I didn't find the letter Jimin sent her under my mattress today. For sure she got all curious and found it herself.

Which only means she knows now.

If it wasn't for his big stupid friend, I wouldn't be angry right now.

After school I went straight to Ultimate Gym, I'm sure Jimin is there.

I barged right in and indeed he was there punching a punching bag.

"You suck!" I exclaimed.

He stopped what he was doing and looked at me panting hard. "Huh?"

"You just had to send your big old friend to tell Jina about the note huh?!"

"What are you talking about babo?"

"Last night your friend 'Tony' came by and told MY girlfriend about the stupid sob letter YOU sent."

"Ok listen weirdo. I never sent anyone to tell Jina anything. Even if I did, what would you care?"

"She MIGHT leave me FOR YOU." I shouted.

He chuckled. "Now you understand how I felt when she was introduced to you." He said.

I groaned. "I'm with her now. She's mine!"

"She was mine first. I was her first love. She fell in love with me at first site."

"That doesn't matter. You're dangerous around her. Just stay away!"

"I can't promise that. Jina means too much to me for me to let her go easily."

"Whatever you're planning it won't work. I'm going to ruin it all."

"You know you're just like, Serena. All obsessive and shit."

I punched him. "Don't you ever compare me to that ugly thing of yours you call girlfriend."

He spit some blood and fixed his posture.

"You and Jina won't last long." He said.

"Just like you guys didn't. Wow. I'm so hurt." I said sarcastically.

"We'll just have to see what happens."

He continued to train on his own.

I angrily left.

-text message-

'From Jina: We need to talk'

Nope. No we don't.

I made my way to the dance studio.

Jin and Namjoon were the only ones there.

Jin: Tae!

Namjoon: Sup man~

"Guys I really fucked up."

Jin: Omg you didn't a girl pregnant did you?

I glared at him. "Ew?!"

Namjoon chuckled.

Namjoon: What's up little guy?

I sat with them. "What I'm about to tell you...might upset you."

Jin: You didn't erase all my progress on my Mario game did you?

"Omg can you shut up!"

Jin: .-.

Namjoon: What's the matter?

I need to tell them what I've done, so that they can help me or give me advice. I can't lose Jina when I just won.

I started from scratch, how I wanted to steal her at first but unfortunately tragedy happened that pulled them apart. Then I told them how I spotted him with Serena and all that stuff.

Jin: You're evil.

"Quiet." I glared at him.

Namjoon: be honest. You are just as guilty in all of this.

"I am?"

Namjoon: Uhm yeah? You're making this harder for her than it has to be. You're in her way.

"She confessed to me."

Jin: But regardless Jimin is who she truly wants to be with.

"So what you're saying is..I'm the rebound -_-"

Namjoon: Ehh..not exactly. She's probably just very confused at the moment. You need to come clean man.

I sighed. "That's the hard part..I'm afraid she'll leave me."

Jin: You can't be so sure. Just come clean and hear what she has to say.

"Yeah you're right." I rubbed my eyes. "I'm just nervous because like...ugh.. She's so pretty! Not my fault I fell for her at first sight..."

Namjoon: But it's your fault you fell for someone elses girl.

I didn't say anything.

Jin: You going or what?

"Right." I got up. "Catch y'all later."


I arrived to the house.

It's too quiet..

As I walked upstairs I felt someone behind me, I turned my head and saw Jungkook. He was by the staircase.

"Hey Kookie."

"You're hiding things from my noona?" He asked and crossed his arms.

I sighed. "Look..I have a good reason why."

"Then tell me."

"Where's your sister?"

Jina: I'm right here.

I looked up and Jina was glaring down at me with her arms crossed.

I feel like if they were to team up on me I'd die.

I gulped. "Jina."

Jina: Care to explain why you didn't give me this?

She held up the card.


Jungkook: You think we're idiots?

"No!" I exclaimed.

Jina: Then what the hell Tae.

"Ok. Everyone calm down."

Jungkook: You made me turn my back on my only best friend!

"I never obligated you to do so!"

Jina: Don't yell at him!

"Ok! I'm sorry..."

Jina sighed.

Jina: Everyone to my room.

Jungkook and I followed Jina to her room, I can feel the cold shoulder Jungkook is giving me.

This sucks.

We all sat at her bed.

Jina: Explain.

"First off, I'll admit, it was wrong of me to keep the card from you..but babe.." I pouted. "You're not safe near Jimin. That crazy witch is willing to kill you! Think about yourself first."

