I'm in love with my bully (Le...

By Leonetta_4_Ever_Love

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"Because, what's a better love story, than two people from completely different worlds crashing together?" Vi... More

Chapter 1 - Buenos Aires
Chapter 2 - First Day
Chapter 4 - Changing ways
Chapter 5 - Over again
Chapter 6 - Sleepover
Chapter 7 - Truth or Dare
Chapter 8 - A kiss?
Chapter 9 - Just.. friends?
Chapter 10 - Party
Chapter 11 - Always on my mind
Chapter 12 - Together?
Chapter 13 - It comes out
Chapter 14 - Cheater?
Chapter 15 - Hear me out
Chapter 16 - Jealous?
Chapter 17 - A new arrival
Chapter 18 - We can
Chapter 19 - Chemistry
Chapter 20 - Plans
Chapter 21 - Date night?
Chapter 22 - Sorry
Chapter 23 - What are we?
Chapter 24 - That's what 'friends' do
Chapter 25 - The new boy
Chapter 26 - Throwbacks
Chapter 27- Unexpected feelings
Chapter 28 - Before the storm
Chapter 29 - In love with him
Chapter 30 - You?
Chapter 31 - Groups
Chapter 32 - Lost in him
Chapter 33 - Trouble
Chapter 34 - Space
Chapter 35 - Here forever
Chapter 36 - Hide and seek
Chapter 37 - Wake up
Chapter 38 - His plan
Chapter 39 - Unbelievable
Chapter 40 - Suspicious
Chapter 41 - Fake
Chapter 42 - Pain
Chapter 43 - Rewind
Chapter 44 - Discover
Chapter 45 - Importance
Chapter 46 - Above all
Chapter 47 - Spain
Chapter 48 - Never safe
Chapter 49 - Preparations
Chapter 50 - K-i-s-s
Chapter 51 - Back together
Chapter 52 - Happy with him
Chapter 53 - Habla si puedes
Chapter 54 - Surprises
Chapter 55 - New arrival
Chapter 56 - Music
Chapter 57 - No escape
Chapter 58 - Presentation
Chapter 59 - Trouble in paradise
Chapter 60 - Definitely bad
Chapter 61 - Coma
Chapter 62 - Next to you
Chapter 63 - Who?
Chapter 64 - No memories
Chapter 65 - In love
Chapter 66 - Flooding back
Chapter 67 - Clear
Chapter 68 - Love in the air
Chapter 69 - Almost there
Chapter 70 - Ending

Chapter 3 - Back at it again

4K 106 6
By Leonetta_4_Ever_Love

| V i o l e t t a |

'Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting sta--'

Stupid alarms.

I rubbed my eyes after turning off my morning alarm. The song that I was using had once been my favourite, but as time passed I've grown to hate it. Well, not hate it, but it bores me.

The struggle of waking up to it every day, I suppose.

Pulling the covers away, I stretched. My back still hurt a little, and I was right that a few bruises would appear when I got home. Turns out it was only three. As for Ludmila, she caused me nothing actually. Just a small bump, that would probably be gone tomorrow.

Getting up from the bed, I dragged myself to the bathroom, sleepily. After my usual morning routine, I returned to my room and walked towards the closet. Opening it, I was met with piles and piles of clothes, some favourites that I wore every week, others not so much, and some that I had never even put on.

After spending at least a minute on contemplating what to wear, I decided on a blue denim skirt and white tank top that I would put inside it. I left my hair at their natural wavy state and put on the light makeup I was used to every day.

My phone in hand and some money in my skirt pocket, I proceeded to go downstairs for breakfast. I had some time before classes started.

However, I was surprised to find only dad sitting, and everyone else gone. No sign of Olga and Ramallo. As for Angie, I guessed she had already left to the Studio, being a teacher and all.

Sitting down on a chair, I poured some cereal into an empty bowl, and afterwards some milk. "Morning, dad."

He was reading a newspaper, which he lowered upon hearing me talk. Dad flashed me a bright smile before taking a sip of his coffee. "Morning, sweetheart. How are you doing?"

I took a mouthful of cereal and my answer was delayed, as I was eating. Dad chuckled at my absolutely hungry state, as I glared at him playfully.

"Better than ever," I lied. I had been better, no denying that. "You?"

"I wish I could say the same. Work has consumed me, all of me. I'm lucky to be reading this newspaper right now," He sighed, and shook his head slightly.

The corners of my mouth lifted up to an apologetic smile. My heart felt for him. It had been hard ever since we lost mum. Dad has been coping well, but there are times you can't really help but feel overwhelmed.

"Can't you just take a day off, or something? You've been working non-stop for the past weeks," I told him, worry making its way to my face.

