Caskett: Rescue Me

By MyCastle47

21.9K 779 47

Kate Beckett is a homicide detective who is in a relationship with Josh Davidson. Although Josh is an abuser... More

Chapter 1: It all started
Chapter 2: Questions
Chapter 3: No Answers
Chapter 4: Help?
Chapter 5: Seriously
Chapter 6: Caught in the Act
Chapter 7: I Need You
Chapter 8: Dangerous Encounters
Chapter 9: The Wrong Mistakes
Chapter 10: Aftershock
Chapter 11: Bad Timing
Chapter 12: Complete Disaster
Chapter 13: All the Way
Chapter 14: Cat Fights
Chapter 15: False Hope
Chapter 16: Problems and Dilemmas
Chapter 17: Baby Jokes
Chapter 18: Success?
Chapter 19: A New Start
Chapter 20: How Did it Come to This
Chapter 21: Would You Rather
Chapter 23: Quick Surprises
Chapter 24: Sickness Calls
Chapter 25: Pain and Suffering
Chapter 26: Monkey See Monkey Do
Chapter 27: The Breaking Point
Chapter 28: YAS
Chapter 29: Old Flames? I Think Not...
Chapter 30: Men Are Stupid
Chapter 31: Parties
Chapter 32: Choices and Reasons
Chapter 33: The Final "Episode"

Chapter 22: Solving the Problems

465 20 0
By MyCastle47

KATE'S P.O.V. I woke next to my best friend, I sat up and looked at the it read 3:08am. I sighed to myself and glanced at the T.V., a movie called Twister was on. I love this movie. I thought. It was on the part where the divorced couple is in the explosion from the gasoline truck. I then decided to sit up and watch it. I adjusted the blanket so it was more on Lanie than me. A few minutes passed when I saw Lanie stir awake. "What the hell is so loud?" She complained rubbing her face. "A movie." I plainly stated not removing my eyes from the T.V.. "What movie?" "Twister." "What the hell is that about?" "It's explained in the title." "Oh, well could you turn it down, I want to get some sleep." "Ok." She then turned over on her side, covering her face with the blanket. "Love you." I said jokingly, wanting to here her response. "Sure you do." I heard from under the blanket. I then just laughed to myself and returned myself to the movie. My phone then buzzed and I looked over to the side table where my phone was lit up with a message from Rick. I decided not to answer it, so I just left in on the table, and figured I'd just look at it in the morning. And once the movie ended, I decided to go to sleep and wait till the morning to worry again.


Lanie woke me up. She shook me till I finally sat up. "What?" I said irritated. "We need to talk." She stated seriously. "About what?" "You and Rick." "Why?" "Because he called me asking if you were here." "What did you say?" "I said you stopped by, but I didn't tell him that you were here." "Thank you." "But he might be on his way here." "Why?!" "Because he said, see you in a few." "Lanie!" "Sorry." "When did he call you?" "Like 5 minutes ago." "But I don't want to see him." "You have to at least talk to him." I started to cry again, although I didn't know why. "But he doesn't want me." I cried curling into a ball on the couch. "Don't cry." Lanie said hugging me. "I can't help it." "He cares about you. He loves you. If he didn't he wouldn't have called me asking about you." "But he didn't even call me." "Well check your phone." I then picked up my phone and it said I have 12 messages and 22 missed calls, "Oh my God." I said staring at the screen. "See I told you." "But he yelled at me and basically told me to get out of his life." "He was angry." "But I still don't want to talk to him." "You have to face him sometime." "And I will, just not now." "You're a baby." "I am not." "That's exactly what a baby would say. And you should know because you have one," I started to cry harder, "What did I say, Kate?" "It's just when Castle and I argued last night, we must've screamed so loud that we woke James up, and that's when Castle told me to leave." "But just talk to him, he was angry that you could've gotten yourself killed." "But I didn't." "That's why he's mad at you!" "Because I didn't die?" "No, because sometimes you don't think about the outcome, but just the now, and the present. You just do whatever you can to get the things or the people you love back." "Why is that a bad thing?" "It's not, sometimes. But the people who love you, don't want you to get hurt. So when you leave without warning, they get worried, which sometimes turns into anger." "But he said he didn't love me." I couldn't stop crying. Lanie just stopped talking and hugged me again. Then there was a knock at the door. "I'm going to hide in your room." I whispered getting up and running to her bedroom.

