My Jesse

By miss_jesse_pinkman

17.2K 399 75

Dylan Blake is a focused, gorgeous, popular, 17 year old girl. Jesse Pinkman is a funny, sexy, and mysteriou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 8

883 22 1
By miss_jesse_pinkman

{author's note: keep commenting and sharing! if you have any ideas or questions feel free to message me. i'm so incredibly happy that you guys love this story. love yall. xoxo}

Friday: Football night. Friday: Start of the weekend. Friday: The first day I was officially dating Jesse Pinkman

Wow how long I have waited for this.

Well, actually, more like how long has he been waiting for this. Jesse has tried to talk to me ever since 8th grade and I've always ignored him.

All I knew was that I was happy and excited. I was also nervous.

Mr White, my chemistry teacher, cooks crystal meth with my boyfriend. That was a lot to take in.

So Jesse was a junkie.

But he was my junkie and that's all that mattered.

I thought about asking Jesse to live with me as I got ready for school. Most couples don't move in until a few months or until they're old enough to buy their own place. Our situation was a little different. I mean I can't just let him live in some hotel. He needs a home with his furniture and his video games. Until he can afford that, which won't be hard with all the money he makes from selling drugs, I hope he stays with me. I can keep him safe just as much as he keeps me safe.

I looked in the mirror. I was wearing my husky cheer outfit and my chocolate brown hair was in a tight ponytail with a poof. I was ready for the peprally and I was ready for the game.

"Go get em, Dyl!" My mom yelled on her way out to go to work. My dad had already left a couple minutes ago. I love my parents, but that was the thing about them: they're workaholics.

I mean they're never around. I'm an only child and I still hardly ever see my parents. I guess it could be worse. Jesse's parents kicked him out.

I got a call from Aspen. "Ready for the first football game of the season?" I got excited. "Oh you know I am, girl. But are you ready for the grams?"

If you forgot, Aspen is referring to the cheerleader gram program. "I just pray that I don't get anybody creepy." I laughed. "What if Jesse asked for one?" I could hear her smile. "Shut up! I'll meet you at school, K?" "Love you!" I hung up.

Oh my goodness I hope Jesse asked for one.

I heard a knock at my door. That must be Jesse. I got my purse and opened my front door to a sexy man waiting with fake flowers.

Fake flowers?

He had on a classic brown v neck and his calvin klein boxers poked out of his jeans. He had aviator sunglasses on and pulled them down as he checked me out.

"Yo babe." He spoke.

I looked at him and than looked at the flowers.

"Oh, funny story. I was gonna buy sunflowers because I know those are your favorite, but I ran outta time and just took the flowers from the vase at the hotel." He rubbed the back of his neck the way he always did when he got nervous. I laughed.

Jesse threw the flowers on the ground. "C'mon on, those don't even matter. I mean I always thought flowers were a stupid gift to give to a girl anyway."

He put his arm around me as we walked to his little red car.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because they die so soon. I want my honey's gifts to last a long time. That way she appreciates me for a long time." I smiled at him.

"What are you lookin at, tiger?" He grabbed my chin.

"How adorable my Jesse is." I told him.

God he was so reckless.

"Get in the car, suga." He lightly slapped my butt and I punched his arm.

What a dog. I rolled my eyes and giggled. We had been dating for like 3 seconds and he's already taken control so quickly.

On Fridays we had our pep rallies before 1st period and grams during 1st and 2nd. So I knew Mr White would get mad at me. I mean there's nothing he can do since it's a sport, but he would keep that in the back of his mind.

We pulled up to the school.

As I unbuckled my seat belt a thought came to my head.

"Jesse?" I asked as he came around and opened me door. He remembered, what a hunk.

"What is is babe?" He said with a cigarette between his teeth. He got the lighter out and handed it to me. He raised is eyebrows, sunglasses still on. He had his hands ready to cuff the fire and he nodded at me. "Yo, Dyl, help me out?" Oh. Right. Whoops. I lit the lighter and he leaned in so his cigarette would light. I gave it back to him and continued.

"Does Mr White know that we're dating?"

He put his backpack on both shoulders as he took a drag. "Uh, no. And I'd like to keep it that way." I felt a little disappointed.

"So the only class we have with each other we can't kiss or anything?" I made sad puppy eyes.

"Oh shit, sweetheart don't give me that look. Yo, I'm tryin here. You know how he is, he's gonna get mad that I even told you about our work. He'd fire me or worse he'd make me break up with you."

