Caskett: Rescue Me

By MyCastle47

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Kate Beckett is a homicide detective who is in a relationship with Josh Davidson. Although Josh is an abuser... More

Chapter 1: It all started
Chapter 2: Questions
Chapter 3: No Answers
Chapter 4: Help?
Chapter 5: Seriously
Chapter 6: Caught in the Act
Chapter 7: I Need You
Chapter 8: Dangerous Encounters
Chapter 9: The Wrong Mistakes
Chapter 10: Aftershock
Chapter 11: Bad Timing
Chapter 12: Complete Disaster
Chapter 13: All the Way
Chapter 14: Cat Fights
Chapter 15: False Hope
Chapter 16: Problems and Dilemmas
Chapter 17: Baby Jokes
Chapter 18: Success?
Chapter 19: A New Start
Chapter 20: How Did it Come to This
Chapter 22: Solving the Problems
Chapter 23: Quick Surprises
Chapter 24: Sickness Calls
Chapter 25: Pain and Suffering
Chapter 26: Monkey See Monkey Do
Chapter 27: The Breaking Point
Chapter 28: YAS
Chapter 29: Old Flames? I Think Not...
Chapter 30: Men Are Stupid
Chapter 31: Parties
Chapter 32: Choices and Reasons
Chapter 33: The Final "Episode"

Chapter 21: Would You Rather

457 20 2
By MyCastle47

As I paced around our loft nervous about James, I realized that we may not find him in time. Josh is crazy and he despises me and will go to any length to get what he wants. As all these thoughts raced through my mind I felt strong and comforting arms around my shoulders. "Hey Castle." I said leaning my head on his arms. "It's going to be alright." He said kissing my cheek. "But you don't know that." "I do. Because I know that we will do everything in our power to get our son back." "Thank you Castle, you always give me a silver lining." "Only for the best." I then turned around and gave him a hug, which he gladly accepted. We just stayed like that. I think that all I needed was Castle at that moment, and I knew that he would make me feel better, he always does, so then we decided to go to the precinct and talk to Gates about the case, to see if they had gotten anywhere.

As we got dressed I opened my drawer to find a note. I turned around to make sure Castle wasn't in the room when I opened it. I carefully turned back around and slowly opened the note. It wasn't written but it was typed. It read "If you really want your son back I 'll give him to you. But first you need to give something to me. And COME ALONE, or your precious James dies. Don't bring the fiance. 178567 Concerdly Ln. -J" I cringed my eyes shut and just thought. I need to go alone, but what will I tell Castle? "Hey babe, you ready?" I heard Castle say leaving the bathroom and entering the bedroom. "Um," I stutter, my voice dry and cracking, "I just need to go somewhere before we go to the 12th." "Ok, where? I'll come." "No, you can't- I mean it'a something that I need to do alone." "Alone? But we're a team, we're going to get married." "Castle, I just need you to trust me, ok, you always to so what makes this time different?" "OK, you know what, you're right, how long will you take at" "About a hour, thirty minutes." "Ok, I love you." "I love you too." I ended pecking his lips, and heading through the living room. "Wait!" Castle called. "What," I said turning over my left shoulder. "What's that- in your hand?" "Oh, it's just, it's nothing. Bye love you." I said quickly leaving the loft.

When I got in the car I searched my phone on maps for the address. I set it and drove to the location. It was out of the city. It was about a twenty minute drive, and it was in a badder part of the town. I didn't care. I had my phone and my gun in my jacket. I was good. When I reached the address, I parked a few yards away, so he might not expect my arrival more. I kept my gun in my jacket, not wanting him to know if I had it. I saw a few cameras, but I didn't know id they were working or not. If they were I just walked by them as innocently as possible, watching everything around me. I opened a heavy metal door. The building was dark and I was looking in every room and listening for voices or cries. I had made it halfway down the long and dark hall, when I heard faint voices talking in the distance, I wanted to let then know I was hear, and didn't want to cause and alarm, so I opened my mouth and tried to make my voice steady. "Josh, I'm here, and I want my baby boy back." I then heard footsteps coming toward me and decided to not move, and then I heard a voice saying to get on my knees and turn toward the door, so I did as I was told without hesitation. When the men came it took me no time to recognize one of them, Drake was not there though, because last I heard of him he was dead or in jail, and I don't really care which, as long as he's away from me. The me picked me up strongly and held onto me, one on each side, walking me to the end of the hall, and through many twists and turns, leading me into a room, where I saw Josh sitting in a chair, holding my baby boy. "Well Katie, long time no see. I've missed you." Josh said looking me in the eyes. I decided not to engage with him so I just said what I came here to do. "Josh," I started, "I came here for my baby boy so can I please have him." "Well that is a rather tricky situation because, I have your boy and you don't so... boys check for any communication devices or weapons. a punch for electronics, and a kick for weapons.

