The Bad Girl ✖ Kian Lawley [C...

By HeyYoMaria

53.9K 724 420

Makayla Caylen, yes Jc Caylen's not so baby sister. You see when Jc became internet famous she hardly ever sa... More

Vandalising and Moving
Old Feelings
Bad Boy
Drunk People Don't Lie
Changing Her Back
You Love Me?
Starbucks & Pool
Jealous? Me? Nah
It's Ok
Date Night
She's Mine!
Free, Sort Of
Those Three Words
She Loves You!
Strange Encounters
Who Is He?!
You're The Worst Boyfriend!
Beach Day
Finding Mackenzie
Drunk Kian Cheated
I Can't
Getting There
I Swear
You Can Do It
Let's Run Away Together
I Know You Do
I'll Keep You Safe
No Luck
I'll Die Without Him
Not Good Enough
She Doesn't Like Me
Something Is Wrong
Trust Me
Kian's Birthday
He's The Reason
Never Leaving You
Hostage (Pt. 2)
She Can't
Finding Out The Truth
Pregnant & Leaving
Reunited But Not Together
Forget Me
What Is This?
I Really Love Him
We're Over...For Good
Fuck Feelings
Does She Still Love Me?
Ruin Your Life
Live With Us?
Wanna Be Barbie
You Did Not Say That
Getting Stuff Done
New Years
Mike's Wedding

Fights & Locked In

883 14 32
By HeyYoMaria

Kian's POV

It's one in the afternoon and Makayla won't talk to anyone besides Amber and Kimberly. I fucked everything up
"Come on Makayla you have to talk to us." Mike said but she ignored him
"I didn't even do shit." Adam mumbled

"Aren't you gonna say anything?" Mike snapped at me
"What do you want me to say? I said I was sorry." I said looking at Makayla
"Sorry doesn't fix everything Kian!" Amber snapped at me
"Oh! I'm sorry! What the fuck am I supposed to do?!" I yelled

"To say I love her?" I asked
"Ok Makayla you know I love you! You're my whole damn world!" I said looking at her
"It just pisses me off how you don't let none of us in! We want to be there for you but you don't let us!" I yelled

"And yeah I'm sorry." I mumbled before walking up to my room. I closed the door and threw myself on my bed. I don't know what to do anymore. Nothing I say will make her forgive me. But why would she?

***1 Hour Later***

"Wassup bitches!?" Ricky said walking in the house I chuckled
"Sup man?" I said with no emotion what so ever he looked at me with a raised eyebrow
"Don't ask." I said to him, right now everyone went out or something and I'm here alone bored out of my mind

"Nah, what happened?" He asked sitting next to me
"I'm a fuck up man." I said burying my face in my hands
"Dude? What happened?" He asked again
"You know Makayla?" I asked

"Jc's baby sister?" He asked. I told him everything from our first kiss to dating to her breaking up with me, then her coming to live with us. And how I fucked up everything by yelling at her and making her cry
"I never meant to make her cry Ricky." I mumbled

"I know you didn't man, but it happened." He said I nodded
"You said she likes you right?" He asked I nodded
"Then get her to love you, you were eachothers first love and I know no matter what that the feelings for your first love never completely leave." He said

"No! I'm s-Amber stopped mid sentence when she saw me
"Heya!" Ricky said waving awkwardly at them. They aren't the normal people we hang out so I understand why he's confused that they're in the house

"Hi." Kimberly said
"This is Ricky, Ricky this is Amber, Adam, Mike, Kimberly and Makayla." I said pointing at them
"You're Makayla?" Ricky asked and looked at me
"Yes why?" Makayla snapped

"You're nothing how Jc described you." Ricky said
"People change." Makayla said crossing her arms I sighed
"What?!" Makayla snapped
"I didn't say shit!" I said annoyed at her

"Whatever." Makayla mumbled
"Ricky let's go, and no fucking drugs I don't need my house smelling illegal." I snapped at them
"I make no promises Adam probably has a blunt hidden." Makayla smirked
"I'm serious Makayla." I spat

"Me too." She said tilting her head
"I swear if this house smells like weed when I come back you all pack your things and leave even you Makayla." I said to them
"I'm fine with that." She said
"I'm done! With this! With everything! With you! I don't even know why I love you!" I spat angrily

I grabbed my penny board and stormed out of the house
"Kian!" Ricky yelled behind me but I ignored him. Why is she so damn difficult? And why do I have to love her?! Because you never stopped loving her

