Taylor's Journey (BWWM) ~Inte...

By Bbria1213

960K 36.9K 7.3K

Once Taylor's boyfriend found out that Taylor was pregnant he didn't want anything to do with her. Watch Tayl... More

Taylor's Journey - Intro-
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 ~ Last Chapter

Chapter 4

28.1K 1K 259
By Bbria1213


"Baby wake up."

Raquel tapped the sleeping figure next to her gently.

"Babe. It's time to get up."

"Hmm." The sleeping figure groaned. "Just let me sleep."

"No. The cookout starts in an hour."

"Who ever said you were going?" He questioned while sitting up.

"Antonio,Taylor stopped by yesterday and invited me to your mom's cookout. So, now I'm going." Raquel said standing up while the covers fell off her naked body.

"Who the fuck invited her?"

"Apparently, your mom did. She didn't say why."

Antonio stood up looking for his clothes. "Why you gotta come?"

"Because, I've been invited. Besides, don't you want your mom to see your new girlfriend?"

"First off, my mom thinks Taylor and I are still together. Second, when did I ever claim you."

Raquel stopped from walking into the bathroom and turn to face him. "We've been together ever since you and Taylor had that argument. So I just thou-"

"Well you fucking thought wrong," Antonio pulled his shoes on while walking to door with Raquel hot on his trail. "Because you're just a side thing, a fuck and duck, a hit and quit. I don't wanna be in a relationship with your clingy ass."

With that said, Antonio slammed the front door and walked to his car pulling fast out the driveway.


"Hi, I'm here for my 6 AM appointment." Taylor walked up to the pretty Latina lady at the front desk.

"Yes! Great, what's your name?" She replied with a smile.

"Taylor Johnson."

"Okay! You're all checked in. Have a seat in the waiting area until your name is called."

"Thanks." Taylor walked into the waiting area. She was surprised that so many people would be at the Doctor's office on a Sunday.

'Gosh, I'm going to be here all day.' Taylor thought glancing around the room. 'Good thing the cookout doesn't start until 12.'

30 minutes of sitting and listening to multiple names being called, Taylor was finally called back.

"Taylor Johnson." A short, redhead women called out glancing around the room.

Taylor stood up, which immediately caught the lady's attention. The lady held open the door for Taylor and lead her to a patient's room.

"Doctor Moore should be here shortly."

"Okay." Taylor took a seat on the bed with a long piece of paper on it and watched the lady shut the door.

50 minutes later the doctor still didn't show up.

'Shortly, my ass'

The door swung open and in walked in Doctor Moore.

"Hey there Taylor. How've you been?"

"Good." Doctor Moore was a tall, old man. He was 61 years old with grey hair and bright green eyes. He was the sweetest thing and it was sad the he was retiring next year.

"That's great. Okay, so, I'm going to need you to pull up your shirt." He said writing some things down on his clip board.

Taylor pulled up her shirt to show off her little baby bump.

"Gosh you're getting big." Doctor Moore laughed which made Taylor pout.

"Ugh don't say that."

Doctor walked over to her and examine her stomach. Feeling for any unusual bumps or any soft parts.

"Well this check up is over. You're free to go."

"That was quick."

"Well, there not much for me to do. When you get a little bigger then we can do an ultrasound and I might be able to tell you the gender." He said watching her stand up. "Any questions?"

"Nope. Wait. Yes. How far am I along?"

"You're 1 month or if you wanna be more detailed, you're are exactly 4 weeks and 3 days." He said while patting Taylor on the back giving her a bright smile.

"Thanks Doc. See you in a few months!" She said walking out the door with a smile on her face.

*Tell me what you think!*

*I might not be able to update tomorrow but I will give you guys 2 updates on Monday!*




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