Heal You

By exxx25

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[Editing in Progress] Emma didn't ask for powers. But she got them. She didn't ask to get kicked out of her h... More

The Bite
For Better or For Worse?
To play or not to play
Please Don't Kill Anyone
Did you kill her or not?
Derek please don't die
So does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?
Scott can you learn any faster?
Well that went well
Where is all this coming from?
When You Cry
He Took Her On A Date?
Hanging On
Where is she?
It's Okay
Holy Water
You Are What You Are
Live Like You're Dying
No Choice
You Gain Some You Lose Some
Its Hard to Move On
Nothing Cheers You Up Like A Gay Club
No Choice
Road to Recovery
She Speaks
Fight Back
The Good and the Bad News
Time for a Game


486 10 0
By exxx25


"Shh" Stiles shushed me, bending down as we neared the door. He grabbed my hand, lowering me to the ground. We paused in front of the door, listening. I listened to the sound of punching and grunting. I went to walk stand up, Stiles grabbing my arm. 

"What?" I whispered, our faces close to each other. Stiles went quiet, his eyes searching mine. "Stiles we have to go" I whispered, feeling Stiles' breath on my face. Stiles stared at me, his grip tightening on my arm.

"Emma when we're in there, don't use your powers" Stiles whispered, his eye brows drawn together in worry. I sighed, closing my eyes. I had a feeling that was what he was going to say. 

"Stiles" I exhaled, shaking my head, a ache growing in my chest. Stiles shook his head, his hand moving to my cheek. 

"No matter what, don't use them. Please" he begged, his eyes wide and begging. I pressed my lips into a tight line, my eyes watering. I wouldn't cry though. I wouldn't upset him more. I was going to do what I had to do, no matter the consequence. "Please. For me" Stiles pleaded. 

"I am doing this for you Stiles. Its the only way" I told him, quickly pecking his lips before standing up. Stiles quickly got to his feet, a look of shock on his face. I blushed, walking towards the door. I paused, my hands resting on the handles. Chills ran up and down my spine, my nerves set on edge. "Stay behind me Stiles" I whispered before pushing open the door. 

I immediately froze, a gun pointed at me. I grabbed Stiles, pulling him behind me. Gerarde aimed the gun at me, even though his weapon was already at work. Isaac was curled up in a ball, blood staining his shirt and face, Argent standing over him with a gun. Derek lay, seemingly paralyzed, Sam trying to help bleed out the blood. Sam had bruises on his face, blood on his lip. Allison aimed her arrow at Dean, one move and the arrow would kill him. I spotted Scott behind Dean. I felt my heart grow warm at the sight of Dean protecting Scott. I didn't see Lydia and Peter so he must be hiding her somewhere, somewhere safe. 

"Easy" I said, walking forward, my hands extended in a neutral position. "I just want to talk" I spoke, turning my head as I heard the click of Jackson's claws against the floor. I guess my prediction had been right. 

"Talk?" Gerarde laughed, shaking his head. I looked at Stiles who stared at Gerarde, a look of hatred in his eyes. 

"Talk" I repeated, walking further into the wear house, the door shutting behind us. 

"Seems fair enough. Now my darling Emma, I'm sure you're asking yourself why this is happening. Why I want Derek so bad?" Gerarde smirked. 

"That's what she said" I whispered to Stiles over my shoulder. Stiles had to press his hand over his mouth to keep from bursting out in laughter. 

"What?" Gerarde asked, raising the gun again. 

"Nothing. I do. I want to know what you want. I know this isn't about killing Derek for revenge because he isn't the one who killed Kate" I told Gerarde, the trace of laughter gone with the threat of being shot. 

"I want Derek because he is the alpha. I want him to give me the bite" Gerarde announced, everyone surprised. I shook my head slowly, my eyes narrowing in confusion. 

"You want to become a werewolf? The thing you hate most and want to kill?" I asked, trying not to laugh at how ridiculous this all was. 

"Well its the only way to cure the cancer" Gerarde shrugged as if that was perfect logic. "Yes, I have cancer. The plan has been to get Derek's bite and heal myself. I could still be a hunter after I learned to control the shift"

"What?" Mr. Argent asked, lowering his gun from where it had been pointed at Isaac. He took a step forward, a look of anger forming on his face. "What about your code? The code that forced my wife and Allison's mother to kill herself" Argent shook, his face contorted. 

