XoXo To The Mafia Boss

By Train-to-Wonderland

754K 22.9K 1.1K

After spending the summer in Paris with the man who stole her heart, Catalina has to drastically go back to t... More

XoXo To The Mafia Boss
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Authors Note
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Authors Note
Chapter 61
Authors Note

Chapter 46

8.3K 295 37
By Train-to-Wonderland

Alekanders POV

I grunted as the whip connected with my back once again.

" I didn't hear you boy!" My father yelled as the whip once again hit my back.

" Two hundred and thirty seven." I spat.

Ever since my father ordered for Catalina to be taken away I knew I was in deep shit. He had two of his men grab me and drag me down into the basement where I'm chained. My arms above me holding me upright. The chins around my ankles keeping me from kicking out. My shirt ripped to expose skin. This is my fathers way of teaching me a lesson. Just as it always has been since I was a child.

" Count!" He yelled as the whip hit my back once again. This time splitting flesh. The air stinging at the wound.

" Two hundred and thirty...eight." I gasped.

My father has been doing this for a while. At first he just stood there watching me. Didn't speak. Didn't grunt or do any facial expressions. He just stood there watching me.

There are three other men stood in the basement. One by the door. The other off to the side. The last one is Stephan. He's been quiet the entire time. Just watching. Not even flinching.

" You disappoint me Alekzander. Embarrass me." He said as he grabbed a horse whip before he started going at it with my back. And just like each and every time he makes me count.

The longest I've counted up to was three thousand and fifty nine. I was fifteen. It was the day after my family was murdered. No executed by the orders of Dimitri DiNovi. I was the only one who lived.

My father cried. He cursed at the sky. Our family was killed and I, his fourth youngest child, did nothing to help save my family. He whipped me a lot in that time. My body isn't as scarred as my mind is.

He's my father and I love him. I will do anything for him. Even endure these punishments he gives me.

" You're in love with her. Ha! How pathetic!" My father yelled before the crack of the whip echoed in the air. More blood pooling into the plastic sheet beneath me.

Love? Me in love with Catalina? Am I? Yes I feel something for her. A warmth fills me whenever I'm with her but love..? Is this what love is or is it pure infatuation? Is it lust? Or is it a mere crush?

I know I want her. Ever since I met her that day in the hospital I've had fantasies of her with me. When we took her my need to be with her strengthened. I wanted to tell my father to just finish this with Dimitri so I am be with her. Lord knows how many times I almost confessed to her my feelings for her. Luke knows. He knows everything which is weird. Just like Tristan.

" I mean I wouldn't care if you fucked her! She does look delicious after all! But love! You're weak! A weakling that let a women break you!" Four more cracks of the whip. By now my body is numb to the pain.

" Father I-"

" Count!" He shouted.

" Two...hundred and..forty......four." I croaked.

" Boy you can't fall in love. Love is weakness. You can't be weak in his work. You need to be powerful. You need to be cold. Cold and ruthless to survive." My father said.

" Like you." I find myself saying.

He caught it and chuckled. " Well yes. Just like me." His footsteps echoed as he circled around me. " You see you need to be like me boy. Be cold. Be hard. You can't let anyone, let alone a female break you. At the end it won't do anyone any good." He stopped and I bit the insides of my cheeks from crying out as the whip hit some open wounds.

" Two hundred.... and...and... forty nine." I cough.

" That is why I do this. Not to bring you pain or make you bleed but so you can remember. Remember and put it into your brain once and for all to get the idea of being with her out of the picture. It won't ever work out boy. Especially not when I kill her."

My head snapped up. " What?"

" I knew that will catch your attention." My eyes closed shut as the whip hit my face this time. Right over my left eyebrow, down my eye, nose, and right bottom side of my face.

" I'm not going to kill her. Just wanted to see how you'll react." He sighs. " It saddens me that my son fell for the whore that belonged to the man that killed his family."

My jaw clenched as he mentioned the murder of our family. " Father don't-"

I was cut off by the door at the top of the stairs opening and a man rushing down.

" I said not to-"

" Sir she escaped! The girl! She escaped!"

I blinked. Catalina she escaped?

" What?" My father snapped.

" Aaron just called to say she's not at the house. No one saw her leave. Aaron and a group of men are already searching for her." Another crack of the whip echoed in the basement. It didn't hit me. He hit the wall.

" Damn it! Knew I should of kept her here. Search the entire city. Bring her back."

" Will do." The guy scurries off.

" Tristan clean this up. You and Alekzander will be searching for her as well."

With that my father left up the stairs with the other man following after him.

