
By Dreamer13338

154K 4.9K 1.8K

There is a rare, valuable type of male that can carry children. There type of males are known as Carriers. At... More

Prologue/ Summary (MUST READ!)
Who To Trust?
Too Curious
Doesn't Effect Us So Why Care?
Always Mine
A Night In Thailand
A Stalker and A Friend
Extraordinary Goodbye
I Won't Mind
Always or Never
Cookies and Strawberries
Double Surprise
To Heal A Wound
Birthday Surprise
Friendly Fire
Late Night Visitors
Sleeping Beauty
Baby Showers Bring Dark Hours
Blizzard Babies
Little Cabin In the Woods
Sweet Oblivion
Parting Ways
Another Baby
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Dazed and Confused
Life Altering
Open Arms
A Close Call
Mama Payne
An Unusual Wedding
You Can't Save Everyone Part 1
Can't Let You Out of My Sight
Innocent Loves
Carrier Flu
Bright Birthday
After Shock
Sudden Delivery
Good News
Safety or Freedom
Ripped Away
Dr. Winchester and Heather
Reasons Why
The Next Step
A Chaotic Morning
Poor Nialler
A Final Goodbye
Modest Mistakes
Beginning Great & Ending Bad
Long Night
A Turn of Events
Mysterious Isabella
Druids and Loopy
Horan House
A Simple B-Day
Going to See the Witches
Goodbye Niall
Fate's Hands
Starting A New Life
The Break of a New Dawn
Silent Carrier
One Hell of A Mountain
Epilogue: An Epic Family

Louis' Mistake

1.1K 39 14
By Dreamer13338


Liam's POV

"We're going out with David. Do you need anything?" Zayn asks coming up to me in the kitchen of our new home as I work on baking cookies.

"What are you going out for?" I ask curious. Zayn and Harry have been leaving the Donum grounds a lot in the past two weeks. David or Robert, our security guards, always go with them and Julius gives them written permission each time.

"Just to meet up with Niall and meet with a couple people. Nothing too big," Harry assures me coming over and swiping some cookie dough from the bowl before kissing my cheek.

"Oh...tell Niall I miss him. Could you also pick up some chocolate? Dr. Winchester has said I've reached my limit for the month but I REALLY want some chocolate. Get dark if you must just get me something. I have tried ordering some from the catalog but it's block," I pout hating the faded out category of chocolate that means I have reached my limits.

"That's why these aren't chocolate chip," Harry laughs taking more of my peanut butter cookie dough.

"Stop that," I laugh smaking his hand away.

"I'll see what I can do, but if Dr.Winchester says no..."Zayn eyes me over the counter giving me a crooked smile.

"Ugh I wish I could go get my own chocolate," I groan throwing my hands up in the air for I know more than likely they will not be coming home with any.

"You know the rules, Li. You and the babies are not allowed out until things calm down. I love you and we'll see you in a couple hours," Harry pecks my lips before following Zayn over to the elevator where David is already waiting for them. Zayn gives me a wink before saying goodbye to the babies in the living room with Harry and stepping into the elevator that has just been opened.

I place my first batch of cookies into the over setting the timer before plopping down on the couch in the living room. The twins are in their walkers cruising around and Elisa is lying down in her automatic rocker.

I take Luke and Jeremiah out of their walkers placing them on the floor. I sit down in front of them opening their toy box and placing some toys on the floor to play with them.

"I think some of these are scaring. Does it look like it to you?" Louis asks me coming out of our bathroom wrapped in only a towel.

I get to my feet running my fingers gently over his back, where many of his burns are. Some of them are still a little red, but are healing. The three weeks that have passed has revealed that there will be scaring down by the small of his back and on his right shoulder.

"Nothing too horrible. Don't worry we'll love you just the same," I promise kissing the forming scar on his shoulder and wrapping my arms around his waist snuggling into him from behind.

"I really want to make love to you," he whispers his hands taking mine as I move my fingers over his hips bones down to his lower region.

