Uncharted: Tomb of inFAMOUS R...

By CypressFlynn

5.2K 77 35

What happens when three Conduits, a wacky man in green, two treasure hunters, an archaeologist and a Gravity... More

Part: 1
Part: 2
Part: 3
Part: 4
Part: 5
Part: 6
Part: 8
Part: 9
Part: 10

Part: 7

378 6 0
By CypressFlynn

This mysterious girl known as "Kat" and possibly one of Bertrand's Conduits explained that she came from a place known as Heckseville. She was a hero to them, protecting them from monsters known as Nevi. She explained that her friend Gade has the power to travel to different realms...another explanation as to how she showed up in this universe...a universe where Conduits don't exist.

Zeke Dunbar: Damn, you were a big shot, huh? Cole is the same way.

Victor Sullivan: So where is this friend of yours?

Kat: In Heckseville.

Sam Nishimura: So you have no way of returning home?

Kat: No, sadly, I don't.

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: Well, you can stay here, if you'd like.

Kat: Really? Thank you very much.

I couldn't believe that they'd let her stay. She was a threat to us and...you can only imagine how frustrated I was. I took off, leaving them with that monster.

Kat: Did I...do something?

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: Don't mind him. He's just being selfish.

Nathan Drake: I'll say. Anyways, welcome to the group, Kat. I'm Nate. Nathan Drake.

Sam Nishimura: I'm Sam.

Lara Croft: Lara Croft.

Zeke Dunbar: Name's Zeke.

Victor Sullivan: Victor Sullivan, call me Sully.

Lucy Kuo: NS...well, Lucy Kuo. But just call me Kuo.

Lyanne Valentine Flynn: I am Lyanne.

Nathan Drake: The asshole who walked out on us is called Cole.

Kat: It is nice to meet you all.

Victor Sullivan: We have an extra bed for you, where the girls sleep. It's yours to take.

Kat: I appreciate that. Thank you, Sully.

Everyone was sure getting along with the soon-to-be traitor. She probably made up that whole story about Heckseville and her friend "Gade". I was planning on believing her until I had proof that she really meant what she said. I see Cypress walking towards me, grabbing some blankets, from the closet.

Cole MacGrath: This is a mistake.

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: Whatever you say.

Cole MacGrath: She's obviously one of Bertrand's creations.

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: Got any proof of that?

Cole MacGrath: I don't need proof. Just you wait.

Cypress Fairchild Flynn: Goodnight, MacGrath.

The entire night, I was outside, thinking about what kind of damage that Bertrand or the Beast have done to New Marais. From the inside, I can hear Zeke and the others laughing with that new Conduit, almost like they were all friends. I can see Kuo around Sully's arms, laughing and enjoying a drink. And I see Zeke joining in, with that Nishimura girl on his lap, taking a sip of his drink. That then there's Kat...she's got everyone playing in the palm of her hand. It's only a matter of time before Bertrand makes his move, taking control of her. I don't see Nate or Cypress anywhere...not like it matters.

Nathan Drake: Ah crap, I can't seem to find the damn thing needed for this part.

Lara Croft: Hello?

Nathan Drake: Over here!

Lara Croft: Nate?

Nathan Drake: Yeah?

Lara Croft: Are you alright?

Nathan Drake: I'm fine. Just trying to fix this damn thing.

Lara Croft: Incredible. What is this?

Nathan Drake: A machine that can travel through time. One of Wolfe's inventions.

Lara Croft: Wolfe?

Nathan Drake: Yeah, Sebastian Wolfe. He's created this baby.

Lara Croft: Is this...how you found me?

Nathan Drake: Yeah. It's also how we found Cole and his friends.

Lara Croft: Would you like some help?

Nathan Drake: Nah, I got this. You can go back and--OW, dammit!

Lara Croft: Nate?!

Nathan Drake: Shit. I'm alright.

Lara Croft: You need a break. Your going to wear yourself down.

Nathan Drake: *sigh* Maybe your right. But I gotta fix this thing for Cole.

Lara Croft: I thought Cole was a...how you said? An "asshole"?

Nathan Drake: He is. I'm only getting it done, so we can get rid of him.

Lara Croft: He's worried about his home. You cannot blame him.

Nathan Drake: Maybe so but I can't stand him any longer.

Lara Croft: Come up here, take a breather, give yourself some time to relax.

Nathan Drake: Heh, good idea.

Lara Croft: Here you are, a drink for you and me.

Nathan Drake: Thanks. You know, I'm glad we found you, when we did.

Lara Croft: You mean your thrilled to meet once gain?

Nathan Drake: Sure am.

Lara Croft: You always were a charmer to women. You were also an ass.

Nathan Drake: Yeah but I always did my best with you.

Lara Croft: I wonder why.

Nathan Drake: Mind if I show you?

It must be nice to Nate, seducing Lara with a kiss. She was dumb enough to allow it happen. She was even dumb enough to begin doing the same thing. Lara dropped her drink on the floor, as the beer glass shattered. The others were having such a good time to even hear the noise.

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