Unfortunately, he shook his head. "If I take a day off, it will be taken away from our holiday vacation." With another sigh, he put the newspaper away and took a bite from the toast he had on his plate.

Seriously? This was how the adult world worked? You wanted some time for yourself, to calm down, to ease your mind, yet if you indeed took that time, it would be taken away from your summer holidays?

That was why I never wanted to grow up.

"But you own the company, don't you? I don't- I don't understand.." I spoke, frustrated, as dad let out a small chuckle.

He then, smiled at me, a sad smile that I had been used to, at last. "It's better that way. Don't trouble your mind with these, you're only seventeen. You've got your whole life ahead of you. Right now, I want you to go the Studio, have fun, and do what you always wanted to do. Sing your heart out."

Really easy when you've got the school's bullies on your tail, isn't it? Easy peasy.

My lips formed a straight line as I took a deep breath. "Dad, I.. We didn't get to talk last night, about my first day."

Dad's eyes lit up, a nostalgic smile appearing on his face. "Tell me all about it."

"I don't think you really want to hear this.." I hesitated, eating another spoonful of my cereal, anxiously.

I really didn't want to tell dad, but he deserved to know the truth. If Francesca really confronted Ludmila about her behavior yesterday, then she must have had a punishment delivered to her, and Angie must've known by now. It was dad's turn.

I preferred him to find out from me, not anyone else.

His eyebrows furrowed, as confusion was plastered all over his face. "What do you mean?"

I bit my lip at first, but I decided I had to tell him. Opening my mouth to speak, I was almost ready to tell my story when his phone interrupted us.

"Hello?" He answered, blinking. He didn't know the caller, probably? "Pablo? Oh, it's been a long time! How have you been? No, no, we're fine, we've been doing just fine. She's fi-- Wait, wait, what did you say?"

Dad knew Pablo? This world was smaller than I thought! Surely he must know Antonio as well, then. This is a pleasant surprise, I must admit.

However, dad's eyes on me made me feel uneasy. What was Pablo telling him on the phone? "Expelled? Serves them right, who do they think they are, going around hurting people?" Ludmila and the others had gotten expelled? Oh. My. God. "If they ever return, whoever they are, make sure they don't get to hurt my daughter ever again, or I'll make sure to do it instead."

Overprotective dad on the line speaking, yes.

I was glad the gang got what it deserved. As dad said, served them right. Karma is a real bitch, and it was finally time they were punished for being awful human beings.

Even though I should feel more satisfied that Ludmila got expelled, I was happier to know that Leon didn't get away. That douche was the reason I couldn't lay my back anywhere properly, and I would do anything to see the expression on his face when he learnt the news.

The news that he was no longer the bully king of this place.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by dad, who stood up and came next to me to take me in his arms. I hugged him back, but he was squishing me a bit too tightly.

I tried to pull away. "Dad.. I.. Can't.. Breathe.."

"I want you to tell me whatever's troubling you, okay? We'll solve it together. You and I, and Angie possibly. We're by your side at all times, and no one can take that away from us, you understand? No one." He told me quietly, before pulling away.

I smiled, although the words reminded me of Camila's speech yesterday. Turns out, mum could be taken away from me. I hoped dad and Angie would never go down the same path. At least not this soon.

I reached out to grab his hand, and held it tight. "It'll be alright, dad, don't worry. We'll be alright."

- - -

Wearing my earphones, I walked freely to the Studio, my mind off somewhere far, far away. I liked being alone. I liked being alone with my thoughts, most of the time at least.

My thoughts traveled back to Leon and the others' expulsion. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to smile and ran all the way to the Studio, to shout it on everyone's faces that they were gone, the bullies we're gone.

They were really gone.

And I was more than grateful that they would exit my life as soon as they entered it.

Hm, what could Leon be doing right now? Sitting in his room, crying about his life on his bed? After the Studio, public school was probably his next station. And oh, Ludmila.. I couldn't imagine it. Ludmila and public school? It just doesn't click.

Leon got what he deserved. Ludmila got what she deserved. Diego, well, he probably got what he deserved as well. I only hoped Andres and Natalia didn't get dragged in this, too.

Surely, they were their friends but.. I don't really believe they ever did or ever would do the hideous things their awfully behaved friends committed.

Abstractedly, I thought about Leon again. What was it about me, thinking a lot about him today. It was probably out of gratefulness that he got expelled, yeah, probably that. If only--

"You bitch!"

Speak of the devil.

In a second, I was grabbed by my waist and pushed onto the nearest tree. I gave it my best not to flinch at the sudden contact my back had with the hard wood. I definitely had to do something about him and hurting my back, he would cause a great problem in the future.

