
By Dreamer13338

154K 4.9K 1.8K

There is a rare, valuable type of male that can carry children. There type of males are known as Carriers. At... More

Prologue/ Summary (MUST READ!)
Who To Trust?
Too Curious
Doesn't Effect Us So Why Care?
Always Mine
A Night In Thailand
A Stalker and A Friend
Extraordinary Goodbye
I Won't Mind
Always or Never
Cookies and Strawberries
Double Surprise
To Heal A Wound
Birthday Surprise
Friendly Fire
Late Night Visitors
Sleeping Beauty
Baby Showers Bring Dark Hours
Blizzard Babies
Little Cabin In the Woods
Sweet Oblivion
Parting Ways
Another Baby
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Dazed and Confused
Life Altering
Open Arms
A Close Call
Mama Payne
An Unusual Wedding
You Can't Save Everyone Part 1
Can't Let You Out of My Sight
Innocent Loves
Carrier Flu
Bright Birthday
After Shock
Sudden Delivery
Good News
Safety or Freedom
Ripped Away
Louis' Mistake
Reasons Why
The Next Step
A Chaotic Morning
Poor Nialler
A Final Goodbye
Modest Mistakes
Beginning Great & Ending Bad
Long Night
A Turn of Events
Mysterious Isabella
Druids and Loopy
Horan House
A Simple B-Day
Going to See the Witches
Goodbye Niall
Fate's Hands
Starting A New Life
The Break of a New Dawn
Silent Carrier
One Hell of A Mountain
Epilogue: An Epic Family

Dr. Winchester and Heather

1K 39 13
By Dreamer13338

Zayn's POV

4:00 am and none of us are sleeping. Liam's transition symptoms are hitting him hard. He's kneeled in front of the toilet now throwing up violently. I rub his back trying to bring him some sort of comfort. Louis is working on getting a whole of Dr. Winchester and Harry is changing the sheets of our bed after Liam woke up and threw up all over them.

"I'm sorry...ugh..." Liam groans resting his head on the toilet rim. He is trembling and starts to curl up himself whimpering in pain from cramps.

"You're fine. This is expected babe. We're all just worried," I assure him letting him fall back into my arms. I cradle him rubbing his back as he cries quietly. 

"Dr. Winchester and Heather are on their way up. How are you doing Li?" Louis asks coming into the room and kneeling down beside me. 

"Not so good. I'm really hurting," he replies sitting up in my arms allowing me to wrap my arms around him in a more secure way. He nuzzles into my chest his fingers wrapping securely into the fabric of my shirt.

"I'm sorry, baby. Hopefully Dr. Winchester will be able to help you," Louis replies kissing the top of Liam's head. He cradles Liam's sweaty cheek. 

Cries come over the baby monitor drawing all of our attention.

"Lucas," Liam mumbles trying to get up from my arms, but I hold him tightly.

"I'll take care of it, Li. I'll be right back. You just rest," Louis kisses his cheek before rising, he gives me a pointed look that shows his worry as well  to make sure Liam doesn't leave my sight, and hurrying out of the room to check on the babies.

"Let's get you to the medical room. Dr. Winchester will want you in there," I tell him lifting lifting him up off the floor and holding him close. He doesn't even have the energy to lift his arms to wrap them around my neck. He just shifts his weight trying to level it out.

Harry is gone from our room the bed made neatly. I carry Liam out the door passing the nursery. Louis and Harry are both whispering in the twin's room while trying to calm the twins down. Elisa's nursery is next door and she is fast asleep in her crib. 

I push open the medical room door with my hip. I lay Liam down on the hospital style bed not wanting to make him lay on the uncomfortable examination table. 

"We're here, we're here," Dr. Winchester says from the doorway hurrying in with a sloppily dressed Heather behind him.

"How is he doing?" Heather asks coming over to my side. She reaches out stroking Liam's cheek, "How you doing, sweetheart?"

"I'm tired and don't feel well at all," he replies his eyes watery as he struggles to keep his eyes open. 

"We're going to fix that for you. We'll try to make you comfortable as much as possible for the next two and half weeks of the transition. Just relax, Little One," Dr. Winchester replies coming over to us with an IV. He sets it up inserting it into Liam's arm and hanging the bag of the medication from its pole. 

"Two and a half weeks of this...Why is it so bad this time?" Liam asks watching as Dr. Winchester brings over some vitals and the things need to draw some blood. 