Tristan quickly moved. Cleaning up my wounds first and moving the plastic sheet so I don't fall in a puddled of my blood.

I fell the my knees ones the chains were off. Grunting I painfully got to my feet.

" Alek I don't think you-"

" We need to get her back. I won't let anyone else get her first." Tristan nods.

" Fine. You're so damn stubborn."

Zipping up the jacket Tristan handed me we left the basement and got in a car heading to search for Catalina.

Catalinas POV

Thankfully when I jumped out the window I landed in a heap on the snow but didn't break anything. If not my ankle hurts a bit. Now as I walk the dark foreign streets hugging myself to keep from shivering I wish I thought my plan over before I jumped. I mean I have no idea where I'm at. I can't read Russian so I don't know what the street signs say. Not to mention I'm cold and I'll likely get frostbite.

As I walked down a street lined with houses those dreaded photographs plagued my mind. Tormenting me. Mocking me. It's just one huge real nightmare. My ultimate nightmare brought to life.

I lost him. I lost Dimitri. The thought brought a pain to my heart as it broke into pieces.

Why? Why did he go on with the wedding? What brought him to say 'I do'? Especially after those precious moments we spent together. How, how can he do this me? How is it that I'm broken while he's happy with her? How...?

I grunted. I'm glad I got taken. I'm glad I wasn't there to witness them exchange vows and 'I do'. If I were there to see if I don't think I'll be able to stomach it. Hell I probably wouldn't even have attended. Would I have stopped the wedding...?

... No. I don't think I would have. I think I would have watched along with everyone else. I would have been seated next to Luke. He would have let me squeeze his hand as I myself broke inside. Like everyone else I would have applauded at the end.

How is it that I would sacrifice my happiness for him? I sacrificed Harry. Harry who was my lithium. My pain blocker. He eased my suffering. He made me see in color again until Dimitri came back along as my world turned black and white again. It went just as it was in Paris when my world revolved around him.

God how I hate it!? Why couldn't he have gone off to marry someone else!? Why did he have to come back into my life!? Was it fate? Was it destiny? Fuck destiny! Fuck fate! Fuck him!

I've been hurting while he was happily screwing my sister. He got married after all. I think I deserve to be happy. To be with someone who cares for me. With someone who can fill the void that is in my heart.


That name faintly echoed into my mind. I scoffed. Alek. Is my subconscious on crack or something!? Alek and I kissed once. Once! It was heated and could have gone elsewhere but that's it. Nothing good could come out with the two of us being together. Not when he's in the mob and his daddy ordered for me to get kidnapped.

I froze when I thought about Aleks father Vladimir. Do they know I left by now? Are they searching for me? Is Harry in danger? Will Luke get tortured?

Shit! I'm an idiot for leaving! Aaron promised they'll hurt Harry. Harry who was already dragged into this. He doesn't deserve any of this. And Luke! Luke who was accidentally brought with me after he witnessed the entire thing. These two guys who don't deserve any of this! They're in this because of me. Because I was the apple of Dimitris eyes once.

The sudden honking of a car brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see that I've wandered into downtown city nightlife. Music pumping from inside of clubs and bars filled the air. Hookers as well as party people populated the streets. Cars moved up and down. One of them was honking at a stopped van where two familiar men dressed in all black slipped out. I watched as they started to stop groups of people.

Shit! It's them! Tugging the hoodie of my jacket over my head I quickly make my way. I get as far as five blocks until I come to a stop in an alley. Leaning against the wall I slump down. My forehead touching my knees.

They already found out. They know I left. Crap! I need to move. If I keep moving they won't find me. I start to stand up when the sound of a door opening catches my attention.

A guy dressed warmly steps out. He has dark hair and many facial piercings. He was snapping away as he walked out the door. Behind him another guy. He was skinny with blonde hair and sharp facial features.

They were arguing. It was obvious by how loud their voices were and body language. The taller of the two was getting annoyed. The skinny one was getting aggravated. His hand movements increasing.

The taller one smacked his lips and started to say something when he caught sight of me. His eyes widened for a moment before his eyebrows furrowed in question. The skinny one started to yell only for the tall guy to snap something and nod in my direction. Now they both stared at me. Probably wondering what a girl is doing in a dirty alley.

The skinny one took a cautious step towards me speaking in Russian. When I didn't answer he turned to the other for help. He sighed and spoke in a harsher tone. Probably telling me to get the fuck out of here.

" Sorry I don't understand or speak Russian." I tell them.

" Should of known." The skinny one sighs. " Hi name's Adrian. What are you doing here sweetheart?" He asked in a warm tone.

" Um I ran away." I inform him.