However, what surprised me, was that he wasn't at home, crying about losing his position at the Studio. He was really out here, attacking me again. It almost made me want to laugh.

"Hello to you, too." I gave him a sickly sweet smile, ignoring the pain I was receiving from behind. He got expelled, might as well get advantage of his misery.

Leon must have been caught off guard by my smile, as his eyes lingered a bit longer on my lips. He quickly covered it though, as he put more pressure on me.

Next to him, Diego made his appearance. Ah, where the one is, there is also the other. He took a step forward, to defend his dearest best friend, as if jerk face couldn't do that himself.

"It was all your fault," Diego spoke, looking at me. My fault?! "If you hadn't showed up, we would be living at peace, ready to go to our class now!"

"Oh, really now? It was my fault that I wanted to go to Angie's and Leon made sure I didn't? It was my fault I have bruises all over my back? It was my fault your stupid girlfriend opened her big fat mouth to talk, and when she got what she asked for, she went on to physically assault me? It was my fault I tried to do what I was dreaming of for more than ten fucking years and when I have the chance to do it, I get bullied for it? Is it really my fault, Diego? Is it?!" I spat out the words that were aching to go out for hours and hours, since yesterday night.

These guys were unbelievable. Instead of taking responsibility for their shitty actions all these years and months, they go around accusing me of throwing them out of the school! Well, sorry Diego, but I wasn't the one who assaulted and verbally harassed other students just to feel superior to them. You should have thought about the consequences of your actions.

Or maybe, since you're so deluded, you really believed there would never be consequences.

Guess what? You were definitely, extremely, absolutely wrong.

The expressions on their faces were priceless. Diego seemed shocked, as if he wasn't expecting me to lash out on him and call them out for what they did. He really thought I would be a scared little girl, begging them to let her go?

Leon on the other, stared at me, his face unreadable. I couldn't understand what was going on in his head, nor did I think I would ever. The only thing I noticed was the way his eyes slightly widened, and the way his hold on me softened, just the tiniest bit.

That must have been a hard hit, to both of them.

And even if Leon didn't show it, I still understood that it got to him as well. Tch tch tch.

Their response didn't come as quickly as I thought. There was a pause, a pause that seemed to go on longer, and longer, and longer. It was me who broke the ice at last.

A smirk made its way to my face, satisfied by how my reply affected them. "Cat got your tongue?"

I felt something pushing me harder against the tree. A second later I realised it was Leon's hands on my waist, holding me tighter than before, that were putting more pressure on me, and making me suffer slowly. If he wanted to make me beg this way, he wasn't getting it.

"I lost everything because of you. Because you couldn't keep your mouth shut. I lost what I loved most in the world, my passion, my dreams are all gone now. It's because you decided to talk, because of that." Leon replied, his icy eyes boring into me as I could feel him staring right into my soul.

Even if I would never tell him that, he made me shiver. Even if I told myself I wouldn't bow down to his ways, I actually felt terrified again, like yesterday, just before Francesca showed up.

Really terrified.

But I wouldn't show him that. I would never. I looked up at him, my eyes staring back at him fiercely, challenging him. "Was I really the reason? Or was it your sweet girlfriend that couldn't keep her hands to herself?"

Something flashed across his eyes as I was pulled away and then slammed on the tree again. This time, it didn't hurt as much. Was it possible he did it on purpose, he was going softer on me purposefully?

Nah, he's not that kind. Is he even kind, at all?

"Don't talk about my girlfriend like that. She can do whatever she wants to, because--"

"Because she's a 'supernova' right?" I chuckled sarcastically, completing his sentence.

Leon's face was straight, his eyebrows furrowed. "I wasn't going to say exactly that, but never mind, yes."

I shook my head in disbelief. I could hardly believe he was a victim of her supernova nonsense, but I guess, anything was possible. Not only an asshole, he must also be stupid and naive.

The previous smirk when he first saw me appeared on my face again, "Tell me Leon, are you really into her?" I asked him, a question I kind of wanted to know the answer to. "Or is it all just an act?"

Jerk face seemed taken aback. He wasn't expecting that, was he? Hm. "Why would she be my girlfriend if I didn't like her?"

C'mon now, who are you kidding, boy? "Let's be realistic. You're popular, she's popular. You like to torture people, she likes that as well. Yet, all you do is seem annoyed with her all the time. If I knew better, I would say it's because your interests collide."

And I was right. Leon didn't speak, but neither showed a sign of agreement. Still, no answer was an answer. And in my opinion, it counted as a 'yes.'

"I figured." I mumbled, my eyes switching from him to Diego. Ah, Diego, why wasn't he speaking all this time? "What happened to you?"