Jina: I do.

"I mean are you dumb?"

Jungkook: Excuse you?

Jina: I'm not.

"You're in love with a guy that's given you so much shit to deal with! Did it ever occur to you that maybe it's not worth it?"

Jina: Huh?

"I know you love Jimin. But don't you think enough is enough? Do you really want to be with a guy who constantly has you running on danger?"

Jina: Well..

"All because his crazy ex girlfriend is jealous she can't have him?"

Jina: When you put it that way..

"Jina. I care about you tons. You don't understand, as much as I try to show still isn't enough."

Jungkook: Where are you going with this?

"What I'm trying to say is...You're better off with me."

Jungkook: Bullshit! You had us both fooled! I can't believe I liked you!

"I understand exactly how you feel."

Jungkook: No you don't! I was being mean to the WRONG person!

Jina: Kookie!

Jungkook: What?!


We all sighed.

Jina: ....I get it.


Jungkook and I looked at her.

Jina: Jimin and I much as we try to work it won't be the same.

Jungkook: Noona..

Jina: Taehyung's right Jungkookie. Even Hobi said the same thing. If I try and get back with'll only trigger Serena to kill me.

Jungkook: But you love Jimin.

Man this kids annoying.

Jina: And he loves me too. That's why he's hurting me rather than letting her hurt me.

I put my hand over hers. "Mianhae.."

Jina: Don't be sorry. I should be the one saying sorry..for being stupid.

"You're not stupid."

Jungkook: Yeah. He is.

I glared at him.

Jina giggled

Jina: Please continue to get along.

She's smiling but deep down I know she's not happy. I don't want her to be with me if she isn't happy. It'll hurt me more than it hurts her.

Man this is gonna suck. I'm gonna regret doing this.

I took a deep breath.


She locked eyes with me.

"You don't have to be with me if you don't want to..." I said.

Jungkook: *eyes widen*

Jina: What? No Tae..

"I don't want to be with someone who thinks they have to be with me."

Jina: I know I don't have to. I want to.

"No you don't." I snapped. "As much as it makes me happy..I know you're not. I bet you wish I had given you the letter. You know all too well you wouldn't have given me a chance if I had given it to you. Which is why I didn't."

Jina: Taehyung...

"Just say you don't want to be with me."

I mean it's the fucking truth. She doesn't.

Jungkook: Wow..

Jina: I understand why you'd feel that way. But honestly..I do like you.

"Do you really?"

Jina: Yes! I know it's nothing compared to what I feel for Jimin but regardless my feelings for you are real...and you could be right...I'm probably better off with you.


Jungkook: Whoa whoa whoa...I'm sooo..NOT WITH THIS SHIT! *gets up and walks out*

Jina: Kookie!

"Leave him."

We heard the front door slam shut.

She sighed. "Great."

"He'll come around." I said.

"I'm sorry...he's just..very protective with me. He wants what's best for me."

"We all want what's best for you."

She smiled lightly. "Yeah.."

"Are you sure you want to continue dating? I'll be ok. Honest"

She kissed me.


"For what it's worth...yes." she whispered.

I smiled and kissed her again.

She tugged on my lip a bit.

"Oh my.." I mumbled.

She smiled. "Don't like it?"

"I lurve it." I said and kissed her cute little nose.

Jina giggled. "Babo."

I hugged her. "Thank you..."

"No thank you.." she whispered.

I held her tighter.

She pulled away. "Jimin would want me to be happy." She said.

I agreed. "Yeah..but not with me."

"As long as it isn't him.." she mumbled.

I kissed her. "I promise I'll do whatever to make you happy."

She smiled as she nodded.

Well this went better than I expected.



-Jimin POV-

I finally finished training and changed out of my gym clothes and into regular clothing.


I yelled.

"What the fuck?.." I squinted my eyes a bit. "Kookie?"

"Hyung please forgive me!" He yelled and ran into my arms.


"Kookie whats the matter? Why are you-"

"Taehyung's the enemy. I'm so sorry I was so mean to you. I'll never EVER turn my back on you again."

Guess he finally opened his eyes -_-

I chuckled and pulled away. "Don't apologize. I knew he had you brainwashed all along."

"Yeah but now he's with Jina. That isn't right. You guys belong together."

I sighed. "No Jungkook. We don't. Haven't you realized?"

"Realized what?"


"Oh wait! I know. My sister's an idiot."

