Just right | GOT7

By parkjinyoungs

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A contest to stay in Korea for a week everything paid? I'm in! Wait a second... I get to meet GOT7 too?! More

Chapter 1: A Summer Vacation
Chapter 2: Ready to go!
Chapter 3: Korea
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: meeting them
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6: bowling

109 7 2
By parkjinyoungs

Nicole's POV
Today was fun, we spent the whole day playing games, getting to know each other. Mark was shyer than in the airport. He was a bit quiet but when we were together in the airplane, he talked alot more. I don't know if he recognized in the airplane that it was me who won the contest. Anyways, I hope I will get used to seeing them normally without fangirling. It's 9 pm and we all decided to go bowling and eat dinner over there. It's a bit late for dinner but why not. They are serving 1 meter pizza, it's huge! I'm already drooling from thinking about it. I'm pretty excited. Omo... How can I be more excited for pizza than being with them?

Kate's POV
We were in the van, actually it was pretty big. Three places in each row. I was sitting beside Nicole and Junior.

Yugyeom: how old are you? 😁

'I'm turning 19 on August 29. Nicole on August 31. When we were kids until now, we always celebrate it together' I said joyfully.

Bambam: so you guys are 20 in Korean age 😄

Nicole: yeah so you two call us noona 😋

Bambam and Yugyeom started laughing. Junior was smiling time to time but then he quiet down too. What is he thinking about? He was looking out the window.

We arrived at the bowling place. Everyone had their shoes on and then it was my turn. They gave me worn out ones with flashy yellow laces. Aaagh so ugly but it's only for tonight anyway.

They were all sitting down and our site is number 16. I arrived last and they all looked at me from my head to my toes.
Junior bursted out laughing so hard he started tearing up. I was embarassed of course.

'YAH' I shouted while pouting a bit.
He looked at me. We had eye contact for 6 seconds and then I laughed.

'You thought I was serious for a second A~?' I said in a teasingly way.

'Ani, I knew you weren't the kind of person who's serious all the time' he responded.

'Hey I can be serious too'

'Yeah yeah' he teased.

Jackson: What are you guys waiting for let's play! I'll be in Kate's team :P

Yugyeom: me too with noona!

JB: wait let's decide with rock paper scissors.

Got7: okaay
*a few minutes later*

So I ended up with Bambam, Jackson, Junior and Youngjae. And Nicole with Mark, Jaebum and the maknae. (Hehe it rhymes)

Nicole's team won the first and second game. They had to choose someone to play two times since we are an uneven number of people. Anyways, we had enough of playing so we ordered the 1 meter pizza omg. I ate too much. There were arcade games and we started playing billiard, racing games and all those stuff.

Nicole's POV
I saw a claw machine and there was a huge teddy bear! I really wanted it so I played and and aaaand I didn't get it. 😒 I sat down while pouting. I saw JB coming near me while chuckling.

JB: gwenchana?

'Ne' I said looking at my shoes, embarassed. He probably saw me playing.

'If you want it that badly, you should've asked someone tall, handsome and strong to get it for you' he said teasingly.

'Oh and who could that be?' I smiled.

'Why do you need to ask, he's right in front of you' he smirked.

'I didn't notice, probably because you're not that strong' I joked and teased him back.

'Yaah, I'm strong. I'll prove it to you. I'll get that bear' he said seriously.

'Go get it then' :P

'I will, don't worry'

He looked kinda manly while saying that. It made my heart skip a beat. He was playing seriously and he got the bear that I wanted.

'Here you go' he gave it to me, smiling.

'Gomawo' 😊

'So do you think I'm strong now?' 

'Haha I approve now'

'That's cool :)'
It's 2 am and it's time to go home. So many things happened today. I still can't get over it. It was so fun and it was never boring. The boys were fighting because they wanted to bring us back at the hotel but all of them can't go because of manager hyung. So they decided with rock paper scissors and it was JB who won.
We were taking our time walking, chilling with the night breeze. It was silent. We arrived at the hotel.

'So I guess I'll leave you guys here' JB smiled.

'Yeah thank you for bringing us' Kate smiled back. 'I'm tired so I'll go first okay?' She said.

'Yeah go get some rest' I smiled softly.

Kate went in the room. And omo, I forgot JB was still here. So does that mean I have to be alone with him? Omomo. I'm nervous and he seems to see that. Aaaah what is wrong with me why am I acting like this.

'Um' JB and I said at the same time.

'you first' he said.

'I'm tired too so I'll be going... Bye and thank you for bringing us back' I smiled. I opened the door and then JB suddenly closed it and sticked me to the wall. He put his arm next to my head. I can feel his breath. He's too close.

'Don't go yet' he said.

What am I supposed to sa...!

He grabbed my arms and hugged me tightly. I wanted to let go but he said 'wait, don't let go yet' he hugged me tighter.

'What are you guys doing?'

Oh no Kate saw us.

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