I would not stop annoying the shit out of them until they let me go. It was fun, after all. Seeing them look this miserable because they got what they were asking fo--

I was cut off by the man himself, Leon, who pulled me away from the tree and began walking towards somewhere else. Okay, what was happening right now?

Was he leading me towards a corner to beat me up? Or a dumpster to throw me in and let me stink inside? Oh no. Maybe he was going to blackmail me to talk to Pablo to take back their punishment, using my safety as an excuse.

What are you thinking, Violetta? He's not a monster, just an asshole.

Did I really know that? No.

"What are you doing--"

"Shut up for once!" Leon roared, his eyes looking me up and down, as he kept on walking towards somewhere. Shit, I was afraid. Yes, now I was.

And where did Diego go, for God's sake?

"No, I won't! I won't shut up until you let me fucking go, this is against the law, you have no right--" Again, I was interrupted by my back hitting a hard surface.

It didn't take much to understand it was a wall. And wait a minute..

This was the Studio! We were behind the Studio, damnit, he really had the guts to show up here, after all he did? He was out of his mind, wasn't he? There was no doubting that.

I tried to spot someone around to help me, but unfortunately, no one hang around this area of the Studio. Why would you anyways?

"You've been nothing but trouble since yesterday, I hope you know that." Leon muttered angrily, as my back was pressed against the wall, and he was standing right in front of me. "Nothing but trouble."

"Trouble has your name spelled on it, Leon. If you want to talk about trouble, let's talk about you and your fake girlfriend." I replied. Where was the lie?

"God, shut up! You already ruined my life as it is!" He practically shouted, even if his face was no more than ten inches away from mine.

Shaking my head in disbelief, I couldn't stop the words that came out next. "I didn't ruin your life. You did that to yourself. Even though you might not be one, you behaved like a monster, Leon. Don't go around accusing me because you can't man up and take responsibility for all the shit you did. Because, let's face it, what kind of good person would go around and bully innocent students?"

I expected him to hit me. Slap me. Do something bad. Hell, I expected him to beat the shit out of me, leaving me then alone to rot.

You can imagine my utter surprise when Leon simply pulled away, his gaze at the ground. At the ground. Leon Vargas, or whatever his surname was, lowered his eyes in defeat.

Damn, what happened?

He took several steps back, and I could have made the run. I could have run away. I could have gotten away and now, I could have found the guys and be talking to them, ignoring this incident and acting as if it didn't exist.

Yet I stayed.

What went wrong with me that moment, I don't exactly know. Though, my feet didn't let me run away, didn't let me go. I stayed where I was, my eyes never leaving the boy in front of me.

I fixed my outfit, that had been ruined by the numerous times my back had been hit against something, and walked away from the wall. Leon shook his head, pulling a hand through his chestnut hair, his eyes never leaving the hard ground.

"Wha- What happened?" I dared to ask, my voice hesitant. I didn't even know what to actually say. Would he grab me again if I approached him a bit more?

There was no answer.

Well, that was a first. Jerk face in front of me didn't give a reply, as he stayed quiet and an awkward silence was spread among us. I closed my eyes. Should I do this or not?

Definitely not.

But I'm not one known to do smart, sensible things all the time. So I'll take the risk. Even if it might take a turn for the worst.

I took another step towards Leon. He must've noticed because I saw him shake his head ever so slightly. Why am I acting like a wild animal is standing in front of me?

Probably because he hasn't behaved like anything less than that.

My conscious was right. But that didn't stop me from taking another step forward, and another, until I was almost right in front of his face.

Here goes nothing.

"Why are you still here?" A voice spoke, that came from the one standing before me. Leon caught me before I spoke, and honestly, took me by surprise.

"So, you speak." I replied sarcastically, but not necessarily in a bad way. It came out more like.. a joke?

Since when was I joking with him?

Leon turned his head up to look at me, and I saw the despair in his eyes. For the first time since I met him yesterday, I saw him. I saw a glimpse of what was really lying underneath that cold, icy facade of his.

I didn't see Leon the ignorant, rude, douchebag, but instead, I saw Leon, the kind, caring, and promising teenager that wanted to achieve his goals, to make his dreams come true.

Where was that Leon all this time?

His eyes, his annoyingly beautiful, hazel, eyes, held a sad look inside them that softened my heart the tiniest bit. "Am I.." He started, taking a deep breath. "Am I really a monster?"

I blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice. Did he really just ask me this?

As far as I knew, Leon wasn't one to care about what other people thought of him, especially someone like me, someone he just met, someone he treated like garbage. Why would he be bothered if I believed he was a monster, which I somehow didn't, when he couldn't have cared less?

