DreamCatcher Book Club ▶ OPEN

By diversilient

5K 241 546

Welcome to The Dreamcatcher Book Club. A book club dedicated to help undiscovered writers of diverse genres... More

Rules & Regulations
Forms & Applications
Brownie Points (❀) ℑ Strikes (✖)
Week One 27/7 - 3/8
Week One - Checklist -
Week Two 3/8 - 10/8
Week Two - Checklist -
Week Three 10/8 - 17/8
Week Three - Checklist -
Week Four 17/8 - 24/8
Week Four - Checklist -
Week Five 24/8 - 31/8
Week Five - Extension -
Week Five - Checklist -

Guidelines For Members

355 22 1
By diversilient

Every week, a book will be featured as book of the week and there will be pairings. Members are required to read five chapters in total and provide constructive reviews on them.  In more detail, one week it might be three chapters of the book of the  week and two chapters of your partners' book, or vice versa and the next  week it could be one chapter of your partners' book and four chapters  of the book of the week or vice versa (because we like to spruce things up a little).

The book of the week will be selected one of the two ways:

     ❈ Nominations, either by you (members of this club) or the admins. Said book can be a book written by a member of this club, or a book of a member not in this club that you feel deserves recognition. Please PM the nominations to the admins. Nominations via other means will NOT be entertained.

                   ✎The only stipulations will be that you don't nominate yourself, and that you don't nominate a book that has already been featured before in this club.                  

     ❈ Once every month, we will host a writing contest and winners of said contests will have  their works featured as book of the week on this book club as well as several other media platforms including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter etc. More information will be disclosed when the first contest is held.

Do note that we will monitor the comments that are left on the stories. As long as the comment that you leave gives feedback and isn't just "I really like this story" or whatever then you should be fine. Should you feel that someone in the club has not left valid comments, please PM the librarians (morbidsucre- or amzzz18) for assistance. The suggestion that we'd recommend as far as comments go is that you say one thing that you liked and one thing that you didn't like or that the author could improve on. However members can comment whatever they feel like is appropriate while still giving some feedback on the story. Use common sense. Please.

Artwork by Elysea .

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