I held his hand and made him stop walking. We were about to head in to the school. "Fuck him." I looked at him. I saw the glimmer in his eyes when he got excited. He chuckled under his breath. "What?"

I took his cigarette and took a long drag. I watched him as he watched me, astounded. He couldn't wipe off his smirk.

I gave it back to him and blew the smoke in his face. "I said, fuck him. You're my boyfriend and I want to be with you in front of everyone. No rules or regulations."

He took the cigarette, with my lipstick on it, and put it back in between his teeth. He looked at me, "God I'm fuckin crazy about you."

He held my hand as we walked in the school.

I was a little worried Jesse would get in trouble for smoking and I really couldn't get in trouble. But I didn't want to ask him to get rid of it, I mean shit he was hot.

We turned the corner for the gym and saw a teacher. "Shit!" Jesse ran the other way and took me with him. I was laughing so hard. So he was scared too?

He led me into the boys bathroom. "Eww!! Jesse it smells like shit in here." I said in between laughter. He threw his smoke down and stepped on it, he than pushed me against the wall. "Let me distract you then."

He presses his lips against mine.

Okay, so I know a high school boys bathroom is like the least romantic place to make out, but my boy was different.

He wasn't a romantic-y.

He had his hands firmly on my hips and mine were around his neck. In between kisses I could hear his loud breath. I ran my fingers through his beautiful hair and he held my butt.


Than I heard a noise.

Someone came out of the bathroom stall.

I stopped Jesse for a minute and turned around. Jesse instantly panicked and leaned against the wall while turning me around and put his hand over my mouth. My back was on Jesse's stomach and his other hand was on the front of my neck.

Why does he always do this?

He was so sadistic, it made me laugh

We watched and saw who it was.

"Stiles?" I said into Jesse's hand.

Stiles looked us up and down. He washed his hands and I took Jesse's hand off me.

"Don't do anything." I whispered in his ear. "That's no fun is it, babe?" He tickled my sides and backed me up to the door of the bathroom blocking Stiles.

I knew what he was doing. Showing me off.

Half of me was turned on that Jesse loved the fact that he had me and Stiles didn't, but the other half of me was scared that Stiles would start something again. "Jesse..." I tried getting him off to clear the path.

Stiles stood there, arms crossed, annoyed. "Jesse..." He was burying himself in my neck again and God that felt good. I had to stop before something happened.

"Jesse!" He grabbed my boob. "Well Jesus Pinkman why don't you make her scream louder by takin off all her clothes!" Jesse turned around and got real close to Stiles' face. Great just what I didn't want to happen.

"I got news for you, pal." Jesse began. "That sexy little girl behind me is mine." I saw Jesse's smile. He loved rubbing this in. I blushed. He was so proud of himself it was cute.

"That true, Dylan?" Stiles looked at me.

Jesse turned too.

"It is. I'm dating the baddest boy in the school!" I stuck my tongue out and Jesse put his arm around me.

He opened the door for Stiles before saying one more thing. "Yo, my girl is too good for you, Reed. Take a good long look at her because I'm not lettin you stare at her again. This is all property of Jesse Bruce Pinkman." He touched my boobs again.

Jesse was going a little over board. I mean when did I become his property? And why is he touching me like that in front of people?

I mean our times together should be more private.

I tried not to let it bother me, because I knew he had good intentions. Plus he's a man, and men love to brag about women. He was just having fun so I shook it off.

Stiles looked so angry I actually laughed out loud. "We'll see." Is all he said. He walked out and Jesse turned to me and kissed me. "Haha! Did you see that dumbass' face? You're so hot, Dyl. God I'm so lucky."

He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso. I buried my head in his shoulder and Jesse stroked my back. "I'm lucky." I told him.

He put me down.

"Now I'm gonna go watch my baby, perform." He rubbed his hands together in front of him and I laughed. "You better cheer me on, I've been working really hard."

We walked into the gym and looked for where the seniors sit.

"Yeah well don't shake ya ass too hard. That's for me, not the audience." He winked. I gave him a look that said 'for the millionth time, I like you and no one else.'

"Sit here." I told him, pointing to the bleachers closest to the spot where I stood in formation. "Get Badger and Pete to sit here too if you want. I know they're your friends."
I suggested. I was starting to warm up to them. If they're important to Jesse than I had to try to make the important to me.

"Thanks, suga. Good luck out there." He kissed my cheek before popping the collar of his jacket.

I met with my squad in the middle of the gym. As captain I got to introduce the team and lead and everything so I had a team meeting while everyone was coming in.