"For the same reason it began so early which I will be finding out now with the proper blood tests," Dr. Winchester responds as Heather and I pull the blankets around Liam. He looks up at me with tired eyes and all I can do is cradle his face in my hand. 

"Don't you worry, babe, we're going to take care of you," I promise him kissing the side of his head again. Dr. Winchester takes three vials of blood before bandaging him up quickly. He moves over to his little testing table and starts his research.

"Ugh, I think I'm going to be sick again," Liam moans clutching at his stomach. Heather quickly grabs a basin for him to throw up in. As soon as it is in front of him he starts throwing up. I rub his back and help support him as he gets sick. He looks like he might just fall back into the pillows if there was just a light breeze in here.

When he is finished I lower him back into his pillows. He turns over onto his side being cautious of the IV in his arm. His hands are on his stomach rubbing it from the pain tears streaming down his cheeks. I sit down beside him on the bed to massage his shoulders and back in hopes of it helping even a little for at the moment there is nothing I can do for him but make him comfortable and this makes me anxious. I hate not being able to help my Liam when he is hurting. 

Louis and Harry join us not long later with the baby monitor in hand. Louis sits in the chair near the bed and Harry kneels down beside Liam's head. He gives him a smile reaching up and touching his cheek gently wiping away his tears.

"Well it does seem stress is a factor as well as the Carrier Flu he had when he was pregnant with Elisa. You see the thing about the Carrier Flu is it can have lasting effects that will linger for months and sometimes years. One of those effects is making the annually two year transition more painful. The stress made it come quicker so all around you got pretty screwed this time, Liam," Dr. Winchester tells us taking everything that has Liam's blood on it and rinsing it in the sink. Anything that is left over is dumped as well. 

"Okay, is there anything you can do for him?" Louis asks speaking the question we're all wondering.

"I can make him comfortable and treat the symptoms. There unfortunately is nothing else, at least not yet. You have to remember Carrier health is still a learning science. If he had been at my office when he had the flu I could have given him a medication that will help him with keeping the longer effects of the Carrier flu away, but unfortunately he was not here and under the care of Dr. Ada. She is smart and I am not saying she is a bad doctor, she just didn't have the knowledge. She left before Dr. Betts got into our research of the Carrier Flu. I'm going to give him some medication that will help his system rid itself of the flu, along with some light pain medication to deal with the cramps and some medication that will help with the nausea and other belly problems. For the next couple of weeks we're going to have to keep an eye on him. I will also let Julius know that he will not be able to do any healings or give any blood for some time," Dr. Winchester explains rising to his feet to dig through his cabinets once again.

"What is the transition? I mean what does it do?" Harry asks curiously.

"It's like a spring cleaning. It sort of cleanses the body, cleans out the stuff it doesn't need. The cramps are from his uterus kind of cleaning itself out. The diarrhea and vomiting is his body trying to get rid of things it feels it doesn't need. The Carrier body is very interesting and complex. It's almost like the Carrier part of his brain subconsciously does all these things. It's extremely fascinating. It's one of the reasons so many medical professionals are so interested. They're so different and so little is known. Some theorize they have a whole new anatomy from people that are not gifted with what they have," Dr. Winchester explains as he sorts out medications into a pill box with the days of the weeks listed with the AM and PM slots.

"What got you interested in this branch of science?" I ask curious and hoping to get more information.

" I was wondering when you were going to ask. I got interested in it because I had an Amara. One of my parents was a Carrier and then my little brother was one as well. It was awful when they would go through their transitions and there was nobody there to help them through it. Nobody back in that day knew how to help them. My Amara was very much so owned by father, my father would have my Amara wear chains and never allow him from the house unless on a leach. It was awful. My Amara though was so caring to my siblings and I he was always sure that we had our favorite meals to take to lunch, he would sing us to sleep and hold us when we cried. One day when he told my father he did not want to carry another child for he was getting older and it was getting harder on his body. My father got furious, said he was useless to him now and beat him to death. When my brother turned 20 and began the painful beginning transition he came to me in a panic. He was terrified of living through what my Amara had. So I did what I thought was best I took him to a specialist, the Donum. When they had found I was a doctor they agreed on taking my brother in, but under the condition I worked for them. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Dr. Betts took my brother and did awful things to him. Such horrible experiments. When my brother died from one of these experiments I could never get over the guilt. I made Julius swear to keep me from working with his little mad scientist again and he agreed telling me he had a new assignment for me anyway. His Star Carrier. I became Alexander's doctor and I like to think friend. I was the first person to ever drink some of his blood. I had apologized to him over and over again hating that I even had to take it. He just gave me a smile and assured me it was okay. Then when the prospect of a Diamond Carrier came up back in the 1950's Alex made me swear to make sure he did not live the life that Alex has. I swore on my life and worked everything out with Julius. Our Diamond Carrier when he came would be treated like Royalty and his family would as well. We would never rip away his family, not a child or lover. We would never force him to bare people's children or have sex with strangers. I even made sure it was all put into legal documents that Julius would never cross those terms," Dr. Winchester says making my jaw drop. 

