Caught in a Strider's Web (Di...

By its-a-secret-ha

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(Jake's POV) "Dirk Strider! He's an interesting fellow..." I whispered keeping my eyes glued on the anime gla... More

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Chemistry X 2

1.8K 60 42
By its-a-secret-ha

I opened my eyes quite excited. I quickly hopped out of bed and prepared my day for school. The reason I'm so excited is because I'm friends with Dirk. Dirk Strider.... but secretly. I quickly straightened my plaid green over shirt. I left it unbuttoned revealing my white tank top. I looked into the mirror and smiled cheerily. My body frame is small, but I had muscle.... I know I do.

I placed my phone in my tan shorts and walked out my room to the kitchen. In there I found Jade making my lunch on the table. She looked up to me and smiled.

"Good Morning Jake!" She greeted. I smiled back and leaned against the table.

"Good Mornin' Jade! Did you study for your history test?" I asked. She nodded and handed me my bag of lunch.

"Oh Jake! I'll be having my friends coming over to stay the night." She informed me. I tilted my head.

"But Jade, this is a school night, and I need to speak with their guardians." I told Jade. She huffed and smiled. She handed me a paper with three numbers on them. Above each were the name's of her friends.

"I knew you were going to say that, so I got their guardians numbers for you. I need to go get ready for school now. You got up pretty early." Jade began picking up the bread and lunchmeat to put away. "Your bus will be here in thirty minutes. Make the calls now," she ordered as she left to the fridge. I nodded and pulled out my phone.

I looked at the first number which was under 'John'. I dialed it and waited for the other to pick up. Once they did we settled that John Egbert was indeed staying over. I dialed the number under 'Rose' and waited for the other to pick up.

"Hello?" a lady's voice answered. I was taken back by how young she sounded. I cleared my throat to speak.

"Hello! I'm Jake English, the guardian of Jade Harley. Jade said her little friends were staying the night and I wanted to make sure it was okay with you ma'am." I heard a pause then laughter. Why's she laughing at me? Did I do anything foolish?

"You're Jake English!?" She laughed.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Y-Yes ma'am, and you are?" I asked nervously. By the sound of that assumption, it sounds like trouble. She ceased her laughing into held back giggles.

"I'm Roxy Lalonde. The guy- girl you go to school whiff- with. I always hang out with Dirk. Your like- stalker victim." She giggled. I widened my eyes then narrowed them.

"I know who you are, and I don't stalk Strider! Now please! I was asking-"

"Yeah ya, My Rose said she'd- she'll be staying the night.... HEY!" I heard her squeal excitedly. I got worried and scratched the back of my head.

"Y-yeaahh?" I asked questioningly.

"You dof- don't happen to know if Dirk's little brother Dave is staying do you?" She asked with enthusiasm. I looked back at the paper. There in Jade's handwriting was 'Dave'. Dirk has a little brother? I wonder what he's like? I talked back into the phone.

"Yeah, why?" I asked curiously. She held in a giggle.

"Then we should haf- have a sleep over too! I'll invite Dirk and you can invite your friend Jane! She's in my study hall." She replied. I took a second to respond.

"Uhh... I don't know. I barely know you.... or Strider!" I had to quickly add. Frig! I have to remember that our friendship is a secret! I heard her giggle even more.

"Oh Jakey!" Jakey? "Dirk already told me about your 'secret friendship'. I'm his best friend! Why wouldn't he!" She took a deep breath. "So! If you're friends with Dirk, I need ta meet ya! And we all could be friends! .....Er... In secret wonk" Wonk? All friends in secret? I hesitated then looked at the time. Frig! I don't have time to call Dave's gaurdian- oh yeah... I can just tell him on the bus.

"Uh..." I heard a beep from outside.

"Sooooooo??" she squealed.

I quickly grabbed my things unable to think clearly. "Um! Yeah, yeah sure! I got to go! Bye Lalonde!" I hurridly spoke into the phone and hung up. I put my phone in my pocket and rushed out the door along with another beep. I quickly ran up the stairs in my usual seat. Golly! I sat down and took this time to catch my breath.

The bus continued moving and came to a halt a couple blocks away from my house. There Dirk was coming out of his house towards the bus. I usually just look at the ground and scoot over when be gets on, but now I'm just waiting to inform him about the sleep over. I watched as he walked up the steps and sat down besides me. I waited for the bus to start moving and the other students begin to chatter.

"Strider, I need you-" I was interrupted by him.

"I thought I said-" I interrupted him now.

"I know, I know! Just listen. Jade said she's having her friends stay over, but I need permission from their guardians first. Dave will be going over after school is that correct?" I asked. Dirk took a second and nodded. I smiled back. "Okay good. My Jade is a responsible young girl and since I have detention she'll be the only host. I wish I could be there to look after her..." I frowned. Dirk shrugged and kept his gaze ahead of him.

"I'm sure they'll all be alright," Dirk responded quietly. That made me smile for his reassurance. The rest of the bus ride we didn't talk... that was sort of our deal heh.

