The Player, The Game

By caitycaity

3K 113 61

She hurts all of them. She does it to protect them...but most of all, protect herself. You see, she doesn't j... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors Note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 17

59 6 0
By caitycaity

Wendy and I sat on a log, watching the dark waves roll onto the shore and feeling the wind whip through our hair. It was about 8pm now, and we were all exhausted from trying to surf and swimming in the ocean for most of the day. I was still wet from swimming, and the wind felt icy against my skin which was exposed. Diego was playing jazz music, and it was too relaxing. Trey and him grilled meat over the fire they had made, and we were all oddly at peace. The fire blazed in front of me, and through it I could see Trey looking at me with his eyes that seemed to burn with the fire. My whole body felt hot, and even though part of me hated him for the way he made me feel, I couldn't take my eyes off his. They were so mysterious, as if there was a whole lot of hidden things behind them. I so badly wanted to figure him out. I guess that's part of the reason he attracted me so much...I knew him, but only as my best friend and for the stupid and funny things he did. I never saw another side of him. Not until now. Now I'm seeing this hidden side, and the sort of loving side of him...I wish I could see more of the loving side though. Part of me craved it...

"Layla!" Wendy called me for what must have been the third time.

"Yes??" I asked her, embarrassed.

She laughed. "Take a paper plate, dude. Where have you been!"

Nowhere. Just lost in Trey's eyes.

I took the plate from her and helped myself to the meat the boys had grilled, sitting down on my log again. Trey squeezed in next to me after he had gotten his food. His leg and my leg was pressed together and I couldn't stop thinking about that as I ate. Wendy and Diego engaged in another conversation that forced them to argue playfully, and Trey leaned over and put his lips to my ear.

"We'll go somewhere, if you want." He whispered in my ear.

His breath tickled my ear, and I couldn't help but laugh.

I knew what he meant. And I wish I could've thought about my answer before I blurted out "Yes please!"

Yes please???! That almost sounds like I'm begging! But what if I am.... What if I desperately need time alone with him to work things out?
Trey put his hand on my back and started tracing little patterns on my bare skin. I tensed up and I didn't know why. I felt as if I was slowly losing control of myself. I couldn't even think around him anymore.
Everyone was done eating, and we started packing and cleaning up.

"We're off for 'home'!" Diego laughed, leading the way to the trail which was now very dark.

Luckily, we had flashlights. Well, Diego had one anyway. He walked, and Wendy followed him on the trail. I followed too, before someone grabbed my backpack and pulled it roughly backwards, so roughly that I landed on my back in the sand. I looked up to see Trey laughing down at me.

"What on earth did you do that for?" I asked him, sitting up.

Diego and his flashlight were moving on, and it was becoming hard to see Trey. He sat down too, and looked at me. The only light we had now was the stars, and I was getting worried. The ocean waves calmed down and were soft as they reached the shore.

"I asked if you wanted to go somewhere. You said yes."

"I didn't mean here! We don't have light! How will we get back to the chalet??" I asked him, worriedly.

"We don't need to go back to the chalet..." He said to me, and put his hands around my waist pulling me into his lap.
"Just relax okay? Please? I'm here."

I couldn't worry anymore, because after all I was with him. My best friend whom I knew so well but yet so little. But I felt safe with him. I knew he'd never do anything to hurt me purposefully. I was positive.

"Before we do anything, please just give me some assurance. Do you want this?" He asked me, his voice a very serious tone.

"Want what?" I asked him, wanting him to be very clear, for once.

Trey grabbed the sides of my face and pulled me towards him, his lips meeting mine. A shock of electricity went down my whole body, my heart jumping in my chest...his lips gently caressed mine and he let go.

"This." He answered.

I couldn't control myself now, I had lost all sensibility and I was going crazy, my body coming alive. I pressed my body hard against Trey's, wrapping my arms around his neck. I used so much force that Trey had to lie down on the sand.

Gosh, I didn't know what I was doing, but I sure as hell wasn't going to stop.

My lips crashed against his, and we kissed each other recklessly, making it hard to breathe...but I didn't care. We were breathing each other's air now, and His lips felt like heaven on mine, lighting them on fire with every kiss. His hands glided over my body, making me heat up inside. He made me so hot. I let my hands touch his arms and muscles and face, feeling his skin that also seemed to be heated up..
I wanted this. So much. Why was Trey being so difficult before?

Him, me.

It was all so easy. We could have it all. Couldn't we?


We lay side by side now, using our backpacks as pillows, listening to the ocean and looking at the stars above.

"Hey, don't you have a blanket in your bag?" Trey asked me.

"Of course! How could I forget?" I sat up and unzipped my backpack, pulling out my blanket I had carried with.

"I know how you forgot." Trey laughed.

I laughed too, as I pulled the blanket over us. We were literally going to sleep on a bed of sand.

"You're pretty distracting!" I told him.

We looked up at the stars.

"Hey, what's your star sign?" Trey asked me.

"Aquarius. But I don't really believe in those things."

"Me neither, but I find it pretty interesting. My star sign actually describes what I'm like. Well, sort of."

"I also find it interesting. Have you hear of star-crossed lovers?" I asked him, turning towards him.

He turned towards me too.

"Yeah, I have...but I don't know exactly what they are. Tell me."

"Well...they're basically lovers who were doomed to a tragic end from the start. Like Romeo and Juliet." I told him.

"Whoa, now I understand. That's really sad..." He trailed off.

" I think it's really depressing that people who love each other don't get to be with each other in the end, you know? It's so frustrating. I mean, if two people love each other, and they know that, shouldn't that triumph over everything? The fights and all? Isn't it enough for them to make it through everything together?" I asked, a worried frown appearing on my face.

"It's not that easy, Layla. Things happen, people change. Sometimes fights and differences trigger changes in the love two people feel for each other; anything could contribute to that change. Love isn't as simple and straightforward as you make it seem..."

Whoa. We were getting deep. But this made me think about what me and Trey had. What did we have? I was too scared to talk about it. It made me feel down inside.

Trey seemed to sense my thoughts, and wrapped his arms around me.
"Don't worry. Just don't think too much. " He told me, and I fell into a deep sleep to the sound of the waves and Trey's even breathing.

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