They insisted I take of my jacket and searched through it, they found my phone, my gun, and a tiny pocket knife that I had. One then punched me while the other kicked me twice. I fell to the floor and held my ribs, I then sat up and said, "Please just give me my baby, and please just don't do this in front of him." "Kate," Josh said, "Lets play a game. Would you rather. Have you seen the movie, it's rather satisfying, so let's play it. Would you rather yourself be electrocuted, or your baby boy?" "Myself of course, but why is any of this-" I couldn't finish my sentence because I felt a wave of hurt come over my body as I was tazored on both sides. I cowered on the floor but gained the strength to get back up. "Would you rather, leave the premises no other harm done, or have your baby back, get some pain done to you and then be allowed to leave. "Give me my baby." I said running toward Josh. "Whoa, you get the pain first." Josh then laid the baby down and walked over to me. I can't remember anything and suddenly I can't see, I don't remember anything else, because when I woke up my baby was crying. I slowly sat up and felt fine. I then saw my baby where Josh laid him and my weapons and phone where the me had threw them, and the men were no where to be seen. I then ran to my baby and picked him up running to the car. While I was driving home I glanced at the clock and realized that I had been gone for two hours, and my phone had not rung once. As I clicked the home button I realized it was off and quickly turned it back on and waited that long period of time for my phone to finally "wake up." It turned on and I had 15 messages, and 8 missed calls. I just drove home hoping that Castle would just give me enough time to explain.

When I opened the door the first thing I saw was Castle, I was glad that what Josh did had no affect on me, or my body much. Castle saw James sin my arms and ran to me, concerned as much as I have ever seen him. "Where were you? I was worried sick! And how'd you get James?" Castle said kissing my cheek and taking James out of my arms. "I found a note, and it told me where to find James, so I went there and I found- James in a box by the side of a building." I stuttered hoping he wouldn't catch my lie. "Is he hurt." "No. He's just fine." Castle still examined James looking for scratches and or bruises. James then yawned, and Castle saw, "I'm going to put him down for a nap, in the crib. The one in our bedroom." He said, walking over to the bedroom. A few minutes later he came back out. He looked a little angry. "How could you!" He said, raising his voice. "What?" I replied genuinely confused. "You leave, telling me to trust you, and then you come back with our son!" "Why is that a bad thing?" "I really don't believe you found him in a box. Josh took him. And is there anything normal about that! Josh would torture before he would just give you our son!" "But I got him back." "Why didn't you let me come with you!" "Because he said to come alone!" By now we were both yelling and out of control.

"I still can't believe you! Now tell me where you really found him!" "In a building!" "With who!" "With Josh." "Why couldn't you have just told me that in the first place!" "Because you would've scolded me!" "I'm scolding you now!" "Exactly!" "Did he hurt you?" "No. Well he said he was, and then he knocked me out. And I don't know what he did." "Kate! Do you even know what he could've done!" "Are you serious! Of course I am!" "Then why did you go alone!" "Because he could've hurt James!" A few seconds after our last outburst James started crying. We must've woken him up. "I'll go get him." Castle said, turning toward the cries. "I'll help too." I said, starting to follow. "NO! Just don't. You've done enough already." "But I got him back." "I could've done that too. Just go, no one wants you here right now." Once he finished the statement he turned and walked to the crib. I let a few tears run down my face before I myself turned and slammed the door shut. I needed a friend right now. I needed Lanie.

I got in my car and basically cried the whole way there. When I reached Lanie's apartment, I slowly knocked on her door. Immediately it opened and when she saw the state that I was in she gave me a big hug and gestured for me to come in. "Oh my God girl, why are you crying." Lanie said gesturing for me to sit on the couch with her. I just cried and had I hard time breathing. A few minutes later I finally calmed down enough to grow enough strength to talk. "I- I found James." I cried. "Why is that a bad thing?" "Because I found a note from Josh and he said to come alone and so I told Castle to just trust me, and I went there and Josh hit me, and then he told me that he would hurt me, and then he knocked me out, so I don't really know what he did." "Oh girl, it's going to be alright. Are you crying because you don't know what he did?" "No! I'm crying because Castle basically told me that he didn't want me in his life anymore." I leaned into Lanie, and she hugged me back, I knew she would make me feel better. "Can I spend the night here. I promise I won't bug you, I'll just sleep here on the couch." I pleaded hoping that I wouldn't have to go back home and face Castle. "Oh Becks. Anytime. And help yourself to whatever you want. And Castle, he's just a jackass sometimes." Lanie said laughing at her own joke, and I couldn't help but laugh back. I knew I probably should've told Castle where I was actually going, but he probably would've just messed it up, or he would've helped me pull off the whole thing. But I just don't want to think about that right now, I just want to relax with my best friend and talk about her boy problems for once, and not mine.

"So, what's happening between you and Javi?" I said trying to change the subject. "Nothing really. It's on and off." "Well I'll help you fix that." I said smirking. "Oh girl, if you help, Javi and will live happily ever after." "So can I?" "Of course."

Sorry I haven't updated in like FOREVER, but I'll try and update soon. Thank you for ALL of the reads! -K

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