Journal Of A Wiccan

By willowwolf10k

55.3K 1.4K 574

This is the book owned by a Solitary Electic Wiccan, who discovered her path by viewing a quote online. "Wic... More

Book Protection
My Physical Grimoire BOS Tour
What Is Wicca?
Different Types Of Wicca
Different Types Of Witchcraft
History of Women in Witchcraft
The Wiccan Rede
Veganism & The Wiccan Rede
Homosexuality & The Wiccan Rede
Racism & The Wiccan Rede
Ethnocentrism & The Wiccan Rede
Nationalism & The Wiccan Rede
Sexism & The Wiccan Rede
Gender Roles & The Wiccan Rede
Tattoos+Pericings & The Wiccan Rede
Self Injury& The Wiccan Rede
Mental Illness & The Wiccan Rede
Sex & The Wiccan Rede
Abortion & The Wiccan Rede
Evolution & The Wiccan Rede
Donating Organs/Blood & The Wiccan Rede
Assisted Suicide & The Wiccan Rede
Suicide & The Wiccan Rede
Death Penalty & The Wiccan Rede
Murder & The Wiccan Rede
War & The Wiccan Rede
Ageism & The Wiccan Rede
Disableism & The Wiccan Rede
Cisexism & The Wiccan Rede
Classism & The Wiccan Rede
Sizeism & The Wiccan Rede
Polyamory & The Wiccan Rede
Minimalism & The Wiccan Rede
Zero Waste & The Wiccan Rede
The 7 Nobel Metals Of The Ancients
Sabbats & Esbats
Moon Phases
God & Goddess
To Be A Witch
Kitchen Witchery
Protecting& Cleansing Your Home
Christian Wicca
Casting A Circle
Dowsing rod
Moon Water
Palm/Hand Reading
Tarrot cards
Triskele/ Triple Spiral
Marriage + Engagement
After Life In Wicca
The 12 Universal Laws
Spirutal Enlightenment
Random Stuff
Coming Out Of The Broom Closet
31 Days of Witchcraft/Wicca
Why I left Christianity

Sun, Moon & Ascendant Sign

682 16 9
By willowwolf10k

Knowing these signs is a great way to learn about yourself, if something explained doesn't match your character yet it's because it has potential but hasn't yet been achieved.

Sun Sign
form of astrology most commonly found in many newspaper and magazine columns. It is a simplified system of astrology which considers only the position of the Sun at birth, which is said to be placed within one of the twelve zodiac signs. This sign is then called the sun sign or star sign of the person born in that twelfth-part of the year.
Sun sign calculator:

Moon Sign
Your moon sign rules your emotional core-it's your heart.
Moon sign calculator:

Ascendant Sign
also known as your rising sign-represents the way others see you, your general impression on people.
Ascendant sign calculator:

*next I'm just gonna share my signs, you don't need to read them but thought I would share :) I 100% agree with my sun and moon sign, not so sure about my ascendant sign, big words were used I don't understand I would say I agree 80% with it. :) amazing how it describes me almost perfectly, when I have a child definitely doing this for them so i know what their personality will be like and I can raise them according, of course I will listen to the child themselves too!

My sun sign: Leo
Warm, generous, always ready to support and inspire others. Has natural pride and dignity. Very sensitive to criticism and any expressions of doubt regarding their high virtues. Have their own creative way of doing things, desperately need to feel loved and appreciated, be surrounded by loving people, at times stubborn and naive like a child.

My moon sign: libra
Diplomatic, aesthetical, avoids confrontation, understanding and attentive, likes to spend time with partner, hates situations that require having to make a choice, believes everything has a positive and negative side. Has a desire to conciliate conflicting interests, to help even complete opposites to meet somewhere, to find a peaceful solution for a conflict situation, in born diplomats. Balances situations. Picks randomly when given difficult choice after thinking endlessly about it. Relationships are most important in their life, not only their emotional well being even their state of health might depend on how successful they find mutual understanding with their partner. After stressful situations they need to spend time with someone dear to them to feel compassion and understanding. If stress continues to build up they become inconstant and erratic; kidney problems and lower back pain as a result. Migraine like headaches, has its roots in the kidneys. Know what they like and don't love in fashion, knows what works. Image of their family means a lot. Try's to make a good impression to hide old problems.

My Ascendant Sign: libra
Psychological nature is sanguine and communicative or nervous and introverted depending if Venus or Saturn is strongest. Delicate, charming, sociable, perpetually compromising (because of this you seem hesitant/ weak) don't like giving your opinion. You like to act unifier, understanding and equity. You hate violence, spare no efforts for the sake of pacification, you adjust to the situation with flexibility and charm. Sentimental, charming, polite, delicate, refined, loyal, peace loving, fair, distinguished, light romantic, cultured, airy, likeable, neat, perfectionist, caring, gentle, quiet, tidy, artistic, tolerant, lenient, sociable, seductive, elegant, kind taste for aesthetics, maybe hesitant, weak, wavering, selfish, fragile, indecisive, fearful, indolent, cold or even insensitive.

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