"The babies need to be watched. Maybe when the boys come back home," I reply pulling away so I can make sure Jeremiah hasn't taken off to go on his newest adventure.

What I see makes me stop and squeak. Jeremiah is on his feet, but so is Luke. They are waddling around side by side and when Luke flops down Jeremiah falls as well.

"That is the most adorable thing I've ever seen," Louis laughs the camera I always have sitting on the dining room table already in hand taping.

"We've got some good kids," I laugh wiping away tears that run down my cheeks.

"That's because they have an awesome Amara," he smiles at me pecking my lips the camera still on our sons as they get up again and walk a little further together.

"Nice try, but you're still not getting any," I laugh rolling my eyes.

"Damn it, but you look so yummy and I'm already naked. I just need to drop this towel," he whines turning the camera off.

"No, I have cookies in the oven and the babies to take care of. Now go put some clothes on before Dr. Winchester or Heather come up," I order going back over to our sons, but Louis still gets a smack of my ass and a peck on my cheek in before hurrying off to our bedroom.

"You're Papa is a cheeky dork," I tell my sons as I settle on the floor catching Luke when he falls forward. I lift him up in the air kissing his cheek and blowing raspberries on his belly. Jeremiah stands there his brown eyes wide and glassy feeling left out.

"Aw, my poor Jeremiah. Do you want some cuddles too?" I ask him pick him up blowing raspberries on his belly and giving him an Eskimo kiss before placing him in my lap along with his brother.

Luke reaches out grabbing one of the soft, stuffed blocks off the floor. He keeps hitting it with his hand enjoying the texture of it and watching it become all squishy before doing it again. Jeremiah watches him closely and after the third time he reaches out snatching it with his own hands. Luke's eyes go wide with shock and confusion. Where had his toy gone? He starts to cry and I am quick to take the block back from Jeremiah smacking his hand lightly.

"No, naughty, you share," I tell him even though he probably only understood the no part of it and the smack on his hand. He gets teary eyed and starts to cry loudly. He knows he did something wrong and isn't happy about the consequences. I smile a little reaching out and grabbing a block just like Luke's. I hand it to Jeremiah kissing his head to let him know I still love him even if he did something naughty.

"Liam? Sorry, I'm running a little late. My dog decided to make a mess on the floor before I left. No worries though it's all cleaned up. I have your laundry all done and I was able to get that stain out of Luke's shirt. The Oxiclean did the trick. One thing that drives me nuts about the housing here is there are no good cleaners we can use unless I go downstairs and bring the cart of cleaners up and make sure that all residents of the house I'm cleaning are not in the room I'm cleaning. Ugh so annoying. Hey, is that cookies I smell?" Heather greets once she is out of the elevator a clothing basket balanced on her hip and her hair pulled back into a ponytail. Her scrubs are purple today, but her shirt is made of a bright butterfly pattern.

"Please tell me you didn't take that shirt home and wash it from home with your own stuff. You don't need to do that Heather," I tisk her, but she waves my worries away.

"It was no big deal and plus I liked that shirt of his and just because he decided to spit up on it doesn't mean we should throw it away. Have you ate lunch yet?" she asks as she places the laundry basket on the couch to be put away after Louis comes out of the bedroom.

"No, that is my next task. What time is Dr. Winchester coming up?" I ask getting to my feet so I can put the twins in their play pen.

"He said he'd be up after you ate lunch. I'll page him then. What do you want for lunch? I could use that ham I brought up yesterday, slice up some fruit and make a salad or something," she says already opening fridges.

"Um I don't really care. I'm not super hungry anyway," I reply coming over to pull my cookies out of the oven just as the timer goes off.

"Are you feeling well? You're transition hasn't begun early has it? You should still have two more months," she replies stopping in her work to come over and check my temperature with the back of her wrist her brow scrunched up in concern.

"I'm fine I'm just not hungry," I laugh trying to wiggle away from her.

"It can be a beginning symptom of something. You realize I'm going to have to tell Dr.Winchester about this and just so we're clear you're still eating," she says waving a finger at me making me laugh.

