Your Hero (Lauren/you)


586K 17.5K 3.4K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Upcoming stories
It's up
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Sequel is up!

Chapter 18

11.1K 399 26

Lauren's POV

After a bunch of teasing, the girls and I decided to to grab some lunch, we just arrived into the hotel we were going to stay, we passed by Y/N's bus but it seems she is still asleep.

I haven't seen her in a while, I wonder what did she do yesterday because she did not get out of her bus yesterday.

We eat at a small diner two blocks away from the hotel, while we were eating a news on tv caught our attention, a hostage taking drama on a bank, we saw the families of the victims crying there hearts out, and the police authority had lose hope,

"If the ninja is here, she will surely save the people inside" Ally suddenly said,

"Yo dawg the ninja is really here, remember they had a date with our Lauren here" Dinah said wiggling her eyebrows,

"Its not a date, its just a coincidence, and we just hang out"  I said,

"Our Lolo here is defensive" Normani said,

Here we go again with the teasing, I just rolled my eyes and continued eating.

"Guys be quiet" ally said to them, she is so focused on the tv,

"A gunshot was heard inside the bank, that alarmed the whole police force" a reporter said,

All the people who eats at the diner is now focused on the tv.

The families of the victims break down on there knees because they are afraid that maybe one of the victims that is shot is there love ones.

All of us waited of what's gonna happen next, the police point their guns at the entrance of the bank, then it opened and a man  got out of the bank, saying don't shoot, then all of the victims got out one by one and their families hugged them,

"Wow, the question is how did they get out of the bank, what happened to the hostage taker" Dinah asked wondering,

The police entered the bank then get out shortly with the hostage takers, 6 of the hostage takers are knocked out cold and one of them looks like he has been tased and his face is bloody.

"Hey girls lets go back to the hotel before the fans notice us" Ally whispered to us. We take that opportunity to get out of the diner quietly.

We got back to the hotel safely, when we got to the parking lot we saw Y/N who is riding on her skate board doing some tricks, she's wearing a 3/4 denim shorts, a white shirt underneath her gray hoodie, and her blue vans shoes, her hoodie is pulled over her head and her back is facing us.

"Yo Dawg how are you?" Dinah greeted her,

"I'm fine how about you?" She answered then face us, we were shock when we saw her face, theres a bruise in her right cheek,

"What happened to you?" Ally asked with concern,

"Uhm...ah.. I fell on my skateboard during doing some tricks" she stuttered,

"Dawg! Your arm is bleeding" Dinah suddenly said she stared at her bleeding arm,

I immediately hold her hand and tugged her towards the bus, and I feel the electricity running through my spine, and theres butterflies, only two persons can make me feel this way, her and ninja.

I make her sit on the couch, "stay there" I told her

I get the first aid kit and I took off her hoodie and raise the sleeve of her shirt,

I gently clean her cut, not wanting to hurt her.

I can feel her stare at me but I ignored her stare and continued what I am doing. After I bandaged her arm,

I met her gaze, she is staring at me fondly and with admiration. I stare at her beautiful Y/EC eyes, she has the same eye color as the ninja.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked

"Nothing, why?" She answered

"Its because it feels like I'm gonna melt anytime soon" I said then I feel my cheeks is heating,

"Aww your so cute" she gushed while pinching my cheeks, "thanks for this" she said while pointing her bandaged arm then she stood up and get out of the bus with a smile.

Ugh! I'm so confused right now, this girl and the ninja is both driving me crazy, making me feel things, I sighed.

"What will I do with you two" I whispered to myself then walked out of the bus too.

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