Rather Be (A Camren Story)

By iloveyou1234566

384K 9.3K 3.4K

"There is no place in the world I rather be than with you." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 19

9.8K 264 49
By iloveyou1234566

"You look nervous," Dinah spoke up as she had her make-up touched up.

"I'm nervous before every show," I replied truthfully.

"Yeah, but you usually get nervous only thirty seconds before a show. We have about half an hour until we go out on stage," she said, glancing down at her phone.

"I'm always nervous before a home show," I shrugged.

"You're not proposing to Mila again, are you?" Dinah asked, raising one eyebrow.

"I wasn't planning on it, but then again, I wasn't planning to propose when I originally did."

"I'm still hella mad that you wouldn't invite your best friend to the wedding," Dinah said, smacking her lips together.

"Camz and I didn't even have a wedding," I replied.

"Did you ever regret marrying Camila?" She asked cautiously.

"What makes you ask that question?" I asked, turning to look at her.

"Just out of curiosity," she shrugged. "You don't have to answer it if you don't want to. I was just allowing my brain to wonder out loud."

"Well, to answer your question, I've never regretted marrying Camila. Even if we would have went through with the divorce, I still wouldn't regret marrying her," I answered.

"I do, however, wish we would have waited a little bit longer to get married, but I wouldn't trade anything," I continued.

"Do you feel like you rushed things?" She questioned.

"I know we definitely rushed on having kids. I miss being able to see my friends and do whatever I want on my days off. Instead, my days off are spent trying to entertain two three-year-olds before they break anything."

"I wouldn't trade any of it though," I went on. "They definitely make my days more lively."

"You two definitely make cute kids, though," Dinah stated, fixing her hair.

"Camila and Chris make cute kids," I corrected.

Camila and I always knew we wanted Chris to be our sperm donor. We chose him for a couple of reasons.

One reason was so our children had Cabello and Jauregui genes, and second, was so all our children could have the same donor.

"Chris may be their 'father', but Ashtyn definitely looks like you with those eyes."

"True," I giggled. "I honestly expected them to both look more like Camila."

"I expected them to both be model material and I was right," Dinah replied.

"I know I'm model material," Camila said as she entered the room, flipping her hair.

"You can leave now, Camilla," Dinah stated.

"I could, but I don't want to," she replied, coming up behind me and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Hi beautiful," I smiled, looking up at my wife.

"Hi," she said, leaning down and kissing the top of my head.

"I'm going to go before I throw up," Dinah said, leaving the two of us alone.

"What's up?" I asked as she moved to the seat next to me.

"I want to talk to you about earlier," she stated.

"I will admit, Kay and I don't spend as much time alone as I would like too, but I love her just as much as I love Ash," she confessed. "It's hard to schedule one-on-one time with the girls when you only have your daughters for six days a months, and now with tour, we're always on the move," the brown-eyed girl continued.

"I've been thinking on how we could fix this problem and I think I found a solution," I replied.

"What's your solution?" She asked.

"Well, in a few days we have a few free hours before a show. Maybe we could plan something so that you and Kay can go somewhere while Ash and I go somewhere?" I suggested.

"That's actually not a terrible idea."

"Are you saying I have terrible ideas?" I asked, raising one eyebrow.

"No," she answered, shaking her head. "But have you thought about the second leg of the tour?"

"I've thought about it, yeah."

"And?" She asked. "Did you decide on what you're going to do?"

"Whatever you do," I shrugged.

"Lauren," she sighed.


"We can't go on with anything until you come up with a decision."

"What do you want to do?" I questioned.

"I want to do the second leg, but I also want to stay in Miami with the girls."

"I think I know what I want to do," I replied, finally coming up with a decision.

"And what is that?" She asked.

"I think-"

"-Camren let's go!" Dinah yelled, interrupting me.

"Didn't you hear us talking?" I asked, looking over at her.

"Didn't you hear me say we have to go? We have five minutes before we need to go on stage.

"You can tell me later," Camila said, standing up and kissing the top of my head.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" I asked, standing up.

"No, I don't think so," she said as she looked down at her outfit.

"Maybe like giving someone a good luck kiss?" I questioned.

"Oh yeah, how could I forget?" She let go of my hand before embracing Dinah in a tight hug.

"Good luck, good luck, good luck," she repeated over and over again, kissing the Polynesian all over her face.

"You have five seconds to get your nasty ass lips off my face," Dinah said, pushing the smaller Cuban away from her.

"My lips aren't nasty," she protested.

"Who knows where the hell your lips been," Dinah said, wiping the spots where Camila's lip were.

"I think we all know where her lips have been," I smirked, walking over to Camila and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Y'all are nasty," Dinah scoffed before leaving the dressing room.

"So am I going to get my good luck kiss?" I asked after Camila turned around in my arms.

She kissed me lightly before pulling away.

"Good luck, baby," she said, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Thanks," I said before kissing her again. "Good luck to you too."

"Are you ready?" She asked, removing her arms.

"Yup," I answered, kissing her one last time before grabbing a hold of her hand and walking to the stage.


