Percy Jackson, son of Chaos...

By sasukes223

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When Percy is betrayed by his best friend Annabeth, he disappears for a few years. When he comes back. Chaos... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Extremely important A/N so read it plz!!!!!!!!!!
A/N please read !!!!!!
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter twelve

Chapter eleven

7K 119 17
By sasukes223

Annabeth POV

I woke up and screamed not knowing where I was because every time they switched to different rooms the devices of pain that they used got infinitely more painful. The but then Grover started to rock me saying "I got you smart girl, just calm down, we escaped from that horrid place. I smiled and said "don't worry goat boy I'm okay it's just I thought it was all a dream and we were still there." My eyes started to water but I refused to let anyone see me break further. I looked around and saw Perseus, Lady Artemis and Zoe but they all looked different I then said "I know you all must have some really bad Idea's about me but I can a sure you that it wasn't me, that b***h kidnapped me." I looked at Perseus and remembered what she told me I did or she did with my face and said "Percy I saw what she did and I cant even begin to apologize for it?" Percy just stayed silent.

Percy POV

I couldn't believe the girl I have hated with every fiber of my being is right in front of me asking for forgiveness and not only that she is truly innocent. As I looked at Annabeth I saw the girl I used to love so long ago but now I felt a sense of protection for her like I have with Thalia or Leah heck I even have it with Phoebe now, I also saw Annabeth was on the verge of tears and one thing I hate is when a girl cried so I pulled her in a hug and said "you are already forgiven now I think we should take you to your mother so she can see her favorite daughter and clear your name." She hugged me back with full blown tears coming down her cheeks and before we could flash to Olympus Athena and Hestia flashed to us, I noticed the once broken look that Lady Athena wore ever since her daughter was branded a traitor was replaced with hope and before you could say blue cookies she tackled Annabeth in a hug and said "I saw and heard the whole thing I'm so sorry my little wise one, please forgive me for not knowing it wasn't you that was here with me that whole time."

Just as this moment was getting better I saw Zoe out of the corner of my eye and before I could run she grabbed a hold of my ear and said "HOW DEAR YOU TRY TO TAKE ON THE ENEMY BY YOURSELF SO HELP ME IF YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN YOU WILL BE IN MORE TROUBLE THEN THAT TIME ON PLANET #883." I shuddered I still have nightmares of the punishment she put me on, but then I said "wait your letting me go after this one?" She just laughed and said "I maybe letting you go but you remember what Luke said if you do this one more time."

Before I had a chance to say anything I heard "OOOOOOOMEEEEEEGGGGGAAAA!!!!!!!" my face went pale and I said "Oh sugar honey Ice tea!" and started running and out of the crowd of people thief came out of nowhere in full father mode chasing me with a sword saying "I'm going to kill you bring you back and kill you again for scaring your mother and me have to death" now for those of you playing the home game Zoe and Thief are like the mother and father of the Group. now you may be thing "Percy didn't you put this team together so wouldn't you be like the father of the group." well normally you would be right however Thief was already used to raising children having becoming the sudo father for the Hermes cabin and also with Thalia and Annabeth. so I am more like the older brother/son in the group and right now I am running cause if you think Thalia is bad when she is mad, then you haven't seen Thief heck I think she learned it from Thief.

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' some time and a lot of busies later ''''''''''''''''''''''

Luke pulled me by the ear as we walk up to Zoe and the rest and said "and if you ever do that again creator or not it will be worse do you understand young man." my ear hurt like Hades and I said "ow ow ow okay okay dad I'm sorry and I wont do it again unless necessary." Artemis then slapped me in the back of my head and I said "what the hell?" she then said "you will do no such thing under any circumstance and you are not off the hook for that little stunt you hear me." I looked at my wife and I said "but I have to save you all even if it cost me my life that......." before I could finish it seemed like they all took turns slapping me then Annabeth said "look seaweed brain you need to stop putting this burden on your self and trust us to help because when you go on solo act's it makes all of us feel like you doubt are abilities which we know you don't but think about how we all feel when you put all this pressure on yourself hell I had to watch you this whole time, every time you cried had doubts and blamed yourself for everything and it tore me apart and I saw it do the same thing to everyone you cared about that was one of the torchers scorn loved to make me live through, so please let us carry some of the burden we are all strong, hell have of your family are creators and Primordial's so don't take them or us for granted."

when she said this all I could do is look at everyone and I could see that they all felt the same way so I said "your right I will do my best but remember my fatal flaw is still loyalty and personal loyalty at that so some things I can't help." they all looked at me and nodded but Leah "okay enough with the heavy we are all here and Annabeth is not evil also daddy best friend is alive so lets go home rest and count are stars that we are lucky enough to be alive and come up with a way to beat the..(I glared at my daughter and she fix what she was going to say) bricks off of End and Scorn." we all agreed and I said "let get some rest and convene in the morning." Annabeth then said "we can't we have to make a plan to save the person who help us escape she is held captive by End himself all four of them are they used to be evil but they fought the corruption and now are good however if we don't get to them then they will be corrupted yet again." Artemis then said "who exactly are you talking about?" then Annabeth said "Kronos, Gaea, Tartarus and Uranus." I looked called my sister Nyx to confirm this was not a trap and she said "I have been noticing my sister reaching out to me for a long time but I keep my distance trying not to get corrupted like them but one day she appeared in front of me saying how she was sorry and that she was going to prove he was good again by bring back Uranus as well as purging the evil from Tartarus and Kronos as she said this I knew she was telling the truth and feared for my sister because after his love redemption faded he has been a lost cause, I thought it was impossible however I see no lies in what the daughter of Athena says."

I knew that it might have be a log shot but we can use all the allies we can in this war so I said "well everyone lets pack up because it's time for a rescue mission we will report to Olympus and come up with a plan and move out ASAP." they all nodded and flashed away to get some rest and pack, I was thinking this was going to be a simple rescue mission if only I knew how wrong I was.

well that is the new chapter boys and girl I know not much action but I need to lay down some info first I promise we will get back to the action really soon so see you next time my hunt.

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