"He doesn't have a code" I answered him, Argent's eyes meeting mine, a sudden look of realization on his face. "Don't you get it? It's always been about him. He was probably the one who told Victoria to try and kill Scott and I!" 

"Dad no!" A bullet shot through the air, two arms wrapping around me and dragging me to the ground. I hit the ground with a thud, Stiles on top of me. Stiles. 

"Stiles?" I got up, grabbing Stiles' face. "Please dear god tell me you didn't get hit" I said, quickly looking over his body. 

"It's okay, I'm fine" Stiles said grabbing my hands. I sighed a breath of relief. But when I stood up, I was angry. Gerarde just smiled at me, as if he found this all so amusing. 

"Why don't you tell him Gerarde. Tell him that you didn't really care about getting the family back together or avenging Kate. You were here for yourself and you won't stop at anything to get it" I snarled, feeling the power build up inside me. 

"Dad" Argent whispered, his face cold and hurt. I watched as Allison's bow slowly lowered, her brown eyes finding me. I shook my head, showing a hurt expression. I had told her the truth about her mom and she still chose her grandfather over us. 

"Fine Chris, I admit it" Gerarde took a bow. "I am a power hungry genius who will stop at nothing to get what I want. Even if it costs my own son" Gerarde spoke. Argent's face recoiled, a look of anger building on his face. "What Chris? Is your sensitive feelings hurt again?" Gerarde turned to his son. 

"You manipulated me and my daughter into thinking they were the bad guys! You had us this close to killing them when you have been the evil one all along" Argent shouted, Allison disarming her bow, Dean releasing a sigh of relief. 

"Oh Chris you over exaggerate" Gerarde rolled his eyes. "It wasn't like I tried to kill all of them myself. Oh wait.... I did" Gerarde laughed, sending me over the edge. I ran forward, Stiles grabbing for me but I moved to fast. 

My arms wrapped around Gerarde, tackling him to the ground. His gun clattered against the ground, sliding on the floor. "Son of a bitch" Gerarde yelled, pushing me off of him. I kicked him the face, blood pouring from his nose. "Jackson! Kill her!" Gerarde ordered, wiping the blood. I stood up quickly, backing away as Jackson set his reptilian eyes on me. "Didn't anyone teach you to respect your elders?" Gerarde asked, standing back up and brushing off his jacket. 

"Lydia! Someone get Lydia" I called, backing up as Jackson progressed towards me. We had to do the plan. We had to do it now. My back hit the wall, trapping me. Jackson came closer, venom dripping from his claws. 

I heard the whistle of an arrow, one sticking into Jackson's back. He stopped for a moment, turning his attention to Allison while he ripped the arrow out of his back, dropping it to the ground. "I'm sorry Emma. I'm so sorry" Allison apologized, not for the failed attempt at a rescue, but for trusting her grandfather after we told her he was evil. 

My hand moved along the wall, coming across a metal pole. I swung it forward, a cracking sound emitting as it connected with the side of Jackson's head.  Jackson stood stunned for a moment, allowing me to slip past him: I was no longer cornered. "Dean get them" I told him.

"You're not going anywhere" Gerarde pointed the gun at Dean. I guess he must have picked it back up off the ground. I cursed, Jackson turning his attention back on me. I looked around, Stiles now behind Dean with Scott. I didn't however see Sam. Maybe he got away in time. 

Jackson lunged forward, his claw raised. I held the bar over me, his claws smashing against it. I groaned, the pressure of his hand hard on the pole. I jerked the pole to the side, his hand flying off. I moved quickly, jabbing him in the face. He stumbled backwards for a moment before regaining his balance, looking more furious. 

Jackson's tail moved quicker then I anticipated, knocking the metal bar from my grasp. I watched as it bounced on the floor, rolling out of my reach. I backed up slowly, looking around for another weapon, something to fend my self with. Jackson raised his claw, and I knew it was too late. I closed my eyes, waiting. 

"Jackson!". I opened my eyes, Lydia standing in front of me. Jackson froze, his hand remaining in the air. Lydia held out a house key, the one Jackson had given her. I remembered hearing about it constantly when he gave it to her. It meant everything to Lydia.  The air was tense but slowly I saw the recognition in Jackson's eyes. He lowered his hand, the scales fading away. Slowly, I watched the kanima transform into Jackson, the boy that loved Lydia, although he would never admit it. 