"You blow things out of proportion, you know. I can be just not hungry," I argue with her as I place the cookies on their cooling mat.

"We like to be cautious with our Diamond Carrier, but only because we love you," Heather says giving me a peck on my cheek as she continues to chop up fruit.

"Yay Heather is here! Can you watch the babies for maybe half hour an hour tops?" Louis asks as he comes out of the bedroom a skip in his step.

"No, Louis. We're going to have lunch and I'm still making cookies, plus knowing you, you'll put a hole in the condom," I reply not trusting him without the other boys there when we make love. Louis is eager to have a baby that is biologically his, but I am not ready for another baby yet. There is no way I want more than three babies under four.

"Liam, please, I really want a baby of my own," he continues to press.

"What, aren't the twins and Elisa good enough for you? Do you always have to get what you want? Why should it be any different? They're all yours, they're all ours! Who cares about blood?! That shouldn't matter, Louis! I am not taking care of more than three babies under four!" I snap putting my spatula down tears stinging my eyes, hurt and anger flaring up in me.

"You're going to make me wait THREE YEARS! You didn't make Zayn or Harry wait! What's the big deal Liam? It's not like you take care of them on your own! The boys and I help and Heather is here now as well!" he snaps back.

"It's MY body! Maybe I don't want to be pregnant again for awhile! Also it's not like either one of the first two pregnancies were planned, at least I didn't plan them!" I snap tears running down my cheeks freely as I chuck the spatula at Louis' head.

"So what are you trying to say?! I should not let you know that I want a baby? Just do it, make it something unplanned? Do you want me to just get pissed off and throw you on that bed and take it all into my hands?" he yells at me and his words feel as though he had strike me.

"What? You would seriously do something like that just because you want a baby? If it's that important to you then I guess take me, after all you are my owner," I whisper tears now running down my cheeks and I am trembling.

"That's enough. He shouldn't be trying to get pregnant again for another two months anyway. I can't tell you what to do or what not to do Louis, for you are one of his owners, but you have to remember that there is still a line you shouldn't cross if you want to be more of his husband than his owner. I understand you're feeling insecure and really desperate to get what you want, but you need to take him into consideration as well," Heather steps in her hands resting on my arms.

"I didn't mean it that way...I really didn't Liam," Louis says tears running down his cheeks as well.

"You basically just told him that you would be willing to throw him on that bed and rape him in order to get what you want. Unless I misinterpreted your words that you would throw him on the bed and take it into your own hands," she snaps back no pity for Louis in her voice, "Come on, sweetheart. Why don't you sit on the couch and relax for a little while well I get lunch ready," she tells me her arms rubbing up and down my arms in assurance as she guides me over to the couch. I lay down on it trembling and she throws the blanket from the back of it over the top of me.

"Just relax and watch some movie or TV show. The twins and Elisa are asleep so you don't have to worry about them. Just relax," she tells me running her fingers through my hair kissing the top of my head before heading back to the kitchen.

I pull the blanket tightly around me as I browse Netflix with the remote, searching for anything to take my mind off things. Netflix is one of our only sources for TV and movies. We can't have live TV because we could watch the news and we're not allowed to do that, or at least I'm not. So Netflix and the Blue Rays that I place in the order on the computer (that has no internet) for Heather to find are all we have. I finally settle on an episode of Friends needing something lighthearted and funny.

"Liam?" a gentle voice asks me their hand on my side gently holding onto me.

"Do you want me to go into the bedroom and undress?" I ask not meeting his eyes as I stare at the TV screen, but not really processing what is going on it.

"No, God...I-I didn't mean it," he tries to apologize, but I cut him off.

"Yes you did."

"Okay let me rephrase that. I was angry and frustrated. I said something out of anger that I would NEVER actually do. If I ever did under some strange circumstance I hope you would fight me..."

"I can't, you're my owner. You can tell me what to do, what not to do, do what you please with my body, and a bunch of other things I care not to list," I reply keeping my tone neutral.

"I hate that word stop using it."

