Rather Be (A Camren Story)

By iloveyou1234566

384K 9.3K 3.4K

"There is no place in the world I rather be than with you." More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 17

11.8K 280 175
By iloveyou1234566

"So when exactly are we going to clean up this mess?" Camila asked, climbing over one of the cardboard boxes.

"I say we just give everything away," I replied honestly as I tried to climb over a box.

"Yeah, I don't think so."

"Why not? It's not like we need any of this," I said, finally making it to the couch.

"Because majority of these boxes belong to the girls, I refuse to get rid of anything.

"Camz, they don't need another seven boxes of toys or two more beds or anymore clothes," I told her truthfully. "They have more than enough."

"I guess you're right," she sighed as she made her way over to me.

"I know I'm right," I acknowledged, kissing her on the forehead lightly.

"Oh do you now?"

"Mhm," I nodded my head confidently. "I know everything."

"That's impossible, Laur."

"Nothing is impossible."

"A lot of things are impossible," she replied.

"Then give me a few examples," I said crossing my arms across my chest."

"Okay," she said, sticking her tongue out of the side of her mouth as her brain started to think. "Well, no one will ever be able to touch their right elbow with their right hand or their left elbow with their left hand," she started. "Also, it's impossible to born with pink eyes."

"I guess you're right," I said, kissing her lips lightly.

"I'm always right."

"I still know more than you though," I pointed out, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Oh? And what do you know that I don't?" She asked, raising one eyebrow.

"I know that my mom is crazy, and I know that we still haven't had a proper wedding like you've always dreamed of, and finally, I know that both you and I both have baby fever."

"Well, I can't exactly disagree with the first statement, but I still want my fairytale wedding," she admitted.

"And I promise I'll give it to you," I said, kissing her sweet lips.

"But whoever said I had baby fever?" She protested.

"Really Camz?" I asked, tilting my head sideways. "Everyone knows you'll end up stealing someone's baby if you don't get pregnant with your own."

"Okay, I'll admit that I wouldn't mind adding another baby to the Jauregui and Cabello family tree, but I never said anything about wanting to be pregnant again."

"Then how would we have another baby."

"You could always be the carrier," she suggested.

"You know I can't do that, Camz," I said, pushing a loose strand of hair out of her eyes.

"I know, but I'm afraid I'll have complications again like I did with the twins."

"Every pregnancy involving multiples are going to be more high risk than just only being pregnant with one," I admitted. "Yeah, they were in the NICU for two weeks, but they're perfectly healthy."

"Kayne has asthma," she acknowledged.

"Lots of people on this world have asthma, Camz. It's exactly something we could have prevented her from having."

"What are we going to do if I get pregnant with twins again?"

"If you were to get pregnant with twins again than I would ship my ass off to Hawaii while you raised our four children," I joked.

"Lauren," she said sternly.

"What? I'll send you a post card from time to time so you can see all the fun I'm having with my pet monkey."

"You want a pet monkey?" Camila asked.

"I've wanted a pet monkey since my neighbor had one."

"The two we have now are enough for right now," she stated.

"I agree," I replied before pulling her in for another kiss.

I picked her up bridal style, carefully caring her into our bedroom. I placed her down on the right side before climbing into the other side.

The second my body touched the mattress, Camila rolled her light-weight body on too of mine. She used my boobs as a head rest as she carefully traced the Roman numerals of my "27" tattoo.

The number "27" symbolizes so many different things. For starters, I was the born on the 27th of June. Fifth Harmony was formed on the 27th of July. I asked Camila to be my girlfriend on the 27th of October and two years later, we got married on the 27th of April. The twins were born on the 27th of September and all my sport jerseys had the number "27" on them.

The only day that wasn't a coincidence was the day we got married.

"You know, I've been debating on whether or not I should get another tattoo," I spoke up.

"Of my beautiful face?" She joked, fluttering her eyelids as she held her hand under her chin.

"Yup," I agreed. "I'm thinking of getting it on my ass since you're my pain in the ass," I teased.

"I love you too, Lo," she said, pecking my lip.

"No, but seriously, I'm starting to have ink withdrawals."

"When was the last time you got new ink?" She questioned.

"When we got shit faced during Mani's Halloween party and I got your name tattooed on my ass," I laughed at the memory.

"I forgot about that," she laughed.

"That was one hell of a night," I acknowledged.

"It was," she agreed.

"But honestly, I'm thinking about getting the girls names on my side," I admitted.

"You're one of those parents," she said, playfully rolling her eyes.

"I actually have a really good idea," I replied.

"I'm all ears," she smiled.

