[Longfic] Asystole | Yulsic...

By taengkyu89

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Au : hecate_aristocrat @ ssf Link : http://www.soshified.com/forums/topic/27312-asystole-chapter-46-update-en... More

Chapter 0 : Memories
Chapter 1 : Anomaly
Chapter 2 : Encounter
Chapter 3 : Home and Family
Chapter 4 : Brunch
Chapter 5 : What Sisters Do
Chapter 6 : Familiar Eyes
Chapter 7 : Into the New World
Chapter 8 : A God Definition
Chapter 9 : The Morning After
Chapter 10 : Reach
Chapter 11 : Another Necklace
Chapter 12 : Remember This Day
Chapter 13 : Etude
Chapter 14 : Deep of Hell
Chapter 15 - The Padlock and the Key's Rival
Chapter 16 : Riposte
Chapter 17 : Enter Princess
Chapter 18 : Someone to Protect
Chapter 19 : Overpowered
Chapter 20 : A Promise
Chapter 21 : Welcome to Incheon
Chapter 22 : Collateral Damage
Chapter 23 : Helpless Night
Chapter 24 : Next Gig
Chapter 25 : Change of Hearts
Chapter 26 : A Love to Kill
Chapter 27 : A New Beginning
Chapter 28 : Filling Yuri
Chapter 29 : Placing Trusts
Chapter 30 : The YoonYul Combination
Chapter 31 : Dreamcatcher
Chapter 32 : The Truth
Chapter 33 : Another Bait
Chapter 34 : Iniquity
Chapter 36 : Desperate Reach
Chapter 37 : Unlock
Chapter 38 : Mourn
Chapter 39 : Two Days Earlier
Chapter 40 : One Day Earlier
Chapter 41 : Limit
Chapter 42 : Last Smile
Chapter 43 : Battlesky
Chapter 44 : Ablaze
Chapter 45 : Departure
Chapter 46 (Final) : There Are Nine of Us

Chapter 35 : Death

485 4 0
By taengkyu89

Hyoyeon started her car and drove awfully fast. The tires screeched on the slippery road, waking some tired sleeping neighbour. Hyoyeon didn't bother

to look back, she was in a hurry.

Sunny had called her in the middle of her sleep saying that the new satellite model had caught huge weather irregularities in almost all over Seoul.

"What do you think it is?" she asked to Sunny on the phone.

"Not sure, I can't identify it, it's moving so fast," said Sunny on the other line.

Hyoyeon just splashed water to her face, grabbed her coat, her gun and then quickly drove off.

The sky above her roared. The clouds flickered blue.

Hyoyeon looked up.

"It's not Gaea," she said.


Eeteuk, Siwon, Yuri and Jessica gathered in the prairie, not far from the gazebo.

"She's gone?" asked Yuri.

"She can't Reach Tiffany so she went to find her," said Eeteuk, "I'm worried that the organization got her."

"Damn? if Taeyeon got this serious it would be hard to follow her," Siwon looked up to the sky.

Jessica tugged Yuri's elbow, "what's the matter anyway if Taeyeon couldn't Reach Fany?"

"It means Tiffany is unconscious," Yuri answered.

Jessica now understood why everyone didn't bother to look for Yuri. They asked Taeyeon to Reach her and if she said Yuri can't be Reached, it means

she's dead. Yuri was unconscious indeed but not for long. Taeyeon was mistaken.

"Okay!" Eeteuk clapped his hands, "there are four of us and the whole sky to cover, find Taeyeon!"

"What about Tiffany?" Jessica asked.

"If the worst case scenario is that the organization got Tifanny to lure Taeyeon out then she's safe. We got to find Taeyeon first, she's not in her right

mind, I'm afraid she will go rampage in the city just to find Tiffany."

"Let's sramble!"

They burst into lightning and searched the sky.


Junsu had scattered his platoons all over the city for Taeyeon. He had put Tiffany down at the church and hid his best men there to guard her. Taeyeon

would surely come for her but before she does, Junsu wanted to make sure Taeyeon to fight his whole platoon first and drained her strength.

The sky rumbled with blue lights.

"She made her move," Junsu smiled.


Taeyeon travelled fast in the sky, looking throughout the city. She had circled the city around and she was surprised to see so many agents in the city.

It seemed like they were waiting for her, saying that she has to come and greet them to get to Tiffany.

They had challenged her.

Taeyeon landed on top of the tallest building she could find. Her eyes scanned the dark city underneath her.

She concentrated and she closed her eyes.


Junsu was with his platoon, a mile away from the church where she kept Tiffany.

A soldier fell to his knees, his hands on his head, he was in pain.

"What happened?" Junsu asked.

Another soldier dropped and another one, each soldier with a terrible headache.

"What is happening?"

Junsu's head began to hurt, he gritted his teeth to hold the pain. Something was forcing in to his head.

A second later the pain was gone. Junsu realized that it wasn's just him or his soldiers. But the whole city suffered a short painful headache that time.

"She's reading everyone's mind in town," Junsu muttered. "She's really angry," Junsu laughed a bit. He was happy. This will be his big break in the organization.


Taeyeon opened her eyes and she let out a heavy breath. She had never tried to read so many minds at once, it was quite exhausting. But she was

glad. A mind that came to her was the source of the problem.

"You crossed the line, Junsu," Taeyeon hissed.


"What just happened?" a soldier got back on his feet after the painful headache.

Junsu walked into the middle of his platoon.

"That was Taeyeon. She was desperate to find Tiffany. Check your weapon and--."

The ground shook and almost made Junsu lost his balance and the asphalt below him cracked. He looked to his back and found Taeyeon. Her eyes were

furious, and slowly, she walked toward Junsu.

The agents quickly pointed their gun against her and their pandoras at the ready. Junsu raised his hand, telling the agents to hold their fire.

"Kim Taeyeon," Junsu smiled.

Taeyeon said nothing. Junsu felt his heart beat faster and a cold sweat fell down his back. He reached for his gun on his belt and took the safety off.

"I know who you're searching for and of course--," he swallowed his saliva, "I know where she is. But--."

Taeyeon didn't stop, she kept getting closer. Junsu automatically took a step back when Taeyeon finally stopped a hand away from him.

Junsu looked at Taeyeon's eyes, they were turning red.

"Let's make a deal," he quickly said, "I will let her go if you--."

"I know where she is," Taeyeon's face was expressionless.

"What?" Junsu took a step back.

"I'm here for you."

That was unexpected.

"Shoot her!" Junsu screamed, panicked. He pulled his gun but Taeyeon was faster.

She put her palm on Junsu's chest, right on where his heart lied and she sent thousands voltage of electricity all over Junsu's body. The electricity jolted

his heart and stopped it. Junsu's eyes turned red by blood. He fell to the ground, lifeless.

Taeyeon blasted to the sky again, a millisecond before the bullets reached her. She flew higher and higher, and with the information she got from

Junsu's mind, she went to get Tiffany.


Hyoyeon stopped her car in front of the organization's headquarters building. Sooyoung came out of the building and jumped in the car.

"Let's go!" she said.

"Where's Sunny?" Hyoyeon stepped on the gas and drove away again.

"She'll stay at the satellite monitoring room and informs us about the weather anomaly."

Sooyoung's cell phone rang and she quickly answered it, "yeah?"

It was Sunny, "Sooyoungie."

"What? What's wrong?"

Hyoyeon caught a worried expression in Sooyoung's face.

"Kim Taeyeon just killed Junsu."

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