The two exchange looks.

" Oh. From who? If you mind us asking."

" Just some guy." The skinny ones expression softened.

" Are you having guy troubles? Here come! You must be freezing!" He beckoned me to him as a parent does a child.

Slowly I stand up and make my way towards them. Once I stand arms length away he wraps his arm around my shoulders and leads me towards the door. The other barks something in Russian which Adrian waved his hand to.

Opening the door we step inside a corridor. Walking down we reach a lobby with mailboxes against the walls. I then realize this is an apartment building. We walk up some stairs until we get to the third floor where we enter a small apartment. There's a small living room, small kitchen, a round small table, and two doors. One must be the bathroom and the other a bedroom.

" Here sit! Coffee?" Adrian offered.

" I'll just take some water." He buzzed into the kitchen and returned with a glass of water. " Thank you." I tell him as I drown the entire glass.

" So Americana, what's your name?" Adrian asked.

" Catalina." His eyebrows go up.

" Pretty name. What brings you to Russia?"

" Oh it's complicated." I mutter.

" Let me guess. A guy told you he loved you brought you here only for it not to be real and you decided to leave him?" I rose a brow.

" No. No- well yes there's a guy involved but he never promised me anything." My face fell at the realization that Dimitri never promised me a thing.

" It's okay. Trust me mine promised me we will move into a bigger apartment but nothing's happened." Adrian shot the other guy standing by the window leading to an escape route look.

" I told you once I get the money we can move!" He snapped.

" You said over six months ago!" Adrian retorted.

" I'm not going to do this again!" The conversation ended with a tense atmosphere.

" Are you two together?" I wondered.

" Yes. Charlie and I have been together for five years. Although his parents aren't so approving. Mine well... they aren't either but as long as we have each other." I couldn't help but frown. Their own families don't approve of their love. How sad.

" So what did your guy do to you? Come on you can tell us? It's all good."

I stared at Adrian. I just met the guy not more then five minutes ago and he acts as if we're long time friends catching up. His bubbly persona really is catchy.

" Well the thing is-"

" Shit red coats!" Charlie says as he steps away from the window.

" Red coats?" I questioned.

Adrian stood up. " No! No what are they doing here?" He moved to the window only for Charlie to push him away.

" I don't know. Hide her. We'll deal with them."

" Come on." Adrian got my hand and lead me into a small bedroom. He opened the closet only to reveal a hidden door revealing a small compartment. " It's small but it'll have to do."

With my heart racing and adrenaline coursing through me I squeezed myself into the place.

" What's happening?" I asked.

" I don't know. Just stay quiet." He put the door back in place and I was surrounded in darkness.

Sebastians POV

I sat in my bedroom in the hotel we are staying at. We arrived hours ago yet I couldn't sleep. Especially after my uncle confessed to me the reason why Catalina was taken.

" He murdered an entire family." I whispered out loud.

I couldn't believe it. This was more unbelievable then Stephan informing me what Dimitri and him did as work.

" A family. Women and children." I shook my head.

How can he do that? How can he kill innocents? Children who haven't lived? Who won't ever fall in love. Who won't ever figure out the worlds harsh ways. Who won't ever learn how to drive. They won't ever experience life.

'Revenge. He acted out in revenge.' Stephanie words filled me.

Dimitri was filled with hate that he had to order a families execution. He himself acted as he grim reaper.

If all happened five years ago. Five years ago and now the past has caught up with him. Vladimir took Vladimir and he will do everything to make sure Dimitri suffers starting with Catalina.

A knock on the door disrupts my thoughts.

" You're awake. Good." It was Jace.

" What do you want?" I snap.

" Just want to tell you of the news going around the city." He closed the door behind him and leaned against it.

" What news?" I reached on over to the bedside table and filled up another glass of cognac.

" Apparently little Catalina escaped and is roaming around the city." I almost drop the entire bottle.

" What?" I breathe.

" I was out and I ran into some of vladimirs men. They were anxiously asking anyone if they've seen her. Had a picture and all." I stood up off the bed and tugged on a coat. " You're going to go and search for her." He stated.

" Of course! I can't sit around and do nothing! I need to find her!"

" I'm going with you then." I don't reject having him come along I just rush on past him and press the button for the elevator.

" Sebastian I want you to promise me something." Jace said gravely.

" What is it?"

" When we're out there we might run into some people. When we do and I tell you to run you run."

" What- why I-"

" Sebastian these are dangerous people. They'll kill us the moment they see us. You run promise me that."

" What about you? I run and what will you do?"

" Do the best thing I know how to do." He pulled out a gun. " Shoot." 

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