Deal With It

By Aysha07

221K 6.5K 757

Tyler Lawson. The hottie in town. The "bad boy". My best friend's brother. The guy I absolutely despised. Eve... More

Deal With It
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty one
forty two
forty three
forty four
forty five
forty six
forty seven
forty eight
forty nine
fifty one
fifty two
fifty three
author's note


5.7K 169 20
By Aysha07

Hey :)

This chapter is dedicated to Paige_styles2000 <3

Chapter 6

Tyler's POV

She hated me.

Arissa Noels actually said she hated me.

"I can't believe you did that Tyler," Megan said calmly yet seriously, interrupting my thoughts. I turned around and looked at her angrily. "Her boyfriend cheated on her and you laughed? That's low," she said. I narrowed my eyes at her.

Who was she to give me lectures?

"Give it a rest, Meg," Alec defended me.

Madison was stood there, twirling her hair around her fingers. I honestly didn't even know why we let her hang around with us all the time.

"No, I won't Alec. I've never said anything to him before but that won't be the case this time. What he did was terrible, and to make it worse he did it to Arissa. I've known her for what, an hour or two? And she already seems like a great girl!" she stated.

"Stop being a drama queen," Alec argued.

"I am not!"

"Are too."

"Am not!"

"Are too."

"Am n-"

"Shut up the two of you. I don't care what you think Megan, but if you excuse me I have a sister to find," I snapped before striding off along the dark, cobbled streets.

Before I left I tossed my car keys to Alec since firstly, I was in the mood for a walk and secondly, I didn't want them left on a random street without a car.

I didn't believe that my sister was being... abused.

I was a good brother wasn't I? I would know if anything happened to her right? She wouldn't hide it would she? Of course she wouldn't, that's why I was sure she wasn't being hurt.

But why would Arissa lie? Was she just mad? Was she telling the truth? No! She couldn't be.

I leaned over and held my head tightly, wanting to remove all the questions from my mind that were tormenting me.

Was I just falsely reassuring myself?

I had to find out right away.


Arissa's POV

"Hey sweetie," Dad smiled at me as soon as I walked through the front door. I lazily waved my hand at him and tugged my shirt down, taking extra care not to reveal my hideous tattoo. "Where have you been all day? We didn't even see you earlier," he asked.

"Just with," I began and thought of what I could call them. Certainly not friends. "I was just out. Not a problem is it?" I snapped harshly, suddenly feeling guilty because I was venting my anger out on the wrong person.

"No of course not, we were only worried," he quickly said, almost sounding upset.

I sighed heavily. "I'm sorry for speaking so rudely, I'm just tired so I'm gonna head upstairs."

"Oh, I was planning on taking you and your mother out for dinner," he replied.

"Its 9pm Dad, maybe some other time?" I smiled, not wanting to make him feel bad again. I saw his face drop slightly but then he nodded his head at me. I honestly wasn't hungry and I certainly couldn't be bothered pretending things between me and Mum were fine.

I began to walk towards the staircase when my gaze fell on the table and I remembered something. "Erm, Dad, I left a letter on this table... have you seen it by any chance?" I asked politely. He thought about it for a moment then answered me.

"No, I haven't," he said and then got up from the sofa to help me look. After looking around for ten minutes we decided to give up, well I did anyway.

"It's okay Dad, I'm sure I'll find it sooner or later." I turned around and jogged up the stairs.

As soon as I reached the top I almost bumped into my Mum.

"Ari, you're hom-" she began but I walked off to my bedroom before she could finish what she was saying.

I kicked my shoes off and collapsed onto my bed, my face sinking into the soft pillow. I kept thinking about Tyler... but why? He meant nothing to me so why did his words affect me so much?

Life sucked.

I pulled my covers over my head and kept shuffling around, trying to find a comfortable sleeping position. It wasn't working because I still couldn't sleep, I had too much on my mind.

I sighed in defeat and stomped downstairs, now in my pyjamas. Dad was still downstairs doing his work so I decided not to disturb him and went to the kitchen to grab a snack instead. I walked back to the living room and slumped on the sofa, causing Dad to notice I was there.

"Couldn't sleep?" he asked, still looking at his work.

"Nope," I replied. I switched the TV on and started flicking through the channels, unable to find anything decent to watch. I looked at the clock and realised it was after 11pm. "This isn't disturbing you, is it?" I asked him.

"No no, it's okay," he answered. I kept flicking through the channels when there was a loud thud on the front door, startling me. Dad suddenly shot up, as did I.

"I'll answer it," I offered.