"Hi Mama," Kay said with a huge grin on her face.

"What are you doing up?" I questioned, picking up the tiny three-year-old.

"I'm not tired," she yawned, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"You're not tired?" I questioned, raising one eyebrow.

"Nope," she yawned again, shaking her head.

"Kay Kay, what are you still doing up?" Camila asked as she approached us.

"Hi mommy," Kayne yawned as she waved to the brown-eyed girl.

"I think it's time for you to go to night-night," Camila said, taking the small child out of my arms.

"I watch Riley?" She asked, staring into Camila's eyes.

"Yeah baby, we can watch Riley," Camila agreed, kissing our daughter's forehead lightly.

"What's Riley?" I asked confused.

"Inside out," Camila clarified.

"In your bed?" Kayne spoke up in her tired voice.

"Yeah, in my bed," Camila nodded.

"Lo, your mom is looking for you," Normani said holding her backpack.

"Where is she?"

"Out by the bus," Normani replied before walking towards the shower.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Camila asked, bouncing a sleepy Kayne on her hip.

"No, I'll go by myself."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I won't be long," I said, kissing the top of her head before walking outside.

I wish my mom and I's relationship was as strong as it was before the twins were born.

She wasn't exactly fond of the idea of Camila and I starting a family while we were teenagers, but she eventually got over it and was excited for the twins to be born.

What really pissed her off was when we asked Sinu to come on tour with us while the twins were still babies. The only reason we even asked Sinu was because she was available to come with us for a long period of time.

"Uh, you wanted to see me?" I asked as I approached her. 

"You were great out there hunny," she said, pulling me in for a hug.

"Uh thanks," I half stated, half asked as I slowly wrapped my arms around her.

"Is that the only thing you wanted to tell me?" I asked, uncertain as to why she was acting this way.

"Guess who I was just on the phone with?" Clara asked excitedly.

"Who?" I asked instead of saying something smart.

"Becky," Clara smiled.

"Becky who?" I asked confused.

"Becky from my work," she clarified. "She is the supervisor at the preschool at the high school and she told me they have two open spots for morning preschool."

"But the girls are already enrolled in one of the best preschools in Miami," I stated.

"I know, but it will be a lot easier on us all if we sent them to that preschool," she replied.

"Oh? How so?" I asked, waiting to see where she's going with this.

"Well since Camila and you will be joining the second leg, you're going to need somebody to watch the girls," she explained.

"Whoever said Camila and I will be joining the second leg?" I questioned. "We haven't made up our decision yet."

"Well let's say you two agree to the second leg. I'll be able to get to the girls quicker if there's an emergency and your father will be able to take them back and forth since his work hours have changed. We'll also be able to give the girls separate rooms since Taylor will be off at college."

"I don't know where you got the idea of us allowing you to watch the girls if we go," I stated.

"Really Lauren?" She asked pissed. "Who would watch the girls?"

"We don't even know if we're joining the second leg, so I honestly don't know what's going to happen in the next few months."

"Who would be your other option?" Clara asked.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "There's always Sinu."

"I have nothing against Sinu, but the girls would probably be more comfortable around your father and I then Camila's parents. The girls barely even know Camila's parents."

"I don't know what we're going to do," I sighed. "I'll tell you when we know."

"Mama, let go!" Kayne yelled from the bus.

"I have to go tend to my daughter, but I'll let you know what's happening when Camila and I find up with a final decision," I said before walking over to my wife and daughter.

"Is everything okay?" Camila asked as she unlocked the bus.

"It will be," I said as I followed them onto the bus.

"Do you want to watch Inside Out with us?" Camila offered. 

"No, I think I'm just gonna go to bed."

"Give Mama a kiss," Camila said.

"Night Mama," Kayne said before kissing my cheek.

"Sweet dreams, princess," I replied, kissing her forehead before kissing my wife goodnight.

"I love you," Camila said, looking deep into my eyes.

"I love you too," I said, kissing her one last time before going back to my bunk.

I ripped open the curtain to my bunk only to notice my emerald-eyed toddler spread out in my bunk.

"Ash, you have to move over," I whispered as I gently tried to push her over.

Her arm flung back, hitting my straight in the face. She stayed situated in her original spot. Yup, she is definitely Camila's child.

I grabbed my extra blanket and headphones before pulling a blanket back up Ashtyn's body. I shut my curtain and proceed over to Ashtyn's bunk.

I climbed into the messy bunk, pushing all the toys to the bottom of the bunk. The girls usually sleep with Camila and I, so we usually use their bunks to hold toys and movies.

I slid my headphones on before going into iTunes. I hit shuffle and allowed my mind to race with a million thoughts.


Hello beautiful people!!!

What do you think Camila and Lauren are going to do? Stay in Miami with the girls or go on a second leg?

So I am back from vacation so I'll be updating a lot more. I start school next week so I probably won't be able to update as much but I'll work something out.

As always, tell me what you think and have a great day/night!

- Ashley

Twitter & ask.fm - dinahaddict

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