Yes. I didn't believe he was a monster. I said it before, and I'm saying it now again. I believe Leon.. Is simply a boy, a boy that lost its way. He wasn't like this, not always, I could see that. It was clear on everyone's face, I could see it on Francesca's, on Maxi's, on Diego's, on Camila's, on Andres'.

He has done some terrible things, some pretty, pretty terrible things, but he was no monster. At least, not yet. He could still find the light at the end of the tunnel, and if this was my chance to help him find it, then I would take it.

So, I answered his question. "No."

My response seemed to affect him. His face, even though he hid it, slightly lit up when he heard me. And somehow, it made me feel a little, a tiny little warm inside.

"I don't think you're a monster Leon, no," I told him, my voice soft, and kind, and almost.. caring. "You hurt me, yes. My back is enough proof of that," I motioned to my aching back, and Leon pursed his lips. "But, your behavior, well, yes. I believe your behavior has been monstrous."

It was the truth. The complete truth, what I really thought of Leon. Even after all the shit he pulled, even after all the idiotic stuff he did, I didn't think of him as something as bad as a monster. He could change. He could. He just.. he just maybe, didn't have the right motivation to do it.

There was a small pause, before Leon took his turn to speak. "I was really awful.. Wasn't I?" He asked me, a disappointed sigh escaping his lips.

Hesitantly, I nodded. No words spoken, Leon and I made eye contact. When he saw me nod, he shook his head and rubbed his face with his hands.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but, maybe I deserved getting expelled." Leon uttered out quietly, taking me completely off guard. He admitted it!?

So, all this denial just for him to finally admit his mistake. To finally see that he was wrong, that what he did was wrong, and that he was really at fault here.

It took time, and maybe a few back bruises, but it came. And simply saying I was proud I helped even a little, would be an understatement.

An idea came to mind. A crazy, unbelievable idea that I should forget, bury deep under the earth or set fire on it and erase it from my brain. It was stupid, reckless, and risky.

But still, a very, very small part of me, wanted to put that idea, that plan, into action.

I closed my eyes, my lips forming a straight line. I shouldn't do this. I shouldn't. Stop. Dismiss it. Put it away. Just, don't do it.

Putting my thoughts aside, and on the farthest corner of my mind as possible, I captured Leon's gaze. We stared at each other for a second, that turned into many.

And once again, I saw that Leon, the Leon that actually wanted to make it up to whoever he had hurt, the Leon who realised everything he had put many people through. The real Leon.

I bit my lip. I could've sworn his gaze lowered to stay on my lips for a moment, before returning to my eyes. "For your actions, you absolutely did." I nodded in agreement, being truthfully about what he had said before. Leon flinched, but accepted the truth nonetheless. "But, that in no way means you can't take it back."

There, I said it.

Leon furrowed his eyebrows, his hazel orbs boring into mine, as confusion took over his features. "Wha- What do you mean?"

I shook my head quickly. "Just-- Leave it on me. You know, there are many people you need to make it up to, huh?" I told him, raising my eyebrows.

Leon closed his eyes, but nodded nevertheless, even though he was reluctant to. "A lot."

"You can start from there. Take every person you think you might have hurt with your actions, either verbally or.." I hesitated, and Leon looked down knowing what I would say, "physically, and begin by saying sorry."

He looked up at me again, blinking. "Sorry.." He repeated, the word probably foreign, and strange to him. I bet he wasn't used to saying it, at least he hasn't been in a long time now.

I nodded vigorously. "Yes. Sorry. It's just a word, you know? But, you have to mean it. Going around saying it to everyone won't get you anywhere. You need to be honestly sorry about what you did. Understood?"

Leon sighed, pulling a hand through his hair yet again. "Understood."

I almost wanted to grin. This was progress! I never would have believed it, but I was having a normal talk with the person that I thought hated my guts, and we were almost to the part he was going to apologise for everything he did, to anyone he did it. If this wasn't progress, then I didn't know what was.

Now, to the point. "Who was the first person you.. bullied?" I hesitantly asked, not wanting to push his limits.

There was no reply for a little while, and I was almost sure he wasn't going to answer this one. Okay, alright, it was too soon anyway.

"Forget it, I asked too soo--"

"Francesca." Leon said, his face emotionless, not looking at me anymore. He was staring at the wall behind me instead.


Thus the reason she stood up to him?

She was his first one, the first one he ever hurt? And I guess, she wasn't any easier than myself. From what I've seen, Francesca wasn't one to back down and let others tear her apart. To hear that Leon's first victim, if Francesca could be called that, was her, it would be an understatement to say I was shocked.

But, how-- Why?

My mind instantly filled with lots and lots of questions about what Leon told me. I wanted to ask and ask and ask, and never shut up. I knew though, it wasn't right. We should take it step by step.