"Okay, so I want to get jaguar paw prints going up my side since everyone calls them 'Little Jaguars'. Then, I'm going to put their name inside the paw print with their handwriting."

"They know how to spell their name?" Camila question.

"Really Camz? They're almost four. Of course they know how to spell their names."

"Well sorry," she said, playfully shaking her head. "I just never did anything with them that required them to sign their names."

"They've even able to write their names since Christmas time. However, Kayne sometimes mixes up the 'Y' and 'N' and spells Kanye instead," I laughed.

"I told you we shouldn't have spelt Kayne that way. I new everyone was going to spell it wrong or read it as Kanye."

"You're the one who through a fit because you wanted to add a 'Y' in it."

"You're the one who let me go through with it."

"You do have a valid point," I replied, kissing her forehead lightly.

"If we were to have a third child, what do you think we would name him/her?"

"Hmm," I said as I tried to think of a name.

Many couples have trouble coming up with a name for their child, but for Camila and I, it's relatively easy.

"Well," I started. "Ashtyn was named after Ashton Kutcher and Kayne was named after a little girl we met at the Los Angeles Children Hospital, so I would say we choose a musician name."

"I still think we should have named Kayne, 'Mila'.

"Maybe we would have if it weren't for your name being Camila," I said, sounding out the first syllable of her name.

"I still think we should have named our children, 'Ashtyn and Mila'," she stated.

"But we didn't," I replied. "If we were to have a son, I think we should name him 'Matthew'," I answered her original question. "And if we have a girl, than we should name her Camryn and spell it c-a-m-r-y-n, so that way all our children will have a 'Y' in their first name."

"I really like Matty and it fits the whole 'Y' thing," she smiled. "But I really don't want our daughter's name to be our ship name."

We sat in silence for a few more minutes as she continued to trace my tattoo over and over again. I played with her dark locks as I watched her.

"I'm bored," she huffed.

"Sorry talking to me is boring," I said, playing sticking my tongue out.

"Hush," she said before kissing me sweetly. "Talking to you isn't boring, but I want to do something else," she stated.

"Like fuck me senselessly while I scream your name at the top of my lungs," I smirked.

"Oh my god, Lauren!" She said, widening her eyes. "I was thinking more of watching a movie, but I like your suggestion more."

"No, no, I think we should watch a movie," I stated.

"We can always watch a movie, though," she replied. "We can't exactly come on the bus and people not notice."

"You do have a point," I laughed. "But I need to prove my point."

"What point?" She asked confused.

"That I can pay attention to a movie while you're wrapped in my arms," I said, lightly pushing her off me.

"I'll go find us some snacks and drinks while you go pick out a movie, I said, nodding towards the stack of movies next to my TV.

"But Lauren," she whined.

"I won't be gone for more than a minute, I said before disappearing out of the room.

I carefully climbed over the mountain of boxes as I tried to enter the kitchen. I opened up the fridge to find nothing but a half-empty ketchup bottle and a few water bottles.

I forgot I cleaned my fridge and freezer out before the twins and I left for tour. I moved onto the cupboards where I had very seldom options.

I grabbed a bag of popcorn out of the box before unwrapping it and putting it in the microwave.

Once the popcorn finished popping, I dumped it into a giant metal bowl before grabbing two waters out of the fridge.

I carefully climbed back over the boxes, careful not to spill any popcorn.

"What movie did you pick?" I asked as I reentered my bedroom.

"Maze Runner," she said, holding up the movie case.

"Never seen it," I shrugged.

"But you own it?" She questioned.

"My parents bought it for me for Christmas a few years ago, but I never got a chance to watch it."

"Well luckily for you, I think you'll like it because Dylan O' Brien is the sexiest person I've ever seen," she stated.

"Wow Camz," I playfully gasped. "Thanks for telling your wife that she's not the sexiest person you've ever seen."

"Shush, you're definitely not the sexiest person, but you easily are tied at second place with Ryan Gosseling."

"Wow, I feel so honored," I replied.

I placed the popcorn and drinks down on my bedside table as she put the movie in.

I stripped out of pants and unclasped my bra before climbing into my queen size bed.

"Since when did you sleep like that?" She question.

"Like what?" I asked, looking down at my body.

"Pantless," she clarified.

"I always have," I shrugged, before placing the popcorn bowl in my lap.

"I never remember you sleeping pantless," she replied, taking her pants off too before climbing into bed next to me.

"That's because you always fell asleep before me and woke up after I did," I admitted. "Or we slept naked."

"After a good fuck," she nodded. "I remember now."

"Yeah," I laughed.

"We could sleep naked again tonight, but someone is playing," she said before stuffing her mouth with popcorn.