"No it's fin-"

"Seriously Dad, you continue working," I said as I switched the TV off and raced to the front door.

I slowly opened the door and almost got knocked to the ground as someone stumbled forwards. I instantly placed my hand on their shoulders to help them, but mainly to protect myself. "Excuse me bu-" I started but couldn't continue after being shocked by who I was holding.

"Sh-she's gone," he said drunkenly, unable to keep his balance. He lurched forward and came to an abrupt halt, swaying from side to side a little. I wanted to help but at the same time I didn't either. And what was he talking about? Who has gone?

"Arissa, what's going on? Who's this young lad?" Dad asked curiously from behind me.

"Um, it's Heidi's brother— and he's drunk," I sighed. Dad opened his mouth to speak but decided to help him instead. He brought Tyler inside whilst I shut the door behind me and followed them in.

"Baby girl, how's the t-tattoo?" he slurred, laughing as he brushed a hand across my back. He did not just say that infront of my Dad.

"Tattoo?!" Dad bellowed.

"Dad, he's drunk! I don't even have a tattoo. I hate them remember?" I said nervously. Dad narrowed his eyes at me then glanced at Tyler and decided I was the one telling the truth. Thank God for that.

"Help him up to the guest room why don't you?" Dad asked nicely.

"Guest room? He's not staying here!" I protested.

"Well we can't let him wander off in this state. Just do as I said Arissa. Please," he pleaded. I stomped my foot and reluctantly put Tyler's arm around me, holding him tightly.

"This is a mistake," I muttered as I helped him up the stairs. The enemy was in my territory and I couldn't even do anything about it. I walked into the room and dropped him on the bed, heaving and turning to walk out.

"Don't go," he said sweetly.

I turned back around and he was staring at me intensely. That undefinable sparkle in his eyes kept me in a trance. His hair was all ruffled and the top few buttons of his shirt were open, just showing the beginning of his sexy abs. He curved his mouth into a cute smile, his dimple faintly showing. It seemed almost infectious as I smiled intently back at him.

He looked like an angel.

Without my objection he held my arm and pulled me towards him, sitting me down next to him. "I'm sarry," he said. I laughed at how he said 'sorry'.

"Why?" I asked, momentarily forgetting everything. He furrowed his brow, obviously confused by how I had forgotten. And that's when I remembered. I hated myself for getting mesmerised by him again.

Twice in one day!

I suddenly jumped up from the bed, surprising him. I heard him call my name but went straight to my own room and angrily got in bed, falling asleep before I knew it.


"Aaagh!" I shrieked as a bucket of freezing cold water was poured over me at nine in the morning. "Tyler you asshole!"

He stood next to my bed, arms folded and laughing like a hyena. I grabbed my pillows and threw them at him but unfortunately he caught them and threw them back, hitting me right in the face. I shot up from my bed and chased him around my room, repeatedly smacking him on his chest when I caught upto him.

All of a sudden he gripped my hands and swirled me around, pinning me down on my bed and straddling me.

"Wanna try that again?" he asked. I kicked my legs and tried to push him off but he remained completely still. He leaned closer and moved a strand of hair away from my face. I watched his hand as it moved the hair and lightly caressed my head.

"I didn't know my hand was so fascinating," he laughed. I quickly looked back at him and started blushing furiously.

"What is going on in here?!" Dad yelled. I couldn't see him since Tyler was blocking my view but I winced at the sound of his voice. Apparently Tyler got a little frightened too as he quickly got off me and stood next to the bed, straightening his clothes out.

"Sir, we just-"

"It was his fault!" I accused, pointing at Tyler.

"I've heard enough," Dad said sternly as he glared at me. I lowered my head with embarrassment and Tyler tried to hide his laughter as he put a hand over his mouth. "I would appreciate it if you stayed out of my daughter's room," Dad began but stopped when he realised that he didn't know Tyler's name.

"Tyler," Tyler said. Dad nodded his head and awkwardly walked out of the room.

"You are such an idiot!" I yelled as soon as he left.

"Yeah, yeah..." he responded as he plonked himself on my bed.

"Did you not hear my dad?"

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't."

He was so frustrating!

"Get out of my room, out of my house and out of my life! Did you not listen to a word I said yesterday? I don't like you Tyler!"

"I believe the word you used was hate," he answered, sounding a little hurt. I wouldn't let him get to me though, not this time.

"Fine, I hate you Tyler. Is that better?" I questioned harshly. "Now please just leave because I do not want to waste my time dealing with you. I need to see Heidi since you obviously don't care. All that matters to you is getting drunk and pissing me off!" I screamed.  He said nothing and just kept looking away. "You are the worst brother ever, you make me glad I'm an only child," I added.