I could always ask Francesca later.

And so, I let the subject go. "Okay.. Francesca." I said carefully. "We start with her." I nodded, clasping my hands together.

Leon in front of me was surprised, "You're not mad?"

Ha, I was furious. But I wouldn't show you that, not now that we had made it this far. "No. It's time to let it all go." I replied, raising my head to look at him.

His gaze met mine and I actually felt myself not.. wanting to look away? Okay, weird. If though, I had to admit one thing, it would be that the bastard had heavenly beautiful eyes.

As if he was put out of a daze, Leon nodded, multiple times. "Yeah, yeah, okay. It's time, yeah."

I could feel the awkwardness in his voice as he spoke. This was all too new for him, I understood that clearly. Until ten, maybe fifteen minutes ago, he was out of his mind. He was really making an effort here.

And quite really impressed me by how quickly he caught on.

But don't ever let him find out about this. It'll boost his ego till the end of time.

"Alright then," I broke the ice, "Do what you have to do. You've known her for many years, so I don't really think I can help you with this," Leon gave me a faint nod. "But if you ever need anything, I'm open to talk."

Jerk face, yes, he was still called that, nodded again before me. I nodded as well, before we fell back into that awkward silence, the kind of silence that could be cut with a knife.

I looked around the place, hesitant as to what to say next. I bet Leon was feeling the same. I mean, can you blame us? At least, me? Half an hour ago he wanted to murder me!

I'm overreacting, fine, fine. But, he was willing to go hard on me, that's for sure. And that changed in the spin of a moment, that even I find it a bit surreal myself.

Should I pinch myself to check if this was real? Who knows, maybe I fainted and was now dreaming of Leon being nice. Most chances were this happened than jerk face acting nice.

My feet wanted to drag me away, to the comfort of the Studio, the laughs and the joy of the guys, but I was glued here, talking to 'Mr Oh Shit I Fucked Up Big Time'. In a way, I was proud.

Proud that he would finally take responsibility for all the stuff he put others through, proud that he was willing to apologise to them about it, proud that he didn't let the bad side of him completely take over, proud that he was at least trying.

And last but not least, proud that he let me help him.

"Violetta?" The handsome idiot asked, making me look up at him.


"Thank you."

My breath hitched as I processed his words. He really did thank me, didn't he? It wasn't a figment of my imagination, nor was I hearing things. No, Leon really said thanks, uttered out the words I would never think I would hear him say, especially not to me.

Deep, deep down, my heart felt a bit warmer after this. And I hated it for that.

My eyes never left Leon's as I blinked, taking in what he said. "Just don't.. Please don't ever do it again." I said, pursing my lips.

It was not begging, no, most definitely not. It wasn't pleading him either, since it was practically same thing as begging. No, it was more like.. a request. A friendly request.


"Never." Leon spoke, and even though there was no hint of a promise in what he said, I felt like he would really keep his word. That, he wouldn't hurt me again. Not physically, at least.

He wouldn't bully me again.

And even though we were far, far away from him saying sorry, from him apologizing to me, at least we were somewhere.

We weren't friends, but we most definitely weren't enemies. We were.. acquaintances. It felt weird to even think of it, to ever think of us, as two civilized people talking, and not eating each other's throat out.

What I truly hoped, and a tiny piece of myself ached for it, was for him to eventually apologize to me after everyone else. I think I deserved an apology.. It was only for a day, but it had turned out to be am awful one.

And I really wanted to get that satisfaction from him saying sorry to me.

We might have been on better stages now, but still, pleasure is pleasure. It would please me the most to hear the man that thought he was above me, break his walls down and apologize for what he did. Trust me, it would be a good sight.

"And, uh, Violetta?" He asked, getting my full attention as I focused back on him. "Can I.. Can I get your, um, phone number, just-- just in case I need.. your help?"

A grin threatened to spread across my face, and I barely managed to hold it back. He hesitated! Leon, Leon the jerk face, hesitated to ask for my number!

God, that sounded wrong.

No, no, no, it wasn't as if he was asking for it to hit on me, not at all. Yet, the way he stuttered and ate his own words was actually really attractive and kind of.. funny, thus the reason I wanted to grin.

Please, grinning, go away!

Trying as hard as I could to keep my face straight, I nodded vigorously. "Sure, sure. Give me your phone."

His hand went to his back pocket as he pulled it out, and handed it over to me. Our fingers brushed as I took it from him, and I couldn't control the electricity that I felt flow through me.

It meant nothing, so I ignored it.

As I opened his contact app, I could feel his eyes on me, studying me carefully. It was a good thing that, when I blushed, it wasn't that visible on my face. So, when under normal circumstances I should be as red as a tomato, I would instead have a thankfully straight and composed face.

