The Boyfriend Games {Complete...

By BlueDanceLover

254K 10.2K 2.4K

"You signed me up for what?" I shrieked at her. My best friend, who had volunteered me to test a new game tha... More

The Boyfriend Games
1- Something's Going On
2- You Signed Me Up For What?
3- The First Party
4- The Party Continues
5- The Message
6- Meet Your First Date
7- Date Number One
8- The Confrontation
9- Date Three
10- Into The Woods
11- A Date With Destiny...'s Brother
12- From Putt-Putt to Pictures on a Beach
13- Date Six... Somewhere?
14- A Tiny String of Guilt
15- Backstabbing Bad Boys
16- A Redo?
17- Mood Setting Music
18- Rye the Rascal
19- Make It Count
20- Let's Not
21- Welcome to Stage Two
22- Forming a Plan
23- Thanksgiving Day
24- Asking for Trouble
25- First Day Back
26- Meeting the Other Twin
27- A Gaggle of Girls
28- Laser Tag and Lazy Saturdays
29- Welcome to Stage Three
30- When Everything Goes Wrong
31- Working Things Out
32- The Show Must Go On
33- Welcome to Stage Four
34- The Reveal
Epilogue- A Promise for Now
•~I Couldn't Help Myself So There's More~•
•~Levi & reader KC~•

•~Therye Babies Are Nephilim~•

2.5K 79 25
By BlueDanceLover

Rye's mom, Alice {Okay so she's more the age of what she would have been in the original story, not during this story's time. Imagine much older.} ^

A/N: Request by my twin TrueWhovian77 . The children of Thera and Rye are Shadowhunters because of Rye's mom; the parents don't have a clue though. (The concept of Shadowhunters is owned by the wonderful author Cassandra Clare, not me. Her series The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices are superb.) {Please remember that this is an AU and not the actual future for the babes.}

"Grandma!" All three kids yelled with joy when she walked through the door.

"Now, now," she said, setting down her large bag into the table, "I told you you could call me Alice."

The middle child Jackie scoffed. "Pft, as if. It's way too awkward for us, and you know it," she told her.

"Agreed," the oldest Levi said with a nod. Alice rolled her eyes.

"What's in the bag?" Brett questioned, always being about the profit.

Jackie slapped his arm. "That's her purse, doofus," she put a hand on her hip. "It's not always about you."

"But this time however, it happens to be," the grandmother disagreed. Reaching into her bag she pulled out three long, skinny packages. "It only took so long because they're hand made," she explained as she distributed them between her three grandchildren. Suddenly, she paused as a concentrated look came over her face.

All three took notice immediately. "You don't have to listen for footsteps," Levi informed her.

"Yeah, mom and dad aren't home," Brett added. Alice nodded. There was a huge secret she and the kids were keeping from her son and daughter-in-law. One that they needn't find out-ever.

"Well then, open them up!" Each kid ripped at the paper greedily, their faces quickly turning to awe. "I figured it was about time for Brett to start carrying his own, and therefore past time for you older two to know how."

"Steeles," Jackie breathed. Each one suited to their personalities and preferences-hers was mainly black with silver coiled around it. The designs of Levi's were tinted dark shades of blue, and Brett's were stained scarlet red.

"This way you don't have to keep using mine when you need it," Alice teased.

"Thanks grandma!" Brett exclaimed as he jumped at her for a hug.

Levi agreed, patting her shoulder. "Yeah, these are pretty cool." Never one to be the traditional chill, Jackie quickly stuck the steele into her belt loop and offered her grandma a knuckle bump.

"Yeah, I knew there was a reason why you're the fav," she said. "So, when do we get to train again?"

"Whenever we can convince your parents you're just at my house for cookies," Alice answered honestly with a wink.


The four were training during the summer when Alice's phone rang. The sudden noise distracted Levi, and she maneuvered her sword to twist his out of his hands. "Never let your guard down!" She chastised before answering.

Jackie and Brett were also in the training room, working on close combat with their knifes. She got the upper hand and sliced a thin mark down his bicep.

"Ouch! That hurt," Brett whined. Jackie smirked triumphantly before putting her knife back in its holder.

"By the angel, suck it up and slap a rune on it." When Jackie went to walk away, Brett thought he could be sneaky and race forwards-she however, had anticipated the like. As fast as light she grabbed his arm and flipped him into his back, placing her knee on his stomach when she knelt down.

"I'm the older one, remember?" she taunted as he groaned.

"Kids," Alice interrupted, all eyes turned towards her. "There's an issue we need to deal with." In an instant they were all going to the wall of tools, each picking up a seraph blade and their own 'specialty' weapons.

Levi chose his double blades and blessed iron, in case of faerie trouble. Jackie was best with knives and silver powder, for unruly werewolves. Brett stuck with a regular sword (though he snuck a flail just in case) and a vial of holy water if there happened to be misbehaving vampires.