This poor man has been through so much in his life and the fact that he cares so much about Liam is now understandable. This man's entire life has been revolving around Carriers. He lost both his Amara and brother to the mistreatment of Carriers and this all horrible, gives me assurance that he will NEVER put Liam into harm's way and that he will be right beside us fighting to make sure Liam is never mistreated here or ripped away from us.

"Thank you," is all I can think of to say. It is because of this man in great part that Liam hasn't already been taken from us.

"It is a blessing to help you and your family, not to mention the ability to help this Little One here," he replies with a smile love in his eyes for Liam when he looks at him. It's not the romantic love either, it's the way a father would look at his son and in fact I see it in my husbands' eyes all the time when they're with our children. 

"How old are you? I mean how long have you been alive?" Louis asks as Dr. Winchester comes over having Liam sit up to take medications.

"I've been alive since 1878 and drank the  Carrier blood when I was 43," he replies as Liam downs the medication. Harry helps Liam settle back into the bed before letting him curl up into him.

"What made you interested Heather?" I ask figuring if we're getting one of their choices we might as well get both.

"My fiancé, he was a Carrier and yes he was straight. A couple of months before our wedding his transition began and he told me everything with tears of fear in his eyes. I swore I would protect him and two weeks later my promise was broken. They came into our house, beat me almost to death and then left with him. Donum employees showed up to collect him and they found me lying on the floor. David, the guard you all know, couldn't just leave me so he took me back to Dr. Winchester. I was healed and cared for here. Julius offered me a job as a caretaker for Alexander until the Diamond Carrier was found. That was in 1964. I drank some of Alex's blood that very year at the age of 21," Heather replies tears in her eyes. Liam reaches up for her hand taking it in his and squeezing it tightly.

"I'm sorry, Heather," he apologizes and she leans in kissing his cheek.

"It's alright, sweetheart, it wasn't your fault and now I am here helping you. That makes it all worth something," she smiles pinching his cheek making him laugh and squirm away.

"We have done all we can for now. I must go downstairs and talk with Julius. I also want to visit Alex before I return. I may have breakfast with him actually, the poor boy always gets lonely," Dr. Winchester says rising to his feet and giving Liam's shoulder a squeeze.

"You're going to see Alexander? Can I come?" Liam asks his eyes pleading with his doctor.

"I'm sorry Little One, but you're just too ill right now. Maybe another day. For now just relax and eat whatever Heather or your husbands make you for breakfast," Dr. Winchester says giving him a smile before heading out the door.

"Let me take care of this empty IV and then we can get you settled on the couch. I'll start breakfast after that," Heather tells Liam as he undoes the IV taking it out of his arm.

"What time is it?" Louis asks stretching.

"7:30," Harry yawns rubbing his eyes.

"That means the babies are going to be up soon. Elisa is going to be hungry," Liam adds in as he gets to his feet.

"What are you doing?" I ask him getting to my feet and grabbing him by his waist.

"To go get Elisa," he replies looking at me in a confused manor at my sudden outburst.

"Harry will bring Elisa to you. Heather will make breakfast and Louis and I will take care of the twins. Unless one of us need to baby sit you from where you will be laying on the couch," I tell him raising an eyebrow at him.

"I want to dress my babies and get them ready for the day. That's my job as their Ama," he pouts trying to get past me.

"Nah uh, not today. Today Daddy, Papa and Baba will take care of that. You need to lay down and rest. No arguments, Liam," I warn him giving him  a stern look not wanting any of his stubborn attitude.

"I can do it, Zayn. I really can. It's no big deal, I always do it," he continues to argue. He moves my hands from his waist and steps around me. His hand on his belly rubbing it where there are surely cramps.

Him moving away from me makes me slightly angry, but I let him go knowing he won't get far. He lets out a little whimper his hand on his stomach. I move over to him wrapping my arms around his waist again, only this time from his back.

"You need to rest love," I whisper in his ear kissing his neck gently. I do not give him any chance to argue anymore. I pick him up off the floor making him squeak. He smacks at my chest as I cradle home close carrying him into the living room.