When I stepped off the bus I heard Jane scream my name. I turned towards the sound of the source and there I saw Jane rushing towards me with wide arms. I had to stand my ground and I prepared for her bear hug. "Jane!" I yelled back in surprise as she hugged me tightly. She let go and looked at me with excitement in her eyes. "What's got you all hyped up?" I chuckled.

Jane took a deep breath and squealed a little. "Remember that movie you wanted to see? The one that would've been sold out in a blink of an eye?" She asked smiling. I smirked and tilted my head.

"You didn't?" I asked.

"I did!!" She screamed. "I stayed up all night to win us two tickets to the movie this Saturday!" A big smiled spread along my face and I quickly hugged Jane along with a kiss to her cheek.

"Thank you so much Jane!! You don't know how much of what you did meant to me!" I laughed happily. Jane smiled back and I released her. She began leading the way into the school as we continued talking.

"I'd do anything for my best friend!" She giggled nervously. I smiled at that as we approached her locker. She quickly grabbed her supplies then we head towards my locker.

"Jane. You really are the best! I love you so much!" I yelled filled with happiness. I can't believe Jane would do something so sweet for me! She's such the lady! This movie will be magnificent! The real action packed film! Jane giggled as I opened my locker to grab my stuff.

"Anything for your happiness Jake!" She replied as she followed me to my first class. "I'll pick you up at six pm sharp Saturday! So be ready!" She stopped at my class door and looked behind her then back at me. "I should get going to my class now. Talk to you at lunch?"

I smiled and nodded. She smiled back and turned around to leaved. I sighed happily and walked past other desks to my own. Jane is the closest friend I have... I sat down and waited for class to begin.

I must have spaced out because the next thing I knew was that Strider's blonde friend, Lalonde, was waving her hand in my face.

"Huh? Yes?" I asked her puzzled. She laughed and she smiled. She sat herself on my desk and laughed some more.

"Man! You were spaced out for two whole minutes!" She exclaimed. I apologized a bit embarrassed. She shooed it off anyways. "Anyways. I informed Dirk 'bout the sleep over and seems a bit objective to it. Buuutttttt I'll get him there for youuuu" she cooed. I looked at her surprised.

"Oh, you don't have to! It's fine if he doesn't want to go... I actually forgot about the whole thing any-" Roxy pressed her finger to my lips. She narrowed her eyes.

"Shhhhhhwhwhwhwhwwhshshhshshsh-" she looked over at the room and looked back at me. "I- I think this will benefit Dirk." She whispered. I tilted my head in confusion.

"How?" I whispered back. She got closer so no one would hear.

"I want Dirk to open up more. He never exspands his friend circle- I was quite surprised when he told me about you." She leaned back and flashed me a fun smile. "So I'll get him to come. I promise." I continued thinking about what she said. Roxy hopped off my desk and quickly walked to get seated in hers.

~Chemistry ~

"So..." I started as I measured a mixture. I glanced over at Dirk who was jotting down notes. He seems like hes really focus today... I cleared my throat. "Has Dave known Jade long?" I asked after pouring the mixture into our base. Strider watched the reaction and jotted down more notes.

"I thought you said we weren't going to talk..." Dirk whispered. I rolled my eyes and huffed. I then continued with measuring more mixtures.

"I'm not talking to you as a friend. I'm talking to you as a guardian!" I shouted whispered. There was a moment of silence from Dirk then instant quiet chuckles. I looked over at him quite amused and smiled.

"Then you are one protective parent. For you information Mr. English, I don't know much about Dave's social life so you know. I know he runs a blog and that's pretty much it." He replied. He looked at me and waited for a second. "Bro, the next mixture..." I jolted up and quickly came back into focus. "Now, only add a dr-" before I could even hear what he was saying I poured the whole thing in. "No! Stupid!" Dirk shouted then tackled me to the ground. The next thing I heard was the sound of glass shattering and frighten screams that came from the other students.

I had my eyes closed with fear and shock. "W-What did I do!?" I asked worried. I opened my eyes to see Dirk hovering over me. I widened my eyes when seeing his orange iris's. They were burning with anger and worry, but they were the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Dirk; however, was extremely pissed.

"Didn't you hear me say just a drop!? You could've gotten hurt you idiot!" He yelled at me. I blinked a couple times and looked around me. There was shattered glass all around. My eyes made their way back to his.

"S-Strider.... Your eyes are stunning!" I exclaimed. He gave me a weird look then reached for his shades that fell. He placed them back on his face and got up. I could have sworn I saw his cheeks turn a hue of pink, but I'm not sure.

"I am aware of that. Now get up." Dirk extended a hand out to me and I greatly accepted the help. Once up Mrs. Trainor ran to us worriedly.

"Are you boys alright!? Are you hurt!? Did you get burned!? Do I need to call an ambulance!?" She asked full of concern. I smiled nervously.

"I-I'm fine. It was my fault actually. I wasn't paying attention, I'm dearly sorry." I apologized guiltly. Dirk took off his lab coat and threw it aside.