Almost like now. I felt bothered under his gaze, so I finished with my contact name and number and returned his phone quickly back to him.

He scrolled down, to where my name that started with 'V' should be, and was surprised to not find it there. Leon looked back at me and furrowed his eyebrows, "What contact name did you write down?"

"I'll let you find out yourself." I told him, a smile playing on the corner of my lips, almost coming out.

No, don't! It's too soon.

I quickly shook my head and the need to smile was gone, as I stared back at jerk face, trying to find my number. I had the sudden urge to chuckle. The contact name I came up with really cackled me up.

It didn't take him long to find it, as it wasn't a word, or a name and a surname. It was a wholeass sentence, which he read out loud, raising an eyebrow.

"What is thi-- 'You're a jerk face'." He read, as I burst into chuckles, hardly containing my laughter. Leon looked at me and shook his head, but soon enough began to chuckle as well.

Ah, I knew he would find it entertaining.

Closing his phone, not bothering to change the name, which made me chuckle once more, he turned to me. "You really are something."

Damn well I was. You only find out now, now that your head is clear and back on its place. Now that you're not the Leon who felt better by other people's misery.

"I am, aren't I?"

Leon stared at me, a difficult to read expression his face. It made me feel weird, an unknown feeling setting on my stomach, but I didn't break eye contact. He didn't stop staring at me that way, and I didn't stop getting that weird, unfamiliar feeling inside me.

Why was he looking at me that way?!

Our staring completion, if it could be called that, was interrupted by a person's sudden arrival. A person I was wondering where he had been all this time.

"What did I miss?" Diego asked, standing by Leon's side, looking me up and down.

Imagine his reaction when he finds out Leon makes a try for the better. Ha, priceless!

Leon pat Diego on the shoulder, his eyes never leaving mine. "Time to start saying sorry, D."

Diego seemed confused at first, but as he exchanged glances between jerk face and I, he caught on and slightly widened his eyes. He was smart. And quick.

He blinked, turning to look at me, and back at Leon, and then back at me, and at Leon again. "I don't understand-- How?"

Truth be told, I didn't really know myself. All I know is that calling his behavior monstrous was the best thing I ever did, since it was what actually made him stop and rethink what he was doing.

I shrugged, the tiniest smirk visible on my face. "I never reveal my secrets."

No secrets to reveal, just messing with Diego's mind.

"Oh." Was all Diego said, before nodding knowingly. I believe there was more he wanted to let out, but contained himself to ask Leon and Leon only.

Dude talks. I suppose us girls aren't the only ones doing it.

As I watched the two of the guys look back at me, I was reminded of what my part was in all this. My previous idea that I had claimed as 'stupid and reckless' came back in an instant, and I put that certain plan in action.

"Uh, I should go. Classes and all.." I told them, excusing myself. I didn't want to say much about the Studio, since the news of them getting expelled were still fresh, and probably still stung.

They both nodded and opened their mouths to speak, but only Leon did at last. What was up with Diego today, huh?

"Yeah, yeah, fine. See you around?" He asked, his hand going to the back of his neck and scratching it.

I nodded, already taking several steps away from them. "Obviously."

I heard Diego chuckle as I turned around to walk away, and a feeling of satisfaction took over me. Not only I had managed to get Leon to apologize, but Diego was in it as well.

Double for Violetta! Score, Violetta two, enemies zero.

I wasn't too far away, when I heard Leon's voice call me again. "And, Violetta?"

I turned my head back, looking at him expectantly, but without saying something. I had a feeling about what he was going to say.

"Thank you, again."

And this time, I smiled.

- - -

"I don't understand Violetta, what are you suggesting?" Antonio eyed me, a curious look on his face.

Running a hand through my hair, I hesitantly spoke, careful not to mess up. "What if- What if you could change thei- their punishment?"

Antonio widened his eyes ever so slightly, looking at me incredulously. "And, why would I do want to do that?"

"People can change, Antonio. Don't you think, everybody deserves a second chance?" I took a deep breath. Was I really doing this? Was I really talking to Antonio about their return?

Yes, yes I was. And I really don't know why. It seems like today I've done a great number of stupid things.

To my defense, remaining at Leon's side was a good thing, as something inside him clicked, and he's going to make an attempt to really change his ways.

The respectable man before me sat down on a chair, and motioned me to do the same. Glancing at the chair he showed me, I slowly took a seat. "But why, my dear child, why would you want the people that put you through so much, on your first day, to come back and possibly put you through the same again?"

He was right. Why did I want that, exactly?

For a second, I gave it another thought. I could always just tell him that yes, he was right and it was just a crazy thought, that we should dismiss the subject and never talk about it again.