His eyes were watery, realizing what had happened and what this meant. "Do you still...?" Jackson's voice was quiet, his eyes searching Lydia's face. 

"I do" Lydia cried, mascara and tears staining her cheeks. "I do still love you" she sobbed, pulling the half shifted Jackson into her arms. 

"Now!" I called, Peter and Derek knowing the plan. I grabbed Lydia, pulling her backwards and off of Jackson. Peter jumped out from behind a stack of boxes, Derek running forward. 

"No!" Lydia screamed as Derek and Peter jammed their claws into Jackson, in his abdomen and in his back. They lifted him into the air. Jackson groaned in pain, taking in short shallow breaths as if he was dyeing. I looked over my side, Gerarde aiming the gun at us. 

"Shoot it and I'll shoot you" Argent threatened, re-aiming his gun at his father. Gerarde froze, knowing he was beat. I turned back to Jackson, Peter and Derek lowering him back to the ground. Jackson collapsed, falling to the floor. Peter and Derek backed away, waiting. 

"No" Lydia cried softly in my arms and I couldn't help but feel sad. After all the times he was terrible to her, all the times he made her feel less then she was, she still loved him and he still loved her. I suppose his treatment towards her came from his own insecurities and own fears. 

I caught movement out of the corner of my eyes, Jackson's chest rising and falling. "Lydia, look" I whispered, my eyes wide with excitement. It was working. Jackson slowly got to his feet, rising. He threw his head back, howling, his eyes an electric blue with fangs and everything. He was a wolf. "It worked" I whispered, smiling over my shoulder at Dean who still stood in front of Scott and Stiles. 

Jackson stumbled to the side, clearly weak. Lydia ran forward, pulling him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around her, breathing a long sigh of relief. I smiled, pressing my hand to my mouth as I felt tears of joy well up in my eyes. Call me cheesy but I was just so happy. We saved Jackson and defeated the kanima, and no one was dead.

Argent got distracted, Gerarde taking his chance. He shot Argents gun out of his hand, turning towards us. Peter hid again, Lydia and Jackson dropping to the ground as Jackson was extremely weak. He fired the gun, hitting Derek in the stomach. Derek collapsed to the ground, but he would heal. I wasn't expecting what happened next. 

"Emma no!" Dean screamed but I didn't no what he meant. I turned, but it was too late. The bullet hit me in my right shoulder, knocking me backwards. I hit the ground with a thud, an immense amount of pain spreading through my shoulders. 

"Emma!" Stiles screamed his voice cracking but his voice sounded blurry, just like the rest of the screams: they all kind of blurred together. I blinked a few times until my vision went black. 


"You think just because Jackson is in love, I won't kill you?" Gerarde shuddered, taking a step towards us. Sam and I stepped in front of Stiles, and Scott as we began to back up, trying to escape Gerarde. I tried to look past him, to see if Emma was okay but I couldn't see. I felt sick with worry and there wasn't a thing I could do about it. 

"Maybe" Stiles snarked from behind me. That kid really has to learn to pick his moments. Gerarde laughed shaking his head. Mr. Argent stood up next to us, pulling Allison up with him. He stood in front of her, protecting her. 

"Well you thought wrong" Gerarde smirked, pulling out two guns, loading both of them. We backed up farther pushing Scott and Stiles backwards against the wall. 

"Dad you can't do this. They're innocent" Mr. Argent argued/ Gerarde laughed, his eyes shutting as if that was the funniest thing he had ever heard.

"Oh Chris. Its always you and that code" he shook his head. "Now Chris stand back. I only need to kill Derek and his pack" Gerarde spat, looking at Derek who lay on the ground next to us. 

Gerarde aimed one gun at us, the other at Derek. "Now Derek, this is your last chance. Do you want to give me the bite or not?" Gerarde asked, tilting his head. Derek propped himself up on elbow, his eyes narrowed. 

"Never" he growled, Gerarde's finger moving over the trigger. 

"Fine. I'll just find myself another alpha" Gerarde shrugged, taking a step closer, the gun aiming at my forehead. "Any last words-" Gerarde stopped talking, both of the guns dropping to the ground. He looked down at his chest where a sharp icicle had pierced his chest. 