LANIE'S P.O.V. I got up off the couch, and walked over towards the door, when I opened it I saw a worried Rick. He was holding James. "Is she here?" He asked. I could tell that he had been crying. "Yeah, but she thinks you hate her and don't love her." I said covering the entrance. "But I love her, I was just-" "Save it for Beckett." "Can I see her?" "I don't think that's a good idea." "Lanie please." "No." "But why, I need to explain." "She needs to calm down, she's been crying for like ever, non stop." "So can I see her?" "Later." "Lanie I swear." "Swear what?" "Just please let me in, I'll be quick." "Swear?" "Every damn day. Thanks." Castle said, pushing his way through me, and handing me James, then started searching my apartment. He then finally made his way to my bedroom, and slowly opened the door.

KATE'S P.O.V. I slowly heard the door open, and looked at it in hesitation. The suspense was killing me. I just wanted to know who was on the other side of the door. I wiped my eyes with a tissue and prepared for whoever was coming in. The door finally opened all the way, and I saw Castle. I started to cry again, only this time it was loud and uncontrollable. Castle didn't say anything, he just walked over to the bed, sat down, and gave me a big hug. I let him give me the hug, but I didn't return it. Castle must've noticed because the next thing he did was pick up my arms and wrapped them around him himself. It only then that I returned the hug. I sobbed into him, and he took it willingly. He then cupped my face in his hands and made me look at him. "I love you," he started, "And what I said to you last night is unforgivable, I was upset that you went alone. I just wanted to help. I wanted to make sure that you were safe. If you died there I wouldn't know what to do with myself and our son. Once you left and I picked him up, he said mommy, and reached his hands out in the air, wanting you to hold him." "But you said to leave, and that you didn't want me." I said looking down. "But I was angry, and you will never know how sorry I am. I could apologize 500 times, and it still wouldn't be enough. I love you so much and I would do anything for you." "So you still love me?" "I never stopped." I then leaned in and we kissed. it was gentle but it expressed how sorry he was, and I expressed how much I missed him. After our small moment ended, Castle got up and went out the door. In just a few seconds he came back with James in his arms.

"Mommy!" James said, his face lighting up, and a smile plastered on his face from ear to ear. "Hi James!" I said, eyes watering. Castle then placed the baby boy in my arms. James hugged me and then started playing with the curls in my hair. "You brought James?" I said smiling. "He missed you, and if I didn't convince you then I figured that he would." Castle said. "He looks just like you, with your spirit and eyes. How could he not convince me?" "Well he has your hair, and your soul." I missed the both of you so much!" I said kissing James on the cheek. Castle then came in and gave James and I a giant bear hug. He lifted the both of us up off the ground, and when I laughed, James did too. His laugh was adorable, it was like Castles, with a sprinkle of mine in it. "Let's go home Castle." I said, leaning my head on his shoulder. "Anything for you." He said holding my free hand. We then walked out of Lanie's bedroom happy as can be. Lanie just smirked and walked over.

"And to think, I almost didn't let him in." Lanie said, crossing her arms, happy that she was a part in fixing our relationship. "Thank you Lanie," I said, "For everything." "Anytime girl," she then walked over to Castle and said, "You listen mister. I know you make her happy and all, but if you hurt her again I will kick you ass, before you can even say sorry." Castle nodded and backed behind me, I laughed. "Lanie, there's a baby in my arms, don't say bad words. And Castle, I'll deal with him later." I said the last part in a seductive voice, causing Castle to shift in mood. Lanie and I laughed, while Castle thought about the things that I could do. I then said one more time, before Castle and I actually left her apartment. When we got to the parking garage, Castle opened the door for me like a gentleman. He then took James out of my arms and placed him in his car seat. After that he closed the door, and came up to the drivers side. He turned on the car, and drove out of the parking lot. The drive home was silent, and we James didn't cry once. I had never thought that the person who made me so annoyed would end up with me. Our wedding was soon, and we had a child. Even though we fought, we would always find our way back together. Like magnets. Like glue. Like lovebirds. Castle was my one and done, and I could never function without him.

When we reached the loft, we placed James in his crib, up in his room. He fell fast asleep, Castle and I then made our way back to the bedroom. We changed into so called "pajamas" and snuggled up next to each other. We still didn't talk much, but our silence said a million words. "I love you Castle." Said said with a yawn. "I love you more." He replied. "Well I love you most." I finished. We then kissed and I wrapped my arm over his muscular chest, before I would finally allow myself to go to sleep. I knew that Castle and I would find a way to make things work, eventually. Because yin need yang.

Hey all you beautiful people! I'm pretty sure that this chapter is shorter than some of my other ones, but longer than some! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, and I love all of you! Thank you for all the reads! I'm so happy! I had to get up at like 6:30. UGGHH, but Castle is the only thing I look forward to, it's my motivation! I'll try and fit in another update by the end up of the week. Comment and vote! - K <3

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