Imagine that. No Ludmila the bully, no Leon and his stupid remarks, no Diego doing their dirty work, nobody to boss us around. Wouldn't that be cool?

Leon and his stupid remarks?

Instantly, my mind wavered back to Leon and I behind the Studio, and that look of absolute despair in his eyes. My eyes met the ground, and I felt a sting in my heart that I really, really couldn't ignore.

And that was the moment, I knew. I knew I had made my choice.

There was no going back.

I leveled my head and stared at Antonio. "They will not, Antonio. They will not."

Antonio cocked his head slightly to the side, and raised his eyebrows. "How can you be sure about that?"

"I just am," I replied. Well, that must have been the stupidest response ever, but it looked like it worked. "I know it is a lot, but I ask only one thing of you, Antonio. You trust Angie a lot, don't you?"

The old aged man before me blinked, clearly taken aback. "Why yes, I certainly do." He responded, waiting expectantly to learn what that had to with anything.

"Then, as her niece, I ask you, to trust me, just this once. This is the only thing I ask of you, nothing else. Only this. They were expelled because of what they did to me, and now I'm here telling you, I'm over it, and willing to start again. Please, Antonio." I practically pleaded, my eyes searching for a bit of emotion inside his own.

And I found it.

Compassion, sympathy, Antonio had that. He was kind, he was generous, he was honest, he was a very respectful man, and I had a feeling he wouldn't deny me this one thing.

Sighing, Antonio shook his head in disbelief. Even he couldn't believe I was telling him this. "What do you suggest we change?"

A small grin quickly made its way to my face, my eyes lighting up. "Instead of expelling them for good, of throwing them out, what do you think we reduce their punishment to a three day expulsion, and detention every day for four weeks?"

There was a small pause. Antonio looked hesitant, but I kept eye contact with him and pleaded him silently, hoping my eyes would achieve the miracle.

I know, I know, bullies don't have a place inside this school, and I've only been studying here for one day, but, don't people deserve a second chance?

I grew up thinking like this. After I lost mum, I looked at the world from a different angle. I was kinder than I would be if I hadn't lost her, yet harsher whenever injustice was served, hence yesterday's events.

I wasn't usually vile with people like I was with Leon yesterday, but what he did infuriated me and crossed my limits. But, later on, I gave in and followed Ludmila, thinking she would indeed apologize, she was indeed willing to start over.

Sometimes, people mistake my kindness for weakness.

And yet, here I was, talking to Antonio about giving those three idiots another chance. Because once again, the goodness in me overtook my anger.

But first, we needed Antonio to agree, as well as the other teachers. "Violetta, you are definitely something else." Antonio spoke, bringing me back to reality, the smallest of smiles visible on his face.

I remembered Leon's words, that were similar to Antonio's right now. I smiled, and I don't know if it was because of Antonio or because I was reminded of what Leon said.

"You flatter me, Antonio." I replied, the smile still not gone from my face. "But, you didn't tell me. What do you think of my suggestions?"

The kind man in front of me shook his head, that small smile evolving to a bigger one. "I think," He started, "We have come to an agreement."

My eyes widened. I couldn't believe I made it! I convinced him, I really did! I convinced Antonio to let them return, with their punishment reduced at not even the half!

Was I sure that they wouldn't bully me again, at least verbally?

No, no I wasn't. But, if I was sure for one thing, it was that this, was the right decision. The right decision to make.

A huge smile broke on my face, and I had the urge to hug the owner of the Studio tightly. He had been nothing but sweet to me since yesterday, welcoming me with open arms, and now doing what I pleaded him to do. There was no better man to own this place.

"Thank you, thank you so, so much, Antonio." I grinned, my face bright, "I owe you everything. From letting me study here, to this."

Antonio glared at me. "What are you talking about? We are more than glad to have you here." He spoke, making my heart warm.

Slowly, he stood up, and made a move to walk to the door of the teacher's room. I copied his actions and followed him to the exit.

Antonio opened the door and I was ready to walk out, before turning back to him. "Thank you, Antonio. For giving them a second chance. I believe we all deserve a 'try again' in life."

The grey haired man nodded, a hint of a smile on his lips. His eyes held more than he let you know, as he looked at me intently. "And I believe, you are right. I will inform the teachers about this, and I will tell you about the result."

Nodding, I gave our owner another smile before turning around to leave, walking towards my classes.

"Oh, Violetta?" I heard him say, and I turned my head, the familiar feeling of deja vu taking over me, as Leon said the same thing just before we parted ways.

Why was I thinking about him that much?

"Please, don't ever change the way you are, for anyone."

Smiling, I nodded knowingly. "Never."

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