"Well look who it is?" Karla said smirking I rolled my eyes
"What do you want now?" I said annoyed
"Aww what's wrong?" She asked pouting
"Nothing I'm fine." I snapped giving her a fake smile she scoffed

"No really what's wrong?" She asked
"Why do you care? We're nothing Karla." I said rolling my eyes
"Because I can." She mumbled I sighed
"I'm fine really just a rough day." I said to her she nodded

"I'm sorry for cheating...I really love you might not feel the same but can we at least be friends?" She asked
"Sure." I said making her smile widely
"Really? Thank you!" She said hugging me I stood there awkwardly

"Sorry." She said pulling away I nodded
"Want to come to my house? Nobody is talking to me." I said to her
"Yea sure." She said not asking questions I smiled and we walked to my house.

"I'm really sorry Kian." She said randomly. I nodded as we walked into my house
"Dude!" Ricky said as I walked in
"Sorry, just wanted to get away from here." I said to him
"Where are they?" I asked him

"Outside." He said pointing to the backyard I nodded
"Hey Ricky." Karla said waving at him
He just nodded well I did tell him she cheated so he's pretty mad at her and I'm sure at me too for bringing her here
"Oh he's back." Mike said rolling his eyes they all walked in

"What is she doing here?" Amber said pointing at Karla
"You guys are here, so she can be here too." I snapped
"Because Jc let them and he said he didn't want her here again." Makayla said

"Well I'm letting her be here so deal with it!" I snapped
"Dude chill." Adam said glaring at me I rolled my eyes
"Maybe I should go." Karla mumbled
"No shit!" Makayla yelled
"No! She's staying here and that's final!" I yelled

"Just shut the fuck up all of you!!!" Mike yelled
"Whatever." Makayla said running upstairs being followed by Kimberly and Amber
"And you say you love her?" Adam scoffed

"We're leaving tomorrow and we're taking Makayla with us, lets go Adam." Mike said. Adam nodded before they both went upstairs
"I should leave." Karla said I sighed and nodded
"Bye." She said waving I didn't bother to answer her I just sat down and buried my face into my hands

"She's leaving Ricky." I mumbled to him
"But you said she has to stay here." Ricky said confused
"I can't force her to stay Ricky." I mumbled
"Then don't force her make her want to stay." He said I nodded

"How though?" I asked biting my lip
"That." He said standing up
"Is up to you." He said patting my back
"I guess you're right." I said to him
"Bye Kian." He said
"Bye Ricky, and thanks." I said smiling

"You're welcome." He said walking out of the house I sighed
How will I get her to stay?
"I got it." I mumbled standing up and running upstairs
"Makayla!" I yelled from inside the room

"What?!" She yelled back
"Come!" I yelled
"Fuck off Kian!" She yelled back I chuckled
"Please! I won't bug you no more!" I yelled
"Aghhhhh!" I heard her yelled before she walked into the room

"What?" She snapped I smirked and closed the door
"Kian what are you doing?" She asked glaring at me
"You see this room? It's made out of the strongest metal, oh and so is the door." I said knocking on it she raised a brow

"Mike said that they're all leaving tomorrow and taking you also, so I locked us in here, they can't get in no matter what." I said to her
"What?!" Her eyes went wide
"I'm not letting you leave, I love you Makayla I can't loose you again." I said to her

"Kian open this door!" She yelled trying to open it
"I can't." I said to her
"Why the fuck not?!" She yelled annoyed
"Well because it's locked from the outside and I don't have the key." I shrugged

"What do you mean you don't have the key?!" She yelled
"Exactly that I don't have it, it's somewhere outside this room that only I know of, oh and Jc too of course." I said to her

"Then I'll call Jc." She said taking out her phone
"Fine call him, tell him I locked you in here and you want to get out because you're leaving tomorrow." I said to her. She groaned and put her phone back into her pocket
"Kian it's not funny." She whined I chuckled

"I know." I said
"The window!" She said pointing to it
"Bullet proof." I said to her she groaned
"Why do you guys have this in the house anyways?" She asked I shrugged
"It used to belong to a pimp or something." I said to her

"Oh my god!" She said throwing her hands up
"Makayla!" Amber yelled
"Amber help me!" Makayla said banging on the door
"What's happening?" Kimberly yelled from the other side of the door I sat down on a chair

"Kian locked me in here!" Makayla said glaring at me. I just smiled at her
"We're calling the police!" Mike yelled
"Call them! So they could check the house! I know Adam has drugs here!" I yelled
"How d-I cut Makayla off
"I'm not stupid Makayla." I scoffed