"Okay, what do you want me to call you? Daddy? Master?" I ask my voice trembling.

"No, that wasn't an order. Stop acting like this. Just... let things go back to before Heather got here this morning. When we were watching the twins help each other," he pleads with me.

"I don't know if I can," I reply sitting up and turning the TV off. I wrap the blanket around me pulling my knees to my chest.

"I'll make this up to you, Lili. I promise and I love you," he leans into me his lips inches away from my cheek, but he stops. He looks at me one last time before pulling away and walking away. I hear a door close, but I don't look up.

"Come on, sweetheart, lunch is ready," Heather says making me sigh and rise to my feet. I let the blanket fall back onto the couch and go over to the dining room table. I settle in my normal seat looking at the bowl of fruit in front of me and the nicely made sandwich, but it has no appeal. It's like looking at plastic food it looks good, but you wouldn't eat it.

Louis settle in the seat across from me and Heather takes the head seat. Louis and Heather begin eating ignoring the tension in the air, but all I can do is pick at my food eating bits and pieces.

"You're worrying me, honey. Are you okay?" Heather asks me for the second time today.

"Yeah, just not really hungry. I'll eat half and some fruit then feed Elisa and the twins. If I'm hungry after that I'll eat more," I promise her.

"I don't like it, but if you promise to eat more than okay. Know though, Dr. Winchester will be hearing of this," she warns me as I take the remaining bites of the sandwich and pick out strawberries and grapes from my fruit bowl eating them.

I get up going over to where the twins are. I pick Jeremiah up first and carry him over to his high chair. I then take Luke settling him in the high chair right next to his brothers. I grab the smaller fruit bowls Heather had made up off the counter their pieces cut into smaller pieces. I place these in front of my sons and grab their sippy cups full of milk. I settle in front of them helping them eat their fruit. Jeremiah as always dodges the fruit I hand him on his fork and instead grabs some with his hands shoving them into his mouth or smearing them into the table.

I give Luke some kiwi, but that was a mistake. He scrunch up his nose and spits it back out. It gets all over his bib, face and hands. I grab a paper towel cleaning it up gently the best I can, but he isn't helping much. He keeps dodging the cloth trying to get away.

By the time I am finished I am exhausted, still not recovered entirely from the RADB. I get to my feet letting the boys sip on their sippy cups as I head over to Elisa. I kneel down beside her rocker and unbuckle her. I pick her up kissing her head as she yawns and stretches out against my chest.

"Come on Elisa. Let's get you some lunch," I tell her as I sit on the couch unbuttoning my shirt so she can get at my nipple for her to nurse. She latches on as I settle back into the couch keeping her close. She happily sucks away and I keep my hands on her supporting her the best I can.

"Is she being good for you?" Louis asks coming over to sit with me.

"Yeah, she's pretty hungry," I reply not meeting his eyes. I keep my attention on Elisa rubbing her back gently as she drinks. I feel his hand rest on my back gently rubbing circles.

The elevator rings signaling the arrival of somebody. Dr. Winchester enters with a smile on his face.

"Good afternoon Little One. How are the babies doing today?" Dr. Winchester asks coming over to where Louis and I sit on the couch.

"The babies are fine. Elisa is nursing now and the boys are in the kitchen with Heather drinking some milk..." and right as I say it I hear the clatter of one of the sippy cups hitting the floor, "Or they're throwing their sippy cups," I sigh starting to get to my feet to find out which twin has decided to throw his sippy cup.

"I've got it babe. Just relax while you're feeding her," Louis assures me jumping to his feet and making me settle back down on the couch.

"That will work out fine, for it will give me the chance to take your vitals and check up on you. Have you had any problems sense I saw you last, Little One?" Dr. Winchester asks sitting down beside me on the couch.

"Yes, he has no appetite," Heather interjects from the kitchen making me sigh.

"That's not very good. Are you experiencing any headaches or exhaustion?" Dr. Winchester asks opening up his bag and taking my arm to check my blood pressure.

"No, just a little drained. Nothing too serious," I assure him using my one free arm to pull back Elisa after she lets go of my nipple.