"Maybe you should stop playing, Camz, I teased.

She looked over at me before returning her attention back to the TV. She started the movie before grabbing the bowl of popcorn off my lap and setting it down on hers.

I grabbed a hold her waist, pulling her light-weight body closer to me.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked, her eyes never leaving the screen.

"Pulling the popcorn closer to me," I stated, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

Within ten minutes of the movie, Camila finished the entire bowl of popcorn. I will give it to her, this movie is actually pretty interesting. This is probably the first time that I actually paid attention to the movie and not Camila.

"Babe," she whispered, nudging my shoulder. "Get me more popcorn."

"You're done with the popcorn for the night," I stated, placing the empty bowl on the nightstand.

"But I want more," she pouted.

"Don't do that," I said, pulling her body closer to mine. "You know how much I hate seeing you pout."

Her face went straight before turning back into a pout.

"Please baby," she said in a baby voice.

"Nope," I said, resting my arms on her stomach before kissing the tiny scar next to eyebrow.

"You haven't done that in forever."

"It's so small, I forget about it sometimes," I admitted.

"I missed you doing that."

"Same," I replied before kissing it repeatedly.

"Lauren," she squealed. "Watch the movie."

"Okay, okay," I said, kissing her tiny scar one more time before turning my attention back to the screen.

After twenty minutes, I kept one hand on her stomach as I rubbed her hipbone lightly with the index finger on my other hand.

I slowly ran my hand over her damp center causing her body to shutter under my touch.

"Lauren," she said, her breathing becoming heavier every second my skin touched hers.

"Shh," I whispered into her ear.

I began to lightly nibble on her soft flesh before sucking slowly on her pulse point.

"Lauren," she protested.

"Yes?" I asked, her body turning around to face me.

"No hickies."

"No promises."

"Lauren," she groaned.


"Pay attention to the movie," she said before turning her body back around.

"No promises," I mumbled under my breath.

I continued to suck on her neck, biting at the mark occasionally. Once I was satisfied with the mark I left, I moved my hand down towards her center.

I slipped my hand in her underwear, running my fingers through her fold. Her body tensed up as I continued to move my fingers up and down.

"Relax baby girl," I whispered into her ear before nibbling lightly.

"Lauren," she breathed out, placing her hand on top of my wrist.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked, stopping my movement.

We sat in silence for a few seconds, the only sound came from the TV.

"Continue," she whispered before retracting her hand.

I did as she told me. I slipped my index finger inside of her, slowly moving. Camila's bottom lip quivered in between her teeth as I continued. I began to pick my pace up as I watched her try to keep her focus on the movie. I slipped another finger in, continuing to move in and out at a rapid pace.

"Let it out baby," I encouraged as I watched her try to hold in her moan.

"Lauren," she moaned loudly.

Her saying my name like that repeated over and over again in my head.

"L-l-Lo-lo, I'm g-g-g," she stuttered as her walls tighten around my fingers.

"Let go," I whispered into her ear.

She did as I told her to, her eyes rolling in the back of head as I helped her ride out her orgasm.

"Holy shit," she breathed heavily as I removed my fingers.

"I'll be right back," I said before rolling off the bed.

I ran to the bathroom, quickly washing the sticky substance off my fingers before returning back to bed. I wrapped my arms around her waist as she tried to catch her breath.

"Wow," she panted, her eyes staring up at the ceiling.

"Are you okay?" I questioned, never seeing her like this before. That was nothing compared to what we use to do.

"Y-y-yeah," she stuttered, her breathing becoming a little more stable. "It's been awhile since I came that hard."

"You've been sexually frustrated for two and a half years?" I questioned.

The last time I was intimate with Camila was on New Years Eve in 2018.

"You know what, don't answer my question," I said, not wanting to know about anyone touching my wife like that.

"What's that?" She questioned as a banging noise came from the wall behind us."

"Probably the neighbors telling us to shut up," I shrugged.

"Wait what?" She asked, her eyes widening.

"We live in a apartment complex, Camz. We have neighbors all around us."

"Oh my god," she said, burying her face into the crook of my neck.

"Don't be embarrassed," I said, kissing the top of her head. "They're always banging the ducking shit out of each other, so I considered this payback."

"Oh my god," she mumbled against my neck. 

"There's no place in the world that I rather be than with you," I whispered into her ear.  

"I love you," she replied.

"I love you too."


Hello! So the ending sucked and so did the smut scene so pls forgive me.

What do you think camren would/should name their third child if they do have a third child?(;

I hope you all have a beautiful day/night!

- Ashley

Twitter & Ask.fm - dinahaddict

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