I giggled. "No, your sister isn't safe around me anymore. All because of one girl."

"Hey how about listening to THE MAKNAE for once and uhm I dunno CALL THE COPS?!"

"What are they gonna do? They don't even know who SHOT Jina in the first place. No one saw anything either. Serena can get away with almost anything."

"But if we work hard and quietly, we can catch her in the act!"

"But we'll be putting other lives in danger. Just leave it alone. As long as Jina is ok. I'll take all the pain."

"Noona is not ok."


"Hyung she loves you! Right now she's with Taehyung because she thinks it's whats best."

"It is whats best."

For now.

"So thats it? You're not going to fight for her? After all you've gone through.?"

"Look Jungkook, if you think I'm going to let things end this way. I'm not." I smirked.

Now that I finally got Jungkook back on my side, maybe this plan of mine can work.

He smirked as well. "So what are you planning?"

"Hmmm...I was thinking.."


-text message-

'From Jungkookie: Coast is clear. Taehyung agreed and we're both on our way to the arcade. Good luck!'

Excellent. I smiled and put my phone away.

The plan was for Jungkook to act like he's ok with everything and forgive Taehyung then take him out for a bit. Meanwhile Jina stays alone. I can sneak in and see her.

I waited a while longer then put the plan in action

Carefully and quietly I snuck in through the back door. I tippy toed my way to her room and locked the door shut.

She gasped and turned, her eyes widen.

"'d you-"

I put my hand over her mouth. "Sshhh..."


Madi: Jina? Is someone up there?

I ushered her not to say a word.

Madi: Ah whatever. Stupid brat.

I heard Miss. Madi walk away into the kitchen. Then I removed my hand.

She gasped for air. "What are you doing here?!"

"I had to come see you." I said.

Her gaze softened. "You did?"

I nodded. "I missed you so much. I hate that we can't be together." I held both her hands.

She interlocked her fingers with mine.

"Is this real? Are you really here?" She said and looked into my eyes.

I cupped her face and kissed her ever so passionately.

She broke the kiss and opened her eyes slowly. ""

"You're with Taehyung now. I know."

Her eyes got watery. "I'm sorry.."

"I'm not mad. You don't know how much I hate all of this."

"Why is this happening?"

"It's all because of me."

"No. It's because of Serena."

"That too."

"What are we gonna do?"

"You're not doing anything. Leave it to me."

"But what about Tae? Jimin I'll be honest..I actually grew feelings for him."

I can literally feel my heart being ripped out of my chest.

"Are they the same feelings you have for me?" I asked.

She shook her head no. "I don't think they ever will be."

I kissed her once more. "He'll understand." I whispered.

She wrapped her arms around me and cried. "I miss you so much.." she mumbled.

I kissed her head. "I miss you too. I miss you so much it hurts.."

"Promise me we'll be together again...I can't bear another second knowing that bitch has you."

I chuckled. "You have me. You always will, remember that."

She pulled away and smiled. "Ok."

I smiled and moved a strand of her light purple hair away. "At least your hair color doesn't look as faded."

She chuckled. "My damn hair is like a lava lamp."

I giggled. "It's cute though, I like it."

Her smile faded and looked down.


"You ight?" I asked.

"Jimin...if I leave this world.." she locked eyes with me. "Promise you'll always remember me. And keep me and our memories in a special place." She put her hand over my heart. "In here..." she whispered.

I lifted her chin up. "Hey.. why are you saying things like that?"

Is she ok?

She kissed me. "Just promise me. Ok?"

I kissed her back. "Ok. Of course. I promise."

She smiled.

Jungkook: Taehyung come back!

Taehyung: No Kookie..I'm really tired.


"They're back.." she whispered.

I held her hands again. "We'll see each other again, I promise." I said.

She kissed me.


I embraced her and moved my lips with hers.

She then broke the kiss. "You need to go. Or else things will get ugly."

I nodded. "K.." I began to crawl out her window.

I stopped. "Oh and Jina."

She looked at me. "Hm?"

"If Serena bullies you. I give you permission to bully her back." I smirked

She smiled. "Thank you~" she blew me a kiss.

I managed to escape quietly and walked home.

A wide smile hit my face.

Guess I'm not lonely after all.


A/N: If you're confused about something, let me know. I will gladly answer.

Or any questions, ask me. I will answer you.

Love/Thank you,

P.S. You guys are awesome (: *gives virtual hug*

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