"Here, I'll take her," Heather says taking Elisa to burp her.

"Am! AM!" Jeremiah squeals running towards me his bare feet hitting the floor. He has his little no spill container of Cheerios in his hand and he looks beyond excited about it.

"Hey you," I laugh giving my hand to him to help him up onto the couch, "What do you have there?" I ask him pointing at his container.

"Pa!" he squeals happily sticking his hand in the container and taking some Cheerios out.

"Did Papa give you those?" I ask him being careful to not interrupt Dr. Winchester as he does his check up.

"Mmmmm," he replies smiling at me though a mouthful.

"Mmmm," I reply giving him an Eskimo kiss making him squeal in delight.

"Liam, I do need to take some of your blood today. It has reached the time, so if you could follow me to the medical room that would be great," Dr. Winchester says getting to his feet.

"What will they be using it for?" I ask hesitantly knowing how valuable my blood is with the serum of immortality in my veins.

"Top buyers or doctors, I promise it won't be going anywhere it shouldn't be. Come along Little One," Dr. Winchester instructs me holding is hand out for me to take. I accept it and get up off the couch following him to the medical room.

"Hop up on the examination table and lay back. I'm going to get the things we're going to need," he says closing the door behind us. I lay back on the table as he instructs glancing around at all the equipment and cabinets.

"Heather texted me and let me know what happened with Louis this morning. How are you doing?" he asks coming over to me with the bag hanging it up on a pole before cleaning the area of my arm with a disinfectant wipe.

"Yeah, he didn't mean any of it though. I mean maybe he would actually do it if he was drunk, but never before," I babble not wanting Louis to get into trouble.

"Liam, I'm not here to get Louis into trouble, in fact there is nothing I can do even if I wanted to. Louis does have the right to get you pregnant any time he wants. I am just asking out of concern for you. Know if he ever did feel he must force himself on you know that we would be here help you in any way. We'd make you comfortable and help you out in any way we can. That goes for anything your husbands might do. I do not see them as the hurtful type, but if they should hurt you in any way I promise you that Heather and I will be able to support you in any way we can," Dr. Winchester assures me squeezing my hand before inserting the needle into my vein to draw out the blood in my arm.

"Thank you, doctor," I reply wiping tears away with my free hand.

"You're welcome, Little One. I'm going to take your temperature and check on a couple more things well we're getting the blood. I promise none of it will hurt you," he assures me as he collects the things he needs before coming back over to my side.

I let him take my temperature, check my reflexes and other things.

"Your temperature is normal. I would like to check on your insides if I could. Just a simple ultra sound," he says already getting the machine.

"Okay," I agree letting him pull my shirt up to reveal my tummy. There are still stretch marks and my stomach is not flat like it used to be. I'm not exactly fat, I'm just puffier than what I use to be.

"I see you eyeing that little belly you have. Don't worry, Little One, it's normal. Most Carriers never have abs for their pregnant so often. Your belly is fine and you still look precious," he assures me as he starts up the machine placing cool gel on my stomach. I watch him move it around putting pressure on certain areas.

"Ow, that hurts there," I complain reaching out to touch my tummy.

"Okay, I'm going to put little more pressure there. Do you want me to call Louis in before I do so?" Dr. Winchester asks and I nod in agreement I try to place my hand on my stomach, but Dr. Winchester grabs my hand squeezing it tightly as he texts somebody on his phone and just seconds after sending the message the medical room door opens and in comes a worried Louis.

"What's wrong?" he asks coming over to my side. He takes my other hand squeezing it tightly after bring it to his lips kissing it gently.

"Just a small problem, nothing serious. Will you keep him distracted and comfortable well I put some pressure on his tummy to check what is going on to cause him discomfort," Dr. Winchester replies. I watch curiously as he takes the wand again and it moves it over my stomach. He presses down on the same area making me whimper.

He moves it slowly around being cautious of how much pressure he puts on my stomach. His brow is scrunched together as he concentrates. He goes one more round making me whimper again clutching onto Louis' hand.

