I'm the Little Sister to the...

By SanDiegoBeachBumm

691K 10.6K 1.9K

Hi my name is Dyl its not short for anything, but it's a cool name to have anyway I'm sixteen years old, but... More

I'm the Little Sister to the 4 Hottest Gods FML!
YOU'RE going to fight for ME? Are you crazy?!
Oh Bring it On!
Saturday with you!?
Saturday well spent SIKE?
Asking for permission.
Twin bonding includes pranks!
Winks, Kisses, Tickle Fights, Love... Possibly?
FIRE ALARM?! Is that music playing...?
When I Said I'd Stay By Your Side. I Meant It.
Don't Turn Back.
Chance+Bed=Uhm Not Going To Happen (:
The Dreaded Appointment
Does That Mean It's Wrong?
The Party.
Why Do I Feel Like You Are Hiding Something.
Sequel !!


28.6K 451 63
By SanDiegoBeachBumm

hello you guys ! (:

hows life been to ya ?

anyway im uploading earlier than planned cuz the comments on the last chapter were way TOO EPIC !

The brothers are gunna be in this chapter ! YAY ! :D




I visibly pale at the sight of my four older brothers running towards the car.

They all look disheveled and lost. What bumms.

"DYL!" They shout in unison as Ryden yanks the car door open pulling me out and crushing me into a group hug.

I feel the air suck out of me.

"We just missed you so much." Blaise states crushing me even more.

"No Air." I croak.

"Woopsey daisy. Sorry about that Twin." He chuckles.

I honestly did miss them.

"We thought the bogey man got to you." Aaron states seriously.

And then Aaron kills it.

"Aww you guys missed me." I sing.

"Pssh. Miss you? No. Miss your cooking and cleaning? Yes." Blaise chuckles as I playfully punch his arm.

"Don't punch Blaizina she needs that arm for shopping." Ryden laughs poking my twin on the arm.

"You are such a bitch." Blaise mutters.

"YOU!" Peak shouts pointing a finger at Chance who is intently looking at the scene from the driver's side door.

I run in-front of Peak with my hands on his chest preventing him from reaching Chance.

"P-Please don't k-kill him." I whimper pushing Peak with no avail.

He pulls his head back.

"Kill him?" He states his eyebrows wrinkling together. "Why would I kill him? I want to kiss him for saving you." He pushes past me.

"Sorry bro. I don't swing that way." Chance states backing away from Peak as I giggle at his horror stricken face.

"Come here. Give papa some sugah."  Peak states in a girly voice.

"And me!" Ryden shouts.

"Me two." Blaise chuckles running after Chance as he is running away from them.

"Me three?" Aaron says scratching his head with his forefinger.

God he is so slow.

"I said I don't swing that way!" Chance playfully shouts running around his car to get away from my brothers.

"So I'm guessing these boys are your brothers?" Julie asks amusement clear in her voice as she is watching the comical scene as am I.

"Yeah they are." I laugh as Chance tries to hide behind a tree, but Ryden tackles him. Chance slips out of his grasp sprinting for his life.

"Oh mowe broders for me!" Dylan shouts running after Chance.

"Gotcha!" They all dog pile on Chance.

Their laughter echoing through the forest.

"No fawo (fair)!" Dylan pouts crossing his small arms across his chest.

"Who's this?" Blaise asks standing up as they all do the same.

"You mom." Dylan sarcastically replies angry that my brothers didn't let him jump on Chance.

Can this kid get any more adorable?

"This little man is my little brother Dylan." Chance picks him up effortlessly as he places him on his broad shoulders.

"Would you guys and gal like to come over to my home for some late lunch or early dinner?" Julie offers to me and my brothers.

We turn towards her nodding our heads.

My brothers all line up in-front of Julie from oldest to youngest.

"Yes, I would love to have dinner at your home. And my name's Peak." He shakes her hand as she returns the hand shake.

"Hello there pretty lady. I'm Ryden also known as Great.In.Bed. and I would love for you to fill my stomach with food." He winks.

"Umm. My name is Aaron and yes I would like to eat at your house." He quickly gives her a bro hug.

"The name's Blaise mah lady." He kisses her hand. "And I would love to accompany you for dinner." He gives her a quick hug.

