Leaving In A Fast Lane

By Bi-Rain4life

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One night can change a life forever. Amy Turner leads a normal life in Richmond, Texas with a loving parents... More

Leaving In A Fast Lane
Good Bye Texas, Hello L.A
Hi, my name is Jason
Pastry Puff and Coffee Prince
Richard Tran
Thank you for saving me, my name is Logan
Let the Games begin
I have had it... I am About To GO Ape Shit!!!!
wait did you just say sorry to me!!!!!!!
Morning show girl!!!!!
You just got Served!!!!!!
Puerto Rico!!!!!!!!!
Puerto Rico part 2!!!!
Puerto Rico part 3!!!!
Puerto Rico part 4!!!!!
Puerto Rico part 5!!!!
Puerto Rico part 6!!!!!!
Heart Break!!!!!
It hurts to much!!!!!!!
I love you!!!!
Mission One!!!!
Arggggggg KImmmy!!!!!!
Let the games begin!!!!!
Mission Two!!!! Halmoni????
Taking a Break!!!!!
I can't do this any more!!!!!
Mystery Boy Part 32
The monster with in Part 33
My name is lee Part 34
Party time or nuhhhh!!! Part 35
Bang Bang Part 36
Find her NOW!!!!Part 37
Death???Part 38 (COMPLETED)

Richards's Past

443 4 0
By Bi-Rain4life

" think before you act Amy, Richard is really powerful, and fighting back will only make the issue worse," said Logan

" seriously Logan.....now you all the sudden  my friend again," I said

" Please Amy the best thing to do is just walk away," Logan said

" he trashed my freaking car, do you know how much that car means to me," I said

" I will pay for the damage," Logan said

"You such a coward, if no one stands up to this guy, then no one will ever, he needs to know that no one is afraid of him," I said

" Please Amy" Logan

" Now move out my way Logan, or else I will beat the shit out of you," I said

" no....your hand is bleeding you know right," Logan said

" yes I noticed that now move," I said, but the bell rang and Richard walked past me and pushed Logan in the process. He threw me smirked and walked away. His crew members passed by me, I was so pissed I swear I was about to kill someone. I looked around and the whole café was just staring at me.

" what the f*ck are yall looking at" I snapped at them, then walked back to the front of the school. Now how the hell am I supposed to go home, I f*cking hate this shit. I sat on the pavement and waited there for some miracle to happen.

" Amy aren't you supposed to be at home" said Jason

" Now we are on speaking terms again," I said

"What are you talking about Amy, Richard doesn't control me at all," said Jason

" Whatever, you stood by him and watched him destroy me," I said

" I wasn't even aware of what was going on, and trust me I have been with him this whole time, I didn't see him do anything to you," Jason said

" so someone magically destroyed my car," I said

" that's why you're here, I didn't know and I am sorry, this will all end if you just apologize to him, he is just a lonely kid and wants everyone to be superior to him," Jason said

" for what for trying to protect myself" I said and started to stand up and walk. Jason started to walk with me

" let me give you a ride," Jason said

" Why, so you can go and torcher me too," I said angrily

" no, I don't have time for Richards games, let me drop you home, you can't walk on the highway Amy," said Jason

" Whatever, just please drop me off at the nearest motor cross race track," I said

" Sure, but first we need to fix your hand," Jason said

We went to his car, and he opened the trunk to get out a first aid kit. He took some wipes to clean my wound and then wrapped it up.

" Why do you have a first aid kit in your car" I said

" Isn't everyone supposed to have one,   we do a lot of crazy stuff so I usually have it with me," Jason said

"you know you're so different from your friends," I said

" yeah guess....I just don't enjoy torching other people" Jason said

" Thanks for this," I said

" any time," Jason said, he closed my door went to his side, and got int. he started to drive away. We got on the highway and drove for a while, next thing out I saw a lot of woods and could see the motorcycles and other stuff flying off. He stopped at a place called " Rusties Race Track". All of a sudden I got a wave of relief, I was going to ride my anger out.

" We are here," said Jason

" thank you," I said

" Jason, I haven't seen you for a long time," said a random dude

" hey Mat.....you know I have been busy," said Jason

" I see, so who is the sexy-looking chick beside you," said mat

"This is Amy.......Amy, please smile a little you're scaring my friends" said Jason

" Can you just show me to the motorcycle, so I can start," I said

" she is kinder pissed right now, how about introductions later," Jason said to the mat

" cool, well see you around," said Mat and walked off

" you could try and be nice you know," Jason said

" not in the mood Jason, I need to race," I said

" your hand is still healing you  know that right," Jason said

" yes I am aware of that and I don't care," I said and started to follow him to the motorcycle. I picked a red one with a dragon picture on it.