"Well, it does seem your transition is beginning early. That can be cause by a stressful birth, or stress, or your body trying to tell you to give your lovers another child. I'll have to do a little more investigating to the cause though to know for sure. For now take it easy. The symptoms are only going to get worse. You know the routine vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, dizzy spells, severe cramping, fainting spells, migraines and exhaustion. By tomorrow I would expect some nausea and migraines. I'll leave a note for all your husbands and Heather to be on the watch for this. Make sure you stay hydrated and get rest," Dr. Winchester reminds me as he moves about getting some medications from the locked cabinet.

"We'll get you through this, love," Louis promises me kissing my head. Dr. Winchester comes back and takes the blood bag that is now filled from the blood so many calls precious and a gift. He bandages my arm gently before placing the blood in a cooler with a padlock.

I turn my head to the side feeling exhausted and broken. My transitions are always horrible and painful this scares me.

"Sit up and I'll give you some medication that will help with the transition. You need to drink this water as well and Heather is bringing in something sweet for you to eat," Dr. Winchester says coming over to my side handing me the medication.

"Does somebody need some sugar?" Harry asks stepping in waving around a chocolate bar, dark chocolate, but chocolate.

"Give me," I squeak smiling and sitting up as Louis pulls my shirt back down a smile on his lips.

"Wow, no hello or anything just give me," Harry laughs coming over to my side. He opens the candy bar for me, but before handing it over he leans in puckering his lips. I giggle and lean in kissing his lips. He gives me the candy bar making me smile.

"I love you Liam James," he smiles at me kissing my head as I lean back into the examination table chewing at my candy bar.

"Love you, too and thank you. What did Niall have to say?" I ask between bites of my chocolate. It tastes heavenly.

"He misses us all and wishes he could watch the babies grow up. We have been able to send family pictures and videos and post a couple on Twitter, but for the most part we're totally isolated. The media and fans do not know we're here, but there have been plenty of theories. Most of all people are just happy to know you and the babies are okay," Harry explains rubbing the back of my hand.

"I miss them. I wish I could see Niall soon," I sigh handing Harry my candy wrapper. 

"I'm going to be right back. I have something I need to finish up.  I'll be back love," Louis promises me kissing the top of my head and hurrying out of the room.

"Well Louis is doing that we all need to talk. There is some things we need to inform you two of," Heather says coming in and keeping the door open for us to still keep an eye on the babies as they sit in their walkers and Elisa in her seat watching them.

"Now you have the right to do what you please with Liam. He is your property. Louis has made it clear that he wants a baby that is by blood his. Unfortunately he got angry when Liam told him no and said something rather harsh. I do not think he would do it, but I wanted to make sure you are aware of what happened," Dr. Winchester begins making me go pale. The boys are going to be furious at him. 

"What did he say?!" Zayn asks furious.

"He said he would take it into his own hands and take Liam into the bedroom, which we all interpreted as him rapping Liam," Heather responds fury in her voice.

"He didn't mean it. He would never hurt Liam," Harry interjects much to my relief.

"I agree, but he shouldn't have said it," Zayn replies crossing his arms over his chest.

I get off standing up shaky at first, but get my balance none the less and hurry out the medical room door not wanting to hear them bitch Louis out all because of a simple mistake.

"Liam? Where are you going?" I hear Harry call from the room as I head out.

"Babe, are you okay?" 

"Little one?" 

I ignore the calls and move to the living room where I find Luke and Jeremiah watching TV snacking on the treats in their snack containers.

"Hey, I was just coming to get you. Um can you come into the bathroom with me?" Louis asks wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Um the babies..."

"Are being watched. Please, I want to make today up to you," Louis continues to plead.

"Okay," I agree hesitantly. I let Louis take my hand and he guides with me to the bathroom closing the bedroom and bathroom doors behind us.

Inside the bathroom there are candles lit, the lights are dimmed and the bathtub is filled with water and bubble bath. 

"Louis, this is beautiful," I whisper looking around the room in awe.