"Fuck!" Mike yelled kicking the door
"Don't even try dude!" I chuckled
"Kian let me out!" Makayla yelled
"No thanks I'm good." I said to her
"You better not hurt her!" Mike yelled I scoffed

"Hurt her? Why the fuck would I do that? I love her!" I yelled
"Stupid question." I heard Amber say I chuckled and nodded even though they couldn't possibly see me
"I'm hungry." Makayla groaned I stood up and walked to a mini fridge

"There's food." I said opening the fully stocked mini fridge
"I hate you Kian." She huffed I chuckled
"I love you too." I said smiling at her she rolled her eyes
"Call us if you need well you get what I mean!" Amber yelled I chuckled

"Yea thanks!" Makayla yelled sarcastically
"How long are we staying here?" Makayla asked
"Until you forgive me and say you'll stay here and mean it." I said grabbing a coke

"What if I need to use the restroom?" Makayla asked I chuckled
"In here." I said opening a door that looks like a closet but is a restroom
"Oh my god!" Makayla said sitting on a couch
"I don't like Mike." I confessed to her she chuckled

"He doesn't like you either." She said
"Oh I know, but as long as you do I'm more than good." I said to her
"Kiaaaaaaan!" She whined
"Whaaaaaat?" I copied her
"Let me out!" She whined
"Nah I'm good." I said taking a sip from my coke

*****4 Hours Later*****

"Kian we've been here for four hours how long are we staying in here?" Makayla asked walking around the room
"Until you forgive me and say you'll stay here and mean it." I said again she sighed
"No." She said shaking her head

"Have it your way I don't mind being in here with you." I said smirking
"You're so annoying." She groaned
"I won't let you leave...not again, I still don't get why you broke up with me. I felt like shit and still do because I lost the girl I love." I said

"I broke up with you because I didn't feel like I was enough! You had millions of girls drooling over you!" She sighed
"I thought you would leave me for them." She added
"What? Mac that never would have happened." I said to her

"You're my world, I love you so much." I said standing up
"I could never chose any girl over you." I said sitting next to her
"I'm...sorry." She said grabbing a fist full of my shirt
"It's ok." I said kissing her forehead she smiled

"No...I...hurt..y-you...I..don't..get me." She cried my heart ached hearing her cry
"Don't cry please, I hate seeing you cry." I said wiping her tears
"And yea maybe you hurt me but because you were afraid you would loose me which is never gonna happen." I said kissing her cheek

"And I love you for you, you're simply amazing, I see no flaws what so ever." I said pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear she smiled
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about that guy." She mumbled
"I get it I was being an ass and didn't listen to you." I said to her

"You don't have to tell me, I just want you to know that I'm sorry for screaming at you and making you cry." I mumbled. She gave me a -how'd-you-know?- look I chuckled
"Mike heard you crying." I said to her she looked down

"I hadn't cried in three years, it felt..weird." She mumbled
"I'm sorry I never meant to make you cry." I said to her
"It's ok." She smiled
"I just don't want you to leave me...not again." I mumbled playing with my fingers

"I won't, I'm staying here and I forgive you." She said lifting my face I smiled
"Really?" I asked happily she giggled and nodded
"Oh my god!" I yelled picking her up she squealed and laughed
"I love you beautiful." I said putting her down

"I really like you." She said biting her lip I chuckled
"That's good enough." I said cupping her cheeks and kissing her
"You can go out now." I said pulling away
"I'll tell them where the key is." I said caressing her cheek

"No, let's just stay here together for tonight." She said biting her lip I nodded
"Umm I think this sofa is a bed also." I said. I took off the cushions and took out the bed
"Well we have a bed." She giggled I smiled and nodded

"What?" She asked looking at me
"Nothing its just you're so beautiful." I said wrapping my arms around her waist
"Not even." She said shaking her head
"Yea even." I said making her chuckle

"Come on lets get some rest yea?" I asked she nodded I turned off the lights and layed down next to her
"I'm really sorry for yelling at you earlier." I said caressing her cheek
"It's ok Kian." She said pecking my lips

"Goodnight beautiful." I said kissing her forehead
"Goodnight Kian." She said snuggling into my chest

Guys I'm sorry I didn't update earlier it's just I was really busy
What was you're favorite part?
Have you guys seen Jack And Jack's new video for California? It's A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!
What's your favorite song from Calibraska EP? Mine is definitely Wrong One. Who's seen Kian's Movie The Chosen? I want to see it so bad :( I will soon though ;)


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