Caskett: Rescue Me

By MyCastle47

21.9K 779 47

Kate Beckett is a homicide detective who is in a relationship with Josh Davidson. Although Josh is an abuser... More

Chapter 1: It all started
Chapter 2: Questions
Chapter 3: No Answers
Chapter 4: Help?
Chapter 5: Seriously
Chapter 6: Caught in the Act
Chapter 7: I Need You
Chapter 8: Dangerous Encounters
Chapter 9: The Wrong Mistakes
Chapter 10: Aftershock
Chapter 11: Bad Timing
Chapter 12: Complete Disaster
Chapter 13: All the Way
Chapter 14: Cat Fights
Chapter 15: False Hope
Chapter 16: Problems and Dilemmas
Chapter 17: Baby Jokes
Chapter 18: Success?
Chapter 19: A New Start
Chapter 20: How Did it Come to This
Chapter 21: Would You Rather
Chapter 22: Solving the Problems
Chapter 24: Sickness Calls
Chapter 25: Pain and Suffering
Chapter 26: Monkey See Monkey Do
Chapter 27: The Breaking Point
Chapter 28: YAS
Chapter 29: Old Flames? I Think Not...
Chapter 30: Men Are Stupid
Chapter 31: Parties
Chapter 32: Choices and Reasons
Chapter 33: The Final "Episode"

Chapter 23: Quick Surprises

454 18 4
By MyCastle47

I made a time lapse of 3 years. So James is able to "talk" and walk and all that fun stuff.

KATE'S P.O.V. After the night Castle and I had last night we were exhausted. We just wanted to sleep. In my dream I could see us happy together. I then felt the bed bouncing and I woke up to see a three and a half year old James bouncing up and down on the bed. "Mommy! Daddy! Wake up!" James yelled, finally plopping down in the middle of me and Castle. "Why are you up so early?" I said, ruffling his hair. "I was bored, and awake, so I decided to come down here!" "All by yourself?" "I slid down the stairs." "Did you fall?" "No, not really. Someone helped me." "There's no one else in this house, but you and me and daddy." "A man helped me, and he kind of look like you mommy." "Who?" "Katie!" My dad said opening the door, to Rick and I's bedroom, and it was only then that I realized I didn't have any clothes on. I covered up the blankets more than when James came in. "Dad, what are you doing here?" I said. "Well I was in the area and we decided to come and visit. I'm making coffee, so you might want to get dressed and wake up your fiance. I then blushed and nodded. "Ok dad." "Come on James, let's give mommy and daddy some privacy." "Why?" James whined. "Because they need to put on clothes." "Ok." James said, grabbing my father's hand and skipping out of the bedroom.

I then look over to my left and found that Castle was still sleeping. I then sat up and smacked him with the pillow. "What?" He grunted. "My dad's are here" "Really?" "Yeah. So we have to go get dressed." "Ok." Castle grunted getting out of bed. I did the same and soon we were dressed and heading out to the kitchen, where I saw my Castle's mom feeding James some strawberries. My dad saw me walked over the me giving me a big hug. "It's so good to see you Katie bear." I laughed replying, "Thanks dad? So why did you come here? Not to be rude." "Well I was in town for business and I'm leaving the state tomorrow night and wanted to just spend tonight to see how well you and Rick here work together." "Oh. Ok, can't wait." I said partly putting on a fake smile. I then glanced over at Castle, who didn't look that happy. "I'm just going to talk to Rick for a second." I said grabbing Castle's hand and dragging him into the bedroom. When we got in I closed the door and started. "Why are you upset?" I questioned. "Aren't you upset?" Castle retorted. "Yeah a little, because I wanted this to just be a weekend for us. When my dad called me he said that he was taking James for the weekend, not staying for the weekend." "I was just looking forward for us time." "Me too Castle." "But we could still have some." He said coming closer and grabbing my waist. "NO. I am not having sex with you while my dad is here. Just try to be happy." "Ok" "Now lets go before you try and convince me to have sex with you" "Ok." I then grabbed Castle's hand, and we walked back out to my dad and Castle's.

"So dad," I said, "What are you going to do today?" "Well," my dad said, "I figured if it was ok with you I could take James to the park, and for lunch, and then to the zoo." "Yeah. Perfect. I'll go get him ready." "I'll help too." Martha and I then walked up stairs with James in our arms. When we reached the top of the stairs James ran into his room, and sat on the floor, and started playing with his cars. "Honey, before we start getting James ready I want to talk to you." Martha sat sitting down on a tiny kid couch in James' room, and patting for me to sit down next to her. "Yeah Martha?" I stated kind of nervous for what she was going to talk to me about. "It's about you and Castle." "What about it?" "I know that you're disappointed that for your dad came, and I know that you guys wanted some alone time." "Yeah." "And it was your dads idea to come here, he wanted to see how you guys were doing." "We're perfectly fine. We're happy." "Ok, that's all I wanted to know." We then hugged and called James over to get dressed. He hopped over and showed me what shirt he wanted to wear. It didn't take us long to get him ready. Buy the time we were done, he was wearing cute little shorts, and a shirt that said 'happy boy.' He was wearing red converse hytops and black long socks that my Martha and I pulled down to look 'cool' per say. I then picked him up and we walked down the stairs to wear my dad and Castle were laughing with each other.

