And So the Wolf Fell in Love...

Od michelle38860

481K 11.3K 1.6K

19 year old Cat-shifter, Lorraine, loses her mom to a were-wolf pack and gets kidnapped by a hot wolf named B... Více

And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 1
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 2
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 3
And So the Wold Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 4
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 5
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 6
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 7
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 9
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 10
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 11
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 12
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 13
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 14
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 15
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 16
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 17
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 18
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 19
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 20
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 21
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 22
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 23

And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 8

20.4K 539 94
Od michelle38860

Lorraine's POV

Today is the day of the pool party. I nervously fingered the strap of my swimsuit as I looked in the mirror. Would Blake like it? Why do I even care what he likes? I hope I get accepted by all his friends.

I haven't seen Blake all day. Probably 'cuz I have been hiding in my room all day. I could hear the shouts and voices of the guest entering the house.

It's time to go out Lorraine. Come on girl, you can do it. You have to overcome your fear of water someday. You can't hide in here all day. You'll have to face them sooner or later.

I tied a beach towel around my waist and reached for the doornob. Here goes nothing...

I stepped out of my room and the voices of all Blake and Rose's friends got louder. I peeked down the staircase and saw dozens of people heading out to the back yard. How would all these people fit in the pool? My question was answered when I stepped out into the backyard. It was HUGE. The yard had a whole section for campfires, another section for BBQing, a pool the size of the ones you can find in Vegas hotels, and fields for football, and soccer.

I gazed around nervously trying to find Rose. I caught a glimpse of her fire red bikini and started heading her way. Luckily, she spotted me before I had to go any further.

"LORRAINE! OMYGOSH you look gorgeous!! Guys are going to go wild for you! Why the heckers are you wearing a towel you silly goose?"

She grabbed it and yanked it off me before I could get a grip on it. "Come on! I'll introduce you to my friends."

When she said friends, I had no idea that it meant all the guest at the party. She pulled me onto the table with her and shouted for everyone's attention.

"Hey guys! This is Lorraine, my new sister-in-law!! Hahaha just kidding, Im so funny. Anyways, shes new here and I hope ya'll make her few welcome!"

I froze as every pair of eyes turned towards me. "U-u-uh h-hi."

Smooth Lorraine. Smooth. I suddenly caught my glaze on a pair of familiar sexy eyes. Thos eyes stayed on mine for a couple minutes before glazing downwards. I blushed and quickly stepped behind Rose.

"Hey shes not a were-wolf!" Some guy yelled.

"No sh*t Sherlock," Rose said. "Shes a cat-shifter. And if you have any problems with that, you'll have to go through me!" She stated bravely. She pulled me off the table and started walking to the pool.

"Come on Lorraine! Lets go swimming!"

"NO! I-I mean I can't. I don't know how." I prayed for her to not offer to teach me how to swim.

"Oh well, lets go suntanning then!" God bless her.

She led me to some beach chairs that were lying near the pool. I caught sight of Blake right then. He was in the pool with nothing but swimtrunks and all his golden muscles of glory. Yummy.

Unfortunately, Alice was also in the pool wearing nothing but tiny scraps of rags. How dare she touch him! Only I can! What am I saying??

I tried to ignore them and started talking with Rose. A couple of Rose's friends would stop by and she would intrduce them to me. They all seemed really nice. Too bad not eveyone was like that.


I was getting sleepy just sitting there when a shadow blocked the sun from me. I opened my eyes and saw none other then the slutty b*tch herself.

"You're sitting on my chair," she simply stated.

"I-I'm sorry." I quickly stood up from my seat and looked to the chair next to me. Rose was gone. I knew I was being a push-over but I didn't want to get into a fight my first real day here.

"Who invited you here anyways?"

"I did! And this is my house Alice so if you don't like it, feel free to leave!" Rose had appeared out f nowhere balancing two sodas and two plates of food.

"Hmph!" She continued to glare at me.

"If you keep glaring like that, you'll get wrinkles," I mumbled.

Apparently she heard me and snarled. It was gone as soon as it came and a smile replaced her frown. An evil smile.

"Would the lil' kitty like to go for a swim?" She cooed before pushing me into the water.


Blake's POV

I wandered around my backyard searching for Lorraine. I hadn't talked to her all day. I couldn't help but miss her. She looked so sexy in her bathing suit that I wanted to jump her right in front of everyone. I also wanted to punch every single face of the guys who gave her more than a friendly look.