"Excuse those losers." I playfully glare at them receiving hey's.

"S'okay. Hi you guys I'm Julie. Chance and Dylan's mom." She waves.

"Which means she is off-limits." Chance jokingly threatens as we all laugh.

"Yeah off wimits." Dylan crosses his hands menacingly as he narrows his eyes taking the time to stare down my brothers one by one, but he just looked even more adorable. "Chowance wet me down I wanna scawe vem."

"Alright little man." Chance chuckles as he slowly lowers him down giving me a healthy look at his back side.

Dylan stands in front of my brothers trying to look intimidating.

He will be a great father to our kids. I blush at the thought.

Chance turns around with a mischievous look in his mesmerizing green eyes as he smirks.

No way in hell he could have heard that.

He slowly walks towards me pulling me into an embrace. I feel his hot breath on my ear as an involuntary shiver of pleasure courses through my body.

"In the future babe." He grazes my earlobe with his teeth as I suppress a moan.

"In your dreams." I push him for making me blush.

"Always." He smirks linking our hands together.

"Alright everyone in the car." Julie shouts.

"We'll meet you guys there just text me the address." Peak responds walking back to his car.

"Actually I will go with you guys to show you the way. Because you are not holding a phone while driving mister." She scolds.

"Okay." My brothers respond defeated.

"Dyl you sit up front with Chance okay." Julie states as she slips Dylan in the backseat.

"Okay." I reply.

"Mom do you know where there car is parked?" Chance asks his mom.

"Yeah honey I do. It's up at the entrance of the forest."

His mom leaves as we pile into the car. Zooming off.

"Babe, I can't wait for you to see my room." My eyes widen at his whispered words in my ear.

"Shut up." I respond in a whisper.

"Don't think I want to." He kisses my cheek as the familiar blush crawls its way to my cheeks.

"Humph." I pout for making my body react like this to him.

"You look even sexier when you blush." He steals a glance at me while driving.

"Oh really." I kiss his neck as a shiver ran through his body making me smirk.

I look back at his brother Dylan to see him comfortably sleeping.

"I will get you back for that." He growls.

"Oh really? Well do you think I look sexier if I did this?" I slip my shirt off exposing my laced zebra print bra while sexually biting my lip and innocently looking up at him through my eyelashes.

Chance inhales air.

He veers off the highway parking the car on the side of the road turning off the car completely.

Chance turns towards me his eyes scream lust.


He grabs my waist pulling me to the drivers seat with me on his lap as he begins to trail kisses down my neck to my exposed shoulder.

"Ch-chance." I moan grabbing his hair to pull his lips to mine as soon as his tongue entered my mouth he groaned.

"Mmm" I grind my hips on his.

"Babe st-stop that. Or I'll take you here in the car." He kisses my neck sucking on my soft spot earning a loud moan from me. I can feel his smirk against my neck.

I slip his shirt off as I place kisses on his muscular shoulder.

A loud knock came from the driver side window.

I jump off of him as he quickly places his shirt back on. As I put mine on backwards.

"We are so screwed." I voice my thoughts as I'm looking up at his disappointed mother.

"Tell me about it." Chance smirks. He has the audacity to smirk.

"You guys are in so much trouble." Julie states as she opens the car door yanking out Chance from his ear.

"Oww ma." He whines.

"You are going with them." She huffs. "And you are lucky they didn't see anything." She states towards me.

"Thank God." I whisper.

The rest of the ride to his house was an awkward silence.

I mean how would you feel being stuck in a car with a pissed off mother.

We finally reached the house.

"Dyl the next time you guys do that make sure there is a condom on him." I blush a crimson as she parks the car turning it off.

"But we didn't do anyth.."

We stepped out of the car.

"I know it's because I had stopped it from going any further." She picks up Dylan placing him on her shoulder as she walks into the house.

"Damn that was close." Chance wraps his arms around my waist.

I pull out of his grasp.

"This dinner is going to be awkward." We both walk into his house with my brothers already there watching t.v.

"Hey Dyl."

"Whoa! Why in the hell is your shirt backwards." Blaise shouts.

Oh kill me now.


YAY ! i uploaded ! (:

okay so who's your favorite brother and character ?

peace bye ! :D

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