"I'm cool, the liquid only got on my coat... There's maybe some glass in my hair though." Dirk replied. Mrs. Trainor shook her head.

"Be careful next time boys! You could've gotten seriously hurt. Now go to the bathroom and clean yourselves up while I pick up the mess." Mrs. Trainor order as she walked away to the supply closet. Dirk shrugged and began walking towards the door, I followed. Once out the door Dirk started chuckling lowly.

"That's probably the most fun I ever had in that class," he stated. I gave him a horrified look.

"That was the scariest thing ever!" I exclaimed. Dirk smirked and looked over at me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"But then there was your Dirk! In his shining lab coat that saved your life, and you, as the princess you are, awed at your knight." Dirk said sarcastically. I blushed and narrowed my eyes.

"Ha-ha Mr. Strider. I was not aweing. Thank you by the way for saving me." I replied embarrassed. We entered the bathroom and he walked towards the sink mirror. He took off his shades and looked at me from the reflection.

"Sure you weren't. It's not like you didn't say these eyes were stunning, and you kept staring at them" He replied with a devious smirk. I jumped with shock. My face began to heat up.

"T-That was a compliment! It's actually the first time I've seen your eyes, so.. so I was taken off guard!" I huffed and crossed my arms. "Why do you even wear shades anyways!? Your eyes are quite ravishing!" I looked at the floor with narrowed eyes. Dirk began chuckling and started messing with his hair to get some glass out.

"Sounds like you're falling for me princess. Want me to do the honors and check your hair for glass?" Dirk replied and turned around. I scoffed and felt my cheeks get heated even more. I walked over to him and rolled my eyes. Falling for him!? I'm not falling for him! Never! B-But what if I am? I highly doubt that!

"Sure lad." I stood in front the mirror as he began checking my hair. I smirked. What if I toy with you too? "After all, you're my prince." I replied smoothly. I watched Dirk's reaction in the mirror. Now that I had a clear view of his face I saw his eyes widen for a moment then he rolled his eyes.

"Finally accepting your fate are ya?" Dirk replied with a light blush. I was shocked by his reaction and tried my best to keep my cool. I blinked a couple times trying to think of something to say.

"I'll accept it whenever I want." Dagnabit!! That sounded so lame! God, I'm so uncool! Dirk stepped aside and looked into the mirror along side of me.

"All the sass are you? Anyways you're good. I was over you so you really didn't get anything on you." He stated. I chuckled and smiled while staring at him in the mirror.

"Please Strider, I own the sass." I felt this weird sensation in my stomach. "Thank you again for protecting me..." Dirk picked up his shades and placed them back on his face.

"I protect all my friends English."

~ Lunch ~

I didn't even realise when Jane sat at our table. I was too much in a bit of a daze. My cheeks still haven't returned to its natural hue. For some reason I couldn't keep Strider out of my head. I felt my stomach flutter when I keep thinking about him.

"Jake!" I heard Jane's voice cut through my thoughts. I looked up and smiled. She giggled and smiled back. "Golly Jake! I was calling your name for a while! What's been on your mind lately?" I looked back at her in shock.

"Oh! I'm sorry Jane... and uh... um..." I hesitated to tell her. "Same as always Jane! Strider...." Jane laughed nervously and then brightened her eyes.

"Oh yeah! I got this note from Roxy in my study hall." She arched her eyebrow skeptically. "When were you going to tell me about this sleep over?" She asked. I blinked in confusion then remembered.

"Oh yeah! I completely forgot! Lalonde wanted to have us all have a sleep over with our young ones.. I want to invite you because you're my best friend. It just slipped my mind!" Jane didn't seem convinced. "Besides! This is an opportunity where you can see that Strider is indeed not a bad guy! Oh, and will you do me a favor if you do go?" I asked with pleading eyes. Jane smiled back and giggled.

"Alright! I'll give it a shot. Whatchu need Jake!" Jane asked with her beautiful smile. I sighed with relief.

"Well you know about my detention for three hours.... aaannnddd I know my Jade is a responsible girl, but I feel really bad that this past week I haven't been home for her after school lately. I know she loves you, so would you mind going over with Lalonde if you want and keep an eye on the kids. Strider and I will arrive after detention." Jane smiled and nodded.

"Will do Jake, but I'll have to stop home to grab some stuff for tomorrow, since it is on a school night." She replied. I smiled brightly.

"Thank you Jane! I knew I could count on you!!" I smiled. Jane played with her food not really eating it. She glanced at me with a curious gaze.

"So... I heard about an explosion in your Chemistry?" She asked with a smirk. I narrowed my eyes and blushed embarrassingly.

"That was just one mistake!! It won't happen again! I promise!" I retorted.



Yes! Ik, I promised this a couple days ago, but I was babysitting and attending a wedding!! My phone turns off today which means no more internet! Unless I go somewhere with free wifi. I don't know when I'll update next, but I have to rush to update my other homestuck story! I hope this doesn't seem too rushed.
And sorry for grammar or spelling errors, I really don't have time to reread this. I hope you enjoyed.

Until next time.

~ Selena Callow

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