
By comfortinghes

168K 3.8K 413

"I just want them all to rot in hell,Daddy." "We could actually make that happen." A story where Lana and her... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
Author's Note


6.4K 158 17
By comfortinghes

Once we got home I still was full of adrenaline and harry was finally a little more chilled out so he was the same way. I didn't want to get on any social media or watch any TV because if I did I would see what we caused and become anxious about it all. I went up to harry and I's bedroom and stripped out of my dress. I would probably never wear it again because of the memory of tonight that would forever be attached to it.

"You have such a beautiful body", Harry said as I grabbed one of his shirts out of the closet. He turned me around I moved his rough hands up and down my sides.

"Thanks", I said with a smile as he brought his lips to my neck. I leaned my head back so that he had more space on my neck to work with. He sucked at the spot just above my collarbone and I moaned. It didn't take much to get me worked up when it came to Harry. He had so much skill and experience, no matter what he did to me it felt good.

He stopped sucking on my neck and we moved over to our bed. Before I laid down he took off my bra and held my breasts and massaged them, he always claimed they were his favorite physical thing about me other than my "sweet little face". We started kissing with slow, delicate passion before falling onto the bed. Harry was an expert at kissing and making the kiss fit the mood. If we were both eager and desperate the kiss was dominate, if it was a sweet event it would be sensual and meaningful.

Harry kissed all the way down my body and to my panties. He kissed right above the bottom of my panties and pulled them off. He got off the bed and slowly stripped off his clothes almost like he was teasing me. Once his pants were off his dick sprang off making me wish he was already inside of me. He quickly put a condom and came back to kissing me.

Harry loved to kiss. He considered it a very sensual and personal act of affection, so whenever we had sex he made sure the kissing was long and meaningful. He felt if he wasn't showing someone with his words how much he loved them the next best thing was to use his mouth and make them feel as good as possible. He said, "he loved best with his mouth" and boy was he right.

He brought his dick to my core and pushed himself inside me. He went as deep as he could inside me and I moaned in pleasure, tears coming to my eyes. The depth he was able to reach was mind blowing. I had never had sex with another person but I knew it was never going to get any better than this. Harry took it slow and easy this time but somehow his thrusts were still so fulfilling and pleasurable to both of us. Sweat started to accumulate on his forehead and I felt the sweat all over mine.

"I love you", Harry said moving a little bit quicker but still going just as deep as before.

"I love you Harry", I said in a whisper, taking some of his hair in my hand and playing with it as he continued the motion. Him and held eye contact with each other, it was something we always did. I loved to see his eyes change from the light shade of gentile green to the deep almost scary emerald. I loved to be looking at his beautiful face and he felt the same about me.

I could feel myself getting close because of the deep feeling in my stomach and how heavy my breathing had gotten. Harry picked up speed and the thrusts were so fast that it was hard to adjust considering how slow we were just going but in a matter of seconds harry and I had both came. He kept kissing all over my face and body just to show his appreciation and love for me. He was grateful that I loved him as much as I did which meant the affectionate side of him never went away.

"You are the best girlfriend, fiance, angel, sweetheart, person in the world. I really hope you know that", he said putting standing up off the bed.

"Of course I do Harry", I said and we smiled at each other," Do you know you are the most kind boyfriend, fiance, best friend, man in the whole wide world?"

"Of course I do", he said and I giggled at his confidence,"Come shower with me?"



The next day I woke up with Harry's arms wrapped around my waist like every other day. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and turned it on. As my notifications came up, the memories of what really happened last night flooded back . Family members who I never talked to or classmates I had never really been close to were all asking me how I was and if I was okay. Last night was a real thing, not just some twisted nightmare or news story. This was my life, my classmates, and my home town. Harry and I went to my senior prom and my enemies were actually dead. It wasn't just a plan anymore. It was over with and it happened.

I locked my phone after responding to a few texts and put my head in my hands. The adrenaline and overall thrill of the night before had worn off and now I had to deal with the feeling of being an accomplice to murder always in the back of my mind. I knew that I could get over the way I feel but for now it was still hard to handle. I started crying thinking of what we had done.

It was still so painful and so fresh that it was our fault and that there was nothing I could do to bring them back. I couldn't even stop Harry when he was planning it or change his mind, I could've tried harder. My sobs were extremely loud so when I felt a hand rubbing up and down my back I was frightened.

"Lana, it is going to be alright. This is all going to blow over", he said comforting me. I moved closer to him so that he could hold me and make feel like his words were true even though my head didn't want to believe any of it.

"We killed them", I whispered.

"And they could've killed you", Harry reminded me and I thought of what it would be like if I died that night one year ago," That could've been you but I didn't let that happen now did i?"


"And do you think I would let the cops come for you or even let anyone find us?"

"No", I said wiping the tears that were left on my face off. I was still crying but not as much as before.

Harry turned on the TV and flipped to the news channel knowing this would be all over every news outlet. I was so nervous for what they were going to say. What if they had found Louis and he had snitched on us? What if Zayn didn't actually turn on the cameras like he said he did and they had seen us there and could frame this on us? A million scenarios were running though my head.

" Henry Wayne Homicide story is a tragedy all in itself. If you are just tuning in last night at the school's prom, eight students were shot and killed turning what should be the night of their lives into a scene out of a horror movie. Ty Matthews, Patrick McDonald, Daniel Harries, Katherine Jean, Gigi Reynolds, Trinity Gordan, Trevor Hendricks, and Yasmine Davis were all shot and their families are absolutely devastated", the woman said naming the two other victims who I didn't know at all but just because I didn't know them didn't mean it hurt any less.

"All eight teenagers were seniors at the high school and in just a week were going to get their diplomas. According to police reports, they have no idea who the attacker was or any of their reasoning for this attack. Stay tuned and we will hear from some of the parents of these victims", the woman said and I snatched the remote out of Harry's hand and turned of the TV. I couldn't bare to hear another word.

hey!! thank you all so much for your reads recently, i really appreciate it and im glad you like the story. i was wondering, do you guys think i should enter the wattys or???? idk plz someone let me know if i should.

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