"Yeah. Have fun in hell" Emma spoke from behind him, jerking her hand back, the icicle removing itself from his chest before it melted, becoming a bloody puddle on the ground. Gerarde coughed, blood beginning to trickle down his chin.

He turned to Emma, a sick smirk on his dyeing face. "You just killed yourself" he wheezed, dropping to his knees. Emma shrugged, no trace of fear on her face and no trace of pain, as if the bullet wound didn't hurt. But that would make sense considering her powers would heal it.

"It was worth ending you and saving my pack" Emma replied, Gerarde falling onto the floor. Emma looked down at her chest, the mark beginning to glow. Her now blue eyes met mine, a look of fear gripping her. 

"Emma!" I called moving forward. Emma's body went stiff, her head jerking backwards so it faced the sky. She screamed, blue light pouring from her eyes, mouth and hands, the mark glowing brighter then it ever have. I stumbled backwards, startled by the wave of energy that hit us. The blue light engulfed her until it exploded, sending all of us flying backwards. 

I laid on the ground, slowly lowering my hands from my eyes as the light died out. I got up on my knees, looking around.  Sam laid behind me, Scott and Stiles sitting up behind him. Isaac was helping Derek up, blinking furiously as if he was still partly blinded by the explosion. "Oh my god" Allison whispered, her father removing his arms from where they surrounded her. Gerarde laid in a pool of crimson blood, his chest no longer moving up and down. 

"Lydia, you and Jackson okay?" Scott called to Lydia who had been sitting across the room with Jackson who was weak from the transition. Lydia stood up, Jackson's arm slung around her shoulder as they made their way towards us. 

I got to my feet, taking a few deaths as I tried to process what had just happened. It was if I had forgotten, but the sick feeling growing in my stomach reminded me. Emma.  

"Emma!" I cried, running towards where she sat, propped up against some crates. I kneeled down in front of her, the others close behind me. We gathered around her, watching as she heaved in breaths, struggling to keep her eyes open. Her hair faded to a dirty blonde, the bleach blonde color gone with the powers. 

"Emma, your mark, it's gone" Stiles whispered, his hand tracing over her neck. She smiled, blood pooling on her lips. 

"I know Stiles" she whispered, her voice low and weak. "It's time" she struggled, her eyes shifting to mine. I shook my head, my eyes stinging with tears. I couldn't lose her. I wasn't ready. I thought-I thought I would have more time. 

"No Emma" Stiles whispered, his lip trembling. Emma nodded, squeezing his arm. Her eyes fluttered for a moment, her brown eyes flashing towards me, a look of fear gripped her.

"Dean its coming. The vision" she breathed, looking stressed as a thin layer of sweat developed on her face. She winced, her eyes clenching shut. I looked to Sam who looked equally as surprised as I did. How did she know?

"You-you know?" I whispered, my voice trembling as I stared at the scared, dyeing girl in front of me. Emma laughed softly, wincing. She reached out, placing her hand on my cheek. I leaned into her touch, knowing that it was one of our last.

"Oh Dean" she sighed, smiling through the pain. "I've known since you have. I over heard you-you and Sam and the boys talking" she breathed heavily, the words sounding forced as she struggled to stay awake.

"Why didn't you say anything?" I asked, feeling sick to my stomach. Emma just smiled, taking Sam's hand in her open hand. 

"I didn't want you to worry anymore. You have so much guilt and so much pain. You didn't need more" she winced, her eyes clenching shut. Her hand dropped from my cheek to my shoulder, grabbing on tightly. "Ah, Dean" she cried out in pain, squeezing my shoulder. She opened her eyes wide, her iris's becoming an electric blue, a tear sliding down her cheek. Her eyes danced back and forth as if she was watching it play out in a movie. 

"Emma?" Sam asked nervously, the room going silent, the air thick with tension. I turned, looking at the packs' faces. They all looked devastated, even Argent who had been set on hunting them not too long ago. 

Emma gasped suddenly, the bright blue fading back to her warm brown color. "Dean, Sam" she groaned, grabbing our hands. "the only way to beat the devil, to take down Lucifer is to say yes" her chest moved up and down rapidly. 

"Emma no" Sam shook his head, tears falling from his eyes. She nodded furiously, trying to smile. I could tell she was reaching the end. 

"Sam you can take him. You have to battle for control in your mind. Then you can trap him back in his cage. Ye-yeah you have to say yes and then put him back in the hole" she spoke fast, seemingly crazed. "The four horsemen's rings. You find the spell and open the cage. Put him back in" she nodded. 