"It's all for you," he whispers in my ear kissing my neck.

"O-Okay," I agree unbuttoning my shirt. Louis comes up from behind me taking my shirt off and tossing it on the floor. I feel his fingers down by my lower region. He unbuttons and unzips my pants letting them fall to the floor. He leans into my touch and lays his head on my shoulder his hands running down my sides.

"You're so beautiful," he whispers in my ear making me blush. I look at the stretch marks and puffing out of my belly disagreeing, "I know you see the stretch marks and loss of your abs as flaws, but they're beautiful to me. They're like tattoos showing the wonders of what your body has done," he whispers in my ear tracing some of my stretch marks. His fingers grabs my boxers and pulls them down to my ankles. 

He picks me up off the ground pulling me into his arms and placing me into the water. I let go of him settling into the warm water. I relax back into it with a moan of pleasure. It feels amazing. 

"Can I?" Louis asks holding a cloth out.

I nod relaxing back into the water closing my eyes. He wets the cloth and covers it in soap before wiping down my chest and shoulders. He wipes down my the back of my neck and my back. I turn onto my side and he washes down by the bottom of my spine. I feel his hesitation, but he continues. He cups my ass in his hands squeezing it playfully. 

"Mmmmm," I moan in pleasure loving the feeling of him touching me.

"Can I?" he asks again dropping the cloth in the water and letting his fingers sliding near my entrance.

"Y-Yeah," I agree anxious for the sexual pleasure. He slides one finger in first making me whimper in pleasure. He goes in and out until I am begging for more and holding onto the edge of the top for dear life. He slides three fingers in next and this makes my back arch.

"Louis!"I moan wanting more as I orgasm. 

"Do you want out of the tub?" Louis asks taking my hand and helping me flip to my back.

"Y-Yeah," I agree letting him lift my wet body into his arms. He sits me down on the floor, grabbing a towel and wrapping my shivering body with the towel. He lifts me up into his arms again and carries me into our bedroom. He lays me down on the bed drying me off. When his hand brushes my lower region I hold onto his arm the pleasure of him touching my risen friend. 

"More," I whisper pleading for something, anything more. Don't let this feeling go away yet.

"Okay, lay down, baby," I plead with him and I lie down at his words. He crawls onto the bed leaving the towel beneath me. He continues to stroke my end making me moan again squirming at his touch. He keep stroking until I am about to come. 

Then he leans in taking me into his mouth.

"Louis, I'm going to come. You have to...Uh.." I groan digging my fingers into his hair. Unable to hold back any more I come in his mouth and he licks it all up.

"Try to sleep now, love. That's all for tonight," he whispers in my ear nibbling at it playfully. 

"O-Okay, I love you, Loubear," I whisper curling over onto my side as he takes the towel that is now dirtied from beneath me.

"I love you too, Lili. I promise to never hurt you," he whispers kissing my head one last time before closing my eyes. I hear him in the bathroom blowing out the candles, letting the water out and taking care of my clothes. 

"Stay with me?" I ask him tiredly holding out my hands. He obeys taking my hands and snuggling into the bed with me. He snuggles into me and I love the feeling of him close to me. I feel safe and know he really would never harm me. This follows me into my dreams.

Louis and I are sitting on the sand in some beach in LA. Elisa is sitting in his lap snuggling up to him. Harry and Zayn are in the water playing with the twins. They are laughing loudly and the sound of the babies' giggles makes me smile. I find my hands going down to my stomach and am surprised to find it very swollen with life, Louis' fingers are beside mine and he looks happier than I have ever seen him.

This is really long and I have no idea why. I hope the smut wasn't too bad. I suck at it. What do you think Liam should do? Should he have another baby soon so to give Louis his wish? Let me know in the comments below and remember to vote! :D <3

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[COMPLETED] "Here's to the ones that we got Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not 'Cause the drinks bring back all the memories Of everyth...
240K 4.4K 55
Liam and Zayn Malik decide to start a family with three young boys they find in an adoption center. This family will have there up and downs but at t...