"Alright girls who's ready to kick off the season?" Everyone got excited and woooed. Aspen was next to me.

"Who's that boy you were with?" A freshman girl asked.

"Yeah, he's not like the guys you're usually with." A junior mentioned.

All the girls went "oooh" and giggled. I blushed,

"He's my boyfriend, Jesse."

"Jesse? Jesse Pinkman?" My senior friend, Sailor asked.


"He's like the baddest boy. Super cute. Good find." She winked.

"Be careful though. He could cause trouble if you don't stay careful." Sailor said.

I laughed. "Thanks girls. But today isn't about boys. It's about us. Ready to impress the crowd?" We all put our hands in and on 3 we yelled "Huskies!"

We all sat down on the floor to the sides of the gym waiting for our cue. I made sure to bring my team to where Jesse was.

He was on the bottom bleacher so I sat on the floor in front of him and I laid my head back in his lap.

Aspen was to my right and Sailor was to my left. Jesse was playing with my ponytail as he talked to Badger.

Our principal came out and introduced our varsity football team. All the boys ran out of this big inflatable husky mouth and they all said there names. I could hear Jesse laugh when Stiles was announced.

"Some loser jock, huh babe?" He leaned down putting his head on my head. "Don't worry, J. You're way cooler than he is. You're the hottest guy I know." I laughed. I rubbed Jesse's thigh as I continued to lay my head on his lap.

The football players had special chairs for them set up on the side lines and the cheer squad was announced. I got up and got my pom poms. Time to have fun.

"Woooooo!! We all yelled.

We stood in formation and I saw Jesse looking at me. He couldn't help but smile like a geek.

My team and I looked great. We hit all out toe touches, nailed our basket tosses, and rocked our tumbling. The whole time we cheered Jesse wouldn't let his eyes off of me. I smiled and made faces at the crowd, every once in a while I made eye contact with Jesse and winked at him. He would get excited and whisper to Badger like a little boy like, "hey that's my girlfriend!"

"GO HUSKIES!!" We said our final chant and the assembly was dismissed.

I hugged all my girls and wishes them luck on their cheer grams and the game tonight.

Jesse started walking towards me but Stiles found me first. "You looked great out there, Dyl." I looked up at him. Jesse was 5'11" but Stiles was at least 6'2". Me being 5'5" I had to look up at both of them all the time. "Please don't call me that." I tried getting out of the way. "Look, I don't know what I did, but" "don't know what you did? Stiles we were great friends all up until you beat up Jesse!" I yelled.

What the hell? Is he just going to shrug that off?

"It's not my fault the little junkie couldn't punch back!"

"Are you kidding me? He punched your jaw like 5 times. He's stronger than you, Stiles. Leave me alone."

"Stronger than me? Ha! Look Dylan, you agreed to go out with me remember? So why don't you keep your promise, princess?"
He told me.

Jesse stepped in and came up in front of Stiles. "Is this dick messin with you?" He pointed to his back with his thumb.

"Pinkman, whether you like it or not, she agreed to go on a date with me."

"Stiles that was before I was going out with Jesse!"

He crossed his arms and Jesse stood next to me now. "You gave your word, Dylan. Just one date. Doesn't mean we're dating, but you have to let me take you out."

"Yo, I'll take you out, Reed. Lay off her." Jesse threatened.

Maybe that was the grudge Stiles was holding.

"Maybe if I go on this date with him, he'll leave us alone?" I whispered to Jesse. "Babe, you're mine!" Jesse whined. "Of course I am, but maybe this is what will make him stop." I suggested.

Stiles obviously heard us. "She promised, Pinkman. Just let it go." Jesse slowly turned towards him and gave his serious bad boy look. "You lay a finger on her and I swear I'll smash your face in."

Stiles smiled. He won. "No promises. I'll take real good care of her though."

He looked at me. I felt bad for Jesse. Why did I agree with Stiles?

"I'll pick you up tomorrow night at 8, Dyl." Stiles left with his football friends and they high-fived him for his accomplishments.

I kissed Jesse and grabbed his face. "It's fine, J. I like you and only you. This isn't a real date, it's just Stiles being a jerk."

He shook his head. "I know, Dyl Pickle."

He put his arm around me and we walked to class. "You did great out there by the way." He kissed my forehead and I laughed.

"I saw you smiling like a maniac."

"Oh, darling I'm so much more fucked up than a maniac."

Jesse Pinkman had me melting in his arms.

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