" Amy you can't take that one," said Jason

" And why is that" I said

" cause, that is Richard's motorbike, no one rides it but him," Jason said

" good," I said and got on it and drove off. I drove on the race track for about 2 hours. I still couldn't stop the anger, I did it again, and I went through this trail that was not that close to the race track. It was so beautiful, there was a lake and a little tree house. I pulled over and walked over to the tree house. It looked so old and beat up. It was nice, whoever built this knew exactly what they were doing. I heard a motorcycle coming my way. I turned around and saw a black one and it stopped where I parked the motorcycle.

" I see you found our secret hideout," said Jason

" This is the " Trans hideout," I said

" yeah it used to be, me and the boys used to come here when we were young, when Richard used to be nice," Jason said

" yeah right, that boy is a monster," I said while taking a sit

" believe it or not he used to be the sweetest thing ever until his mother passed away on his 16th birthday," Jason said looking sad

" aw I am sorry about that, but still it doesn't give him the right to do this, he is not the only one who lost a parent," I said

" I know, but his mom was everything to him, the dad started to ignore him, and he locked himself away from him, I guess this affected the dad even more," Jason said

" so, he is a spoiled kid who is trying to get some attention from his dad by acting up and making people's lives a hell," I said

" When you put it that way yes, but I really don't know how to explain his pain, but imagine coming home and your dad doesn't even care if you are alive or dead, he gives him whatever he wants, but Richards only wants a hug or a dissent conversation with him," Jason said

" I feel bad for him, but still, just because he doesn't get love at home, still doesn't give him the right to torcher other people," I said and walked over to my bike and started the engine

" I guess so, but just give him time," Jason said

Jason Pov:

This is going to be harder than I thought; Amy is just as stubborn as Richards is. First, she decided to take his bike, and now she is trashing it. I promise you this girl has a death wish or something. I went over to my bike and rode back to the track. I saw Richards's car, and I knew all hell was about to break loose. I had to find Amy fast and tell her we needed to leave. I parked my bike and saw her talking to Mat and the guys while casually leaning on the bike. I walked over to her and at the same time, I saw Richard walking over to her too. I could see a hint of jealousy and anger at the same time. Wait did I just say jealous.....this should be interesting.

" so Mat you going to race me or not," said Amy

" I don't know yet.... you going to go on that date with me" Mat said

" I don't pay you to talk to people Hayward" yelled Richard at Mat

" Sorry, Amy talk to you later the boss is here," said Mat while retreating to the shack

" Great, the day I want to have peace you show up....let me ask you Richard do you enjoy making people suffer just because it's a game for you" said Amy angry

" don't know what you're talking about, but I would like to know what the hell you're doing with my bike," said Richard angry

" I am sorry I didn't know......."Amy said but I cut her off

" There you are Amy, thank you for keeping an eye on the bike for me," I said while walking up to her

" what are you doing here with her Jason," said Richard

" We are here to ride Richard," I said

" She has been labeled, you're not allowed to talk to her, " said Richard

"she is my friend Richard, and last time I checked you don't have the right to pick them," I said

" so now you're on her side," Richard said

" I am on no one's side, I take part  in none of this, both of you guys are my friends," I said

" well she is not our friend, so either you pick her or us," Richard said

" I am not picking between all two," I said

" well let me pick it for you since you decided to throw away our friendship you stay with her then," said Richard

" Seriously, Richard you acting like a child," I said

" we are done here, now get the hell out of my sight," Richard said

" come on Amy," I said while dragging her with me to my car

" Jason you didn't have to do you know, I mean you and Richard go way back," Amy said

" no I had to, I am kinder getting tired of his behavior when this cools off we will talk again," I said

We got to my jeep and drove back home, it was a silent drive. We got there and found Logan leaning by Amy's now fixed Mustang, he had a big poster that said ' I am sorry'. I parked in her driveway and got out of the car.

" I am going inside, I think all have a lot to catch up on," I said

" Okay....and Jason your house is that way," Amy said

" I am sleeping over to keep an eye on you.....your mom said I could," I said while yelling back

Amy Pov:

" Okay, just stay away from my room, or else you will wake up with no d*ck or balls" I yelled back

" wow," said Logan

" what do you want Logan," I said

" well I am here to make peace," Logan said

" I think you did enough, thank you for fixing my car though," I said while walking into the house, but Logan stopped me

" I am so sorry Amy, I am I, I am a coward and.....I should have never done that to you, you were the only real person or real friend that I ever had" Logan said

I stood just there looking at him, I didn't know what to say. He looked like he was about to cry, and his eyes told me that he was sorry.

" Okay I forgive you, but you know what it means if you stand by my side right" in aid

" yes, and I am willing to take that chance," Logan said

I closed the distance and hugged him, I missed him a lot, and even though he is annoying I kinder miss that. And I needed friends big time through this stupid crap that I am going through. We went into the house, I went straight to the shower. I changed into my Nike shorts and a tank top. I walked to the game room to find the boys sitting down and watching the " Other Guys.

" Amy we ordered pizza," said Jason

"Thanks, guys," I said while sitting between Jason and Logan. We watched the movie for a long time until I fell asleep. I felt someone taking me into my room, and laying me on the bed.

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