"I'll die to" Sam whispered, Emma frowning. She reached up, touching the side of his face.

"Its the only way Sam" Emma whispered, her lips shaking, blood dripping down her chin. The room was quiet, the only sound the heavy breaths that Emma took, struggling to hold onto life. 

"I'm sorry Emma. I'm so sorry" I sputtered suddenly, the guilt taking over as tears dripped down my cheeks. Emma's fingers brushed over my cheek again, trying to comfort me but it took all her strength to lift her hand. 

"Letters" she breathed. "I wrote letters. Scott-" Emma grabbed for his hand. He reached out, taking her hand in his. "Scott you know where I hid that thing last year?" she struggled, Scott nodding as tears streamed down his cheeks. "Go there and get the letters. I wrote them. I wrote them for you, all of you" Emma smiled, a small look of pride on her face.

"Emma, please don't go" Allison cried, her father wrapping her in his arms. Emma smiled softly, looking back to me. 

"I'm not going anywhere" Emma smiled, her eyes meeting each and everyone of our eyes. "I'll watch over you. All of you" Emma's eyes closed for a moment, opening slowly. Her breathing was ragged, her chest moving up and down. "I-I love you, my f-family. I-I-" Emma's voice cracked and then cut off, her eyes drifting away, her shoulders slumping. The room went silent, her breathing stopped. 

"Emma?" I whispered, placing my hand on her shoulder. Stiles let out a sob, Scott pulling him into his arms. "Emma" I said louder, shaking her shoulder. Emma's head tilted to the side, her eyes falling shut. "No! Emma!" I shouted, grabbing both of her shoulders as I tried to wake her up. 

"Dean, she's gone" Sam whispered, his voice shaking from behind me, placing his hand on my shoulder. I pulled Emma into my arms, hoping she would wake back up. I ran my hand through her blonde hair, her head resting against mine.

"Please Emma. Please" I begged, tears dripping onto her. "Wake up" I whispered, my voice cracking. I looked at her pale face, realizing she was gone. She was really gone. It wasn't going to be like the other times. She wasn't going to wake up and be a little sore. I wasn't going to tuck her in her bed and force her to rest. She wasn't going to tease me about being over protective. She was never going to tease me again. 

I laid her down on the ground, moving the strands of dirty blonde hair away from her face. I placed her arms over her chest, wiping my tears off of her face. "She's really gone" I whispered, looking down at my hands which had begun to shake furiously. 

Everyone stood up slowly, not sure what to do. It was like suddenly we all went numb, the light in our lives suddenly put out. I looked at Sam who had fat tears rolling down his cheek. I walked forward, pulling him into my arms. I was going to have to lose him to, in order to save the world. I had to lose everyone. It-it wasn't fair. None of this was fair. 

I pulled away, looking to Stiles who cried, the scabs on his lip and cheek looking even worse. He hugged his best friend, both of them sobbing. She had been the one who guided them through all of this, through everything. Stiles pulled away, looking at me. "I'm sorry Stiles. I'm so sorry" I sniffled, suddenly feeling that if I had never come, Emma would have never been dragged into this. 

"Its not your fault" Stiles said, sniffling before he pulled me into a hug. I stood still for a moment, surprised. "She loved you a lot you know" Stiles whispered, pulling away as he looked at me with sad eyes. I nodded, feeling like I was going to be sick. I looked over at Sam who pulled Lydia into a hug, and then Scott, and even Isaac. 

"You guys should get going. The police are going to be here soon. I'm going to have to explain the two bodies" Mr. Argent said in a gloomy voice, his eyes on Emma. He seemed to be the only one not crying, but then again maybe it was because he was used to loss. Everyone nodded, taking one last look at the girl who used to be so full of life.

"C'mon" Scott said, his eyes on the ground. "We'll go to Emma's. I'll find the letters" Scott added, all of us shuffling slowly towards the door. One by one we left the building, leaving Emma behind. I glanced over my shoulder, something occurring to me. She knew she was going to die. She knew she needed to die and that's why she used her powers. She did it because she knew time was running out. 

I let out a small sob, taking one last look at the girl I loved. And then I stepped into the cold, unforgiving night and headed for the impala, just another thing that Emma's memory would haunt.

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