I lit up when I saw her standing near the pool. Talking to Alice? Since when were they friends? I started to make my way over to them when Alice reached out and shoved Lorraine into the deep end of the pool.

My wolf growled angrily as I saw her struggle to break surface. She can't swim!

I dove into the pool after her. I caught sight of her attempting to swim for the ledge before I went under. I don't think I have ever swam so fast in my life. When I reached her, I wrapped my arms under her and swam to the surface. We broke out of the water with her coughing and sputtering. She had tears rolling down her face and my heart broke for her.

"Its okay Kitten, I got you baby girl. You're safe now. Don't cry."

She sobbed against my chest as I used the stairs by the pool to get out of the water. Rose quickly ran towards me with a towel in her hands. I wrapped Lorraine up in it and sat on the beach chair with her still in my lap. I didn't want to let her go. I kissed her temple and brought her closer to me.

I looked up and saw eveyone staring at us in concern.

"Is she okay?"

"What happened?"

"Poor girl."

Alice pushed through the crowd. "Omg, is she alright? I just gave her a playful shove! I didn't know she couldn't swim!"

I didn't know whether to believe her or not. At this point, I didn't really care. I only wanted to make sure Lorraine was safe.

"Here I'll take her up to her room," Rose offered reaching out.

I reluctantly handed her over after hesitating. Rose wrapped an arm around Lorraine's shivering form and went inside. I stared after them until they dissapeared from sight.

"Okay everyone, nothing to see here, go have fun!" I shouted waving my arms. "We'll have our campout in a couple of hours so don't get too full!"


3 hours later.

Everyone cheered as I lit the wood on fire. We all gathered around it, roasting hotdogs and marshmellows. I made myself a hotdog and looked around for somewhere to sit. I ignored Alice's yells for me to sit with her and her slutty friends. I just wanted to sit with her tonight.

I caught sight of Lorraine sitting by herself eating her hotdog. She was huddled in the corner of the field away from everyone else. Her cheeks were puffed out as she ate ravenously. I was pretty hungry too. But not for food.

I went over to her and sat on the grass in front of her, making myself comfortable. She looked up at me in shock as if she couldn't believe why I was sitting with her.

"Hey Kitten, are you okay?"

She looked down at her food and nodded her head. "Thanks for saving me." She said quietly.

"Anytime Kitten." We ate our hotdogs in a comfortable silence. I laughed when she basically shoved half her hotdog in her mouth. I reached over and wiped away some ketchup on the side of her mouth. I got up and walked over to the fire reaching for some marshmellows, chocolate and gram crackers. I made a plateful of s'mores and almost ran back to her.

She once again looked surprised when I sat myself and the plate in front of her.

"I thought you went to sit with your friends." I felt bad for making her think that I left her.

"Naww, I'd rather sit with you anyday." She smiled at me. I love seeing her happy. I would probably jump into a pit of fire and juggle some grenades if that would make her laugh. Man, Rose was right. I do have it bad.

She bit into a s'more and left some chocolate on her chin. I chuckled. She was a messy eater. Instead of wiping it away with my finger, I reached over and sucked it off. She blushed feriously once I pulled away.

"Mmmm delicious," I muttered just to see her beautiful face go red again. I wasn't lieing when I said it though.


After cleaning up, everyone started setting up their sleeping bags on the football field. Those who didn't have any, went inside with Rose to get some blankets and pillows.

I looked around anxiously for Lorraine and saw her talking to a guy. I walked up to them right when he asked her if she wanted to share sleeping bags with him.

I angrily wrapped my arms around Lorraine's waist and gently pulled her behind me.

"If anyones going to share sleeping bags with her, it's going to be me."

The guy put both his hands up, backing away. "Sorry Blake, didn't realize." He turned and started searching for his nexxt prey.

I felt a small hand tugging on my shirt. I turned around.

"Where am I going to sleep?"

"With me." I said shortly dragging her to my sleeping bag.

"B-but, but-"

"Hush Kitten."

I tugged her down into the sleeping bag with me and slid my arm under her waist so she wouldn't run away.

"B-but but-"

"Go to sleep Kitten."

"Don't call me Kitten," she pouted adorably.

I laughed and pulled her closer to me. "Goodnight Kitten."

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