They took turns drawing stealth and other useful runes onto each other, and soon they were on their way. The four arrived at an abandoned warehouse on the edge of town. A group of three were waiting outside for them. "It's nice to see you again Mrs. Walker," one of the girls with brown twin braids greeted Alice. "It's been a mighty while. How's your son doing?"

"Though your intentions are good, there are more pressing matters. You know why we're here Maple." Her smile faltered and it seemed as if she were containing a growl towards the elder Shadowhunter. It would do her no good to start a fight.

"Alvah here said that this girl has been resisting the clan. There have also been rumors she used human blood," Maple explained. The only reason she was in on a rogue vampire case was because she had become the leader of her pack. It all started during a trip in the woods when a newly turned werewolf got spooked and decided to turn her too. Maple's second in command had accompanied her in case the head vampire had been trying any funny business.

"The Clave's been all over my case that we haven't tracked her and contained her, or at least enlisted the help of someone who can," Alvah complained. Levi was mesmerized when looking at him; though he had to stand in the deep shadows right next to the building, he still seemed perfectly comfortable. No blemishes were to be found on his skin--the pale surface was flawless.

Jackie laughed at his statement. "So that's where we come in, huh? To clean up some dirty work of you who can't control their own kind?"

Alvah hissed at her. "As a Shadowhunter it's your job. Haven't you learned a thing from your dear grandmother?"

"If that's a jab at my teaching, I'll have you know I'm doing quite well. It's extra special for a child of the Nephilim to live as long as I have, though the concept of time doesn't matter to you, does it?" Alice countered.

"Just please," the second-in-command interrupted, his face displaying his annoyance. "Get the girl so we can leave."

"Very well," Alice agreed. Entering the building, the four blended into the darkness with the black color of their gear.

"I missed it," Brett whispered, "what did she do?"

"She broke the Covenant. This vampire murdered a human," Jackie told him venomously. Their grandma signaled for them to be quiet and they split off to search the building for their target.

No one was finding anything at first, until Brett heard heightening breathing. That's odd, he thought, vampires don't need to breathe.

He came upon a room that had a few beams of sunlight still streaming in. The sounds started to sound more like crying. Then he spotted her-in the corner of the room, standing up with her head down.

He couldn't help it, he walked over to her with concern. "Hey, what's the crying for? Well, not that you can actually cry, or breathe for that matter, but...well, I think you get the point." He was almost to her when he snapped to his senses. Standing in the ray of sun as a protective barrier, he drew his sword in one hand and kept the other on the vial in case he need it. Seeing the sword as a direct threat, her fangs unsheathed in protest. Brett knew he should be preparing to attack her, but he couldn't stop from just looking at her. Typical of vampires, her skin was unnaturally flawless. But that wasn't what caught his attention.

She was young, probably the same age as him. Even with her defensive face, she still looked so innocent. He didn't realize that his sword had lowered to the ground. The vampire's face went slack. "Why are you here, Shadowhunter?" her voice held a slight accent, one that Brett couldn't decipher.

"You know why," he said decisively. A silence fell over them as they stared at each other. Brett blamed it on nerves, but something felt...different as he looked deeper into her eyes. Suddenly, she slumped back against the wall, sliding all the way down to the floor.

"It was an accident," she whispered.

He didn't think he heard the vampire correctly. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I didn't mean to kill him!" She said louder. "I was confused...alone... hungry..." Brett wouldn't admit that the momentary darkening of her eyes frightened him. Though he didn't know whether or not to believe her, he just had a gut feeling that she was telling the truth.

"Brett!" Levi called out and soon walked into the room. "Whoa," he immediately pulled his double swords into a fighting stance upon seeing her.

"Wait," Brett called out, then hesitated. He took a glance towards the young vampire. "She's told me the truth. It wasn't her that killed the mundie." The vampire's head that had been down snapped up at his words. He was lying, for her.

"I better not have heard you right!" Jackie was next to come barging into the room. "I'll steal your vial and force feed that holy water to the ungrateful, deceptive, no good-"

"Jackie," Levi stopped her ranting. "Brett's been in this as long as we have, I think we can trust our brother's judgement."

Jackie huffed, sheathing her knife. "But she still needs to listen to her clan, Alvah said she wouldn't join."

"That is true," the vampire spoke up. "He scared me at first, but I will join if he extend the offer again." She pushed off the ground to stand up. Skirting the edge of the sunlight in the room, she stood by the door, hands clasped. "Will someone escort me?"

"I'm not in charge of that thing," Jackie declared before marching out on her own. Brett looked up at his older brother, figuring he'd play the age card for responsibility.

"Good find, Brett," Levi said with a pat to his shoulder. "You got this under control." And with that, he too exited. As Brett walked over to put his hand on the vampire's back to guide her, she simply stared at him.

"Thank you," she whispered. Brett waited until she had turned around in front of him to smile before walking her back to where the others were.

{Shoutout to the one who helped me with some ideas and correcting me in the accuracy of this. You know who you are.}

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