"Fucking stop!" he roared as he shot up from my bed and threw my lamp across the room, making it break into pieces. I stared at him wide-eyed. He stormed upto me and clenched my wrists extremely tightly, causing tears to prick the corners of my eyes. Anger was evident all over his face and I felt unsafe. "You've said too much already and I'm not gonna listen to your bullshit anymore!"

"It isn't bu-" I started but he clamped his hand across my mouth, determined to keep me quiet and continue speaking.

"I went to find Heidi yesterday but she's gone! I looked for her everywhere but I don't know where she is! She has gone. I don't need you telling me I'm a bad brother because... because I already know," he said sadly.

He took a deep breath and walked away from me to stare out of the window. "I do care about her. I love her, she's my baby sister. Her and Mum relied on me... but I let them down. I wish I could change it but it's too late. That fucker has taken her and I don't know what to do! What will I say to Mum? That's if she even notices."

Just when I thought I had him all figured out, he surprised me like this.


Tyler was sat on my bed, his face buried in his hands.

I was sat next to him with my arm around him. I couldn't see him so upset, I didn't know why. I still didn't like him but he needed comforting and I was the only one there for him at that moment.

"It isn't too late, we can find her," I assured him.

"No we can't, they could be anywhere."

"That doesn't mean we give up! Are you seriously gonna leave her with Seth after all that he's done?" I asked. I noticed him tense up when I mentioned Seth's name. "We can do this," I said, resting my hand on his lap. He looked at me and nodded his head.

"Okay," he smiled determinedly.

Why couldn't he always be like this?


Tyler's POV

We walked out of Arissa's house only to find that we had no car. I had given mine to Alec and she told me how she had abandoned hers somewhere.

In the end, we decided to go and find her car. It didn't take very long since after fifteen minutes of walking we came across it. She checked her pockets to find her car keys.

"Crap, I can't find them!" she yelled.

"What? You left them at home?" I replied.

"Urgh!" she screamed in annoyance as she kicked the pavement. I chuckled at her behaviour.

I slid my hand into my pocket and revealed her keys, jingling them in my hand. She opened her mouth and jumped up to try and catch them as I lifted my arm. After many failed attempts she stood still and folded her arms. "Hand them over," she said, gesturing with her hand.

"Nope, I'm driving," I said as I ran over to the driver's side and got in.

"That's not fair!" she whined as she reluctantly hopped in the passenger's seat. I smirked at her and started the car up. We decided to check around town again before believing that they had definitely left. After checking everywhere we could possibly think of, we headed to the last place. Seth's house.

I walked upto the front door and Arissa followed closely behind. The door creaked open and we both stepped inside, our eyes wandering around the empty room. All the furniture had gone.

"I'll check upstairs and you look downstairs," Arissa said and I nodded in agreement. I checked the room furthest away first and the kitchen after that but found nothing, or should I say no one.

Unexpectedly, I heard a loud thud and raced out of the kitchen into the main room from where we had entered. "Arissa, is everything oka-" I started until I saw what had really happened. There was a carboard box toppled over with half the things that were in it now spread across the floor. Whoever it was left the things on the floor and shot out of the front door.

"Hey!" I yelled and chased the person out. "Hey, I'm talking to you!"

"What is it?" he answered. "I'm busy he-" he started until he saw my face and completely changed his tone. "Tyler mate! I haven't seen you in quite a while."

"Oh hey! Yeah I've been staying away from all that shit," I answered.

"You remember the money you owe them don't you? I advise you to return it or it ain't gonna be good for you pal," he warned me, patting my arm. Was this a foolish attempt to scare me? I wasn't fucking scared of anyone.

"I'll deal with it... anyway, I saw you at Seth's party the other day. Younknow him don't you?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Just tell me!" I blared anxiously.

"Jeez. He's a really good friend, don't see how it concerns you though," he huffed.

"Where is he? I know he's left with a girl and you are going to tell me where they are," I demanded, making it clear how serious I was. His car door was open and he was resting his arm on it.

"What makes you so sure I know?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Well, do you?" I responded with a question of my own.

"Maybe," he said before getting in his car and slamming the door shut, driving off before I could even try to stop him.

I walked back into the house, slamming the door shut in anger. Arissa had just gotten downstairs and gave me a confused look.

"Nothing upstairs," she informed me. "What's wrong?"

"I found someone who knows but he isn't telling me," I replied. She raced towards me as soon as I said that.

"Who?" she asked inquisitively.

"His name's Zach."

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