I sit him down on the couch accepting the blanket Harry hands me.

"Zayn..." he whines up at me giving his puppy dog eyes.

"You're adorable, but that's not working," I laugh kissing his head as I drape the blanket over him, "Now Heather is going to keep an eye on you from the kitchen, Harry will grab Elisa and Louis and I will get the twins. Stay put," I tell him kissing him on the lips one last time before following Louis to the twin's nursery.

Jeremiah is already standing up in his crib. His diaper and sagging a lot, but he doesn't seem to care all that much. His attention is on stuffed giraffe on the floor. Luke is just laying back in his mattress his foot in his hands and trying to get to his toes.

"YOU can take care of Jeremiah. I'm still mad at him for getting me soaked in bath water when I was giving him a bath yesterday and then he peed in the bath water and took of naked running through the house," Louis informs me making me snicker.

"Louis you do realize that a year and a half year old kicked your butt right?" I ask picking Jeremiah up out of his crib and carrying him over to the changing table.

"That child can't even say a sentence and he is already causing trouble," Louis replies as he picks Luke up.

I just roll my eyes as I focus on Jeremiah.

"Good morning little buddy. How are you this morning?" I ask him as I change his dirty diaper. I bag the nasty diaper before cleaning him up and putting a new diaper on him. I sit him down on the floor as I search for clothes.  I grab a simple pair of jeans and t-shirt. I turn around expecting to see him on the floor playing with the giraffe, but I catch the sight of his little diaper padded butt taking off out the door dragging a stuffed giraffe behind him.

"Oh yeah, he's no troublemaker," Louis laughs as he pulls a t-shirt over Luke's head.

"Shut up, Louis. I've got this," I respond heading out to the living room

"Am! AM!" Jeremiah squeals running over to the couch where Liam and Harry are sitting with Elisa nursing.

"What are you doing out here, Jeremiah? Where are you clothes?" Harry asks throwing his hands up in the air dramatically.

"Da!" Jeremiah squeals going over and putting his hands on Harry's knees. Harry picks him up off the floor sitting him down in his lap.

"Morning, silly boy. Give me an Eskimo," Harry says and Jeremiah sits up letting go of his giraffe to rub his nose against Harry's his tiny hands on his Daddy's cheeks before falling back into his lap and playing with the giraffe's ears.

"Wuv you," Jeremiah says like he has said it all his life.

"What did you just? Say it again, baby," Liam squeals moving himself to see Jeremiah.

"Wuv you," Jeremiah says excited to be getting all this attention.

"We love you, too," Liam says kissing Jeremiah's nose careful to not jostle Elisa.

"Hey you, what are you doing?" I ask him leaning over  the couch to look at my oldest son.

"BA! I wuv you!" he responds rubbing his nose against mine and wrapping his arms around my neck.

"I love you too, but you need clothes you stinker," I laugh picking up my squealing son. I toss him in the air making him squeal and Liam's eyes go wide. I bend down blowing raspberries into his tummy making him squeal even louder.

I put him down on his feet and kneel down beside him. I put his little onesie thing on and pull on a pair of jeans for him before letting him take off again.

"I'm glad there are no stairs to watch them around and the door that leads out to the pool is locked and has alarms on it," Liam says watching as our son waddles over to where his Papa is coming out of the nursery holding his brother.

"Do you want your twiny?" Louis asks before kneeling down and placing Luke on the floor.

"Ugh..." Liam's moan of pain quickly grabs my and Harry's attention. His face is scrunched up and he is bent a little bit, but tries not to so much with Elisa still nursing.

"What is it babe? Cramp?" I ask sliding onto the couch over the back.

"Yeah, really bad. I think I'm okay though," he replies sitting up slowly. Elisa has stopped nursing giving me the chance to snatch her so I can tend to Liam. I hand her over to Harry who burps her and calms her down at the loss of her Amara.

"Come here, love," I pull Liam against me letting him lean back into me. I massage his head gently with my fingers making him sigh and relax further into me.

"How did you know I had a headache?" he asks raising his eyebrows at me a smile on his lips and his eyes closed.

"I'm a good husband and I know the symptoms of the transitions," I reply kissing his neck.

"Mmmm, I love you Zayn Malik."

"I love you Liam James."

Okay kind of fluffy and got some back story on Dr. Winchester and Heather. Let me know your thoughts and what you think is should happen next. I promise we will be meeting Dr. Betts soon. ;)

Remember to VOTE and COMMENT! :D <3

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