When Martha and I reached the bottom of the stairs, the laughing subsided. "What were guys laughing at?" I questioned. "Oh, nothing." Castle said. "Tell me." "Nope." "I'll pinch you." "Like your pinches scare me." I then leaned toward him and he flinched, "Ok! Ok," he said, "I'll tell you later." I nodded satisfied. "Ok, Jim, you ready to take James out for a day of fun?" My Martha said. "Yeah, sure," my dad said, "Goodbye bye Rick, it was so much to talk with you." "Same." Castle said. My dad then stood up and carried James out of the door. Martha left for an acting class. Castle looked at me and then he picked me up and started tickling me. I laughed and had trouble breathing and trying to catch my breath. "Castle! Stop!" I said in between laughs. But he didn't listen he just threw me on the couch and continued to tickle me. Eventually I gained control and started to tickle him, but I found out that he wasn't as ticklish as I was. So he ended up coming on top of me, and instead of tickling me he leaned down and kissed me, I returned the kiss of course. Our lips fit together perfectly and the moved in perfect synchronization. We had a hot make out session, and then we slowed to a stop so I could fit in a short conversation. "Castle." I said. He looked at eyes. "Did I hurt you?" "No no. I just want to talk." "Ok, ask me anything." "Why do you love me?" "What kind of depressing question is that?" "Just answer it." I love you because you're the only one that I feel truly gets me, and loves me for me, and not my money or looks." "The looks are a bonus." "But I could go on forever about how you make me feel, about how happy you make me, about how much I need you, and I need you now." Castle finished leaning down to start a more fired kiss. He grabbed my hips and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He then one hand roam under my shirt and gently massaged the side of my stomach and rib area. He carefully lifted me and carried me into the bedroom. We spent a good amount of our time in their, showing how much one another meant to each other.

I woke up at around 3:00, wrapped in Castle's naked arms. I turned to face him and kissed his nose. "Wake up." I said then kissing his lips. "Hello, beautiful." Castle replied. "We have to get up before my parents get home, because I feel like my dad would get upset if he saw us like this." "Happy?" "Naked." "But we're in bed." "But are clothes are on the couch and floor." "Ok, I suppose your right." We then got up out of bed and put on some clothes, I put on some lazy shorts and a light sweater, while Castle put on lazy pants, and a shirt that showed his muscle filled chest and arms. We then went around the living room and bedroom picking up our clothes. "Castle wears my bra?" I asked looking under the table. "I don't know." Castle said coming out of the bedroom. Then I heard the door open.

I quickly closed the bedroom door, while Castle finished hiding the "stuff." I quickly greeted my dad and my son. "Hi dad," I said giving each a hug, I then kneeled down to James, "hi James." I said kissing his forehead. "We had so much fun mommy!" James said jumping up and down." "Really! Well you can tell me all about it once I talk to grandpa." I replied receiving James' hug. "Where's daddy?" "Oh, um, he's in the bathroom?" I said nervously, staring, and then I heard the door open and saw Castle. "Daddy!" James screamed running into Castle's arms, I smiled at the sight and took a mental picture. Castle was facing me and away from my dad so I mouthed to him 'where's my bra ' and Castle shook his head, not knowing where it was. My dad then went over to the couch to talk and leave me, Castle, and James, together to have some "privacy." Castle and I brushed of the panic of our missing clothes and figured that they were somewhere hidden from view. A few minutes later, Castle and I went over to the couch, with James in my arms. Once we sat down, I saw my dad move uncomfortably in the couch, and then reach his hand in between the cushions. When I saw what was happening, I immediately put my face in my hands, and became embarrassed. My dad then pulled out my black lace bra.

"Katie," my dad started, "I found this in the couch, and I believe it's yours." He said leaning in and handing me my bra. I grabbed it and blushed full of embarrassment. I then ran to the bedroom. I quickly threw it on the floor, wanting to hurry back to Castle, because I could feel the awkwardness between Castle and my parents. I quickly ran back out and started talking. "I am so sorry, I mean we just- um- I-" I stuttered and Castle just broke the tension. "We had sex on the couch." Castle blurted out. I stared at him and my mom and dad looked down at the couch they were sitting on. "This one?" Martha asked closing the door and closing it. "We didn't- have sex... on the couch, we moved to the bedroom." I said looking at the ground. "Well I'll just stand anyway." My dad said, brushing off his pants. "I'm really sorry dad," I said standing up with James on my hips, "Well I'm going to go put James down for a nap." Martha and Jim just nodded as I walk up the stairs leaving Castle, with my parents. I walked up the stairs and laid James in a crib, and kissed him, and covered him with his blue 'writer' blanket. I watched his clothes his eyes. I then exited the room, and came back down to see and awkward scene between my parents and Castle.

"Well," my dad started, "I should head out." He said. I got up and hugged him, wishing him a safe drive, Castle hugged my dad too, apologizing countless times, because of how "reckless" we were. My dad said that it would be best, if we just forget about it and move on. So once we closed the door, Martha went upstairs, and Castle and I decided to sit on the couch and watch a movie. We didn't have any particular movie in mind, we just wanted to be with each other, so we held hands and watched a movie, hand in hand, always.

Hey pretty people, I'm SOOO sorry I haven't updated in quite awhile, but I'll try and update soon, and thanks for all the reads! <3 K

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